Naturally Prosperous Woman

Embracing the Power of Age: A Journey of Primal Initiation and Feminine Wisdom

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 4 Episode 3

Join me this week on the Naturally Prosperous Woman Podcast where I share soulful, paradigm shifting medicine , and feminine wisdom for women transitioning into their power during the aging process.

As Christian Northrup's work on menopause states a woman's psychic baseline shifts from being at her peak during bleed time, to be that consistent psychic baseline when we hit menopause.   

This is a cornerstone of my discussion, as I share on the empowerment that awaits in the crone stage—an era of a woman's life that is activated by psychic and primal forces.

Together, we traverse the path of body and womb space healing, paving the way for women leaders to amplify their expression and leadership with newfound depth.

The societal tapestry often neglects the vibrant threads of feminine life cycle initiations, but this episode weaves a narrative that honors these milestones. Drawing from personal experiences and the collective sentiments revealed through Akashic record work, we uncover a shared grief amongst aging women—a yearning for recognition and fulfillment.

The conversation expands to embrace the dark, feminine power, redefining motherhood, and the crowning initiation under the new moon. This is not just about embracing change, it's about stepping into authenticity and power as we navigate each feminine life cycle transition life gifts us.

Our final musings challenge the perception of aging and self-value in a world infatuated with youth. We celebrate the sacred dance of our evolving bodies, advocating for the intrinsic worth that maturity bestows.

 By engaging in ancestral healing and charting a new course for our aging timeline, we illuminate the path to becoming MORE—not less—with age.

As this transformative period beckons,  I invite you to journey with me in the upcoming program:  Mythos of the Aging Woman, A 5 Week Shamanic, Akashic, Feminine Wisdom Journey to lay a deep foundation for your higher ancient aging path!


Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birth right to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and today I am talking about five paradigm shifts to age powerfully. This is a really important topic. Over the years you know the last 14 years and 6,000 Akashic Record sessions I have worked with women from all ages and all walks of life and specifically I want to speak to the power of the aging woman because with the Akashic Records, a lot of it is shadow work. It's a lot of what helped me understand what the core collective feminine wounds were that really impact our empowerment and our leadership and our full expression as women.

Speaker 1:

There was a point in my 30s when a lot of my work was focused on mothers, stepping into more of their purpose, because that's essentially where I was in my initiation. I truly believe that we're given these gateways of initiation, like our first bleed, like leaving home in our twenties. Um, motherhood, whether you've had, you know, children or not. And then the crone, initiation, the crone. The word crone itself is such an interesting word and it's wrapped up with layers of um, with layers of of dialogue, with layers of woundedness, if you will, with layers of suppression even. And yet there is so much power through the reclamation of that word. I've often shared on the word crone, which I think is so powerful, and yet it's got this kind of stereotype of being like the hag right or the older, kind of like witchy woman, that's like outcast from society, that is unattractive and kind of like living in isolation. Really, originally the word was crowned one and way back thousands of years you know the her power. She was revered as a community leader, really looked up to for guidance around the healing and the health of the community. She was very respected and it was a time where women came into their crown codes. It was a time where women came into their crown codes right, where their psychic and higher power chakras were really illuminated in conjunction with the primal power, the primordial power of the womb, so really becoming these very powerful bridges between heaven and earth.

Speaker 1:

We hear a lot about that now, especially, you know, those that speak about the priestess path, and I do believe that we spend our entire life, if we so choose, really fine-tuning our channels, you know. But there is a special invitation through the aging portal, through the aging portal, through the perimenopause to menopause initiation, to really very actively devote ourselves to our bodies, to healing our sexual trauma, to healing the womb space, to really actually ground and anchor the higher frequencies and energies of the third eye and the divine power chakra. I was reading something really interesting the other day, which I absolutely love, by Christian Northrup and I've had her book forever, christian Northrup, and I've had her book forever Women's Bodies, women's Wisdom and I skipped to a page on menopause and one of the things that she mentioned and I truly believe this to be true is that women, when they move through the perimenopause to menopause transition, menopause to menopause transition, um, that they go from having their baseline psychic, uh energy be most powerful during their bleed. When we move into the menopause transition it's actually, it actually becomes, um, our full time psychic baseline, like that heightened psychic kind of sage energy that we're able to access during bleed time. We actually have access to that all the time once we move through the perimenopause to menopause journey.

Speaker 1:

But it's also really important to understand that as we move through this transition and become more psychically aware, we have to find ways to ground and anchor more fully into our body and the womb space often, you know, highlights and holds a lot of our sexual trauma and so we tend to avoid it and we don't live in a society that has taught us how to embody right, embody our feminine vessel, embody the womb space, and so oftentimes we're asked to move through a lot of that trauma that we've held collectively and individually and ancestrally, so that we're able to ground our essence and our energy more fully into our channels. This is work that I've been doing for a long time, but as I was reading that that section from Christian Northrup, it became really clear around why it becomes even more important to prepare for the perimenopause to menopause journey. Because without having a landing pad, without being safe, in our bodies, that psychic energy turns on and our system does not know what to do with it. Right, and it can lead to, you know I don't know that I necessarily have science to back me up on this, but I have read this before but it can lead to heightened psychic ability, right, it can lead to, um, to you know, not having control of our mental capacities to be able to ground and have control over that energy. So it can lead to, like different mental illness or different psychosis. It can and I don't have science to back this up, but I why this is something that we have to be mindful of.

Speaker 1:

The perimenopause to menopause journey is something that you know we are collectively learning about and there's, you know there's and I, you know, as far as I can see, there's not a lot of like feminine wisdom being woven into the conversation. We're starting to dialogue a lot more around. You know, a lot of the physical body symptoms that we're starting that a lot of women are suffering with, which is very, very unfortunate. It's one of the reasons that I've dove into becoming a registered holistic nutritionist is that I want to be able to understand our hormonal and and body health at a deep, deep level. So that being able to assist at the physical body level is just one way that I can assist, while also being able to hold that deep transformational space for women to come into both their psychic and their primordial power, so that they can step into their matriarchal leadership, their matriarchal wisdom, right for these new times, but also because it is an important time to step into our community leadership. And here's where I want to start talking about the five paradigm shifts. So I have an upcoming program. It's starting on Monday five weeks. It's a very, very, I think, beautiful investment of 275 USD.

Speaker 1:

If you've been in my containers before they go deep, the energy is, um, is really powerful. There's a lot of medicine in these spaces. So, if this is speaking to you, you're ready to do the foundation work for your perimenopause to menopause and beyond journey. And we have women in their forties, fifties, I think um, I think one that maybe um is later fifties, like it, it doesn't matter. It's never too late to do this work.

Speaker 1:

I just happened to be 46 and I've been doing work on behalf of the feminine, the sacred feminine, for a long time and, and I know this is where I'm being called to and I know it's part of the conversation. I want to be a part of that conversation, um, because we're living in such pivotal times where there's more and more women talking about perimenopause and menopause and also the rise of the divine feminine. So it's like this, this, there's this like, um, these two energies coming together and I think we're going to see something really powerful and potent enter the collective and it's very, very due. It's very due. So. So I want you to start thinking about leadership, about matriarchal wisdom, about the value that we place on aging women in society. And it is shifting and I think that's beautiful and I think that I've known from a very young age that there is power in the aging woman. I feel like, to a degree, I've been preparing a whole lifetime for this part of my journey, and so I'm very, very excited and I take my approach to the perimenopause to menopause journey. I'm very devoted to shifting the paradigms around that, because I do believe there's immense power.

Speaker 1:

So, way back when, when I started to take, when I was doing Akashic record works, you know, probably like 12 years ago, I was focused a lot on the motherhood initiation, but I also started to have a whole bunch of women show up in their fifties and sixties, even seventies, which gave me the opportunity to really understand, um, the disconnect that was happening and how many women were entering into the later stages of their life and they were feeling a grief or a sadness from either not reaching their full potential or really feeling undervalued, um, at that point in their life. And so, and then also too, there was oftentimes like a grief, right, A grief or an anger, which the two are often very connected. But getting into these later stages of life when we've got accumulated grief and emotional residue and anger, it's from a lifetime of not harnessing the power of the initiations that we're given. Each initiation along the feminine life cycle is an opportunity to recalibrate into more of who we are being called to be as women. Right, we don't decline when we age, we become more right, and that's part of like the collective scripting, like that in itself is a paradigm shift and we don't decline. Yes, our bodies require different support because our muscle mass starts to become less right. It's a little bit harder to build strength and muscle. You know, for me personally, I've started weightlifting, which has felt really good. I've actually incorporated a little bit more protein and cardio. But what I love about this stage of life 46, right, and seeing some shifts in my body is that it has required deeper listening. Deeper listening it has required partnering with my body in a totally different way, as an ally, right, and I think for me it's been beautiful and it's really contributed to a different level of vitality in my life that, um, I don't know that I've had in some of my younger years. So we don't decline, we become more the feminine life cycle wheel, if you will. All of these initiations, our first bleed leaving home, motherhood, the crone, initiation, it's all there for us to recalibrate to.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, in society we don't honor initiations anymore. We don't honor it through ceremony, through ritual. We don't honor these passages in a way that they need to be honored, and so we lose power and we also carry forward all the emotional baggage from the passage prior to this initiation. That's not really what, how I want to say it the portal, the initiation. So prior to whatever the initiation is, so like motherhood. You know, for me I had my child in my thirties, so that was a significant, you know, very pivotal time on my path. Our whole center of gravity changes, our belly button moves so without actually taking the time. So a lot of women will go in, like you know, you know, often having like a trauma response and keep busy and they're doing and they don't honor the passage of time and the transition that's happened or who they were before motherhood, right, or even some of the difficulties, um, around navigating the initial stages of motherhood. And so what happens is that we don't honor what was, we don't feel we don't come into a new space of power through these very pivotal times on our path.

Speaker 1:

For me, I did take the time, I recognized you know, that that's a part of my sacred work, but also that there was a huge opportunity to redefine what motherhood meant to me, right, and and through that it became about authenticity and sacred motherhood and sacred sexuality and really brought in a whole body of work around the evolutionary mother, really really understanding that motherhood to me, not what motherhood was to my mother or my grandmother, and bless them because they're both so beautiful and and I love their journeys. But you know there's this there was a collective around, um, the mother, in that we need to give, give, give, sacrifice, do right. And what does it do? It creates disconnect from our intrinsic power as mothers. And so the evolutionary mother is about the balanced role of mother, right. It's about being anchored again in the womb space, right, being led by the womb, being able to structure our lives in alignment with the way that we need to flow and how we need to be supported as mothers, so that we can show up from a cup that overflows, so that our presence in the home can be valued right, just the presence, not the giving, doing, sacrifice, guilt, right.

Speaker 1:

So there's a redefining, there's a paradigm shift around the role of mother. I plan to do the same thing with the role of aging. So starting, you know, bringing it back to these paradigm shifts, right, and starting to really look at this idea of like, leadership and matriarchal wisdom. Anytime you talk about leadership and weaving in feminine wisdom, that's a revolutionary paradigm shift in and of itself, right. So, as we say yes to this aging journey, as we say yes to becoming more of who we were born to be, which all of these gateways of initiation contribute to, right, all of these gateways of initiation contribute to becoming more of the woman that we were born to be, our bodies. Right, we need to come into a new space of harmony, of connection. We need to ally with the sacredness of our bodies in a new way, but it allows us to grow and evolve in a new way too. Right, listening is very, very powerful and unfortunately, in our society we haven't been taught how to listen. So that's the first myth.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, this program that I have coming up, it begins on Monday, right in the eclipse, right on the new moon, which is very, very powerful, the crowned one initiation is all about the potency of the void. It's all about the potency of the new moon, about navigating the unknown. Right, it's really about the initiation into our full, dark, feminine power. Right, it's the I don't give a fuck, I don't give a shit. I'm going to show up as me fully. I'm going to take up space beyond your projections, beyond who you need me to be to make you feel comfortable. This is who I am, take it or leave it.

Speaker 1:

So there's a gravity that comes through the aging journey that liberates and creates a freedom, and it and it is scary, it is freaky to the patriarchal consciousness. Right, we're no longer defined by here's, some other paradigm shifts, but we're no longer defined by a youth obsessed society. We are if we buy into those paradigms, right, which are false. Right, it's false. We become more beautiful, more powerful, more imbued with wisdom, more embodied, more capable, more embodied, more capable. Right, there's so much more to who we become and we see that all the time in the collective, with the masculine. You know, I can't remember it was a few, I don't know a couple of months ago and then someone said, well, men just age better than women. And I was like, okay, yeah, well, that's a part of the collective wounding. Like, that's a part of, like, the um, the collective dialogue that's shaping our perception. Uh, so, yeah, I'm not available for that. Yeah, nope, um, you know, and that's, you know, one of the potent paradigm shifts is that we become more beautiful as we age. The thing is, is that, with patriarchal consciousness, there is a lot of focus on youth, youthful beauty. It's a very youth obsessed society. Right, it's starting to change, which is beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I come from the makeup artistry industry. I mean, there was a time where you saw nothing but 20 year olds on those ads. Right, it is changing. And then, all of a sudden, you started to see some of, like, the supermodels from the eighties being ushered in um with different makeup campaigns. That was, and that was huge. Which, why? Why is that huge? Right, so we become more beautiful, powerful, wise, but the thing is, is we've got to be able to self-source that for ourselves? Right, so we become more beautiful, powerful, wise, but the thing is, is we've got to be able to self-source that for ourselves, right, to be able to cultivate a connection to the truth of who we are through the lens of our own ability to value what we know as true? It really is through presence that we are able to shift paradigms, we're able to navigate out of the illusion and come back to a deeper truth, right, and I have always, even as a makeup artist, loved the aging woman.

Speaker 1:

I love the skin, I love the warmth that shines through, you know. And also, I've seen many older women sit in my chair and obsess over every wrinkle, obsess over, like everything, looking perfect, right, and then feeling this sense of like declining value, feeling a sense of not, no matter what they do, they don't feel beautiful. Right, I've seen that too, right, and that to me, to me now, I'm not here to judge your beauty choices as you age, I've got, you know, I am here, I know, I know where I want to place value and what I want to uphold. But I also respect, you know, the, the paradigm and the choices that each woman makes around beauty for her Right. I think that's like important and part of what we do in my upcoming program.

Speaker 1:

Mythos of the aging woman is that you get to define what the aging journey means to you. You know I had to sit with that. I had to. You know I've I'm coming into 46. I just sit with that. I've got, you know, certain friends who are doing Botox and and like and and power to them and and I really had to sit with like, where, where that fell into the scope of my aging journey, what I valued, what I wanted it to be about for me and for me. I really want to be present with the aging journey. I want to fall in love with it.

Speaker 1:

It's a huge privilege to be able to age and it's not to say that sometimes I don't bump up Well, I feel like I've done a lot of work over the last year, but it's not to say that sometimes I don't bump up against my changing body and then judging it or disconnecting from it or feeling like it's less attractive it or disconnecting from it or feeling like it's less attractive. So I've had to come home to the beauty and the sacredness of my body, right, and to realize that my body is shifting and changing and to see the beauty in that. So then, when we shift our lens, we come into a space of beauty, we feel beautiful, we're reminded of a deeper truth, right, the deeper natural beauty codes. I'm looking at this beautiful tree outside that is so old and so wise and it's not perfect, because nothing in beauty is sorry, nothing in nature is perfect, right, and the older trees right, and the older trees, right, and we can value older things in different ways, but why do we not value the aging process? So there's that.

Speaker 1:

And then the next paradigm shift that I want to talk about, too, is just in general, oftentimes a part of the collective wounding is feeling less valuable in society, right, and this comes from one of the core collective feminine wounds too, of like fertile, younger women holding more value. You know, there was a time in society where, like, where there was like dowries, I mean, depending on what culture you're from, but the dowries, right, and it does plant itself into the collective where, you know, younger women were more valuable. They were sold and traded and, um, there was a lot more emphasis on value placed on women who had their bleed, women who were fertile, women could, who could produce children. Um, and so then, what happens when we stop, when we don't have our bleed anymore and when we don't have our children, right? Well, a lot of really potent, powerful things happen. Our creative energy, our creative sexual energy, can now be used towards more of what we want to create in our lives, right, more of our higher vision, more of our passions, more of our deeper desires can be birthed into the physical, and we don't have that nurturing creative energy going to child rearing. So that's really powerful.

Speaker 1:

But also, you know that that sense of not feeling valued, right, it can run quite deep, especially as we move into the crone initiation, and so part of the healing work that we get to do is around coming back to our intrinsic value, right Beyond the collective narrative, and being able to see and understand that the contribution that we make and have made. There's so many women that I've seen who put a lot of their emphasis into growing their families and then they're 60 or 70 years old and they don't necessarily feel a sense of value in society like that. They don't understand what they've contributed, right. And yet I'm like, well, you have a huge family tree, like, look at what you've done, that's amazing, right. And so we have to be able to cultivate that sense of value within ourselves, like, and really bring that home to ourselves so that as we move forward through the aging journey ourselves, so that as we move forward through the aging journey, we can recognize and uphold our own sense of belonging and our own sense of value.

Speaker 1:

And also, speaking of another paradigm shift, you know, in all these paradigm shifts I'm probably going to lose track of how many here, but you know they're connected to, like, these core collective feminine wounds around the aging woman. A lot of this we're going to be working through in myth around the aging woman. A lot of this we're going to be working through in mythos of the aging woman. So this is a five week Akashic, feminine wisdom, shamanic journey. So every week we're meeting, on Monday we have our 90 minute opening ceremony and we're going deep, deep, deep into the feminine psyche. We're going deep into clearing work, into activations, into different journaling prompts to really drop you in, for you to uncover, for you to redefine right, for you to come home to, for you to recalibrate to your power so that you can feel nice and ready in your foundation for the aging journey ahead. Feel nice and ready in your foundation for the aging journey ahead.

Speaker 1:

This is work that I have done deeply over the last well, I would say since I turned 40, but definitely over the last year, like I really started to want to you know, and I started to like notice that my body, some of my my body, was like hurting the way that my mom's or my grandma's was and I was like not available for that. I'm like that is not the aging timeline that I want. So one of the modules is oh gosh, I can't remember the name of it now, but your grandmother's grandmother, something like that. But what we're doing is we're going to travel through some ancestry and lineage work right, because the pain from the lineage will often get carried over. And every time we move through an initiation right, we're given the opportunity to untangle what we don't want to carry forward from our lineage and bless our lineage, because they have all done their part and when we do our part there's a timeline healing. It is beautiful and powerful for all of our lineage, but we're given the opportunity to choose our timeline and we're going to be working with timelines in mythos of the aging woman right, that's activation too. We're going to go backwards and forwards and we're going to get really clear on what's your aging timeline. Like that, and to me that was powerful.

Speaker 1:

I spent quite a bit of time actually like really looking at, like what is my aging timeline? And I don't, I'm not, I'm not available for the I'm declining. I'm available for I'm the becoming more. What does that look like? Right, this is where we have the power to define our own paradigms, to shift the paradigm around aging. We don't let it happen to us. We consciously engage, we consciously engage and through that process we can recalibrate with so much more power. So I wasn't available for that. I've lost my train of thought now on what the next paradigm shift was. Okay, so here's another one for you Feeling invisible, the aging woman, the core, collective, feminine woman, of feeling invisible, that the potency of her voice and her wisdom is undervalued, often connected to the years of fertility ending and then also connected to, you know, the years of fertility ending, and then also connected to, like our youth obsessed culture, right, like the emphasis placed on younger women or on youthful, on that, on youth, right?

Speaker 1:

And so then, as we age, we start to feel invisible, right? And this can happen more, you know, if maybe we haven't yet done the work around the cultivation of our wisdom, the ownership of our wisdom, the value of our wisdom and our voice. So as we start to inch our way into the later stages of aging, then, um, then we can really feel this sense of like invisibility, right? Because as our physical body shifts and changes, what really actually wants to happen is that we start to take up more space with, like, our essence. And that's the thing Every initiation is an invitation to take up more space with our essence in the world. So our essence and I've you know, this is through my lens, a work that I've done for many, many years supporting women through transformation Our essence is our voice, our wisdom, the unique vibrational signature of who we are, right? It's our voice, it's our medicine, right?

Speaker 1:

So every time we say yes to our evolution through these portals of initiation, more of that, more of our expression, wants to take up space in the world around us, right? We're not supposed to, like, get smaller and become less and shrink, and while our bodies may shift and change our essence, our expression is meant to grow bigger, bolder, more powerful, right. And so oftentimes, as we move through that initiation, we need to clear and untangle where we're hitting the edges of the inner patriarchal consciousness, of the suppression of, where that doesn't feel okay, right, or where we're allowing the projections of others or the projection of society to define our expression, so that we don't feel invisible, so that the expression of who we are is visible. But it is through taking up space, through different aspects of our authenticity, of our spirit, of our essence, and so we find a newfound freedom that isn't actually available oftentimes to a younger version of ourselves who can feel quite constrained and limited by a much more perfectionist kind of like lens that we find in our younger years when we're still kind of navigating some of the illusion, right. I know that was true for me and I know that that's changing. I hope that changes for my daughter, that she's, you know, connected and in touch with these parts of herself and that it continues to grow and that she finds a way back to her authenticity as she goes out into the world and navigates the illusion on her own, but hopefully setting up the stage so that, as she moves through her life cycle, her feminine life cycle and her initiations, you know she's coming into more and more of that bold beauty and power that we're meant to as we walk our feminine path through the scope of our entire lifetime.

Speaker 1:

So I have definitely been a little bit all over on this podcast. I have brought forward some um, oh, here's one more for you. I just wanted to I mean, I don't know how many I have, how many I've talked. You know what I said Five potent paradigm shifts to age powerfully. I think I've covered for.

Speaker 1:

The last one, though, that I do want to talk about is not feeling as sexually attractive or vibrant. Right, that's a big one, and that has to do with um, our, our bleed, um, our bleed ending. It has to do with more of a youth obsessed society, but it also has to do with a disconnect from the womb, right, and so you know, the womb is obviously not just connected to being able to grow and bear children. It is the source and center of our creative sexual energy, of Shakti, right, shakti is the energy of beauty, of radiance, of vitality, of creativity the energy of beauty, of radiance, of vitality, of creativity. So, you know, if we move through the aging journey and we don't cultivate a connection to our womb which in mythos of the aging woman we have come into activation number four, which is the eternal womb, and it really is about, you know, clearing out any woundedness that we have there.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, this isn't something that just happens, you know, in one session, in one activation, depending on where you are in your womb awakening journey. It takes time, right, and but it is a sexual center and the more that we can cultivate our juicy, vital life force, energy, the creative life force, energy of sexuality, the more that radiance moves through our life, moves through our system, the more it animates us, it brings sparkle, it brings glow, it brings expansiveness and fullness. Glow, it brings expansiveness and fullness right, and that is the energy of sexuality and feeling attractive, right, like beauty and sexuality, that is available to us at every age, not just when we're at certain phases in our life, right. So this is a huge, this is a huge paradigm shift. So, when we can come back into our wombs, when we can give ourselves permission to enjoy being in our vitality, when we know how to wake up that Shakti energy and get it moving. It allows us to sparkle with that radiance and to be in our sexually attractive energy and to enjoy being in our sexually attractive energy as aging women. And not just that you know, we become more powerful in our divine creation energy. Right, we, as we move into the crone initiation, there's a real emphasis that shifts from, um, you know, being able to like, create more and really harness the power of that creative sexual energy, that that is limitless right versus like doing more, right, where we can like, recalibrate to like our full presence and power and harness our creative sexual energy and then be able to like direct the flow of that to what we want to create. Right and birth for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

The, the, the crone initiation is the call into more of our matriarchal leadership. Right, it is the pathway, it is the void into what will be birthed through us, into the collective. So, when we really set the stage for this, when we really do this journey of recalibrating, of like, shifting these paradigms, of releasing releasing the old of really and we do do that too and mythos of the aging woman, we will take some time to close out the chapter right, like, to really look at the lessons that we've had the hardships, the challenges, because, again, midlife to menopause is about becoming more. We don't need to bring the pain of the past forward is about becoming more. We don't need to bring the pain of the past forward. We can untangle it, we can recalibrate it into the power of who we're becoming, so that we can start to prepare for our rebirth right and the seeds of consciousness also that will be birthed through us as we say yes to our matriarchal rise right Through midlife and beyond. We don't necessarily know what that looks like yet because we're traversing the unknown, which we do, you know, through every gateway of initiation. But we become much more wise and much more adept at navigating the unknown and that's a part of the crone initiation. There's a fearlessness to navigating the unknown right, especially as we get closer now to more of the end of the life cycle. Right, there's more of an awareness of like what's beyond the veil and we grow, you know, should we do the work, grow and we grow, you know, should we do the work, we become more comfortable with the power of that. So, instead of bringing forward the pain, we recalibrate it into power, so that as you move into this phase of your life into the menopause phase of your life. It's a source of power. It's not baggage right, we're not becoming bitter. It's not grief that we're holding in our bones. It's not rigidity that's creating pain right, it is released and recalibrated so we can create a new story, so we can choose a timeline for our aging and then powerfully devote ourselves to it, so that we can become more, so that we can rebirth ourselves into our matriarchal wisdom and leadership for new times. Right, for new times. I think there's going to be a lot of higher consciousness energy that wants to be birthed through the emerging powerhouse.

Speaker 1:

Ancient aging women that are saying yes to this journey, and if that is you, I invite you to join me for Mythos of the Aging Woman. The link will be in the show notes. This is only five weeks, but I can feel the power of this container. It's going to be good. It's going be good, the cash working with the akashic records and the field and and my shamanic feminine wisdom.

Speaker 1:

The approach that I take to is to guide you through a transformation, to go deep, deep into the internal root system. We go into body listening, right. We go into womb listening, right. All to bring you into alignment with a higher timeline of your power, of your sacred work, of your matriarchal wisdom and leadership, of the of you as an ancient, aging, powerful woman. I hope you'll join me. It's on for 275 USD right now, which I think is such a juicy investment USD right now, which I think is such a juicy investment. Um, if you have any questions, you can email me or reach me on Facebook or in the naturally prosperous woman Facebook group.

Speaker 1:

I hope this shed and illuminated some light on some of the paradigm shifts that we have access to to shift the narrative around the aging journey. Sending you so much love, bye for now. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.