Naturally Prosperous Woman

Embracing Earth's Wisdom: A Conversation with Soul Business Alchemist Shirley Lohmaier

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 4 Episode 1

On this week's episode of The Naturally Prosperous Woman Podcast I am hanging out with Shirley Lohmaier, who left a successful corporate career to become a  Soul Business Mentor For New Earth Leaders. She also supports her clients through Soul Mission Energetics & Wealth Frequency.

Our conversation takes you through Shirley's profound awakening at an arts festival, her intimate plant medicine encounter, and the subsequent calling to guide others into their new earth leadership as her path unfolds.

 Her story is full of beautiful wisdom for those yearning to turn their multi-dimensional genius into a life of service.

Shirley also touches on her Crone initiation and its vital role in cultivating feminine leadership (with the beauty of the inner masculine counterpart balanced).

The conversation reaches into the depths of spirituality, sexuality, illuminating the power of the grandmother fire archetype and the practice of earth gridding to shape the future of our planet.

Shirley is such a wise and powerful New Earth Leader that will inspire so much for your own journey!

Learn more about Shirly by clicking here:

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Hi, tara Preston here, host of the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I wanted to pop on before today's actual interview and just give a little bit more of an introduction to Shirley, who's my very special guest today, and during today's episode we talk about everything from her spiritual awakening to what it really unfolded in terms of her crone initiation to earth gritting, to her profound and deep connection to nature and Mother Earth. And to just give a little bit more of an introduction to Shirley before we head on into the podcast, I also want to let you know that about three quarters of the way into the podcast we had our internet drop. Shirley's in Africa, I'm in Canada, we just had a big snowstorm and we both have internet that's not 100% secure and strong, so we did experience a little bit of a fallout. So you might notice just a bit of a break in the conversation, but overall I think it flowed relatively smooth. So Shirley Lomar is my special guest today, and so Shirley is a sole business alchemist supporting successful, heart centered, conscious leaders to activate their sole gifts and mission and launch their sole lead businesses. As a healer trained in the spiritual technology of Tao, inner alchemist, shirley helps her clients to embody their souls, multi dimensional magic and genius, so they can lead the way into a new paradigm. As a sole business coach, shirley guides her clients to elevate their offerings and businesses in a deeply soul aligned way so that they can create more income and impact with ease and flow. Her guiding vision is a world of soul aligned, heart led leaders holding key roles across all spheres of influence, supporting the new earth for generations to come. Shirley is so very embodied in her work and I can't wait for you to take in today's interview. If you'd like to join us in the naturally prosperous woman Facebook group, I would love for you to do that. Come, find us on Facebook and otherwise enjoy. I'll talk to you soon.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the naturally prosperous woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic women's school, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

I'm a very special guest. I'm so excited because I actually haven't had a guest on the podcast for a while and I'm really excited to have Shirley Lohmeyer on. I have known Shirley for a few years in the online space and I really love her passionate, visionary spirit, so you're going to get to learn a little bit more about the really incredible work that she's doing. Shirley is a sole biz mentor for New Earth leaders. She's a Tao soul energy healer and a soul mission, energetics and wealth frequency mentor. So welcome, shirley Again. Super excited to have you here. Shirley is going to one of the first questions. Actually, shirley is going to talk about her awakening journey, but very often one of the first questions that I love to drop in around is around the awakening journey, kind of like where did this all begin for you? So I'm going to hand it over to you, shirley, and I look forward to hearing what you have to share.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Thanks so much, tara. It's really wonderful to be here, so delighted to spend some time with you and just share some story and wisdom. I find that the awakening journey is just so potent, isn't it always? And, yeah, mine certainly was, I think, because it was such a radical change for me. I used to be somebody who was very corporate, sort of in my black suits in the matrix as such, and actually, yeah, I went through a few radical spiritual experiences, starting it through an arts festival here in South Africa I live in South Africa, for those who don't know and we have something that's similar to a Burning man festival, and that was actually my first experience of a spiritual experience with this beautiful big fire that just came up and just as like when they were burning one of the temples, this fire spirit came up and it.

Speaker 2:

I saw the spirit of the fire and it like flew into my third eye and it felt like it just burns all the way down in my third eye. And then I just started this deep awakening experience. It was really interesting over the next few weeks and then, yeah, after that, I went, I did a plant medicine journey. My husband and I did a plant medicine journey and the goddess called me in that journey and it was the first time I really experienced that type of energy in that way in my adult world, you know, because I was so, I guess, living in my mind and I was very like intellectual and just kind of more scientific and things like that. And so I met my first monk during an unpacking period, something like that.

Speaker 2:

In that journey, she called to me and she said I've got a job for you to do. I want to lead you somewhere. She came and I was in this journey and I was actually joining with Anubis in the ground here in Africa. She said you're going to follow a path, I'm going to lead you and I'm going to take you to this place where you're going to start serving humanity. Yeah, which was really potent, no big deal.

Speaker 2:

I didn't really understand that, you know, and they were like showing me these crystals and things and I, you know, I wasn't, I wasn't that, I wasn't such an earth child.

Speaker 2:

Then I was very much growing up, but I kind of lost touch with that, you know, being in the city and things like that. And then, yeah, I'd say, within about six to eight months, nine months, we got, we kind of shut down our businesses. We knew we were going to be going somewhere, we were waiting for spirit, we were just being led and guided and we knew we were going to be going to live off the land, because that had been part of this. This, you know, vision and sort of started being what it opened to me as I awakened and then, yeah, we literally just followed spirit and we knew we kind of went down the coast where we thought we were meant to be and only like only one place opened for us to live and it was just. You know those moments where it's just like everything is absolutely divinely guided, even though you don't know, kind of what's right in front of you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's yeah.

Speaker 2:

Go for it. Go for it.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say can we talk a little bit about that, Because I think it's like an important part too of like the awakening path is and I hear so many women push up against this too of like trusting the spirit nudges and like trusting the leaps. And what was that process like for you Like? Did it come naturally to be able to trust where you were being guided, or did you push up against any kind of doubt or resistance along the way?

Speaker 2:

I definitely pushed up against doubt and resistance. Tara. You know I wish it was. It wasn't all glamorous and that awakening process definitely had a whole lot of messy in there for me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, totally, you know.

Speaker 2:

I definitely I mean, and a lot, because I'd been in my mind so much and you know I was this consultant running this big business and you know, so I really I really walked away from what I knew and I think what I really dropped into to help me with that was so much connection with nature, you know, connecting with trees, connecting with the water, learning a different kind of language, and that was just like so soothing on my soul, right, and also just helped me to quiet my mind a lot because my mind was raging.

Speaker 2:

You know, I think that's the hardest part, right when you're awakening and trying to get that balance between the spirit and mind, you know, yeah, so definitely 100% agree with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love how you leaned into your relationship with nature and how that became such a foundation piece like wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely. And so then we ended up in this place where you know, we knew we kind of ended up on some land and we and we actually lived in the caravan for a while while my husband was building the house, and that's when I then started to drop deeply into training as a healer and training in energetics, and that's when I started to fully understand what my soul gifts were and they started to come online and, you know, I really understood my new earth vision. And I think an important piece of that is that you, when you walk away from such a structured life which is kind of what happens for people when they awaken you have to go through this process of deprogramming, if I can call it that.

Speaker 2:

You know, and so it often feels like it's a bit of a side mission, because you know you've been called to something new, but it's like you feel like you're walking on a detour for a long time just because you've got a deep program. So much, I feel, before you can really start to develop that authentic, intuitive connection that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I could see some of that in my own journey too, for definitely for a few years, a lot of like the nervous system pieces and trying to find some. For me it was working with the lunar cycles and we made a big move to a big plot of land too and it was attuning to the rhythms here of Mother Earth and the seasons and the cycles and that was a big piece of like what allowed me to deconstruct a lot of programming and to find my way into a new space of flow and to trust it.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I can see what you're saying to you with some of the pieces that you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, and so actually what happened through that journey is that there was then a moment where I was in a ceremony context where I was called to participate and open a portal here where I live like an energetic portal in this land, right, and even till then it wasn't that I fully understood all of what I was doing. You know, it's like your soul kind of gives you little pieces and little pieces and you just keep going and you keep doing it and a lot of the clarity comes afterwards, right, and so I participated in that and that was almost like how the land opened to me and started to open her voice to me and deeper Earth wisdom to me, and then I realized that it was a soul initiation that I had been through, which was actually like the initiation of the crown, the wise woman, right.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

So beautiful, so stepping into the spiritual calling Can you see how that which is an.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, go for it. Can you see how? I'm sure you can, but can you see how it really shaped you in terms of how you were leading before the crone initiation and then after, as you really started to sink into and identify this is part of the crone initiation how that felt in your body and just how your leadership shifted. Does that make sense? Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely 100%, because before my leadership was very masculine and I have a strong masculine and I love having a strong masculine. Yes, absolutely, it's a good thing, but I totally shifted into, I shifted way more into my body, I feel, through that initiation and subsequent energy work and starting to just be more deeply connected with my body. But it was also a full feminine rounding for me. I just found this deep earth feminine voice that I had been disconnected to for quite some time or just hadn't resonated in the same way with Right yeah. So that was really beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And that crone initiation I feel is important, also relating to the work that you do and that I've seen you do on your Facebook and stuff. It's around older women getting to this place where we realize that we're being called to hold space for future generations and that it is a spiritual calling and it's as important as us dropping deeper into our bodies. It's kind of that full vertical alignment where we're dropping deeper into our bodies and the fullness of who we are and our sexuality and all of these beautiful things and at the same time, being able to access a much higher vibration and vision of soul and what we're holding space to for future generations.

Speaker 1:

I love that Well, I do love that. I just tingle when you talk about it. But also the future generations piece too. And does this I know I'm sure this leads to you speaking to new earth leaders Does it tie into the earth gridding as well?

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely so. The future generations there's two aspects of this for me. So the future generations and what I think is really important for women to realize as they get to their prime and they're hitting their late 40s, 50s, as we continue in our lives, is that I feel that for many of us, as women, that becomes our primary role, as we are in this crone role, this crone spiritual calling. And I feel sometimes that some women who are not necessarily wanting to go back into business or they want to lead a slower, more luxurious life in terms of having space and time, and they sort of feel guilty because it feels like too much luxury or it feels like I'm not doing anything, and for me I feel that that crone calling is all about being, because it's all about being the woman that holds the sole vision and the sole prayer for the future generations more than anything.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, I really want to give anybody permission who's listening to this, who is in their, in their crone phase of life and feeling like, oh, but I should be doing more for the new earth, or I should be starting a business, or I should this, or I should that, or feeling that pressure. It's like, no, you need to be that spiritual woman who is holding the space for the future generations, and that in itself is actually also being a spiritual warrior. It's being the embodiment in the body of all things woman and all things new earth and all things spiritual. In that way, that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it totally does. I think that's a well. For me, that's a big part of feminine embodiment and it's being able to rest into the present and to realize we have the most power in that place, and that's a journey.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, wow yeah.

Speaker 2:

I just love this, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so then the earth grid connection.

Speaker 2:

Part of it for me, and I think a nice way to explain it is to talk about the archetype of the grandmother fire, right? So South Africa's in the fire quadrant, you know, it's a fire land, and so when I went through that portal initiation journey, it was a fire portal that I was stepping into, just by nature of the elementals that I was working with, and the grandmother fire is the archetype of the woman who will sit with the earth and sit in the fire of the earth, which is really the place that holds our sovereign soul contracts, right, our original blueprint of our soul contract, before any portions, before you know we might have fallen and forgotten who we were, and sitting in that fire, it's almost like sitting in your pelvis, you know that's where we sit in our body, sitting in that fire of the earth and singing the songs of the earth, singing the song lines of the earth, awakening the earth's energetic body and almost like singing her prayers to her as such, or, you know, holding her prayers and singing them for future generations.

Speaker 2:

That's the role of the grandmother fire. Wow, yeah, and it's a really beautiful thing because it's about hearing that this vision that we all have of the new earth is we have it because it's our earth mother's vision right? She's the biggest conscious being that we're living with and she's weaving it and we're weaving it with her. And so we become this crone who's weaving in the cosmos, the new timelines, and, at the same time, singing these visions into the earth and lighting her up, literally with this light, with this energy, with the songs of our soul, with the desires of our soul. So it's kind of this link between these grids of earth which are activating at the same time as the heaven grids are activating. You know, as Christ consciousness is rising, as the light is rising, so the earth is mirroring that with her own body.

Speaker 1:

I love this. Do you have any practices like that? Are that you do? It could be simple, maybe not, but that you do that maybe even our listeners could relate to. That connects you to mother earth and her wisdom.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely so. One simple practice that I do pretty much every day is something that I call deep earth pulsing, and what it is is actually pulsing my weight and my energy with the earth, so between my left and my right side. So I obviously like, I like to do barefoot on the earth and I literally move like a pendulum right to left, and what I do is I, I I drop into a meditation where I'm breathing my energy down my leg into the earth and then I'm breathing her chi field, her energy, up through my leg into my body and then I circle it around my like my hips and my belly. So it's like you you breathe out the right, you breathe it in, you circle it around. You breathe out the left, you breathe it in, and but what you're really consciously doing is you're breathing with the chi energy field of the earth. So you're breathing her energy up into your body.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that I play with earth, earth's energy, all the time and it always to me it's like it feels so natural and so powerful and so it's free and I just always have this like sense of like. I just wish more people knew how to play with earth energy, because it's so healing and it's so grounding and it really like activates our own Shakti and it's like it's always there and available to us. So I love that. I'm going to give this one a try, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely Like when I first learned it, I was wanting to ground more and I actually did it every day for six months and it just radically changed me. It radically changed, you know, especially like often I meet women who feel like they either they kind of want to escape the earth because it just feels too dense for them, the realm feels too dense, or they're feeling like they're not standing fully in their body, like this is a great tool to just totally drop you down and actually it can get you to this place where you almost feel like you're standing like 30 centimeters inside the earth, like you're just standing in the earth. It's that deep and it's really, really worthwhile. So, yeah, that's my favorite thing to do. And then, obviously, just breathing her energy field is really important. That's where the healing comes from. That you refer to using that energy to heal your body, regulate your hormones, you know things like that that are really important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, or to clear the chakra system, or I just play with it in so many different ways. I love that. I have another question for you too. Do you speaking of like prone in future generations? I love how, through your awakening journey, the connection to nature was so illuminated and it's so shamanic in nature and so vibrant, and how you connect to the archetypes. So it was. I was curious. I'm like do you know of any women in your lineage where that connection to nature was so, so vibrant and so accessible?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it was interesting for me because after I dropped deeper into this journey, then I actually went back to to back home. I grew up in Zimbabwe and I went to visit my family and I started asking direct questions about that, because now it was of interest to me.

Speaker 2:

And I discovered that it was actually through my, through my grandmother and my great-grandmother's line on my, on my dad's side. That that's where this level of connection had been, and they were both highly intuitive. They were, they had sort of intuitive and psychic gifts and they were deeply connected to the earth. And yeah, it's funny because my family hadn't really spoken about it. You know, it wasn't necessarily something that they embraced as, as they're pretty straight, you know what I mean. Like you know pretty pretty down to earth, and so I realized that this nature connection was also what enabled them to obviously be so soul connected, right, and to be so, to have these intuitive gifts that they were sharing, which is really beautiful.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I love that too.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I can kind of relate to that too, a little bit. Like I know I had very both of them actually have mental illness so and they've been on medication for the last 20 years. But what I do know is that they were highly, highly sensitive and really just couldn't function at the level of normalcy that maybe other people could. So I started to see it as like as a gift and something, that highly sensitive nature that was really passed down to me but how I could use it in a totally different way. So it's interesting sometimes to travel through our lineage and just and see where it's showing up.

Speaker 2:

So just to bring the probably really helps you to be sorry, probably really helps you to be as grounded as you are, so that you don't need to be, you know, in a frame of medication and all of those things, right, yeah, that's a good point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a very good point. Yes, yes, All right, so we did have a little bit of an audio interruption but we're back and so we left off with my final question to Shirley, which was around earth gritting, and I think I was kind of sharing a little bit about my curiosity around earth gritting, how it keeps showing up in my awareness and yet when I go to like kind of do the deep digging on the internet I can't really find much about it. I know I've seen some people doing it and I think that you know maybe what you have developed and anchored like on your land is it feels quite powerful and and quite, quite powerful and quite like there's such a strong foundation there with the earth gritting work. But for those of us who are like new to earth gritting and curious about it and I know you touched in a little bit with like the earth lay lines and what happens through the earth gritting process, Is there any anything else? You could go deeper with us around what earth gritting is.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I love that question.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for asking it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not really something you find out there. I think it's something that people train themselves in, and then you sit in containers and you learn from different people. Actually, you learn a lot from your guides, because I learned a lot from my guides in the earth-grading process. I guess there's two aspects to it. So if we're just talking in your piece of earth, where you are and where you live, and wanting to start to learn how to connect deeper to the earth in that space and learn how to connect to the grids that are in that space, then a great place to start is to set up your whole homestead, your garden, whatever that area of land is for you is to actually set it up like an earth temple. So you start to set up where you have a north-southeast, west and you almost set up like maybe a pile of stones or some kind of altar or something in those direct lines, with those directions, and you start to walk that grid. So you start to walk around it and it's like you're starting to set this boundary or this perimeter, where you're letting the earth energetics know that this area is now an earth temple for me. I'm starting to treat it like my temple. I'm walking around it, I'm honoring it, and you almost start to talk to the land in that space that you've demarcated.

Speaker 2:

And that's a way for you to start to learn what are the energies in that space, even to the degree of what are some of the soul energies that might be in the land in that space, that kind of want to come up and speak with you, or what energetic guardians, earth guardians, they are in the unseen realms that are connected to that space. And sometimes what you'll find also is that you, even if you sort of say, for example, you choose the direction of the south and you look to the south of your property, if you feel the energy of it, you can already see which is maybe a guardian. You know, maybe there's a lake, for example, like a body of water, or there's a mountain, or there's a tree, or there's something that's holding this strong earth energy presence. Those are the guardians that kind of start to show themselves and you can start to feel how, where you are, has this natural sense of earth guardians around you and you kind of calibrate to them, if that makes sense right.

Speaker 2:

That does to me I love it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Perfect. So that's how I started, and definitely feeling like this is my temple, and I used to walk the boundary of my temple every day for a long time, just walking around, and each time I'm calling to the guardians of the south, I'm calling to the guardians of the east, the north, the west, you know, honouring the directions outwardly. And so then I'm already starting to build almost like an energetic portal in my home space, where there's a boundary around this area that I'm almost taking custodianship of the earth that's inside of it, and what you will find is that energies that are then in and around will start to show themselves to you, and sometimes that's ancestral energy, you know, sometimes it's flower essence, or you know tree essence, or you know different beings, but it's almost like consciously building relationship with every conscious sentient being that's in that area, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it feels like I'm doing something very similar already with how I connect to the land and also I make a lot of tree and flower vibrational essences. I'm very aware of my helpers on the land. Yeah, I love this. But I love the way that you explained it and I love the layers that you brought in and I also really love I feel like we're custodians of the land. But what I really love is you speaking to like this is my temple, like the broader scope of the land and how it becomes a temple. I love that. Yeah, so there's definitely powerful pieces there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely.

Speaker 2:

And so then I would say what your next step is, because it's the lay line's open to you when you're stepping more into that priestess energy, right, so that's why that temple is important, and I know that you do that work in the Akashic realm, so that's very, very natural and normal for you.

Speaker 2:

So it's almost like those lay lines then actually hold temple space under the earth, and so you, what your next step would be, would be to find sacred sites that exist close to close to where you are, that have maybe been sites for indigenous tribes or you know, being places where offerings have been given and you know things like that that just seem evident of that, and then to actually go to those places and give those offerings. So what I did after I'd moved here was there's like there's six rivers that meet the ocean within you know, several kilometers of where I lived. So I went to each ocean mouth and I made an offering at each of them. I made an offering to the goddess, you know, and that was then started to open my understanding of what the broader lay lines were in the area, because when you make that offering, that's when the earth energy starts to show you in your dream time or just start. You know, the relationship builds, yeah, the relationship builds 100%. Oh yes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, yeah, that illuminated some clarity around that. Oh, I really deeply appreciate you sharing on that. Is there anything else before we close out? Do you want to close out so that we can keep our recording? Just make sure we got everything. But is there anything else, though, that you would just let anything that's on your heart or anything you want to speak to? It's a total open space for you to share. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I think the final thing that you know, this is a joke that I have with many people, but it's very real and serious for me is that I feel that, as new Earth guardians, we actually vote on the collective consciousness and collective choice points that are happening in our reality through our feet, right, and so that is standing on the Earth, connecting with the Earth, communicating with her, all the way down to our collective soul contract, which is really held in the center of the Earth. And so what I really would love for people to understand is that it's really important to connect your high soul vibration and to connect your high soul timeline and into the cosmos and these. That's fundamental. But for me, the biggest shift we can bring with the collective is if we're doing that same level of connection all the way down through our feet into the center of the Earth, because I believe that that's what really begins to shift the awakening that the awakening of the Earth great is so fundamental for the awakening of humanity.

Speaker 2:

You said like that, and so that's why that level of connection, it's deeper than just let me ground and let me be in nature. It's into this deep prayer, it's into this deep holding of your vision and dropping it deeply in the Earth, and I think that just gives you so much sense of pleasure and joy in your life. But it's also so much bigger than just us.

Speaker 1:

It's what guides the awakening and such yeah, it's more of an anchoring than a grounding, I think is what I thought. Oh, 100%, yeah, 100%.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Love it. Oh, it was such a pleasure and a joy and I just thank you for bringing all of your wisdom and experiences onto this call. Deeply grateful. And where can everyone find you? I'm definitely going to share links below in the show notes and all the good stuff, but if you want to direct anyone to a free gift or just anywhere, you'd have us find you.

Speaker 2:

Well, they can definitely find me on social media. I'm at Shirley Sol Alchemist on Instagram and I'm on Facebook as Shirley Lomayah. I have a beautiful group, a Facebook group, for Awakened Soul Leaders, so they'd be welcome to find me there, which is every Friday. I run a small, a short embodiment session where I actually do connect with Earth energies and I teach people some of these skills, just as a free Friday embodiment. So that would be definitely the best place to start and to connect in with me deeper, and I'll give you those links so that they're all available, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Okay, wonderful. Well, thank you again for joining us.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and thank you so much for having me. It's been wonderful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's great. Thank you. And to the naturally prosperous woman Facebook group you can head over there. I'd love to hear your thoughts, any of your takeaways, anything that Shirley inspired through her shares today. I would love to hear that too. Otherwise, have a beautiful day and I shall talk to you all very soon. Bye for now. Hello friend, Thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.