Naturally Prosperous Woman

Exploring the Risks of Quantum Leap Transformation with: Melonie Kolton

โ€ข Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher โ€ข Season 4 โ€ข Episode 4

Join myself, Tara Preston, and this week's special guest Melonie Kolton for this week's Naturally Prosperous Woman Podcast.

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through the endless promises of quantum leaps & breakthroughs in the online space?  Feeling like the promise of instant transformation is just a click away, yet somehow for you, it slips through your fingers? 

You are not alone!

It's time to ground into true integrative embodiment that might not sound as sexy, but definitely lends itself to lasting breakthroughs & change. In this episode myself &  Melonie Kolton, ๐ŸŒฟ Alchemical Womb Goddess ๐ŸŒ™ | Plant Medicine Facilitator ๐ŸŒฑ | Tantra Teacher ๐Ÿ”ฎ | Shadow Alchemist discuss the in's & out's of an industry obsessed with quantum outcomes and how that doesn't always serve.

Melonie Kolton is a multifaceted healer, guide, and beacon of transformation, seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to empower individuals on their healing journey. 

With a rich background as a Plant Medicine Facilitator, Tantric teacher, and certified somatic and trauma practitioner, Melonie brings a unique depth of knowledge and compassion to her work.

 During the podcast we also unravel the web of spiritual bypassing that is often seen when it comes to quantum leaps in the online space.  Discover how embracing your shadow side, as well as how slower, holistic integration is not only necessary but more safe when it comes to integration, and long lasting change.

Melanie also shares on plant medicines  through the lens of traditional cultures, bringing forth a conversation that is rich with respect for the deep healing that plant medicine journey's bring.

Melanie talks about how  ayahuasca and psilocybin can unlock parts of ourselves that have been long forgotten, she shares on the caution of using these experiences as a crutch. She also shares on a multi-layered approach to plant medicine journeys, that includes somatic and trauma-informed practices.

This is a must listen conversation!

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Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birth right to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to another episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast.

Speaker 1:

So season four is all about taking guests and hosting these delicious interviews. Today I have a very special guest and I am going to take a moment and introduce her to you. So today I have Melanie Colton joining us and I have actually. I think, melanie, I've seen you in the online space for a couple of years and I'm not actually sure how long you've been playing in the online space, but I've been here for a long time and when I saw Melanie, I just found she brought a really refreshing lens and a really certain dynamic power and I really love how she pulls back kind of the layers around some of what kind of feels a little bit like old and outdated in the online sphere and she's not afraid to really bring her perspective forward and I love that about her. I also love the work that she's up to in the world and so I'm going to take a moment and introduce you.

Speaker 1:

So Melanie is an alchemical womb goddess, plant medicine facilitator, tantra teacher, shadow alchemist. Melanie is a multifaceted healer, guide, beacon of transformation, seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to empower individuals on their healing journey. She has a rich background as a plant medicine facilitator, tantric teacher and a certified somatic and trauma practitioner. Melanie brings a unique depth of knowledge and compassion to her work. She embraces the profound connection between nature and spirituality. Melanie creates nurturing environments where individuals can forge a deep bond with sacred, sacred plant medicine and embrace their transformative properties. Beyond the ceremony itself, melanie continues to provide guidance and support throughout the integration process, ensuring that the healing experience during the ceremony extends into everyday life. She specializes in empowering women in their healing process and activating their womb space. As a kundalini activator, melanie serves as an alchemical womb goddess, assisting women in releasing trauma and reclaiming their feminine power. In her sacred space of sisterhood, she facilitates the transmutation of healing of conditioned beliefs and traumas related to sensuality sexuality which have been projected on women by patriarchal and societal influences.

Speaker 1:

Amazing so today, Melanie and I are going to be talking about spiritual bypassing in the online space when it comes to quantum leaps in our transformation. I actually really, really love this topic. I feel like it is a very important piece and Melanie's going to be talking about spaciousness embodiment. We're going to open up the conversation, of course, and see where it wants to go. So, Melanie, welcome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited to be here, so excited for this conversation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so one of the first questions that I always love to ask, just so that the listeners can get a sense of your journey, is where and I know we sometimes have pivotal kind of like transitions or layers open up on our sacred path but where do you feel like this, this journey, this this path on your awakening kind of really opened for you?

Speaker 2:

I would say right. So when we talk about, you know, my spiritual awakening or my spiritual exploration, I feel that I am very blessed to say that I have been this on this path for the majority of my life, just due to my upbringing in a Catholic dynamic, not the traditional indoctrination of the church like many, but I went to a private school which was very much allowed and expanded the conversation around consciousness. So the connection to you know, the spiritual world, to the guides, the angels, has really truly been a lifelong journey for myself, but in the embodiment of my awakening and really being in collaboration with my conscious expansion. This has probably been about the last like 10 to 12 years, and it was a pivotal moment of just an infidelity in my marriage, where I found myself kind of at a crossroads, looking myself in the mirror and not recognizing the woman staring back at myself, back the layers of how conditioned I had become through giving away my power to external sources and relationships that I had, that I just truly lost who I was and I'm like in this moment of, you know, separation from my husband, I'm like I found profound lightness and power within myself. It truly was an awakening that I graciously accepted and it was so.

Speaker 2:

From that point it was I took back the reins as a co-pilot, as a collaborator in my healing journey, but also in my life path as a whole, which has brought me down the path of healing my own womb space from ovarian cysts and fibroids and I depleted, you know, adrenal glands and burnout so very much, reconnecting to the sacred body, the sacred vessel, and then diving into, you know, the layers of the processing of energy and suppressed emotions and fragmenting of the soul and all of these things which has, you know, connected me further into my path of a tantric lifestyle, kundalini, awakening right and a sacred relationship with mother guy, with Pachamama and her beautiful healing medicines.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Thank you for sharing that.

Speaker 1:

It's so interesting that a pivotal part of your journey began with the womb space and I can totally relate to that being a part of my awakening journey.

Speaker 1:

But the part that really began for me was around the reclamation of the heart, and maybe that piece was there for you too.

Speaker 1:

But it really was like understanding self, love and understanding what I need, wanted, desired, and then being able to really claim that for myself, understanding boundaries, because I was in a very similar place of giving myself away. But the journey and then just want to lead this into embodiment and then bring it back over to you. But the journey for me it started with the heart and then it was this descending more fully into the body, into the womb space, into Yoni, and so for me, as I started to really walk my path and understand transformation and how it wasn't always linear and how it was often very spiral, I started to realize the space that was needed for integration and that it wasn't always going to be these quantum leaps. So, yeah, so I just want to hand that back over to you, cause I know you were saying like you felt, like spaciousness is really important and just speaking to um some of the spiritual bypassing and why we want to get away from that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like it's. It's interesting, right, because we find ourselves drawn to this path of, like, spiritual awakening and evolution. Right, we are craving, you know, the expansion and that spaciousness for us to truly reconnect to ourselves and to uncover our truth, uncover our purpose. But we are so systematically conditioned to look for, you know, the fastest route possible that we sometimes, you know, don't actually enjoy the journey. Right, it's through, you know, walking the path, it's through you know the ebbs and flows that we connect deeper into ourselves and we learn more and more and more about ourselves. It is in the stillness that the most profound, you know, takeaways are actually unveiled to us. And you know, you know, even, like, when we're talking about, you know, manifestation or the healing journey, right, we're always looking at it from like point A to point B and the journey truly is A to Z, you know, in a full life cycle. And when we're so just caught up trying to look for the fastest route, right, we're in a complete disservice to ourselves, complete disservice to ourselves.

Speaker 2:

It's through the integration that we can actually take out, we take away the lesson.

Speaker 2:

There's a difference between being able to identifying it and putting a label on it, right, which is what is taught a lot right now. If you can identify it, you can release it right, if you can acknowledge it, you can release it. But this lacks the integration piece, the integration of the lesson itself. And you know, it's to understand that, yes, our energy, our, you know, our soul blueprint, our conditioning right, our belief system, all does play a role in what we attract into ourselves. And in order to rise above or to truly release, we have to get to the root of the conditioning, get to the root of the belief, to expose the intergenerational trauma, to expose the projection of conditioning and false beliefs from society, from family, that if we don't take the time to truly understand what's going on in the unity of the mind, body and soul, we're going to find ourselves back in this cyclical behavior of trying to identify the same root cause again and again and again. Because when we are looking, not the whole scenario or the whole route at a singular time.

Speaker 1:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love that because, you know, the Akashic records are my main tool.

Speaker 1:

I've been working with them for a long time 14 years and when I first started working with them, you know the Akashic records are known to accelerate your soul path and that's a beautiful thing, but I actually found that clients weren't integrating and so, right, like, and then they were kind of looking for like this fast movement, like cure all, and I'm like, yeah, but then we're not integrating the new states of being, we're not like even integrating.

Speaker 1:

Integrating like the embodiment of the version of you that's going to hold the vision that you have for your life. And that's the part that you know that clients often want to get away from, because it's the. It's the 3d work and this is a little bit different than what you're talking about, but it is a little bit of the 3d work in terms of what we have to tend to in the here, in the now, so that we can start to build and shift our vibration and our integration and our embodiment. But it's done from the here and the now and the thing that's so powerful about that and what you're saying is that once it's integrated, it is integrated and the shifts that you see in your life are so beautiful and so long-lasting and there's so much like really true, deep freedom that comes from that place.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And when we look at like, when we look at quantum leap quantum leaps right In you, much being sold as like a marketing ploy, right, and most of the times it's centered around the accumulation of financial reward. But it's not sustainable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can definitely speak to that. Having been in the industry for 14 years, I've fallen. I have fallen victim several times. It took me a while to learn Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not sustainable in the long run Because, in order to stay in that energy of the quantum leap, at some point you have to disassociate from the healing that you have avoided in the initial. You know deep dive of things yourself, like in the state of like burnout or resentment, because you are now, you know, manifesting or a magnet for clients that are becoming codependent on you to fix their problems, to tell them what they need to do. You know, because if you're lacking integration, tell them what they need to do. You know, because if you're lacking integration, you're going to attract clients that lack integration, yeah, and the lack of integration cultivates into codependency, and codependency from a very disempowered space. Some coaches are perfectly okay with that because it keeps their bank account full, it keeps, you know, money coming in to their account, yeah, so they're perfectly okay with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think what I've started to find after a few and I and I do, I love I've had actually many great mentors who you know who didn't take this approach. But there are times where, you know, I made the investment and stepped in and wanted the growth and like that kind of thing, and what I started to find was that it was it's another system and so I kind of had to untangle myself from that and then really come back into you know, now it's been so many years but, like sustainability and regenerative business and, like you know, finding my own ebb and my flow is really important when it comes to being able to hold, in a very integrated way, the type of spaciousness and prosperity that I thrive in. But I definitely know exactly what you're talking about and how I had to really untangle some of that.

Speaker 2:

Right and it's like it's, you know, being working with plant medicines and facilitating plant medicine, right. This was a huge piece for me. On one side, right, the lack of integration and this cultivation of like codependency, either to, you know, the facilitator or to the plant medicine itself, becomes right, this toxic cycle. It's just another avenue of giving power away, when spiritual awakening and, you know, conscious enlightenment right, is the reclamation of a person's power. So I'm like the irony of giving your power away in order to find your power, I'm like it's so not lost on me and you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, sorry, I want to ask you a little bit, but I don't want to cut you off either. I do have a question, okay, so can you speak a little bit about giving your power away to plant medicine, like I think that's, that's a really interesting point. Can you speak to that a bit?

Speaker 2:

So when we look at sacred plant medicine ayahuasca, dmt, psilocybin, iboga, you know, 5-meo, the plethora of all of the beautiful plant medicines, right, the traditional concept and the cultures in which they come from, right, come from right, the medicine is used as an ally and as a tool throughout the life experience, right? So the level of yes, okay. So, like the level of conscious connection between the plants and the understanding of the collaboration, of working with plant spirit, is very different when we as Western, you know, a Western society, use these medicines. We have not cultivated or nurtured a relationship with these plant medicines throughout our lifetime, and you know, in the caveat, my personal perspective here because of such, right, we are a society filled with disease, mental illness, disassociation from ourself. Mental illness, disassociation from ourself right, a lack of, you know, spiritual embodiment, because of just society and the patriarchal system in which we are raised that was very much built to keep us from those parts of ourselves. So when we then connect into the plant medicine, right, it is this beautiful bridge that reconnects us to these fragmented and forgotten parts of ourselves. It is a direct pathway to higher states of consciousness. What it's not teaching us, right, is how to continue to nurture those relationships and to stay embodied in that state of consciousness without relying on the plant spirit ally as that bridge, right, right, it's not connecting us to something that we're not already connected to. We're always connected to a higher state of consciousness, it's just are we consciously aware of how to connect to that higher state of consciousness? Of how to connect to that higher state of consciousness? Are we creating stillness and quietness to hear those aspects of ourselves? The majority of the time the answer is no, because these tools and how to do so are just not taught to us.

Speaker 2:

So when we bring in plant medicine and we feel this instant connection to God, to source, to universe, to Pachamama, to ourselves, limitlessness, we feel so expansive, we feel so free, we feel so seen, so heard, so understood, but so deeply connected to something that is greater than a feeling right like none other when we first tap in. And so we can create a limiting belief that the only option we have to reconnect right to these feelings, to this state of being, is through the plant medicine ally, which is very much untrue. Plant medicine allies are very much like working with a mentor it's just creating an opportunity to see a bigger picture, to take a look at a different perspective. For you to build trust and connection with yourself, your intuition, those nudges and those niggles that come through the physical body sensation. It is a guide and, you know, a support to, like you know, course, correct your internal GPS, to getting back into staying in your own lane of what's aligned for you, what your purpose is.

Speaker 2:

All of that right, that inner work comes through embodiment, through the integration process. It's the same as meditation, going deep into meditation, or the activation of DMT through, you know, holoscopic breath work. It's an invitation to an elevated state of consciousness that gives you a glimpse of parts of you that you have forgotten and you're meant to take that back into your consciousness, see where these limiting beliefs are, where the conditioning is, where the subconscious response systems, right, are outdated, and begin to do the work to shed the layers that are not your truth, that are not supportive of you, to release and free yourself from, you know, suppressed emotions, intergenerational trauma, your own trauma, right, it's about sorry, I thought.

Speaker 1:

I thought I lost you Go ahead, I know Right, but it's like the journey and the invitation is always back to yourself, journey, and the invitation is always back to yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yes, always the reclamation of your power, the remembrance of your truth, without any form of co-dependence. We are not meant to rely on anything outside of ourselves when it comes to learning who we are inside ourselves. They're not facing the struggles of the same societal pressures, the same conditioning of, you know, disassociation from ourselves that we are.

Speaker 2:

So, their, you know so their. So their use of plant medicine is very ritualistic. It is in a state of deep devotion to their traditional beliefs. It as an integration tool, because they don't have all of the conditioning that we do as a Western culture, that we have to peel away.

Speaker 1:

So, Melanie, can I ask you then, in terms of like how you facilitate plant medicine journeys and so that you know people don't become reliant and rather integrate the medicine from the journey, how do you support that process Like, how do you support that process knowing what you know right About the different society that we?

Speaker 2:

live in Right. So I very much include and incorporate, you know, somatic practices, um, through a trauma. You know certified lens, right, a lot of the clients that I have that I'm holding a space for in plant medicine. Facilitation, right, is very much intention of understanding the. You know the proximity as well as the degree of conditioning that encompasses them, that blocks them, that creates the disconnect from themselves. So the intention piece of why somebody is coming to me to go into the medicine, I am not somebody that is going to facilitate like a free ride. I don't use words such as like getting high or going on a trip. I'm very much respectful and I hold high integrity and reverence for the beautiful sacredness that this is a medicine, that this is a high vibrational spirit that we are communing with. I require that level of devotion in order to work with me so you can't just come to me and dive into the medicine. Right, I take you on a journey. I take you on a journey of reconnecting to your body. Right, we cleanse and detoxify the body through, you know, a dieta which is a beautiful nurturing diet for the body. We bring in somatic exercises, even Kundalini. You know work to begin to move the frequency and raise the frequency within the body. We curate and we are a collaborator in bringing shadow aspects of our subconscious to the surface, so that when we're going into the ceremony there is an intention of what we would like to explore, what we would like to expand on on a deeper level.

Speaker 2:

Then there is a requirement of integration. We integrate prior to right. So we begin when we're looking at trauma, when we're looking at limiting beliefs, right, everything is layered and it's compressed. We've got a root, you know, we've got a root plant, a root seed, at the bottom of everything. But through our lifetime we have accumulated, right, a lot of dust and dirt soil on top of that seed. So through the pre-integration, right, we are starting to dig up, we are starting to get the dust moving, we're getting rid of the superficialness. So we're using a blend of different modalities right Again, through that somatic and trauma, again through that somatic and trauma, you know, informed lens.

Speaker 2:

That really facilitates and holds space for Western society. You know, in attribute to, you know, mental illness, physical disease and all of you know all of the things that, uh yeah, that we carry because of our society. I don't want to get into a whole other conversation in and of itself. But we begin, we begin to do the work right. So we're understanding that the journey can be uncomfortable, but we're ready for that. The journey can be uncomfortable, but we're ready for that. We're ready to step into the uncomfortableness to truly be like, to truly see, you know, the guiding light, to see the steps, to see the messages, to see the lessons that have been in our unconscious. And we're doing so from, you know, an emotionally intelligent lens. So we're not going to be triggered, we're not going to shut down Our ego is not going to step in and try and, you know, overtake the path. And then we continue to.

Speaker 2:

You know, we go into the medicine and it's always such a beautiful experience, it's all. It becomes like a rebirth, it feels like, you know, a cleansing and a purification, more than anything, coming out the other side. And with this clean state, with this fresh start, we then begin to rewrite the narrative by going deeper into the embodiment of what are your desires, what lights you up, even, like you know, diving into, you know, the human design and the gene keys and understanding your energetic blueprint. Working with me in the plant, medicine is really it's, I'm like, it's a journey. Yeah, that includes multiple modalities, multiple conversations, you know, but a direct and unique path, you know. But a direct and unique path is just like each session is different than the last, even among my, like you know, continual clients, not even getting into, you know, different clients. Like everything is unique, everything is different.

Speaker 1:

I love that Well, I can feel the level of integrity, safety and the multidimensional aspect, but in a very, very thorough and very strong containered way. So, yes, thank you for sharing that and thank you for expanding on some of that. I just want to kind of bring it back and land this piece with what we were initially talking about and then, yeah, and then we'll let our, the listeners know about more ways to find you. But just bringing you know embodiment, integration and this, you know, what we see a lot of in terms of, like, the quantum leap in the online space. I just I wanted to ask if you have any, anything more that you wanted to share on that, as we kind of ground the conversation.

Speaker 2:

I just want to highlight right, like quantum, leaps are valid and they are real and they are something to be celebrated, but they are not and I feel like they are oftentimes misconstrued with bypassing, with avoidance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm even just thinking. I've had quantum. I've had quantum leaps too that didn't, I didn't hold. But oftentimes too, a quantum leap comes from all the embodiment and the inner foundation work and all of a sudden it's like whoosh, where did that come from? So yeah, and going back to you, sorry, melanie, go ahead, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right, so it's just like it's it. They're not. It's. I'm not saying by any means that they're non-existent or they're there's. You know this false falsehood by any means. It's just more of, if your intention that you are curating is to create a quantum leap, the likelihood of you actually being whatever the lesson, the teaching is, and that's very, and it's very, very normal because it is actually a trauma response. When we, like you said, Tara, when we focus on the embodiment piece, right, the quantum leaps are always like how did this even happen? Right, they happen without intention. Quantum leaps very much happen in the feminine energy, in the flow, in the surrender, in the release, right, being open to the receptivity of whatever may come out the other side. Your energy is consistent, your work feels effortless, you are, you write, like you are in, you know, you're like in that state of almost like, like devotion into yourself. It's always about filling your cup, of fulfilling yourself. It's not about external validation, it's not about a certain number of you know, sales or a certain amount of money in a month.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and it is.

Speaker 1:

It is a coming back.

Speaker 1:

You know, just to kind of circle back to what we were talking about, that like giving away, right, giving away through different trauma responses, and this recalibration is coming home to our power, right, and that in that very anchored sense where we are able to disentangle ourselves from those, those patterns and ways that we consistently give ourselves away to consistently honoring ourselves and building our own energy and coming back to our own power and being able to honor our own rhythms, that, yeah, we come back to that place of embodiment and expansion.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it is a return. It's a return to lots, it's a return to, you know, the feminine energy, to the reunification templates, but to, yeah, to step into that rhythm that is so outside of, you know, bypassing the deeper, the deeper, I guess I would say the deeper, the deeper rhythm, right, that really allows us and the embodiment that really allows us to, to hold it in a very sustainable way. Um, I'm gonna bring it back to you and if there's any last little tidbits you want to answer or share, please do, but also, and any last things that you just want to share to our listeners, with our listeners, that might be on your heart that you might want to share, and then, um, yeah, and then we will absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I, I do like I think, I just really want to reiterate and end all this that right, the path inwards, the path of you know, reclamation of one's divine self, one's whole self, one's whole self right, is always a journey inwards. And while you know having allies you know externally as a support system, no one and nothing is going to know the path that you are destined to travel better than you. So reclaiming that trust with yourself is the first step in becoming, you know, your true, divine, embodied self.

Speaker 1:

That feels like the perfect place to end for this podcast. I thank you so much for your wisdom and your shares and your teachings. So grateful. And where can we find you? And I will share in the show notes too. But go ahead, Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. So I am on like Facebook as Melanie Colton. I'm on Instagram as alchemical womb goddess. You can find all the details and connections on my website, which is just melaniecoltoncom.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, thank you, melanie. Thank you for those of you who are listening, who have listened. Feel free to join me over in the naturally prosperous woman podcast. If you have any questions or just anything that's on your heart that you want to share, definitely feel free to email me, tara, at Tara Prestoncom. Thank you so much and I will see you all soon. Bye for now, hello friend. Thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free, dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.