Naturally Prosperous Woman

Embracing Womanhood: Rites of Passage and the Divine Feminine Journey with Jacqueline Hyacinth

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 4 Episode 2

Embark on a profound exploration of feminine wisdom, this week with my host Jacqueline  Hyacinth, Mother Mystic, Feminine Embodiment Mentor, & Rites Of Passage Guide

Together, we traverse the rites of passage that define womanhood, particularly the enigmatic phase of perimenopause and the wisdom-rich years of midlife.

Our conversation is layered as we talk about the  experiences of young adulthood with the transformative influence of motherhood.

Tune in as we delve into the healing rhythms of the moon cycles and the invigorating power of the spring equinox, guiding you toward a deeper connection with your divine feminine essence.

This episode is a celebration of the sacred journey that is the female experience.

 Jacqueline shares a wealth of feminine wisdom that pierces through societal expectations or illusions, to reveal the inherent power and potential within every woman.

We also discuss the significance of honoring one's lineage and the beauty of evolving into one's golden years.

Listen as we honor the crone initiation, encouraging a renaissance of elder wisdom and leadership. Our dialogue aims to inspire and uplift, offering support and strength as we collectively navigate the majestic cycle of life with grace and empowerment.

Learn more about Jacqueline by visiting her on Instagram at @femininelegacy, or on Facebook:

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, Tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, Because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I am once again so excited to be here with you. I have a very special guest that I am so excited to drop into. I was on her podcast a few weeks ago and it's so nice when you have guests that have a similar embodied wisdom and you can kind of pull from each other and bounce things back and forth and there's a really beautiful synergy and activation that happens. And so this week I have Jacqueline Hyacin. She's a mother, mystic, feminine embodiment mentor and we're going to see where this conversation goes a bit, but we will be talking about feminine life cycles of initiation. I want to drop into a little bit of the perimenopause conversation and what this means for us who are stepping into midlife and how we can really harness the power I feel that's available through the Chrome initiation. So welcome, Jacqueline. I'm super excited to dive in. Is there any other introduction that you'd love to give the audience, or do you want to just dive in?

Speaker 2:

Hi Tara, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it and I really love the shared synchronicities and the wisdom that is imparted between women, so I'm all for it. It's so delicious, so thank you for creating this time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, and as far as anything to add, I'll just say I am here to strengthen, support and uplift and nourish women into remembering who they are in their cyclical wisdom, and to harness the power and the magic of their lineages, their souls, their ancestry, to completely and totally rebirth themselves into the primal, divine expression of divinity that they are, and to live it, embody it and fill this planet with the grace it is so desperately seeking it. So I'm here for all of those things.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. And here we are too, on the cusp of the spring, equinox, you know all this like rebirth energy coming forward, talking, you know, speaking about you know cycles and being in tune with our own rhythms and cycles. It actually feels so timely. Actually, this podcast will come out exactly next week in the equinox energy, so this is actually really perfect. So one of the first questions and there's so many things that I want to dive into but one of the first questions that I love to ask is you know, where did your your sacred path, where did your awakening journey really start to open? And I know, for some of us, you know we've been on this journey for quite a long time, but yeah, to be honest, I feel like it really started to fill me during motherhood, and I became a mother very young.

Speaker 2:

I was a teenage mother, so I became pretty full with life by 17. So that that embodiment, that all the distortions and everything that I was facing as a teenager, right compiled with motherhood, was like the breaking point of a massive initiation for me into who I was, who I was becoming, and so for me it was like really the veil started to part profoundly in motherhood. Just that shaking in the body of of like morphing into something more yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

It's so interesting too that that happened at such a young age for you and that you've been able to like pull from that wisdom along your path. I mean, I think we're similar in age, right? Yeah, right, for me. I'm just going to speak to this a little bit. But my path kind of opened around the same time, although I didn't drop into like my sacred, sacred work until maybe motherhood, actually in my 30s. But for me it was like leaving like a home that was full of like trauma and you know, my mother had went through her second marriage, my sister was really struggling with her own stuff and I was really feeling the trauma of that and then wanting to find my way around the age of 19 and leaving home and feeling a sense of abandonment and knowing that maybe I had a bigger purpose, but not knowing what that was.

Speaker 1:

And then I found Christian Northrop's book at that age and in there it talked about the moon cycles and I feel like emotional talking about this, because it was that piece that when I was like, oh, the moon. You know, this is like 26 years ago, people weren't talking so much about this, not where I live, and it was finding the moon and working with the cycles that actually allowed me to heal and it brought me back home to myself, and it took a couple of years. You know, I remember being 24 and being like I am different, like I feel healed, and it became a magical piece at different it still is, but even with motherhood, you know your center of gravity, kind of changes and it was the lunar cycles that took me, like you know, through this metamorphosis and this rebirth and brought me deeper into who I was as a woman. So just, you know, speaking about cycles, yeah, so yeah, go ahead if that works anything for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what I want to say for me personally is like which, you know, these threads that are carrying us throughout our entire lives, right? So, like through our young adulthood and we notice we're different from our families, right? Or there's all these different like pieces that are, are threads that are leading us somewhere. And so I mean coming deep into the sacred. It didn't happen really. I mean, everything was sacred, it was a sacred mess, but as far as it's like, fully like starting to come online, for me, cognitively, spiritually, at every level, it was probably about, you know, 14 years ago. But all of this weaving, like this deep longing to come into something more like sexuality, was like a obviously very online, very young for me, distorted in so many ways. But just, all these threads were part of that, remembering that this is not actually this is what I'm going through, but there is a more sacred way to do it, and even in that I knew it then.

Speaker 2:

You know that having a baby, yet like I'm like I really had a very sensorial experience that there was something spiritually very like online for me then, even while I was in the cusp of of like just being wild and and and you know, and sewing oats and and moving through this, this world. But it's like then it all softened and solidified, probably about, you know, 14 years ago, and that awakening was much more like conscious, like stepping into meditation and dropping in and then starting to learn and then opening up my, my senses to receive life and like receive myself finally, and like just dancing with that ever since.

Speaker 1:

That's so beautiful. I would say the same for me 14 years ago. It actually it was when my daughter was born 14 years ago. Yeah, like my sacred path, like I'd had you know some, some foundation to, I guess, a bigger sense of my purpose, but like the really deep, like sacred work came through the initiation of motherhood, and I think that's why I'm so passionate about like really harnessing the power of these feminine life cycles of the initiation, because they take us deeper into the truth of who we are and the bigger scope of, oftentimes, our purpose and our calling. We don't live in a society, though, that typically honors these gateways of initiation, and I know, when we were talking before we hopped on to the podcast, we were talking about menstruation Like that's like one of the first doorways of feminine initiation. That often really is an honor in society. Do you want to speak to that a little?

Speaker 2:

bit I would love to speak to that. I love to tell this story. My father I saw when I was younger. My father gave my sister flowers on the onset of her menstruation, and so I had that in my periphery. She's four years older than me so I was like, oh my God, when I'm old enough, my dad's going to get me flowers. Unfortunately my father had passed by then so those flowers didn't come, but I had that in my psyche from young, these little threads of like. I know that this is important and I want to be like I'm excited to be older, I'm excited to bleed, I'm excited to become a woman. So I had that at least in my, in my bandwidth.

Speaker 2:

But these we underestimate. First we must know as women now, if we don't, let's just anchor it society. We have to live from the inside out. We have got to understand that the society that we live in is upside down, and then it will never fully celebrate honor from the truth, because it doesn't. We cannot expect anything outside of us to understand what we ourselves are here to understand. So just like, really honoring that from jump, like you and me, acknowledging, embodying and embracing our feminine wisdom is such a powerful, important legacy for this world because it is literally anchoring and setting precedent for other women to just have in their field of experience, to be able to look at and see, like wow, out of the 90% of people on the planet, I mean the fact that women are just starting to now come in and tune in and realize like wow, our menstruation is such an important and pivotal time for us to bring life force, energy or bring balance and stability, like our elements come online in such a profound way and destabilize us in many ways. But it's all this emerging of, of Shakti, this life force, energy, that kind of brings us into this rhythm and tune of sound that our soul is going to cyclically move through for our entire lives.

Speaker 2:

And I like to think that the way, the way that we cycle right, it builds on our experiences and our initiation, so in also in the same way that we begin, you know, our journey into motherhood, and so everything is like consistently growing inside of us and shaping us.

Speaker 2:

And the good news is that, because of the unique power and the audacity and brilliance of the divine, that anything that has not been centered in the heart right, or what we didn't fully get to engage in our experiences because we weren't spiritually attuned yet or awakened.

Speaker 2:

We can bring those filaments in now and really like I do recapitulation ceremonies with women where I take them back into their first menstruation, like we can really even to birth, like when you have a less than satisfactory birth experience right and like reattune. Just today I worked with a client on reconnecting her from a C section and she felt like separate from her children, like so everything is perfect and you know it doesn't always feel that way and that's part of the learning and the growing. But how magical that we have this place like the connection and the love is always there and so everything we're experiencing in our lives as women it is everything is like good soil still, like we can still use it. It's still growing us, healing us and maturing us into like a fuller, richer experience. That it's like yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I love that and especially with the Akashic records, and I've often like a lot of big part of how I guide women through transformation.

Speaker 1:

The Akashic records are a tool, but my point is is that it's through these life initiations they often reach these, these gateways, and part of the work that we do is like to gather the gifts and the lessons of the past experiences and challenges so that we don't take, so that we can harness what's available in these really pivotal points on our path and not carry it forward as like heavy baggage or like a lump on our shoulder that's not the right phrase but rather take the time to like mulch it up, and I love how you said everything is good soil.

Speaker 1:

It really is. It can be so woven into the foundation from which we can grow deeper in our roots and then flourish in a bigger expression of the women that we were born to be, and I think that is so for anyone listening. I think it's like so important that we take the pause, that we take the time and to really do the work to cultivate a deeper understanding so that we can turn that into gold, so we can really turn it into wisdom. I think that's an important part too of like perimenopause and the crone initiation. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

The whole lives we're gathering and, like you, even the retrospect. Like to say what you're beautifully expressing right now, like to really make that high alchemy and to be able to look at like we could also be, like turning lemons into lemonade, right. Like really looking at the trajectory of the beauty of our lives and forgiving over and over again, like there's so much compassion and forgiveness that I'm still, you know, working in my own roots, right, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Consistently because not even necessarily because of me, but or for you, but we are coming from lineages that have carried these, you know, all these different fruits that are still germinated and connected with our own souls. So we're like, when we do this pruning and this, this deep, deep retrospective work, we are like really releasing and healing generations and generations, as well as our own soul, and bringing refuge and grace and peace to so many other women who came before us, who were at unrest in themselves.

Speaker 2:

So the fact that we even have enough time because we have internet and because of the nature of our lifestyle now to do this, it's for us to do Like our, you know, busy with cattle and getting water and like they were using their hands in such a different way. And we have this time to be like washing and and alchemyzing, and we do it for us and it is a benefit to our families and to the collective just by taking enough time to love ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's like so again important that we distinguish that.

Speaker 1:

Because, you know, oftentimes working with women I'm sure, myself included where we apologize, like for doing the work and to take up space and to take the time to do the deep work to shift our internal experience, to shift the trajectory of our path into more of a deeper space of fulfillment and purpose.

Speaker 1:

And you know also, I see where women push up against that with the mother wound, where there's that sense of like well, and it's deep and we got, like we have like a root into the anglement and we don't necessarily feel like we are we should be allowed to have the time and the freedom and the fulfillment because our lineage didn't, it's and it's, it's not a logical thing.

Speaker 1:

We just like literally well, like kind of like sit, sit back and not necessarily say yes to the deeper pole, to prune and then move forward into a bigger expression of who we're being called to be. And yet, when we do honor that, when we do take the time like I've seen it, you know, working with women in the records, like the timeline, healing the from the lineage, like it, it is quite amazing. Like it it's like thank you for moving forward, and sometimes women will be trapped in the grief and the pain of their lineage, not realizing that you know they have the choice to say yes to deeper fulfillment and to themselves, and that therein lies the power. Yeah, that's important.

Speaker 2:

It's so important and it makes me want to just go and take a deep breath inside and honor your work and my work and see, you know, sometimes we can take it for granted, like right, like it's so beautiful that we're here and that we have these spaces, because everybody has the power essentially.

Speaker 2:

But if you don't know, you have it and you don't know, you have an opportunity or a choice to make. If you don't have that, ma which is like how we refer to us like mothers of the new time that are opening up the space to another sister, another woman that's coming in to say here is an opportunity for you, because the world is literally mirroring mediocrity, like it's saying, eh, watch the news, stay the same. You know, pretend you're somebody. You're not dress up and gallivant and you know, can tour yourself to fit in. And so when you have women that are like moving through that terrain and saying no, I love you, be true to you, be who you are, open yourself up, flower with me, flower beside me, it just yeah, makes my heart just what a gift, what a gift so we can thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you. Oh my gosh, I'm like loving this and that is really being highlighted in my awareness right now of, like, the importance of the work and hearing you and the work you're doing, and I'm like, yes, it's so powerful and I think we can just sometimes forget and get lost even in, like the socials and like I don't know, just like the business jargon, and that there's something deeper often that we're called into in terms of our power and our expression and our freedom as women, and I do feel like sometimes that gets missed and we override it. And yet there is such a beautiful, it's such a beautiful key piece to our evolution when we're wanting more freedom. You know since not necessarily about the next strategy or about money that our freedom can exist in these places of going deep within ourselves and healing and unlocking deeper wisdom and freedom for our sacred path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that I love that and I love I'm gonna tie that in now to to like periometa pause and I'm still, I'm still a bleeding mama and I'm I just know it's important to say, once you touch the fragrance of yourself, like once you Interstand from a psychological, spiritual perspective of what it means to be Gifted with a female body in this lifetime, to have the spiritual prowess and the power To, to be the hands of the mother in this particular way, like once it's, it's really Interstood. Then you said to acknowledge your blood and like walk with it, like now it is so sacred to me, like it is it's never an actually not been, but it's obviously really pronounced now because now I know, and Every cycle that comes and she's still here and I'm like yes, what are we gonna do this month? You know, and like working with her, but I know that this time, this timeline will shift and so every time I'm bleeding, I'm like aware, like honor, this time, this time is going to pass and I welcome that next cycle, but for now it's just really important, right, like that we're part of a process on the planet where women get to even say that with like not everybody's saying that, like everybody feels this way. A lot of women are still like Feeling victimized by having their cycle because it's painful or absolutely, and and with respect for all of them, like we're all having very diverse experiences, but my, my personal one is like, oh my god, thank you for this nectar I. I like I couldn't, yeah, and so, like this is part of that training ground and learning.

Speaker 2:

All these cycles of this entire life have been preparing me for the next pathway, which will be, oh my god, which I don't even know what will look like. But to just hold all that wisdom, mm-hmm, that has been Walking through me, walking through my people, walking through my consciousness, and just bring this like restorative power onto this planet, mm-hmm, I'm like, yeah, it's, it's, it's such a gift and it's like we don't know what it looks like. So we're walking into terrain that is new to us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that the perimenopause and menopause conversation is becoming so predominant, like even in the mainstream. I do feel like there's the potential for, like you know, an army of midlife women to really grab a hold of the power of the transformation that's available through this aging journey of, you know, reclaiming our golden throne, reclaiming, you know, our, our elder wisdom, and to really rise as community leaders. And I think that's, you know, for me, I just feel passionate about, like it's, it's, it can be more than our symptoms and it can be more. It can be more. It's an invitation the whole time was an invitation to become more, like we step into, you know, our, our wise woman, the crowned one, or the, the crown, but the crowned one, and so it's like the more that we can really drop in, you know, do the work to pair away the old and to really look at what this journey can mean for us.

Speaker 1:

You know, especially important for me too in this just kind of at the edge of the perimenopausal journey, still bleeding, but I'm aware 46 it's coming, and I've been journeyed with many women through that crone, initiation and there's just so, so much power there in terms of, in terms of our golden years really, yeah, yeah, and I know sometimes, you know, talking to women it can feel a little bit heavy midlife Like. Sometimes we're carrying around some of the old gunk and the old baggage and we forget that we have enormous potential and purpose still coming. And so there's that invitation to like what does this journey get to mean to you? How can you harness the power of it and know that really, you know, the crone initiation is the call to rise in your leadership, right To rise in your leadership, to start to cycle all that wisdom back to our, to the younger generations. Yeah, so powerful.

Speaker 2:

So powerful. You speak really beautifully about it. I feel so enlivened and excited.

Speaker 2:

Even the consciousness that we're talking about right now, this beauty of honoring life I mean our society as we does not honor eldership. It does not, it has not, it has not shown us that aging into womanhood is what it is and that's, it's the backside. So we are bringing this this higher, calling this higher knowing, and what it looks like for our mothers is going to be different than what it looks like for us, and it is a conscious choice and right. And so, just leaning into that, and even now, as we are, as as like, kind of going back to the cycles, we are preparing right in strength, for how we're even going to do that, like how is our body and our our you know morphogenic field, how are we going to morph through that phase? How we're laying down that groundwork and nourishing ourselves and spiritually, like, preparing ourselves so that, whatever it's going to be like that, we have everything we need within for us to cultivate what it is that our soul is longing to experience here.

Speaker 2:

And to just like really get on board and drop into that and surround yourselves with wise ones who are also doing that very thing right.

Speaker 2:

Because, again, just and this is the beauty of womanhood, it's the beauty of spiritual paths, of knowing you have teachers and wisdom carriers and elders there's always somebody who has been through it that puts a handout and that we can like, we can trust in our own wisdom and take the hand.

Speaker 2:

So, like, looking at, we're moving into terrain that is like foreign for us, so to speak. So women journey with us through different phases of their cycles and then we'll be journey with other women. This is what we do as as women, as sisters, and you and me, our generation I don't know if you have a lot of wise elders. I, as far as in my life I have like one or two female elders that has been walking a traditionally like feminine spiritual path. So there's not a lot of us. So we are, essentially, are feeling the call to rise into that embodied eldership, even carrying the mother right Like. So we're going to be leading and segueing on this planet a very powerful reality of implementing the return on both ends of like, taking the hand of the mother and the maiden and the elder at the same time and bringing it all into fruition, onto this, into the consciousness now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, powerful. Yeah, I love it. I just want to speak to this last piece. I think one of the reasons I'm so passionate about the the crone initiation is because we live in a very youth obsessed society, like it's all backwards, like women innately become, and it's a paradigm shift to know this truth for ourselves, but that we become more beautiful, more powerful, more wisdom, filled right, and so we really have to. You know, it's a conscious choice, but to navigate those paradigm shifts because it was meant to devalue and to take away the power of the aging woman, when in fact it's like where we come into the beauty of our prime. So, yeah, I just wanted to share that and to kind of see that into the conversation. That might mean something to some of our viewers. I hope it does.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely a passion piece for me, but I loved this conversation. I have goosebumps. I'm going to hand it over to you, though and I just want to, you know, check in and just see if there's anything else in on your heart that you'd like to share, and then also where listeners can find you. If you don't know off the top of your head, I'll drop the links below in the show notes. But yeah, go ahead, jacqueline.

Speaker 2:

All right, thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

So let me just drop in and see if there's anything else that wants to be shared around that.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to say right now I just want to invite everyone who will be listening to this to just really drop in, tune in and just take all of the soil of your life, all of your soil from when you were in your mother's belly to when you were a toddler, to you being an art class at school.

Speaker 2:

Just take all of the energies, the expressions that are coming through and just wrap your love around your life. Just extend yourself so fully around every experience you've ever you've ever touched or has touched you and just pull it towards you and give thanks and pull it into your heart and just really drop in and honor and acknowledge that every piece of this was part of you, coming home to a greater part of you, and every expression has been important, and just put it up to your face and kiss it and just really appreciate your life and your experiences and honor that all of them are here now, alive in you, and that, moving forward, you get to make a decision about who you're going to be and open the space to your divine feminine intelligence to come online and awaken in you. Call forth your guides, call forth me, call forth Tara, call forth the divine sustenance that you need to be strengthened and supported to walk your path with greater support, grace and empower and just give yourself a super bow.

Speaker 2:

That's okay. Yes, yes, and just give yourself the super bow and give yourself bow and respect for yourself and your journey. Just give reverence and respect where it's due, because don't expect it from anybody else. You have to start giving it to yourself. That is what women do and we're learning. We're learning and growing every day. So then, just give yourself a hug and a bow and just lean in and be with what comes up. And, yeah, I just want to say thank you, tara. I'm so grateful for this reflection in this time with you. It's super powerful and beautiful and I'm honored.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love this. Yeah, there's so many layers of wisdom here. I think this is something you could probably listen to a few times and it may activate different layers or insights or clarity for you. But, you know, take a listen and do join us in the naturally prosperous woman Facebook group. If that speaks to you, we'd love to hear from you. I will make sure and drop Jacqueline's links below and just off the top of your head, off the top of your hair. Where can yeah, where can people find?

Speaker 2:

you. You can find me at ourfemininelegacycom and I offer training courses and support for women to come on home. So our feminine legacy. Thank you so much, Tara.

Speaker 1:

Okay, my pleasure, thank you. Bye for now. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.