Naturally Prosperous Woman

Unleashing the Power of Creativity in Leadership and Life

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Episode 16

Are you ready to loosen the grip of control and let creativity lead the way to true authentic  leadership & liberated expression? 

Picture this: a canvas where mistakes are not just allowed but celebrated, and space for  your inner Shakti style to freely express. 

Weaving my personal narrative with practical insights, this episode unveils how the act of creation — from the stroke of a makeup brush to the swirl of a spatula — can transform not just your self-image but your approach to leadership. 

Embrace the rhythmic dance of coloring mandalas aligned with the lunar cycle, and watch as this seemingly simple activity connects you to a deeper intuition. 

Let the conversation inspire you to wield your creative spark across all facets of life, and step into an existence where presence and playfulness become your most trusted allies in personal and business endeavors. 

Join me for a journey where creativity is not a luxury, but a lifeline to authenticity and growth, while exploring inspiring ways to weave simple creative practices into your own life for more joy, flow and freedom!

Don't forget to ask me about the Letting Essence Lead: A Sacred Feminine Awakening Self Guided Journey ! One sale for $197 USD until the end of the month. 

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hi and welcome to a new episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and today we're diving into creative expression, authentic leadership, shifting past perfection and using creativity as a tool to find greater flow in your life. So this creativity piece is a piece that's near and dear to my heart.

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I studied with Laura Hollick, who is the creator, founder, of the soul art process, probably 10 years ago. I found her and fell in love with her process. I was coming from a background as a professional makeup artist who was a dabbling creative, so I still would refer to myself as more of a creative than maybe an artist, and I love the process of creativity and what it opens up for women and, truthfully, everyone is creative. I personally weave creativity into every faucet of my life and it is essentially a beautiful way to deepen into and to connect to the energy of the goddess. So I found Laura Hollick a decade ago. She introduced me to her body mapping method and that's such a beautiful creative journey where we creatively express through the landscape of the body as a way to connect to the body, and I fell in love. I ended up studying with her for many, many years through learning, through many of her methods and creative practices for grounding more of the soul into the body and as a way for the soul to more fully express in the physical world.

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But one of the things, the reasons that I love creativity, is because it can actually be quite simple and because it sometimes terrifies women to be creative, to actually put a crayon on a sheet of paper or to take a paintbrush and free flow paint, create and express. I love what it brings up for women because creativity is such a teacher, it's such a mirror to understanding where we get in our own way with creative flow. And so often I've had women over the years who you know, they fall into the perfectionist patterns, the people pleasing patterns. They don't. It feels hard, it doesn't feel like they've found their creative flow. And so creativity is a way to shift beyond that, to start to work with creative expression as a way to tap into flow, as a way to actually open up to more of would you believe it our authentic leadership, because our authentic leadership is natural, raw, free, flowing. It's expressive in that it is unique to who we are. And so, as we start to create and express and allow the creative energy to take hold, we start to trust the process, we start to allow it to lead, we start to move past caring what people think about our creative expression, we start to have fun, we start to play and we start to open to how creative energy and essentially the flow wants to open, to guide our creations, to guide our path, and it is unbelievably healing. And so I will give you a couple different ways. If this is like this creativity piece of you're listening to this and you're like I would love to move past perfectionism, I would love to move to open up to you know greater creativity. You know the ways that creativity plays out.

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For me is, you know, absolutely through free, flowing, creative, playful expression on the canvas. I love mucking around with paint, putting music on, moving, dancing. It really shakes and wakes up the creative energy and I can find a lot of flow in that that can guide my day, my launches, my program creation, all of it. But I also, you know, as a past makeup artist, part of the reason I loved makeup was because of the creative expression, right, and actually my style of makeup was very natural, like, very, it was the no makeup makeup look. I just love the act of playing with soft colors and bringing out our sacred feminine essence. And it could actually be a very empowering space for women to light a candle and to bring love to themselves and to nurture and nourish, just like touching their skin and playing with soft colors right To like emphasize our natural beauty. So still to this day, I love, you know, creative expression through that faucet, for sure, and also through nourishment through food.

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I, you know, right now, I'm a budding. I'm a budding holistic nutritionist and I just have a passion for food in that it can be so nourishing through just the colors and the textures right, just like falling in love with the bounty of the goddess as food, right, like all of the all of what Mother Earth supplies us with and the beauty of all of that and the colors and the tastes and the textures and how we get to create through the art of food preparation and cooking, and that it gets to be fun and experimental. For me it's like quite intuitive and I just really enjoy the whole process. So that's one aspect that I allow creativity to really take up spaces in the in the kitchen. And then the other place that I love letting creativity through is what I wear, is through what I wear, and it's very common when I'm working with women, you know to do this journey of like opening them up to more and more of their creative expression.

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And then you start to see that expression come through in their wardrobe. Things soften, they relax, they play with color. It's like their, their Shakti style, right Like it's like the goddess really shows up in that space of playfulness and of expression through the unique way that we're meant to create and express, and so our wardrobe can be another really fun, playful avenue for our creative expression. So when we're dealing with, you know feeling stuck and when we're dealing with perfection, right, it often means that on some level our creative energy is stifled. Creative energy, in essence, is really kind of follows the same vibration as playfulness, as fun, as joy, as ease, right and so creativity gives us a very hands on way of opening up to that energy and then bringing through balance in our system, right, so that we can find a different way to create, to lead to manifest that feels really a lot more natural and intrinsic to the way that we as divine beings in this human body are meant to create. So that's my invitation today is to playfully open to the possibilities of more creativity in your life.

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So, whether it's through wardrobe, whether it's through makeup, you know, for myself, I love, like we're right on the spring, of moving into the spring equinox March 21st and, by the way, if this is speaking to you, I've got a really beautiful program called Letting Essence Lead and it's on sale right now until the end of the month for 197 USD, and it really is kind of like this opening to the energy of the goddess to reinvent our life more fully into the sacred expression of who we're born to be as women at this point in our evolution and the seasons in the cycles really guide us and hold us through that evolution. So when we can harness the power of the current that naturally flows through the seasons of the end cycles, it supports our evolution. It can really hold us. I'll put the link for the program down below, but if this speaks to you and you want to learn more, definitely Tara at TaraPrestoncom and I can shoot the PDF over. Actually, I don't have a landing page for this so you would have to email me, but the program itself is gorgeous, so anyways.

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So whether creativity through makeup oh and this is what I was going to say is, I just recently kind of took myself through this whole like creative, like reinvention, like really using the creativity and the goddess energy to nourish me and to move me into my next expression, and so one of the things that I did was a makeup bag detox, and we always we need to be able to let go of the old to create space for the new and the upgraded. So I went through my makeup bag and got rid of everything that was kind of like old, outdated, you know, just didn't spark joy really when I was like looking at like the colors or the lip gloss or whatever it was. And then I took a couple Sephora trips and upgraded my makeup bag and it brought so much freshness and vitality. And I don't wear a lot of makeup, but the pieces that I do have, you know, I got some really beautiful like a soft, like a baby pink eyeshadow, and I got some really pretty cream peach blushes and some really soft like lip glosses, a brand new natural mascara, and updated my foundation with a mineral foundation that just is so glowy and it really reinvigorated my morning routine and became a place of sacredness and self care as a touch point right in the morning, and I had kind of gotten away from that. But these are important pieces, you know, when we're coming into deep and sacred relationship with ourselves, you know, these little touch points of how we nourish and nurture ourselves becomes very important. So, whether it's through makeup, whether it's through maybe, you know, you take yourself on an intuitive shopping date and you get into the energy of play and flow and fun and dream into something, a color, a texture or something, right. That would really move you into that playful expression, right, that just uplifts you, that just makes you feel a little bit more free and you let yourself, you know, try on different colors and try on different types of clothes until something feels fun and feels good. So or maybe it's, you know, playing with the food, playing, going shopping and really experimenting with a different type of recipe or more color through the different variety of, like peppers, right, maybe you just want to play around with that color, texture, all of these things. It's so nourishing to our soul, so nourishing to our soul. So that's my invitation. I'm also going to introduce you to a morning creative meditation practice as an easy way to start to sink into that connection to creativity.

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But I want to share a little bit about something that I've noticed with clients in the past when they start to open up to creativity, so again, everyone is creative. But we have these blocks, oftentimes from childhood right, where maybe we created something and we showed a teacher or a parent and they're like uh-huh, yeah, and we were really excited about it, but the feedback that we got wasn't very validating. So, you know, we can end up shutting off our belief in the beauty of our creative expressions. So or maybe we just it was never nurtured, it was a never a nurtured piece, and so we just really have no idea like how to creatively express that can happen too. So there's something that happens and one thing that I've been introducing again to my clients and was actually a kind of a simple piece that I started to introduce to myself for myself as well.

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When I was moving through my motherhood initiation, I didn't have a lot of time for art or creativity, but I started coloring mandalas and I printed off a whole bunch on the computer and I went and got crayons or pencil crayons or what probably would have been pencil crayons, and I would on the new moon and then on the full moon, because at that time I was still finding my way with different centering practices. But I would use the full moon and the new moon as touch points. I was starting to work with the lunar cycles for more nourishment and sustainability and self-connection, which is often a piece that I'm working with my clients on, and so I would just light a candle, I would say a little prayer, I would gather up all my pencil crayons and I would just spend that time in devotion to coloring and to enjoying the space of presence, to enjoying the soft pencil strokes, to enjoying the color, just letting it kind of center me and delight me. But it also became a very centering practice in that when I would do this practice I would all of a sudden have different insights and ah-has and magic would kind of like open up in that space. Because there's something that happens when we start to tap into creativity it actually shifts us from more of the right brain mode, right, the linear mind that often is a lot more focused on like details, outcome, strategy, right, a lot of like where the control or perfectionism mechanisms can come from, and it actually starts to switch us over into more of the left brain and it begins to open the channel to our higher self without the mental chatter of the mind. So it's easier for us to access our intuition. It feels almost like I'm on the.

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I've created a divine feminine coloring book In the fall, actually, and it's just been sitting there and sitting there. It's so funny. I've been talking more and more about, like, creativity and art again and I've been telling clients to start a coloring practice because it's so simple and your creativity can grow from there. And this coloring book it just seems to keep popping up. So keep your eye out for that. It's so beautiful and yeah, and so this act of creativity for those that feel like creativity is inaccessible going and purchasing a Mandela coloring book or downloading some Mandela's or drawing your own Mandela, right, but it's as simple as lighting a candle, bringing color in and presencing ourselves, and that can be hard to do for some people. To just be in a space of presence, right, we all we hear so much about trauma, right, and not having or feeling safe to just relax into the body. And, granted, this is not going to fix all of our trauma patterns and triggers and discomfort when it comes to looking at ways to be more present, but it can be a really powerful tool for it, and it was for me. It became kind of an initial touch point of learning to claim sacred space for myself, of learning to connect in, of learning to just be present and to be sorry, be present and to enjoy it, so that in and of itself, is a really beautiful practice.

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I want to talk a little bit about free flowing creative expression, and this becomes a little bit more like daunting sometimes for people who, you know, maybe feel like they need more of like a coloring book or more of like a step by step process to guide you, and that is totally okay If that's like where you're at and that's what works, beautiful. The only way that we can start to tap into great, greater creativity is going to nourish our life and our experience in big, big ways. You know, especially if you're somebody who is trying to figure out content for your business, right, it's like you just can't seem to access that inspiration or like that flow of ideas. Tapping into the goddess energy, tapping into the creativity energy starts to open all of that up and we start to find greater flow and ease and how we create right and how we lead. So I do want to talk about free flowing creative expression, because it is my favorite and because I've seen working with women how terrifying it could be.

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And, granted, I understand that there's something about free flowing creativity or even, you know, just guiding a creative process where we're really just keeping it super simple, letting the inner child kind of like express. Maybe it's even just like, you know, stickman or a flower. We're getting pretty basic in the creative expression and that's okay, because creative expression is creative expression, it's communication between you and the soul and it just allows for a way for us to start to understand how creativity wants to work through us, speak to us and how it can help us heal and awaken different aspects of our life. So, whatever it is, I understand that sometimes it's terrifying and there's a part of us where we're expressing and the fear comes from not getting it right Fear of judgment, fear of imperfection, fear of being messy, right and like.

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Messy is like a piece that I'm often working with women on, because creative expression has taught me that it is okay to be messy, but messy lets us let loose. Messy lets us make mistakes. Messy lets us trial and error. Messy is freedom, right, like and it messy, often like, just let's the wild expression that wants to flow through us, to flow in a very, very free, flowing, non-judge, judgmental way, where we're letting go of our inhibitions, so can be so powerful and what we learn about our expression through that process is powerful.

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So in the initial stages, when we're working with creativity, you know we might find that we bump up against, you know, not loving the art or having to like work on it until it feels perfect, but then it's not perfect and it's just. We push it away and we don't have anything to do with it and we get frustrated. But the thing the key is is to let the art be the teacher, let the creative expression be the teacher. Right, it's like, why, what about it is making you frustrated? Where can you shift the perception right from having to need it, look a certain way to loving it for what it is? Right, like that, that is the key. And it's tricky.

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But for loving it for what it is, how can you let the process of creativity be the teacher? Where did you get stuck? Right, where in the process where you finding more joy? Right, what? What? More joy? More flow, more ease, right, what? What was it about? That's that time in that space, in the creative process, that actually opened up more space for that? Right, and it starts to teach you and show you that. Yeah, so when you go to your business or you go to create a program, where you go to create or you go to create, you know content.

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Right, it's like what did you learn about the creative process that you can now weave into other aspects where you're creating, so that the perfectionism and the gripping and the controlling can kind of ease up and you can find more joy and flow through the process. Right, you're going to find your best, most authentic work when you can get out of your own way and let the flow Kind of lead and where you can create an express in a really uninhabited way. There's always space to refine our creations, but the authentic transmission comes through when we can do it from an uninhabited, uninhibited place and there's an, there's an art to that. And it takes time to build that muscle and it takes time to open to how creative energy wants to move through us and how to trust that process and how to not judge ourselves through that process, how to love ourselves through that process, how to really start to see the beauty in our raw expression. Right, that, and that's where we start to really tap into our authentic leadership, like where we can just let what wants to come through, come through without a filter, right as the unique transmission of who we are. So art can teach us so much, creative expression can teach us so much, and we can take it small and we can take it step by step and we can look for ways to integrate more creativity into our lives through different aspects.

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Right, and every person is creative. It's, it's creative energy, it's what we're born. To do is to create and to fill the joy Of creative expression. Yes, to feel the joy of creative expression. It's just not typically something that's nurtured or has been nurtured through us in as children, and so part of you know sometimes what we're healing to through creative expression is the inner child right, where the inner child wants to create and express part of it right. Especially if we didn't have that nurtured within us as children and where we can listen, for where there may be shame right, or where there may be apprehension right, or where there may be fear of judgment, we can listen and then we can remember well, where did I as a child experience this right and where can we go back along that timeline and change the narrative by bringing new language, new self-talk. Right Of encouragement, support right.

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The thing that stops so many women from leading powerfully beyond the edge of where they are, where they can carve their own unique path, is trusting their uniqueness. Trusting that it's okay to put yourself out there in new and different ways, trusting that it's okay to make a mistake, whatever a mistake is, because it's all just feedback, right, trial and error. There's so many times where in the creative process it's like I'm trying a little, maybe I'll try a bit of that color, maybe I'll try a little bit of that color. Oh, I don't like that color. Okay, I'm going to paint over that, right. That's the same in essence, the same energy and invitation that creativity like raw, like creativity, just tapping into the naturalness of our creativity offers us. It gives us a playground, a space to start to open up to our own unique expression, the way the energy wants to move through us, and then how that starts to translate to how we create our lives. So oftentimes women start to find this like flow, this ebb and this flow. They start to open up to more of their creativity.

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I always give like a lot of creative assignments with my clients, and so you can see the energy start to open up and it starts to touch in and nourish and nurture other parts of their life. And then there can be stuck points. I think it usually falls in around like controlling the outcome. Controlling the outcome, not trusting, not allowing, and so we have to, and part of this is coming into a new internal space of harmony, right, it's like where those old patterns maybe worked at one point, but where there's a new muscle, a new energy that wants to lead, and so we look at like untangling. You know why is there a need for control? Why is there a need to suppress the creative energy? Where is that coming from? What's the fear and where can we build trust in how the creative energy wants to open to support you, right?

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So I think most women really want, like, greater flow. They want to shift past perfectionism because, while it can serve us aesthetically and it can absolutely serve different aspects of our business it can also be very limiting. Right, we're meant to have a certain level of vitality, of joy, of nourishment. Right, creativity is very nourishing. Right, we're meant to be able to feel the ease and the joy of the creative energy pulsing through us, guiding our path, our authentic leadership, right, and our soulful evolution. So, if this is you, if you're ready to shift past, you know perfectionism, you know controlling the details, feeling that sense of like stifled energy. I hear you.

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I've been working with women for over a decade. I know that this is a common piece. It can show up. It could show up in the way of what we wear. It can show up with how we you know even how we cook. Right, it's just finding a more relaxed state and space with our creative expression, in a way where we get to take up space with it, without the fear of judgment or without feeling like we have to grasp or control the way that energy wants to move through us. And I'm sure, to a degree, I still have little pieces like that that show up, although I do feel like this is a superpower for me for sure. So if you love this, I'd love to hear from you. Pop over to the naturally prosperous woman Facebook group. Send me an email and my invitation is to look at how to get started with creativity. Maybe, again, it's just getting a coloring book, maybe it's, you know, playing around with your makeup a little bit more, updating your wardrobe.

Speaker 1:

I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you love this as well, ask me about the Letting Essence Lead Program, on sale for $97 USD until the end of the month, and I will talk to you very soon. Bye for now, hello friend. Thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free, dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.