Naturally Prosperous Woman

Awakening the Divine Feminine: Transforming Motherhood and Family Dynamics

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 5 Episode 1

What if mothers could awaken to a divine feminine essence that not only transforms their own lives but also reshapes the very fabric of family dynamics? 

Join me, Tara Preston, in the first episode of the "Sovereign Mother" series as we embark on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment. 

We'll unpack the challenges posed by patriarchal dynamics within the family matrix, and redefine motherhood to align with our truest selves.

Discover how seeking spaciousness and freedom for self-nourishment can enhance your presence and connection with your children, setting the stage for a profound transformation in family life and leadership.

Explore the power of internal union templates in cultivating a 5D consciousness, and the importance of nurturing self-mothering to heal ancestral patterns. Anchoring the feminine energetic set point in your home can harmoniously restructure the family matrix, fostering unity and healing.

 We’ll also address the role of the divine feminine in mitigating codependent dynamics and the significance of emotional intelligence in healing toxic masculinity.

 To support your journey, we introduce a three-week pathway for divine feminine awakening, guiding you through soulful feminine vision, repatterning mother and father consciousness, and achieving internal sovereignty.

 Let's pave the way for a new paradigm of empowered motherhood and family leadership together.

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birth right to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and today I am here to introduce you to a brand new podcast series.

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I've taken a little bit of a hiatus from the podcast a couple of months ago. It was just feeling like it was time to take a step back and maybe there was a new direction emerging and I've been really playing with a lot of different pieces of the journey that I have done over the last 14 years in the online space. I have done over the last 14 years in the online space and, lo and behold, it's really pieced together in the last probably month, and so the new podcast series is called Sovereign Mother. I'm really excited to be journeying with you and introducing these new pieces, because I truly feel we're on the precipice of this new generation of not just motherhood but of understanding how divine feminine consciousness wants to shift, heal, rebalance and elevate the family matrix right. We all know the divine feminine is here. We've been seeing the emergence of that in so many different ways within the journey of women and men. But women awakening to the divine feminine. You know, I know for myself that journey began 14 years ago, even earlier, really as a makeup artist. It's been a lifelong path, but really when I deepened into supporting other women through life transition, life transformation, and so you know it's been 14 years of supporting women in that capacity and really seeing how, when a woman steps into her evolution, there's a ripple effect through her family of origin and also through her current family matrix. I have been supporting mothers for a very long time. My own sacred path really opened up with the birth of my daughter. Opened up with the birth of my daughter. So I know the motherhood journey well, even though my daughter is now 14 years, 14, 15, turns 15, right away, 15 years old. I know the motherhood journey well.

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I've been supporting women for 14 years, women from all walks and paths of life, but specifically mothers. And I know that when a mother is called to the edge of her evolution, when she deepens into her divine feminine essence, her soulful vision and this is evolution it doesn't stop. You're always going to find, I think you know we integrate it and we hold the evolution, but we'll always be called to more growth right. And so we come to the edge of that evolution, of going deeper in our awakening journey, and when a mother does that, it's tricky because she's often enmeshed in the threads of the family matrix, where we often have threads of patriarchal consciousness still woven into the matrix, and so she will push up against different dynamics that make it very hard for her to step into the fullness of her evolution. I know this because I have seen it in my own journey. To a degree it's been a big part of my initiation is understanding the depths and layers and threads of and mirrors of family matrix work. But definitely I see this with mothers on their awakening path and we are reaching this place where women are really, you know, wanting to deepen into their divine feminine evolution. When that happens, and what does that even look like really deepening into their divine feminine evolution when that happens, and what does that even look like really deepening into the divine feminine evolution? Right, and I think that it is something that calls us into more of our power, more of our sovereignty, more of our embodiment, our sensuality, more of aligning our lives to our deeper, truer feminine values. Aligning our lives to our deeper, truer feminine values, creating space for a unique expression, deeper intimacy, right, wanting to go deeper with our ability to feel nourished, alive, satiated, and how we get to bring that and weave that into the scope of our family unit.

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But what often happens again with the mother is that she starts to push up against a lot of outdated relationship dynamics and also she can internally come up against the edges of what she has been navigating and how that pulls from her lineage, often the suppression from the feminine lineage, often some of the blueprint from witnessing her own mother in the role of mother and often, too, from watching other peers, other mothers, be in the role of mother. So there's this huge opportunity to come into the edge of our evolution, to deepen into and awaken more fully to our divine feminine vision and essence, and also to redefine over and over again what mother gets to look and feel like for us on our womanhood path. Right, we traditionally come from and there's a lot of programming around the role of mother, but we traditionally come from the role of mother and it's kind of steeped in and there are layers to this. It's steeped in kind of like mother guilt or sacrifice. So particularly the ones that can often feel this are the ones that are very called to leadership, are the ones that are very called to spaciousness and freedom, right, and so they can feel or feel the projections of being selfish, right, there can be a lot of layers to that or that. Somehow they are maybe failing in motherhood, right, because they're, so they're dying for spaciousness, and so when we're dying for spaciousness, we don't have the capacity or the presence to be with our children. And yet it becomes important that the mother be nourished with spaciousness and freedom so that she can bring that type of presence to her children where there is capacity and where we can allow for connection, true connection with our children. When a mother is sacrificing, when she's not feeling spacious, when she's limited on freedom, it is very hard for her to connect to her children in the way that she deeply longs for. So we have to come into this new paradigm of motherhood where it becomes imperative to put our own needs, wants, desires first, and then to be able to structure the family unit around that.

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And so Sovereign Mother is really the awakening of motherhood, not just the divine feminine, but about how the divine feminine wants to restructure internally some of the hardened edges, some of those places of suppression that still exist, some of those places of the wounded masculine or patriarchal consciousness that is still suffocating the feminine rather than supporting the internal feminine right. And so when we restructure the internal landscape of the mother, she comes into a new place of sovereignty. There's a new place of a new foundation meeting her in an upgraded foundation of union consciousness, foundation of union consciousness, of union consciousness. And this doesn't end. This is an evolution. This is an evolution that happens over and over again and why oftentimes my work will speak to women very invested in their healing, in their growth, in their sovereignty path, in their vision right. And we do get better and better at navigating this.

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But these internal union templates become very important in cultivating 5D consciousness and also understanding how to nurture and mother ourselves through these initiations so that we can actually repattern the mother and father line and then come into a new space of safety and sovereignty as we show up in new ways, really anchoring the feminine energetic set point in the home and then having things restructure around the mother and also this beautiful recalibration that wants to happen where there's a new space of harmony, right, because the divine feminine essentially brings healing. When we do create space for her, when we listen, when we honor, when we allow her to take the lead, there is a dismantling that happens. That can be harder when we're enmeshed in the family matrix and some of the really outdated codependent relationship dynamics that tend to pull mother around. That can be harder to restructure it. And yet once we do restructure it, it makes space for not just the union consciousness within, right those new templates to really integrate within, but within the family matrix as a whole. And now there's breathing space, there is flow. The family matrix has been restructured now to meet the mother in the space of her evolution. And that's so powerful Because, you know, women truly have been at the leading forefront of evolution, of healing, of consciousness right Of the awakening of the divine feminine.

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We know that. I think it's changing a bit now, but we know that and so we need to be able to make space to support that evolution and the accelerating of it. And it is beautiful and it is a contribution to the family matrix. Choosing ourselves and our own evolution isn't something that takes away from our family. It is a contribution. I know for myself. You know, I've seen me become a channel of abundance. I've seen me anchoring in to the unity consciousness, into my embodiment, into that feminine energetic set point in the home and really cultivating a powerful channel, being able to call in abundance for my family. Right, having my husband be a channel of abundance for the family and for myself.

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But it really shifts not just the internal landscape but the landscape of the family matrix as a whole, the way that we start enforcing boundaries in a beautiful and healthy way. It has a ripple effect within the family unit, although not always easy at first, right, but it allows the family to untangle and come into a new space of relationship with themselves. Right, it's so powerful, especially with children, if we've got codependent patterns with children. So, working with the Akashic record, that's very effective. There's a lot of clarity that we can get around how this entanglement happens and then easily clear it so that mother can recalibrate and so that the family can recalibrate to mother and they can come into a new space of sovereignty as well. That's this journey into the new paradigm. It is sovereignty, having people feel healthy and whole, being in that space of soulful empowerment, feeling sovereign in their being when we come from lineages and lineages of trauma and codependent patterns.

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One of the most beautiful things about family matrix recalibration is healing toxic masculinity. Right and I know there's a little bit of controversy, controversy over using that phrase and I think you know it really just is the undervaluing of emotion right, which you know through my lens, is often connected to the liberation, valuing emotional intelligence. It's an aspect of the feminine. So when the divine feminine awakens within mother and she starts to listen to herself and feel right and value her emotions and communicate her emotions, well, what happens within the family matrix? It heals any of those little threads in the family matrix where there's toxic masculinity playing out and that can play out through. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. So why am I sharing all of this? Well, I'm sharing all of this to let you know about a few new ways to get started on your own divine, feminine awakening journey, to come to the edge of your own evolution.

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There's no better time than now to get started and to come into a safe container and to start to peel back the layers of the enmeshment of where things are ready to reharmonize to your internal world. So on Tuesday, july 16th, I have a new three-week introductory pathway beginning. It is $111 and it is three powerful channeled teaching transmissions Akasha clearing and then a recalibration. So every week we meet and we go deeper and deeper and deeper. Week one we start to really feel into the emerging soulful, feminine vision that you have for your life, for your family, maybe for your business, for your community. We start to feel into that and we start to look at what are these sovereign codes, what are these sovereign templates? We start to look at how to create safety within the system, as we say yes to that, and we also start to look at sovereignty and then how that actually connects to the inner child.

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The following week we're going to continue to develop the internal foundation. We're going to look at mother consciousness and we're going to look at mother line repatterning and I'm going to take you on a whole journey to really get an experience of what this looks and feels like. Week three father consciousness and father line repatterning we're going to really look and there are layers to this. There's layers. We travel through the family of origin, past life. We look at how that's playing out with our more masculine counterparts, our partners. We look at how it's playing out internally. The threads of this will affect your business, your relationship to money, your relationship to self. It is everything. So I want you to come in.

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I don't like webinars or masterclasses, it's not my thing but come into a container and experience the transformation. It is something you kind of have to experience to really understand the consciousness of what I'm talking about. The consciousness of what I'm talking about, especially if you're being called to lead in the new paradigm or if you're already really anchored in your leadership and you know that you want to go deeper, right, you know you're pushing up against an edge and you really want to peel back the layers on that, cultivate a sense of safety and really clear out some of the layers and the lines of entanglement through different relationships. It is an energetic recalibration. You will see relationship shift. Your relationship with yourself will shift.

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So we begin next Tuesday, 10 am, mountain Time. All recorded live if you can't make it. If you can't make it and what else? You can email me, tara at TaraPrestoncom, or private message me on Instagram or Facebook. I also want to introduce you to the Karmic Healing, the Karmic Family Healer Certification, recalibrating the Family Matrix for divine feminine liberation. It's not beginning until september 18th and right now I do have the doors open.

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It's being ran this year at an introductory rate because I have actually ran this certification pathway a couple of years ago to women who had already certified through the Flower of Life Akashic Method. However, this year I up-leveled it and there's a whole new consciousness woven into it. So I'm looking for eight women. Two spots are filled and I'm asking that, if this speaks to you, I'm going to leave the link in the show notes If this speaks to you, to come in to feel into it. If it speaks to you, reach out or fill out the application form. Right, I want to.

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I really want to make sure everyone feels ready for this type of pathway. It's a personal and professional, or and or professional pathway you can use and I set it up like that on purpose. If you don't want to certify, you can use it just for your own personal recalibration, or you can certify and take this work out into the world. It is going to be very needed and apply yeah, apply. It takes about 48 hours for me to look over the application and get back to you, but if it's speaking to you, I would love to connect to learn more about you, to see how this may or may not be a good fit. If it's not a good fit, there's absolutely other ways to get started with this work.

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And also, I have two spots opening up this month for my brand new. It's not new. It's rebranded from Feminine Phoenix Rising to Matriarch. It's a nine moon soul level recalibration. It's going to speak to those mothers who are on the edge of their evolution. They're in the midst of life change, life transition, and they want a beautiful, sacred container that's going to hold them. And my containers are deep. You are held. It is a layer of sister support with a very, very strong container to hold you through deep recalibration, especially for mothers moving through so much change. There are a lot of things and there's a lot of layers to navigate. So having a guide and a space holder is powerful. It is all led by soul and I work at the level of soul, so it is tailored to you. But it is a call to step into next generation matriarchal leadership Right to really look at where it's time to clear out those layers of suffering, of pain, of lack of limitation, of coming into a new space of power within yourself, coming into a new space of expression, of liberation, of birthing a new vision for your life and really moving very fully beyond the old matrix, beyond the pain of your lineage, and stepping into this new generation of motherhood. All right, if that speaks to you, email me Tara at TaraPrestoncom, and for now, take care, I will be back with two more episodes for the Sovereign Mother podcast series. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the AkashicWomenSchoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb. Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.