Lead Like A Mother

Why WOMB POWER is more than just a BUZZ PHRASE

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 4 Episode 1

What if you could reclaim your feminine power and transform your life by connecting with the power of your womb?

 Join me, Tara Preston, as I share my personal journey (and helping many other women in) reconnecting with this vital source of energy and explore practices like womb massage, yoni steaming, Akashic healing and herbal remedies.

Discover how these ancient techniques not only heal personal and ancestral wounds but also enhance vitality, creativity, and presence, allowing us to flourish in alignment with our true selves.

Through the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast, we journey into the heart of feminine power, unlocking the transformative magic of womb wisdom for enriched physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This episode sheds light on the historical context of women's sexual energy and the powerful shift towards reclaiming this energy for personal empowerment.

By anchoring into the womb space, we harness our creative and sexual energy for a more potent expression of our essence in the world.

Through sensuality, movement, breathwork, and emotional exploration, we open up the womb space to enhance vibrancy and creative flow. I also introduce the "Anchored" program, a three-week journey with accessible tools and practices, designed to support women on this transformative path with a sliding scale pricing model.

Embrace your natural potential for prosperity and join us in unlocking the wealth of the womb.

Check out the upcoming ANCHORED: From Chaos to Calm Through the Power of the Womb here: https://akashicwomenschool.com/anchored/. Don't forget to take advantage of the 3 day sliding scale savings!

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):


Reach out to tara@tarapreston.com to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birth right to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hi and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and it's been a while.

Speaker 1:

I have taken a little bit of a step back after a really big launch in the fall, just to kind of organize my life and focus in on some of the women that were stepping into my world through my programs and through my private work. And now I'm here. I am here to share and to teach on womb magic. There is a bit of you know. The womb is a bit of a buzzword. We hear a lot about that and it's actually one of the reasons why I hesitated teaching about the womb, but it's become clear in my awareness lately and in my experience lately that it's very prevalent, because a lot of my work is focused on supporting women to activate the womb, the Shakti, the creative life force, energy of the womb, to heal the womb and to descend more fully into their womb power, more fully into their womb power. And while womb is a bit of a buzzword, I feel like the approach that I often take is very multilayered, very multilayered. So I love to look at the womb through the emotional lens, right, the waters of the womb. Emotional lens, the spiritual lens, oftentimes working with the akashic record and going into deep healing within the womb space, where a lot of our feminine shame, our feminine suppression, our sexual wounds, our wounds related to money often play out. And also at a physical body level, right, how do we actually connect to the energy, the wisdom of the womb, so often weaving in a lot of practices movement, breath work, herbal yoni, steaming working with different herbal alliances as well can be quite potent and also flower essences. So you'll know if womb wisdom is for you, if you're ready to descend more fully into the womb, if you are ready to feel more anchored in your experience.

Speaker 1:

This is very key, this word anchored. A lot of women come to me and they want to feel rooted and they want to feel anchored. But most women are disembodied. Most women live in the upper chakras and they live in more of their head right. So this is that feeling and for me, before I was anchored in my womb space highly creative woman, I had a lot of characteristics of ADHD, so very floaty, very distracted, very all over.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't organize myself. I did have a lot of body trauma, I did have a lot of disconnect, so it was very hard for me to be present. There were a lot of layers to that and I always assumed you know this was 10, 15 years ago that it was due to my creative nature, you know, and through this process of embodiment, of healing, of regulating my nervous system over a long period of time which, you know again, 10 years ago we weren't even really using those terms. It was just following the threads of my own rhythmic nature, of what it meant to cultivate balance and oftentimes, as we open up to more of the Shakti, more of the feminine life force and flow, we start to heal the system, we start to come back to more of our nature that's rooted in presence, in beauty, right in flow, in more of that inward connection and more nourishment, more vitality, more life, more creativity, and we start to cultivate healing and we start to find a new source of balance. And a lot of that is traced back to the wealth of the womb. The wealth of the womb.

Speaker 1:

And if we think about being disconnected from the womb, oftentimes what happens is that there's a suppressed energy in the womb, there's a stagnation in the womb energy, in the womb center, and the energy isn't flowing the way that it wants to, the way that it needs to, in a way where we can harness that for our own vitality, our own nourishment, our own creative freedom, focus and our presence to the womb space and learn how to work with the womb. Not only that on a physical body level learning how to work with the womb through connection, through womb massage, through yoni steaming, tending to the womb the way that we would tend to other parts of our body, like brushing our teeth or going for haircuts. We're not taught these things and yet there's so many statistics that point to reasons why we need to pay attention to the womb, hysterectomies, being one of the most, one of the major, very high number of hysterectomies done throughout North America high number, if not one of the most significant major surgeries that are performed regularly throughout North America, you know and other symptoms such as endometriosis cysts and fibroids. Right, when we can learn how to care for the womb space, when we can learn how to nourish the womb space and really unlock the power of the womb space, there's a great deal of healing that can occur for us and also for what we have been, to a degree, handed down through our lineage, right. I?

Speaker 1:

Often, when working with clients and maybe we're uncovering different layers of suppression, or maybe they're dealing with more of a physical body symptom, I always think it's important to remember that this isn't all often us. There's a lot of collective feminine suppression that we hold collective right. We hold a lot of collective anger, a lot of collective feminine suppression that we hold collective right. We hold a lot of collective anger, a lot of collective grief over the suppression of the feminine and it gets held in the womb space. Right, that anger, especially that anger, that anger for not feeling supported in our full self-expression, not feeling supported in general. Right, anger over not having our needs met right. Anger over even injustices, but anger over this pain and the suppression of what women in our lineage have had to hold and deal with. And so it's not always just us and what we're doing in our experience or what we haven't done in our experience. So we need to be able to honor our journey and also what it is that we're moving through, oftentimes in terms of just the general suppression of the feminine in the collective, and also what our lineage has been dealing with Right, and this is really important, so that when we do do the work, it is for us, but it's also for our lineage and it's also for our daughters as well.

Speaker 1:

So, just starting to, you know, for me and I think the power of womb work goes to simplicity I recently, about two or three weeks ago, had one of my clients we were talking about womb work and she's like I just don't understand. I hear people talking about it, I just don't understand how to do it. And the key is simplicity, and that is why I'm going to do a little bit of a shameless plug here. I created the program Anchored. So Anchored is a three-week pathway where we meet on Fridays for 75 minutes and I guide you through movement, breathwork and Akashic shamanic journey. I get into some education, we get into creativity.

Speaker 1:

It's all those pieces and it's wherever the flow wants to take us and it's there to drop you into your womb space, to connect to your womb space, to heal the womb space, to awaken the womb space right so that you can find greater flow, greater freedom in your expression, so that you can descend and anchor more fully into the womb space. So that you can descend and anchor more fully into the womb space, recalibrating to more of your creative power. It's a very magnetic place for us to be able to drop into and to access the cauldron and the creative potential of the womb space. And when we do that, when we start to make our way and when we start to travel through the density of the emotional layers, there's often a lot of feeling that's required, some of that suppressive energy, some of that sadness, some of the grief or the anger that is stored there for maybe, where we've given ourselves away or where we have felt unsupported, or pain from our lineage that's still stored there right, pain from maybe being in our mother's wombs, pain from feeling unsupported or not really heard or witnessed in who we were as young women, right, even particularly around the time of our menses, our period, right. There can be a lot around that as well, depending on how supported we were or how much shame there was around the experience, how hidden it was, and so those are pieces that can come up.

Speaker 1:

But when we start to descend more fully into the womb space, right, when we start to heal, clear, resolve these layers and we start to move the energy and drop into the beauty and the power of the womb space, we start to support our essence, to inhabit more of our bodies, to drop deeper into our channels, and there is where we begin to feel very anchored in our presence. Right, we need to be able to utilize our full channel as women, however, right, due to disconnect, due to trauma, due to lack of knowledge or understanding, most women are serving supporting. Most women and mothers are serving supporting and showing up in their experience from a disembodied place. They're disembodied from the, the center, their female primal power, which is the womb space. When we start to inhabit the womb space, really very powerfully, it turns on a different aspect of our primal intuition, our primal knowing. It's a very felt sense, understanding of the world around us and we're actually able to sense danger in our immediate environment much more powerfully, kind of like a cat.

Speaker 1:

There's a sense, but it's very body-based and I know when I started to really activate and drop into my primal power, I could immediately sense when there was like a negative agenda from someone in my environment, or my womb would just tell me yeah, no, we don't want that in the environment. That doesn't contribute to vitality, to radiance, to life-giving energy. That needs to be removed. That's not healthy. So there's an awareness that really starts to open up from that place and it really does support a strengthening of boundaries that begins to honor our creative power, our creative potential and our vitality as women so powerful. And so we start to get a much more clear yes and a much more clear no around what feels good to us, what works for us and this can actually attribute to our sensuality and our sexuality and beginning to open up to more of our pleasure, to more of our beauty, and to start to identify what feels good to us right when we're really dropped into that turn on center, what feels good to us, and so we can actually even start to take back our power and start to harness the power of our creative sexual energy for ourselves, for ourselves, which becomes really beautiful and potent and powerful as a part of that process.

Speaker 1:

Because now, instead of giving away our creative, vital life force energy to things that don't actually work for us, we are harnessing the power of it and we get to direct it, in the creational energy that we want, to go, towards our vision, towards the abundance that we desire. And now we're not using our go, go, go, do, do, do muscle. We're actually amplifying our creative energy and power by harnessing the power of our womb space, which is something we're just innately built to do, as those who birth children, right, and this, if you've never had a child, if you have a hysterectomy, it does not matter, it doesn't matter. And really, truly, the sacral power exists for all beings, all beings, particularly for me, I'm talking to those that inhabit a female vessel, right and really understanding the physical care of the womb space and how to unlock the wisdom and the power of the womb space so that we can be anchored in our presence, so that we can harness our creative energy and use it in a way that we want to. So you know doing, you know over like 6,000 Akashic Record sessions the last 14 years, you years, I've seen this over and over again.

Speaker 1:

We come from a history the feminine does where, when we would cultivate our sexual energy and let's just say like 100 years ago or 200 years ago or like hundreds and hundreds of years ago, if a woman had a lot of sexual energy that she had cultivated, it was almost natural that a man would claim it oh, she's turned on, she's sexy. And the man would take ownership. And the woman often wouldn't even think about it because there was so much tied into security and survival for a woman, and so a man would take ownership. Right, so there's this sense of giving away, a sense of servant energy around our sexual energy. Part of the reclamation that happens with the womb space is taking ownership of our own creative sexual power as women. Right, so that we can liberate our expression, our voice. Right, so that we can liberate our expression, our voice. Right, so that we can liberate our dreams, our vision, so that we can birth our creations, our sacred work, through the channels of our body. And there, by the way, is a significant difference from creating a program from the mental, body aspect to actually preparing the channel to birth your sacred work into the physical.

Speaker 1:

I've seen this over and over again. It is a different, wisdom-filled journey of birthing something so beautiful that is here to enhance and expand on the collective consciousness, and when we have really descended into the womb space and we're really able to hold our essence in that place and hold our power in that place, when we bring through our new paradigm businesses and our sacred work, there's an ease to it and also we're able to hold it. We can hold it Now. We can hold the foundation of our business, we can hold the foundation of our creative work in the world from a different place of magnetism, from a different place of power, from a different place of being very anchored in our channel. Right, we can hold that which we birth. We're not being pulled around by all the chaos in the world. Right, we're birthing our life, birthing our creations. We're anchoring the family matrix through the power, through the vortex of the womb, power through the vortex of the womb.

Speaker 1:

So if this speaks to you, if you're loving what you're hearing, I want to invite you to Anchored my three-week journey that's starting next Friday. We go for three weeks. It's the perfect cocoon. I wanted something digestible. I wanted to show everyone how you can descend over three weeks with these practices, working with some of these tools, weekly, more and more fully into the womb space to really see and feel what it looks like. As you awaken to the womb, to the power of the womb, and as you start to descend more fully, shifts happen. Energy opens. You'll find flow opens. You'll find things start to rearrange around you and your power. Things open, projects start to move again, your relationships rebalance, re-harmonize. You start to enjoy the beauty of your body. You start to find sensuality, you heal deep layers of grief right. You start to really move anger through your system. So we're going to be looking at particularly with each womb journey. It's going to be focused on sensuality, movement, breath work, but we'll be looking at the different pieces around anger, disconnect and grief as part of some of the clearing and healing release work. But then we're going to move into the womb space, open up the womb space, find that joy, find that creative flow and that vibrancy that really wants to open up from being connected to the womb space.

Speaker 1:

So I will leave the link in the show notes for Anchored right now. I will let you know. There's a sliding scale sale on until tomorrow night. I wanted to make this accessible. So until tomorrow you can grab this three-week live prep program and the modules are all yours, recorded. You can go through these over and over and over again. You can come back to them anytime you want to, and it's $75 USD. Sliding scale, that's the first tier $150 or $225. Grab what works. But my invitation truly is if you want easy access to this, come on in for $75 USD Tomorrow night at midnight. It goes up to $279 USD. There's so much beautiful wisdom in here.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be talking about womb massage. I'm going to be gifting you a PDF for a yoni herbal steam ceremony that you can do. We'll be getting into some lymphatic drainage, which becomes super important when we're caring for the physical aspect of the womb. You can reach out to me, tara, at TaraPrestoncom, if you'd like to book a private session. If you'd like to book a matriarch, a Kashuk womb healing and activation session, please reach out.

Speaker 1:

This work goes so deep. It goes deep, deep, deep into the feminine aspects of suppression. You know we go deep into past life work. This can show up in relationship to the mother, to your father, to money, to the masculine right. There's so many layers so we could touch in on present lifetime experiences that may be interfering with your flow, that may be interfering with your expression, with sharing your unique medicine in the world.

Speaker 1:

All right, thanks so much for listening. I hope you had a few nuggets there. All right, thanks so much for listening. I hope you had a few nuggets there. And a simple tool to really get you started is, honestly, if you can take five minutes each morning just for the next three, four or five days, close your eyes, hand over womb, listen to sensations, begin to breathe through the nose down into the womb and meet it with some soft hip circles and then out through the mouth, go one direction, circle that direction five to 10 times, go back around the other direction and then you're just going to shake your entire body out. Right, it's, that's. It is that simple. I'm going to give you a lot of cascading tools and processes and movements that you can use for your toolbox to build on that, but it can truly be so simple. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.