Naturally Prosperous Woman

Heart-Centered Leadership and the Voices of Gaia: A Conversation with Patricia Wald -Hopkins

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 4 Episode 5

This week I am excited to be introducing you to Patricia Wald- Hopkins where we dive into the art of creativity and sacred work as well,  is a celebration of heart-centered leadership and Patricia's sacred body of work: Voices of Gaia.

Patricia Wald-Hopkins is a Voice of Gaia Oracle & Leadership Mentor for those ready to live as Voices of Gaia, heart centered leaders of the New Earth. 

She is an Akashic Records Wisdom Guide & Teacher, creator of the Butterfly Healing Method ™ , a Gene Keys Ambassador & Guide, co-founder of the School of Light Collective and  author in five best-selling collaborative books. 

She is also the creator of the Infinite Self Oracle Card deck and creator and host of the Divinely Inspired Woman podcast.

On this week's episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman, Patricia shares profound insights that redefine what it means to be a heart-centered leader in today's world.

Patricia, with her wealth of experience as an Akashic Records guide and the creator of the Butterfly Healing Method, illuminates the path for us to align with our true purpose.

 Our conversation is a heartfelt testament to embracing our 'baby crone' years, recognizing the profound impact of slowing down not just on our creative endeavors, but on our overall well-being, and feminine energy.

In the realms of mastery and integrity within the healing arts, we honor the delicate dance of the feminine nervous system and the significant transitions of life.

We discuss the art of balance and nurturing in creation,  and how the whispers of Gaia guide us toward leading with heart and contributing to Earth's harmony.

Join our enriching dialogue and continue to elevate the conversation in our online spaces, where reflection and support go hand in hand.

You can learn more about, and follow Patricia here:


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FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, Tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, Because it's your birth right to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. My name's Tara Preston, of course, the host, and today I am here with a very special guest. Today I am here with a very special guest. As you've probably noticed, there is often a theme with the guests that I have on the podcast, in that I have followed them, known them and loved them for oftentimes a very long time. I've seen their body of work, I know their presence and their medicine. I am just always so delighted and happy and thankful to be able to bring forward their teachings and their medicine onto this podcast and so, once again, I'm really excited for this week's guest and I'm just going to take a moment and introduce her. So Patricia Wald Hopkins is a voice of Gaia, Oracle and leadership mentor for those ready to live as voices of Gaia, heart-centered leaders of the new earth. She is an Akashic Records wisdom guide and teacher, creator of the Butterfly Healing Method, a Gene Keys ambassador and guide, co-founder of the School of Light Collective and author in five best-selling collaborative books. She's also the creator of the Infinite Self Oracle Card Deck and creator and host of the Divinely Inspired Woman podcast. So beautiful. I'll make sure and give you a link to her podcast and her website in the show notes. And I have a copy of the Infinite Self Oracle Card Deck. It is just stunning and full of so much wisdom. I highly recommend checking that out and we'll make sure that there's a link for that in the show notes. So welcome, Patricia.

Speaker 1:

Patricia's here today where we really want to talk about this. Really, conversation could go in a few different directions. I've known Patricia for a long time and but the thing that we were kind of feeling called, I think, to drop in around today was around the creative process and the birth of our sacred work, and this is something that Patricia's really mastered. And we were just talking before the podcast about you know herself as a prolific creator and how there was a lot of creations coming through at one point, but how, as she's really initiated into her sacred work, her purpose and even just you know, the journey into the Crone initiation, how she approaches the creative process has shifted and changed, and so I find that all really fascinating and so welcome, Patricia. I don't have a question for you yet, but I just wanted to say welcome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, so happy to be here with you. Always a pleasure to be in your company.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you. Well, why don't we start by talking about this idea of being a prolific creator? Because I love that and I know that there are so many women called to their sacred work and you know creativity is a part of their genius. And yet when we go to birth our sacred work, you know creativity is a part of their genius and yet when we go to birth our sacred work, it's a different muscle. But, yeah, maybe share, share on that and what that felt like in your body and what that process was like to you and how it shifted and changed.

Speaker 2:

Sure, it's a great, a great question and definitely a journey. When I first started creating, you know, for my business which was, I don't know, back in 2008, nine, it wasn't even, it was not online I was a massage therapist and but immediately I was like I've got to create things and so I started creating all these oils, bath oils, massage oils it's like it was just always about quantity and, you know, even though they had quality, but it was just like I. I had this childlike desire to just play and constantly be creating with no, no real plan, and so that's kind of how, you know, I was with creativity for probably the next decade. It was just whatever wanted to come through came through, and I didn't really didn't really have a plan, you know, and I had a lot of energy, you know. So it didn't matter, you know it didn't matter as, whatever it was and I kind of noticed I did that with everything in my life I didn't pay attention to how I was using my energy, I just used it until I got sick, right. So I started to have auto like immune issues I won't say that they're autoimmune, you know, I don't have an autoimmune disease, but immunity issues and leaky energy and that was a turning point for me in how I create and I've been going through that initiation, as you mentioned.

Speaker 2:

I call it, I'm a baby crone. I'm, you know, I'll be 53 in July and the last two years have been that initiation into being a baby crone. I used to move so fast, so so fast, and I thought that that was enjoyable. But what I've found is, even though I had to go through the initiation of being unwell, that the pleasure of going slowly has opened up in me and that pleasure of going slowly in my creations has opened up in me. So it's no more fast and furious Now. It's like really slow and deep. I know it sounds like I'm talking about having sex or something.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm laughing because it is the shifting gears. I'm laughing because when I have elderly people in front of me that walk really slow, right, I always say in my head this is the gift. They're going to teach me to slow down. I just need to be present and I'm going to take my time behind them, even though I want to move more quickly than that well, but there's a season for everything right, I needed to be fast and furious.

Speaker 2:

I mean that was I had so much energy. My goodness, that's amazing. That's why I ran, mar be fast and furious. I mean that was I had so much energy.

Speaker 1:

My goodness that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

That's why I ran marathons and raced bicycles and did all these things and had three kids. You know, one year apart, no, not quite that bad, but it was just where I was at, but now I'm not and I finally surrendered to that. Well, well, it's a moment by moment. Still, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love that joy of slowness, yeah and to the joy of slowness.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like I think we can spend our entire lifetimes coming into like the joy of slowness and the joy of like presence. Like you know, because we're so conditioned, there is like like presence. Like you know, because we're so conditioned, there is like two for sure. Like that you know everything is seasoned for sure and having a lot of energy. And also, you know, I, through these gateways of initiation too, just through our, our life path as women, we're invited to sometimes peel back the layers of where it hasn't always felt safe or right or supportive, to slow down and listen, right.

Speaker 1:

So it's like I hear a little bit of that too. You know, through your journey, through the peeling back, through, you know deepening into listening to your body and to self, and through the initiation, there's been this invitation to like, be in the joy of slowness, and I think that's beautiful and it shows that you know you've done the work to be able to rest into that. And I still think you know, even now you're still going to have periods, you know, where you'll still move a little bit more quickly, but when we know how to get back to that place that you're talking about, that's so beautiful. So when you create now so and you talk about, like, enjoying the process a little bit more or a lot more, is there any other kind of like significant differences between how you might birth something into the physical from where you are now versus where your younger self was doing it from? You touched on this a bit, but I'd just be curious to explore it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you for asking that again, that again, um. So the difference for me now is, before I would get these little flits of inspiration and I would immediately grab them and just do something with it, and the transition has gone into. Yeah, I still get those, you know. That's why my podcast is the divinely inspired woman. Right, it's like you're divinely inspired right, right, you get these little flits Right and but now I will, yeah, I'll reach for them.

Speaker 2:

They're like little butterflies, right or whatever, just little sparkles of energy. Or they might come now as uploads right From the earth, which is really where my work has shifted. It's, you know, through source, through the mother, through Gaia, and they're slower, and so I have to actually hold them, like hold this beautiful, you know, ball of light in my hands and contemplate it and like sit with it and be still with it and let it like open up and unfold slowly and gently. And it's just a completely different experience. I don't start creating immediately. I sit.

Speaker 2:

I sit with that inspiration from source and really get to know the intricacy of the transmission that is coming through, rather than immediately jumping into the 3D creative process, and primarily because my body doesn't want me to do that anymore. But whatever, you know, my body's like no, we're going to sit, we're going to just sit with this and we're going to find the cleanest, clearest, most efficient and nourishing pathway for you to create. This time we're not going to waste energy. We're going to know, like deep in the body, know what needs to be done in the 3D rather than just throwing. You know, like they say. I think, with some human design, which I dabble in, you know, manifesting generators just keep throwing things like spaghetti against the wall to see if it sticks. You know I had to stop doing that. Yeah, for sure it's. Yeah, it's definitely sitting with the inspirations and letting them mature.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, I love that. It's also very interesting how the body redirected you to like the, the creative process, and like how you needed to be with your channel, with your body, to be able to receive the wisdom to then birth the creations like and that's, I mean, as I know, challenging as that is, that's also a beautiful gift too. Like wow, so, yeah, so, can you tell me? It's true, as a creator, you know I'm there's the flits and the butterflies, for sure, and then being able to dance with it and then really developing and cultivating, like the energetic listening, um, in terms of where it all gets anchored and what really wants to be birthed through the channel, can we talk a little bit about?

Speaker 1:

I think now it feels timely to talk about Voices of Gaia and like you know where, because it feels like that's kind of a, that was a big bridge, right. Like from like, yeah, okay, cool, so share a little bit about. Because it is such like a profound body of work. So, share a little bit about. Because it is such a profound body of work, so share a little bit about. Like, how, what opened up at that time? How did that come through?

Speaker 2:

Thank you for asking that question. So, as you know that the work that I did with you and you were mentoring me on rooting in right, that was like a huge piece that had to happen before this body of work could come in right, because it actually comes from, it's coming from Gaia, it's coming from Mother Earth, right. The inspiration Before it would just come up kind of more through my mental body, you know, up high and through my mental body. But this one I actually had to root. I had to root in into the core of my body so that I could connect to the earth. And I can't say that I still, you know, completely rooted all the time, because I have a tendency not to be, but that's been my journey in this lifetime.

Speaker 2:

The first chapter I ever wrote for a collaborative book was called, you know, embodying the Mystic, the Path of the Mystic. You know, embodying on Earth, because I didn't know how when I started, and so once I was able to do that, then I could begin to receive these inspirations and they're really slow, like I didn't even know, like I knew voices of Gaia, but I didn't know that it was going to expand into this pathway, you know, this nine portal initiatory pathway for people to embody heart-centered leadership. Like I didn't know that, I just felt it and I just had to sit with it and it came through over. Probably it took six months for me to really even have something that I could offer to people and even at that point it was just very loosely held. That point it was. It was just very loosely held. But it needed to start. It needed it needed to root it into the 3d and not worry about all the details.

Speaker 2:

And once I did that and once I anchored it in, I began to receive more and more. And then, like you said, all of a sudden you know, sometimes you will still move fast and like it all just came through. It was like these eight archetypes just came through and the whole system just like came up and through me and now my journey is to share it and so. But it's not happening all at once. It's taking me. It's going to take me, in the end, two years before I actually went through each one of those archetypes and actually brought them into the 3D. So that's a totally different process from what I would have done before, what I would have tried to have put it all out there immediately the consumption, rather than embodying it in myself first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I have to speak to that because that to me is like, that is like embodied mastery, which I, and it shows so much integrity and the type of medicine that you're bringing through, which I think sometimes in the online space, and still this like fast food world that we live in it's like that and and to being in the online space.

Speaker 1:

it's like it's a lot of like smoke and mirrors and so, just like for our listeners, like this is true mastery, like the devotion that it often takes to this path to bring through these like beautiful bodies of work, uh, and that's like that's what Patricia's doing, um, and so you know, you know that the healing and the medicine and the framework of what you're bringing through is very, very embodied and very intentional and very like meant to be, you know, especially when we know it's not coming through from the mental body, when it's coming through your channel and the way that it's coming through. So, yeah, just to celebrate that and whoever's listening, like this is the magic. So, yeah, thank you. I think I cut you off, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

No, you didn't Thank you. You thank you for that um gracious um comment. Yeah, it's. It's definitely a different way of creating and one that for me it feels more deeply nourishing to my nervous system, which is my highest priority now.

Speaker 1:

It has to be, um I just I can't fry my nervous system anymore, you know, with that extra yes, and you know, I just have to speak to that too because that's sparking something for me and I think that that is a part of honoring the feminine nervous system, like the feminine energetic system, and I think, for me too, I can totally relate to a younger version of myself who was creating from like a lot of the higher chakra energy and a lot more from, like my masculine energy.

Speaker 1:

But it really did, and that was just, like you know, when I first stepped onto this path, I was coming from the city and I was a makeup artist and like then I made this transition to the country and I found this online world and I had these creations and it took me a little bit to like regulate and find flow and to start to like create from like a different muscle, like many, many years really. But I'm just I'm realizing, as you're saying, that even through, like the perimenopause journey, which is where I'm at, even through like the perimenopause journey, which is where I'm at, and then through menopause, I recognize that even in myself.

Speaker 1:

It's even more important now to like honor my feminine energy, you know so, yeah, so thank you for bringing that forward. I love that and I feel like I cut you off again I did have another question, though, but did you?

Speaker 1:

have anything you want to add Another? Okay. So I was curious to a little bit more about Voices of Gaia. When you talk about a heart center Voices of Gaia, heart centered leadership, share a little bit about what that means to you. Like, what is a Voices of Gaia? Like what is heart centered leadership? What, what's behind that for you? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, let's see how the best way to word that is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know today.

Speaker 2:

You know it all. It all started with um. As you know, I were, I've been working with the gene keys, which is a heart based tantric transmission. You know that that came out of human design and it's all. It's all about compassion and sitting with your humanity. You know of yourself, right, it's the shot. It's sitting with your shadows, right and not trying to block them out, and I think for me that that opened up this pathway of heart centered leadership.

Speaker 2:

Where is, if you are going to lead your life or you know, we don't all necessarily have to step into being leaders of you know, in the public or whatever, but leadership for your own life you have to be able to sit in that heart space of compassion. You have to be able to. I mean, you can be rooted in. But you, you know, when you go out to share your voice, it has to come through your heart. The voice is receiving wisdom from your heart space before you speak into creation, your reality, right? We want to speak into creation, heaven on earth, which is a love frequency rather than one that maybe your voice is being controlled by your mind and the voices of gaia piece is that you're not just speaking from the higher realms. Right, you're speaking fully connected to to earth, to gaia, and you're listening to her, so that whatever you speak into creation has her blessing.

Speaker 2:

Right, if you you've taken into account the ecology, the larger ecology of the earth, and you know that I do environmental work, right, I've done that for the last 30 years, so it was really that was a really mental piece for me, but now it has gone into actually that energetic piece of connecting to the earth and bringing that transmission from her up into my heart space, you know, and sitting there with my humanity.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know the part of me that wants to follow every desire, or wants power or, you know, wants domination right, that's part of being a human. We have those. But being able to sit with that in my heart space and come out through my high heart into my voice, which is in service, not and I don't want to say service and that like we're servants anymore right, but it's it's right, it's in support of the wellness and well-being of everyone. Right, it's a basic concept of not harming others or the earth intentionally. So everything that you speak as a voice of Gaia is to bring greater harmony. That's what a voice of Gaia and heart-centered leadership is to me is to bring in harmony with earth through our words and our actions and our thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful, I'm glad I asked. And how do does that tie into, like, how does the voices of Gaia? I mean? I know that it's deep, it's got layers. How does it lend itself, though, to awakening that for women who are called to, or all beings who are called to, or all beings who are called to this pathway? So?

Speaker 2:

the system is, was birthed, fully anchored and connected into the gene keys transmission as an ambassador of the gene keys. It's just been, it's just part of how I see the world, it's a lens which I see the world. And so there are 64 um gates, if you want to call them, or gene keys, and each one of those 64 gates has an alchemy to it, and so there are eight archetypes, and those eight archetypes each have eight of those gates, and so you have to transition through 64 gates to receive the gifts of those eight leadership archetypes. So you have to go through this process of alchemy, of sitting with the shadow of each one of those gates and like, for instance, you know, one of them that is part of the visionary is a gate called freedom, but the shadow is victimization. And so you'll be, you'll journey with that shadow in the container until you're able to embrace it, so that you can open up to the higher frequency of freedom and so that when you have a vision you're envisioning from a higher state of consciousness, you're not.

Speaker 2:

What you're going to be calling into existence in the world is not coming from a state of victimhood of whether you're being the victimizer or you're being the victim, right, you're not in that field anymore, and so then it's more supportive of harmony on earth. So it's complicated in some ways, but it's not supposed to be completely understood by the mind. Your heart gets it and that's all that matters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like the transmission and the embodied wisdom, and I think that's too, that's like that's the joy of doing the journey, too, with you.

Speaker 1:

Like you can't it's hard to give all the pieces Right, yeah, when there's like so many layers to it, but that it can be felt and understood and I think I just I wanted to kind of make the connection to like what I mean. I love the questions that I asked in terms of what is a heart-centered. You know voices of Gaia leader. I think you spoke to that beautifully and then you know how the transmission of your work and the depth of your work really supports that journey and unfolding, and that you know we can't really know all the pieces, but through the journey so much can open and I can see how that could connect to my original question. So beautiful and thank you. Is there anything kind of just, lastly, that you would like to share with the listeners? And, of course, um, I'll ask as well just where the listeners can learn more about you, um, but yeah, yeah, I think, in closing, um, there's three parts to this process of creativity.

Speaker 2:

Um, for me, and you know, um, and even in the voices of guys, the root is root, receive and lead in that order. You can't lead if you're not rooted. I mean you can try, but it's yeah. So it's root, receive and then lead, root into the earth, root into your body and then lead, root into the earth, root into your body, receive the divine inspiration, or the inspiration from Mother Earth and then lead. That's what I'd like to end with Powerful.

Speaker 1:

I love it. And where can we? What's the easiest way for someone to connect into your socials or your website? And do you have a free gift? I don't. Maybe I didn't ask you, okay. Yeah, I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you go to uh patriciawaldhopkinscom, uh, you can um sign up for a newsletter and get the a free gift, which is the orientation journey to um the peacekeeper archetype. It's a 60-minute Akashic wisdom and Gene Keys activation journey.

Speaker 1:

Okay, wonderful, yeah. And in socials, what's the easiest way to find you?

Speaker 1:

I am easiest to find on Instagram it's just Patricia Wald Hopkins, and I am on facebook too, um, but yeah, instagram's probably that's awesome and we'll put I can put all the the details below in the show notes too, but yeah, just for anyone who's followed us to the end well, I am so grateful and so thankful to have had this time to connect and to have you on the podcast and just thank you so much for the work that you're doing in the world. And yeah, I think that brings us to a close. Yeah, you're welcome, all right. So for all of the listeners, if you'd, if there's, if this has sparked anything, definitely head over to the Naturally Prosperous Woman Facebook group and email me if you have any questions or any shares, tara, at TaraPrestoncom. Otherwise, I shall be back in a few weeks with a new podcast. Take care. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the akashic women's community on facebook group. Come, share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom free gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.