Naturally Prosperous Woman

Feminine leadership in the home DEPENDS on YOU claiming your TRUTH.

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 4 Episode 27

Ever wondered how societal norms have shaped the way mothers sacrifice their essence? 

Join myself Tara Preston, for an enlightening conversation as I share on the the transformative journey of Sovereign Motherhood through truth and the reclamation of divine feminine power. 

We discuss the detrimental effects of societal programming on mothers, leading to patterns of sacrifice and hyper-organization.

We explore tools to help mothers reconnect with their deeper truths and restructure family dynamics, placing emphasis on feminine values like spaciousness, creativity, and intimacy.

Understand how the robust power of the womb in the home, anchors and recalibrates the family to a new Mama matrix that heals and restores in very potent ways.

Discover the power of Mother Line Repatterning in my upcoming FREE transformative healing circle, MATRIACH, aimed at divine feminine liberation and personal evolution.

Through guided Akashic channeled transmissions, we dismantle old patterns of sacrifice and suppression, fostering vibrant self-nourishment and healthier family dynamics.

 This podcast episode (the final episode of the Sovereign Mother Series) promises to offer insights into creating a more balanced, radiant home environment, ultimately forging a new legacy for yourself and future generations. 

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Good morning and welcome to the final episode of the Sovereign Mother series. Today I want to talk about truth as an initiation into Sovereign Motherhood. This becomes such an important piece because the programming and role of motherhood often takes us outside of ourselves. I believe that it actually is kind of meant to take us outside of ourselves. There's a lot of caretaking patterns, there's a lot of sacrifice energy that comes with the role of mother in Western society and often throughout the world society and often throughout the world, and it disconnects mothers from a deeper truth and has them space holding from their family and a doer kind of hyper organization mode where we end up holding energetically a lot of the framework of the family matrix rather than being anchored in our sovereignty. Where we can restructure the family matrix to meet the mother consciousness in the home and in that framework the whole family matrix actually ends up vibrating from a different place of radiance and a deeper space of often regulation and also self-connection. And it can be difficult for mothers to sometimes be able to access their truth initially because they are so busy being pulled around externally by the needs and demands of family, and that can be their current family matrix. It can also be the family of origin, not to mention sometimes the demands of a business or a job or just anything external, because of the conditioning of the feminine that existed even before the role of mother came into play. And so it becomes really important to be able to come into our own space of truth, and when I'm talking about truth, I'm actually talking about the truth that you have as a woman, about the truth that you have as a woman right. This requires creating sacred space, which I have many tools to do that the Radiant Morning Power Hour, the Seven Day Heart-Centered Akashic Journaling Practice. We have to find pockets of space to be able to direct the flow of energy towards ourselves, to actually connect in, to listen and to hear what the deeper truths are, so that we can actually start to restructure our lives in congruent alignment from the inside out. And that's where many people, many women, many mothers, are challenged, because we haven't necessarily had a mother role model, or any role models, for that matter, that have taught us how to create safe spaces to go within, to hear what is true for us.

Speaker 1:

That's a big part of the work that I often do with women, especially when they're on the verge of life reinvention, where the old life really is just not feeling right and where they are called into a different space of freedom and liberation. And this is where it's one of the key places where the divine feminine begins to lead this coming home to our essence, right To our true needs, wants, desires, vision, right, the deeper vision that we have for our lives, for our family. And then being able to follow the roots of that right, to really feel into what those deeper truths are, beyond what life is supposed to look like, beyond the attachment to perfectionism, to the standards that we may have had or that society has, and into the deeper, deeper framework of what we truly value as mothers and as women. And oftentimes, when we're tapping into our essence, when we're really coming into a new evolution of our divine feminine leadership, it happens or it's congruent with feminine values such as spaciousness. That's a huge one. There's so many women who desire more spaciousness.

Speaker 1:

Spaciousness is one of the principles of the feminine right. Deeper connection, love, creative expression, sensuality, nourishment, right, ritual in the home, connection, intimacy, playfulness, right. There's so many layers that the feminine speaks to us and through us that go beyond the framework of how things are supposed to look and oftentimes, mothers will create aspects of their life based on what their mother's valued so interesting, right? So it's like their mothers might have valued like a very, very clean, organized and tidy house, right? And so, while that's important, it's always about where can we find balance in it, and so sometimes the attachment to that that's gotten carried forward disconnects a mother from listening to what's actually really real and true for her, where the mother might actually desire a home that feels much more relaxed and homier and cozy and frees up more space for expression in the home, for a little bit of mess in the home, right.

Speaker 1:

And so when that happens, there's an organic movement that's allowed to show up in the home, there's a freedom of expression, creativity starts to blossom, and so it really becomes pivotal. It becomes pivotal, it becomes important that, in order to step into our divine feminine leadership in our homes and in our family life, we must anchor and claim our truth as women and as mothers. I've seen this happen so many times, not just in the framework of a woman's path who may also be a mother in the framework of the home, yes, but even identifying what's true for her in terms of her children's health and vitality, right Beyond the framework of, maybe, the medical system or the school system being able to tune into. When we have that deeper root system, we're able to clearly identify what is true and right for us Right. So this becomes an important piece on many levels and oftentimes, as we follow the, the root system into our deeper truth, a lot of that clarity gets, gets amplified. A lot of that clarity, a lot of that discernment, a lot of that understanding of deeper truth, it gets amplified because we have a nice, deep, clear connection to our truth and oftentimes, in order to cultivate that truth, we have to clear away what no longer feels true. This is also where the Akashic records are so beautiful and so brilliant. When we want to create space in our lives, when we want to create change in our lives, when we want to take a step forward into more of our authenticity, into more of our divine, feminine, creative expression, into our soulful emergence, the Akashic records have a really beautiful way of untangling what no longer serves at the subconscious, soul level, cellular level, once and for all, so that we can stop trudging through really deep or difficult patterns, whether it be generational patterns, ancestral or karmic patterns. The Akashic records get to the very, very deepest root of these patterns, to energetically start to create space for newness to emerge, and it becomes a lot easier to be able to make the changes and the shifts that we desire to make.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to greater freedom, we often if we follow the mother line, you know come from a history of suppression, and that's just natural when we're talking about the feminine. The suppression of the feminine, a disconnect from the feminine, an inability to hear the deeper truth, wisdom, voice of the feminine, happens through suppression, and so we need to be able to again cultivate sacred space, whether it's in the morning, on the weekend, on the new moon, the fall moon, through different wheel of the year shifts right, so that we stay in fluid connection to the truth of who we are, so that we're not suppressing certain aspects of our dreams, our desires, wants, needs. We're in a constant state of growth, flow and evolution, which becomes really important to liberating the divine feminine. But it also becomes really important in making sure that emotionally we are staying in the flow, that emotions don't start to sit in the body right, and emotions sitting in the body can start to reveal itself as different issues, different body issues, right. So again, it becomes really important to be able to come into this deep and sacred relationship with ourselves and then to stay in the natural flow of that, to support natural reharmonizing, to support our natural unfolding.

Speaker 1:

So if you're looking for a place to get started with this, I have a beautiful masterclass coming up. It's actually sorry it's not a masterclass. It's a healing circle. It is called Matriarch. It's motherline repatterning for a new generation of motherhood and divine feminine liberation. I'm going to be guiding you through a deepening into your truth. I'm going to be asking these questions in the Akashic field. This is really an invitation to come to the edge of your evolution. There is the link to sign up below. It is completely free.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be bringing through an Akashic channeled transmission and I never know what these actually end up being, but it will end up being so beautiful, so powerful, so clearing and an invitation to dismantle old and to step into new, to really accelerate your journey, to really look at what is ready to be let go of. What are we ready to break down, what are we ready to dismantle, to create more space for your deeper truth, for your emergence, for your evolution. Right, because sacrifice and suppression have no place in a new generation of motherhood. It is all about liberation and freedom, and as we start to heal the layers of where that exists within us, which is often connected to our mother line right Through no fault of their own. This is just like it's just the natural progression of evolution. But when we really start to break that down, we can identify where we are sacrificing, where we are limiting, where we are suppressing. We can break that down through our mother line right and we can untangle ourselves from our lineage in order to create a new legacy for ourselves, for our children and for our family. So I invite you, if this is speaking to you, if you're ready to come to the edge, if you are ready to reclaim more of your truth, the next evolution of your truth, I'm going to be guiding you, guiding you through this whole process, bringing through a beautiful healing transmission to give you that clarity, to open up steps, to prepare to come into a new space of embodiment.

Speaker 1:

I want to swing it back, though, to the beginning, when I was talking about recalibrating the family matrix to this new space of our deeper truth. Right, I was mentioning how, when we start to shift the patterns from where a mother is energetically holding space and more of that doer mode where she's sacrificing, suppressing her needs, wants and desires in order to caretake the family unit. And that happens all the time and there's layers to it and that definitely I've seen that on my own journey. But what happens is that there's a reclamation, there's space made for us to come into more of our beauty, truth and power in the home and relationship dynamics need to shift from that place and I mentioned that on previous podcast episodes.

Speaker 1:

It's an important piece and it's difficult to do alone, but it can be done just through witnessing and acknowledging that it's time for change and that you reclaiming and honoring yourself and asking others to reharmonize to you in that place becomes crucial for your evolution, but always remembering that our truth is ultimately for the highest good. It opens up the way for other people to move through whatever dissonance or upset or anger that they may have for us, choosing to show up in a new way and very often illuminates a deeper truth for that person as well. They have a choice to move forward or to show up in a new way. It'll often bring clarity because the truth is that the relationship dynamic was outdated and it needs to shift. So, honoring our truth, it always is for the highest good.

Speaker 1:

It always is for the highest good and it often just takes a little bit of courage and acknowledgement that the way things were right, it's not congruent to who you are becoming, who you want to become and the changes that you want to make so that life and the family matrix actually honors you, actually honors you and as you start to create space for a deeper connection to your truth, right, you can start to acknowledge those truths and feed yourself those truths and create steps for those truths. You can build systems and you can restructure the home in a way where it meets you in the level of that truth. Right, so you can acknowledge well, doing things this way throughout the week it doesn't actually serve my need for creative expression. So you can ask for support. Right, you can state a new boundary. You can restructure in the home to restructure things in the home to meet you in that new space.

Speaker 1:

And although it may be uncomfortable at first for the people in the family unit because there's a reharmonizing that needs to happen, it ultimately brings a new energy of vitality and vibrancy to the home, because the mother is feeding her own need for deeper nourishment, whether that's creative nourishment or spiritual nourishment or emotional nourishment, whatever it is. And as the mother nourishes herself, there's again a ripple effect. A well-nourished mother, a mother who has processed her emotions, who knows how to be with her emotions and then communicate a deeper truth, is teaching her children how to do the same thing Right, and it impacts the relationship that we have with our children and also with our spouse. It is really powerful and as we continue to honor our deeper truth and our deeper need for vibrancy and nourishment and vitality, right, things continue to shift and restructure in the home and we start to show up in a different place of anchored power. There's a radiance. We're now full from the inside out. It becomes a much more balanced way of operating and being.

Speaker 1:

That requires a healthy inner, divine, feminine, divine, masculine, because now we need to understand who we are and what our truth is, and we also need to uphold that through sovereignty, through new boundaries, through our relationship to ourself, but also our relationship to the divine, we're coming into our sovereignty. So we're recognizing our power as women. We're recognizing that we don't need to do this all alone. We don't have to carry the entire emotional burden of the home we can come into relationship with the divine, with our helpers, with our angelic support, with our spiritual power, and know that our resources go beyond always caregiving, tending to, nurturing, extending our own emotional energy and vitality all the time, which only leads to depletion. What we want is for mothers to have a robust energy, a robust energy right anchored in her creative power, anchored in her womb consciousness, right where mother consciousness truly dwells, where a healthy, happy, empowered, awake and wild womb becomes the center of the family matrix. When that happens, it is like the Garden of Eden. There is a nourished vibration that radiates through the home in such a powerful way that everyone around her is fed.

Speaker 1:

But in order to do that, the mother needs to feed herself first, and there's often a lot of patterning around that, a lot of patterning, in fact, a lot of the past lives that I do, maybe not a lot, but through the years, one past life story that I've seen is where it's constant the mother doesn't really eat until everyone else is fed, so she sets the plate down for the man of the house at the top, because typically, through the generation, specifically past life generations, for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, everything was catered to the masculine because they were the provider, they were the protector. Everything was catered to the masculine and so the masculine would eat first, then the children and then the mother, who's usually exhausted from caretaking and doing menial tasks throughout the day, finally eats at the end. And now we're in this place where we need to roll reverse. We need to be able to put mother consciousness at the front and center of life of the family unit. We need to be able to honor that level of vibrant sustainability, we need to encourage it and and support it because it becomes such a vibrant source of nourishment for the whole entire family.

Speaker 1:

If we are to pull out of an old, outdated patriarchal framework of the family matrix, then we have to nurture and prioritize mother consciousness. Same way, we need to nurture and prioritize earth, mother earth right. If we are to anchor into a new paradigm, if we are to continue to grow and evolve in a healthy way, we have to prioritize mother earth. We really do. We need to live in harmony with Mother Earth. We need to really cultivate and honor her intelligence. We need to honor what it means to be able to feed off of her vitality and her nourishment. And if we don't do that, then there will be a demise there will be, and so in the home we need to be able to honor mother consciousness as well if we are to start to create a very nourished framework for our families, but also so that highly conscious mothers can thrive, so that they can bring forward the wisdom-based teachings that they're being called to be, so that they can make a contribution to the collective healing and evolution of the planet in a way that so many highly conscious mothers are.

Speaker 1:

Because what happens is, without this, they get stuck under the framework of the old, outdated patriarchal consciousness that exists in the framework of the home and they become gridlocked and they feel suppressed and it is exhausting and it is time for a new story. It is time for change. It is time for divine feminine liberation right and the recalibration of the family matrix to support the rise of the matriarch. So I hope that you will join me for Monday's Healing Circle Matriarch Motherline Repatterning for a New Generation of Divine Feminine Leadership. I think this is going to be so beautifully healing and powerful. And the Karmic Family Healer Certification we are getting closer. We are getting closer. The Karmic Family Healing Akashic Certification September 18th we begin Right now we're moving into early savings. I'm going to open the door for early savings all next week and this is a four-month recalibration we are going to be we are.

Speaker 1:

This is such a potent and really leading edge framework for your journey as a highly conscious mother. Some women are doing this for their own personal excavation and liberation and some are doing it to certify. Everyone is doing it for themselves, because that's what makes an excellent guide right when we can experience it and then facilitate the work so you can choose to do it for yourself or certify. But we are traveling through so many dimensions, so many layers and aspects of what it means for a woman to rise into her matriarchal leadership, as a mother, as a way shower, as a leader right, what it means for the family matrix to recalibrate and congruent alignment with this evolution of mother consciousness in the world and through the home. So it is complex work but I promise it to be digestible, simple in its framework and extremely powerful. If you are being called, shoot me an email, tara, at TaraPrestoncom, and let's set up a time to connect. I will put the link for the certification below you can check out if that speaks to you.

Speaker 1:

And again, the early savings right now is really, I think, a beautiful investment. This is an up-level body of work. I ran this program two years ago, but only for women who had certified through the Flower of Life Akashic Method. The program has come through completely upleveled. It has got such a beautiful consciousness to it. It's definitely upleveled and this is the first time that I'm running it as a four month transformation slash certification. So right now it's $2,497. So $2,497 USD. So the early savings, you will save $250 and then it'll go up next Sunday. So there's a $250 savings right now and it'll go up next Sunday, and then you'll see another price jump up to $2997 by the end of the month. So when I go to run this again, so when I run this in the spring or next fall again, it will be $5,000 USD and then who knows where it'll go from there.

Speaker 1:

I do believe this work to be very important, very timely and very powerful. So if you're being called into your own evolution as a mother, if you're passionate about your journey as a conscious mother, your own evolution, about healing the lineage to leave a brand new legacy of freedom, these are pivotal times, right. So if that's a passion piece to you and you know this is work you want to bring forward. Definitely message me, connect with me on facebook, send me an email. We can just chat.

Speaker 1:

I am looking for eight women who I feel are going to be a really great fit, and so it's important to me that you feel like a good fit. Not everyone will be a good fit for this program. All right, I hope that you receive some beautiful nuggets of couple uh-huhs, some insights Please feel free to share with me. Tara at TaraPrestoncom, I would love to hear from you If you would love to book a private session to experience this work. You can reach out. We can look at putting together family matrix. Work is difficult to do in one single session, but we can definitely look at putting together a package for you. All right, bye for now. Talk soon.