Naturally Prosperous Woman

Balancing Energies in Motherhood: Healing Body Imbalances and the Feminine Armor

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher

Can a hyper-masculine approach to nurturing and parenting be causing you physical and energetic imbalances? 

Join myself Tara Preston as we continue the Sovereign Mother series, where I share my personal journey and insights from working with the Akashic Records.

 Together, we'll uncover how these imbalances often manifest between the left and right sides of the body, with the left side reflecting unmet needs for self-care and spiritual nourishment. By recognizing these signs, we can start to foster a more balanced and fulfilling experience of motherhood.

This week, we also tackle the concept of "Healing the Feminine Body Armor," exploring how the right side of the body reveals hyper-protection and wounded masculine aspects. 

Discover how these imbalances manifest physically and emotionally and learn about the transformative power of methods like the Flower of Life Akashic certification. 

Learn about exciting upcoming training sessions, including August 13th LIVE 4 Day Akashic Flower Of Life Training & The Karmic Family Healer Certification, which offers tools to help mothers step into their liberation. Join us on this journey to bring healing and balance to the family matrix.

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birth right to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hi and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and today is the continuation of the Sovereign Mother podcast series. I dropped the first podcast as a part of a three-part series a few weeks ago and then we went on holidays for a couple of weeks and I lost a little bit of momentum with the series. But I'm back with podcast number two of the Sovereign Mother series and today is kind of an interesting topic that's on my mind. It's a theme that I've seen with many women, but mothers in particular, and something that I actually experienced myself as a young mother and it has to do with the imbalance between the left side of the body and the right side of the body. This becomes important because something that I found on my own path, especially when I had my daughter and when she was quite young, is that I actually felt like I was more in my feminine through all the nurturing that I was doing. You know very, very nurturing, very hands-on, and that's really beautiful, but what it actually ended up doing was creating an imbalance and I started to feel that imbalance in my body through my left arm. I started to have issues with my shoulder and my left arm and it started. My left arm even started to feel like a little bit numb because what I was actually doing was parenting, was mothering more in my hyper-masculine. There's a lot of doing, a lot of giving a lot of output, a lot of nurturing, a lot of protection, a lot of micromanaging.

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And when I'm working with mothers in the Akashic record, one of the things that I'll do with the Flower of Life method, because it's very body-based is I will tap into higher self via the Akashic record and I get kind of a body read, can tell what's going on emotionally, feel into what's going on with the body. It becomes an important piece, especially when we're working with the Akashic Records, when we're working with our divine aspect. It's always about how do we integrate more fully our divinity right, how do we come into a space of wholeness? And so, while we're working at more of the nervous system, subconscious level, with the Akashic records, it also becomes important to look at what's showing up in the body as a part of the holistic landscape, of what we're wanting to bring into balance. Show up in the neck, maybe it's more on the left side, maybe it's more on the right side. The shoulders it can show up and run through the arms. It can show up and run through the back.

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I've recently felt, even just at the level of the womb. Lately I could feel a lot of stagnation on the right side of my pelvic bowl and not necessarily on the left side. So I work to kind of, you know, really go into that stagnation and really pay attention to like, why was that so present? And so these are all signs and symptoms, of course, right, and how our body is communicating to us to bring us back into a greater space of balance. So oftentimes when I am working with mothers and again I'm tapping into the higher self aspect and I'm paying attention to what's showing up at the level of the body and I'm noticing these imbalances and I'll often check in with the mother and very often resonates fully and completely and, lo and behold, they have body issues on that one side of their body and specifically, oftentimes it gives me clues and insights into the imbalance that exists. So if you're feeling like your left side has issues, feeling numb right Maybe, feeling tense, maybe you got like an injury on that side, whatever it is, one of the themes that I've often noticed is the left side will really highlight where there is a lack of addressing your own needs as a woman, as a mother. Where are you not? It's the feminine side of the body. Where are you not mothering yourself? Where are you not taking time to really address your own spiritual nourishment, your own emotional nourishment, your own physical body needs?

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And that's an important part of how we nurture the feminine, how we mother ourselves and how we start to show up in a very robust, energetic state as mothers, which is huge because we come from an old paradigm of motherhood where we watched our mothers primarily work from that space of giving and doing which creates disconnect. It creates a disconnect even from our needs, desires, the deeper vision that we're called into. It creates a disconnect from our purpose right and it lends itself to depletion and a weakened energetic state and so a lot of it. You know some of these patterns and these threads we're pulling from our lineage. It's been conditioned into us just in general, as women and motherhood can issue in a whole other layer and dimension of how that starts to become pronounced in our experience. But we want to be able to shift it, to heal it, to clear it and to nurture ourselves back into a new energetic space.

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I really love the term robust energy and really noticing where you might have like a weakened energetic state and then how can you strengthen that energetic state right, like through nourishment, through deep listening, through honoring of self. So that's one aspect of starting to shift our relationship with ourselves. And then how we get to show up in that space with our children becomes very, very important. And when we start to listen to ourselves, start to honor ourselves, we start to show up in a different space. Our energy becomes more robust. We become more in tune with ourselves, more in tune with our children more anchored, more grounded, more centered and, in response to that, our children actually mirror that in a very, very beautiful way, and sometimes there's just a bit of a journey to do around that in terms of why it does or doesn't feel safe to be able to honor your own needs, wants, desires, vision, right. And this is where the Akashic Records, the Flower of Life, akashic Healing Method, becomes so powerful which, by the way, we have a live four-day Flower of Life Akashic Training happening next Wednesday. It's live every day for four days.

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I'm going to walk you through a very powerful framework for new paradigm, feminine prosperity and leadership, how that applies to motherhood right, the evolution of motherhood, of being showing up as the empowered, visible, highly conscious mother right, and what often gets in the way of that. I'm going to build out a complete framework and then I'm going to teach you the flower of life Akashic healing method. We're going to explore the energetics of what it actually takes to transform our life, to integrate more soulfulness, more of our divinity, to create space for more of our divinity, and how the Akashic Records, the Flower of Life, akashic Healing Method, can become a beautiful, sacred ally, a beautiful, sacred ally that accelerates your path that gives you a very deep, under-the-surface understanding of how to navigate your path as a woman, as a mother who's called into her evolution. It's such important work and the Akashic Records really lend itself to a very, very deep perspective that can help us untangle all of those layers that keep us imbalanced. All of those layers that keep us imbalanced, all of those threads that run through our relationships, that disallow us from cultivating a sense of safety, so that we can continue to nurture ourselves and shift our relationship dynamics with ourselves, so that we can start to show up in new ways, even when in the past it didn't feel safe. A lot of that shows up through codependent patterns which the Kashuk records are brilliant at clearing out at a deep soul level, quantum level so brilliant.

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I'm going to be teaching you all of this, so we'll have the link in the show notes. You can email me if you want, if you have questions. It is a beautiful and very reasonable investment. This is something you can take and use the rest of your life. The modules are actually pulled from the Flower of Life, akashic certification, and it is right now $250. And there's even a two-part payment plan. So if that speaks to you, definitely join me. We begin August 13th. Recordings are yours for life. If you can't make it live, no big deal. You get access to the recordings and the private Facebook group.

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Now I want to talk about the right side of the body. The right side of the body can actually highlight a lot of where we're in and where we have been in protection mode for a long time. And where we have been in protection mode for a long time Oftentimes the right side of the body shows us where we have been in hyper protection and where we are armored, where we've armored ourselves right Because our internal essence feels quite vulnerable, right. We don't have that necessarily. We don't have that expansive, don't have that expansive, radiant, internal, robust energy to really hold us right. And so there is an external need for that protection and it can show up in the right side physical body, right side of the physical body.

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And then the other way that this shows up too is it's like protection, if you think about it. It can be like micromanaging details, like hypervigilance over your children, scheduling things out in a very tight way. It can show up in hyper protection and it can show up in just not feeling safe to create a lot of spaciousness to move freely in your life. It can also show up as that and a disconnect from vulnerability and a disconnect from your emotions, right, because it just doesn't feel safe. So there's that armored feel, comes from more of that wounded masculine aspect that can show up in the right side of the body. So all of this, all of these signs, these symptoms, these awarenesses, can be healed by coming into the internal foundation and really starting to unravel and clear lifetimes layers, even present lifetime trauma that has cultivated this adaptation. If you will right, that doesn't serve and support oftentimes the way that mothers truly are designed to and desire to show up in the family matrix.

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So there's a really beautiful opportunity to dive into a journey of liberation where the feminine gets to awaken, where we get to connect to and nourish the feminine, where we get to let her values and her vision start to lead in our lives, in our relationships, throughout the family matrix and, as that happens specifically with the Akashic Records, because we travel such a deep way soul level, subconscious, cellular clearing work. We travel through all of these different layers level subconscious, cellular clearing work. We travel through all of these different layers untangling the very root of where and why a lot of these deeply rooted patterns have been created. So and that applies to the hyper masculine wounded aspect as well that has this kind of like armored and clenched up a little bit right, and so we can start to untangle that and there's a softening and there's a rebalancing that happens and there's a permission to show up in a new way and it's very, it's very recalibrating to the family matrix and I'm going to be touching in and talking about that as well. All right, so this one today is short. This is short, but, as always, I find, when we tap into the feminine, the feminine liberation brings healing, it brings balance, it brings renewal. And so, whether you're feeling the left side or the right side of your body, I always recommend going deeper into listening, into listening into nurturing, into coming into deeper relationship with yourself, which, if this is speaking to you, I would highly recommend the seven day heart centered Akashic journaling practice. And there's a bonus mother wound training audio. It's so beautiful that can really set the tone for unlocking and awakening more of the mother consciousness, the divine feminine aspect, and really start to loosen up the threads right, really start to loosen up the threads of where these imbalances are. It might not be a full recalibration, but it can start to bring some clarity and some insight into these imbalances and then opening up the way to shifting it in a very safe and heart-centered way. So I'll drop the link for that below as well. And again, if this is something you know, you want to go deep with and you want the actual Flower of Life Akashic method, then I would invite you to join me for the upcoming live starts.

Speaker 1:

August 13th runs to August 16th, flower of Life Akashic four-day training and, as always, don't forget, september 18th begins the Karmic Family Healer Certification, recalibrating the family matrix for divine feminine liberation. We officially have six spots left, which I'm so excited for this body of work. It is definitely pioneering. It is definitely pioneering. It is definitely pioneering. We have seen and heard and we've talked about the Divine Feminine and her awakening and that is just the tip of the iceberg. It is so so. She is so ready to dismantle the threads of patriarchy running through the family matrix and to bring a healing and a liberation to the family matrix and to bring a healing and a liberation to the family matrix as a whole. And without this type of body of work, many highly conscious mothers, they get stuck, they get gridlocked in the old matrix of the family, makes it very hard for them to step into more of their liberation. With the flower of life Akashic method, though, and this framework, you can go in and start to gently dismantle, you can start to gently untangle, you can start to gently upgrade the consciousness of the family matrix to create space for the evolution of mother, because that is also the time that we're in, and when that happens, there is healing. It is a contribution. It supports everyone.

Speaker 1:

Take care, stay tuned for the last and final episode of the Sovereign Mother podcast series. Bye for now. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.