Naturally Prosperous Woman

Desire Led Feminine Leadership & Money As A Sacred Ally

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 3 Episode 15

In this episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman Podcast, I dive into money illusions (and limitations) that cloud our wealth creation, and disconnect us from our ability to powerfully create life on our terms.

Join me, Tara Preston, this week as I guide you to harness your deepest desires, not only as a source of devotion to yourself,  but as a compass that guides you toward your soulful feminine expansion, embodiment, full self expression, AND financial empowerment.

Every woman deserves to feel liberated in how she get's to partner  with MONEY for soul path. 

Money should be a sacred ally, for your deepest desires. Too many women, feel like a servant to money when REALLY money is meant to SERVE our sacred feminine desires, needs, & vision. 

Too many women WAIT to claim their higher vision, deepest desires, needs & wants.  

They wait for permission. 

They wait for the money. 

They wait for their deeper desires to work for others. 

When the TRUTH IS, we are meant to LEAD from the level of our desires, and MONEY is meant to follow. 

What often happens is there is then a disconnect between a woman's  deeper desires and how money get's serve and support her soulful. feminine  freedom.

Holy sacred woman, you were BORN to powerfully create life on your terms.

The thing is, we have to go first. 

This requires a NEW upgraded relationship to MONEY (as well as the masculine).

In this episode, I share my personal breakthroughs in surpassing income thresholds that once felt unattainable by allow my DESIRE to lead.

Unlock the symbiotic relationship with money as an ally, setting in motion the forces that attract wealth and resources- to support your highest path, purpose & evolution.

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Tara Preston:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast.

Tara Preston:

I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in.

Tara Preston:

Welcome to another episode of the Naturally Prosperous Women. I am your host, tara Preston, and today I am talking about leading from desire. As powerful, creative women, we absolutely have so much magic and creative possibility when we're able to clarify what the deeper desires are. The thing is is that a lot of women I've seen over the last decade they can get really stuck on what their desires are and the limitations around, believing that money is actually there to serve and support their deeper desires as a sacred woman. So maybe this is you right and this is still, to this day, very much about the work that I'm doing is holding that deep space for women to step into their creative sexual power. Right Our ability to lead our lives on our terms and where we often get stuck, where we often feel limitation, where we often feel scarcity right, which is inevitably all part of the illusion because we are divine beings. Right, we are divine beings. We're gifted with an ability to co-create with the divine as divine beings. Right, and so, when we can come back to that deeper truth, when we can recalibrate to that and then realize that money is a resource, money is a supply, money is the provision from the divine to carry out the vision that we have for our lives right, and so, internally, at a foundation level, it becomes really important to clarify what. This is right, and this is, like, one of the key components of stepping into our feminine leadership. It doesn't matter if you are a mom, it doesn't matter if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, it does not matter.

Tara Preston:

Feminine leadership, like, really requires the space to be, to dream, to clarify internally what we really really want and who we're being called to be, because that is the internal energetic alignment piece. What happens, though, is that we can feel, really, we can have the brain override that right, and the brain kind of fall into like going, pushing, doing and like attachment to what it thinks that it wants, or attachment to what it thinks that it wants for safety or security or survival, and then we disconnect from a true deeper superpower. So that's my message today and it's one of my favorite pieces, and it really works like magic, right, when you can sink into this and when you can and there's a few there are a few magical ingredients. So I want to talk a little bit about that. This is truly a muscle that you start to develop when we really realize that we have so much divine and primal power, right, and how to access it and how to trust it to lead. That can be a big part of where sometimes we hold ourselves back. But to come back to this place of you know, dropping in, just taking a moment to drop in with me, and this is something you know it's kind of beautiful.

Tara Preston:

We're in this space of c time during the January months here in Canada. It's, you know, the dark half of the year. So it is all about, like you know, feeling into what the vision is for the next cycle around the wheel of the year. What do I desire? Desire is like the spark of, like creational energy, but desire alone won't do it. But we do have to take the time to feel into, to dream into what it is that you desire. Desire is the voice of the soul, it's our essence, calling us into a new experience of ourselves so that our divinity can learn and grow and have the experiences here in the physical world that it really really wants.

Tara Preston:

That was a key piece for me that I really had to get when I was pushing up against some income thresholds and then also really having a deeper vision for my life and knowing that more resources, more money, was going to have to come into play for me to be able to expand into that. And so, while it was about the money, it wasn't about the money and it was kind of a key piece, a key foundation piece on my journey. And I talk about foundation a lot. So, really, truly, when we're talking about you know, desires and leading from a place of desire and having money meet us at the level of our desires, we need to know what that looks like, right, we need to know what that looks like. And so it's not necessarily just you know having money meet us at the level of our desires, but also you know what our vision for our life is.

Tara Preston:

When we start to drop into this piece of like, our true, authentic vision for our lives, it really is like the scope of like the dream that you have for your life. You know, for me it was. You know, I really wanted like a lot of freedom and space. I wanted to be in the country I love, having like a lot of resources to expand my own path for travel, right, we're kind of expanding on our 14 acres of land. So for me that was like my authentic vision Right, and that's the key.

Tara Preston:

One of the key pieces is understanding what your authentic vision is, what your authentic idea of success is. Right, because that's where money is going to meet you, that's where provision is going to meet you, the deeper truth of who you're being called to be. I apologize, I've got a brand new phone here and I don't know some of the notifications I still need to turn off, so hopefully that won't bother us again. So, clarifying your unique vision and this is something that sometimes we have to spend some time with, mulling it over, moving through the layers, really kind of like exploring what our authentic vision is. And we only have to have a loose authentic vision.

Tara Preston:

Right, because we're co-creating the desires of the soul, the yearning, the wants, like that's the clue, like that's our soul pointing us in the right direction. So when we co-create, we're co-creating with the divine and we need to leave a little bit of room for the divine to work the magic right Through the fibers of the manifestation process, because ultimately, there can be things that are meant for us that are so much bigger than the framework that we have accessible to us, but leading our lives from that place of desire and having money meet us in that place. Again, we're looking for clues. We're looking for, like, the energetic language of the soul to begin to point us in the right direction. So it's definitely spending some time with that and the key is authentic because it's our divinity speaking to us through the vision that we have for our lives, right, and anytime we have a deeper dream, deeper desires, right. None of that is meant to be withheld from us. None of it. It is there for a reason, right, it is our divinity speaking. It is meant for us.

Tara Preston:

So we have to sometimes come back to and remember the power of our divine nature, the power of our primal nature. Those are often like two pieces that I talk about a lot. That I'm often helping women with in the scope of my work is that is that marriage between the two, so we can lock into very, very powerful components in our channel, and how we get to create lead, flow and flourish in the new paradigm. So the other place that we want to look at is our vision, our desires, right. What do you desire and when we're starting to tap into desire to like this? You know the. When we're tapping into the realm of the feminine, it's very often around like deeper intimacy, more pleasure, more nourishment, more connection, more spaciousness, more room for community creativity, right, like that's like so beautiful and you want to give yourself full permission to acknowledge, like what it is that you desire, right, and really start to like again, marinate in that like, follow the energy of, like that creative spark that dwells within.

Tara Preston:

We also want to look at what our needs are Right. Needs are like a big piece for women and without identifying what our needs are and claiming our needs, it's really hard for money to meet us at the level of our needs. And we want money to meet us at the level of our needs so that we can build our capacity Right, so that we're not just like scrumping by or we're only allowing enough. We want money to meet us at the level of our needs are. Needs are super important and a lot of us haven't been taught To identify our needs, to claim our needs and to advocate for our needs.

Tara Preston:

I saw this really come into play with like Massages, like on my entrepreneurial path, believe it or not, but it was really like I was, you know, working with a money coach. This was many years ago and she's like, well, what do you need? I was like, well, I need a haircut and I need a massages. I'm on my computer all the time. At that time I was and my shoulders were, you know, sore. So she's like, okay, claim that. So here's one of the magical ingredients that I'm gonna get to right. So claim that, claim that and like, command that money. Meet you in that place.

Tara Preston:

So many women are still working in that paradigm of being a servant to money, right, and then, and then what is really entangled in that is like, often like little girl kind of like servant patterns, right, and so the paradigm that we're really switching up around, that is that we get to command how many serves and support us. Serves and supports us as a partner, as an ally, right, so that we can take charge of our lives and start to move our lives in the direction of where we desire to go. And then we don't feel limited, okay, so I'm gonna keep talking. There's some, I think, really juicy pieces here. Come on over to the Facebook group. I actually am changing the name of the Facebook group from evolutionary woman leader to the naturally prosperous woman on Facebook, so I'll be changing the the link and also I'll place it below. But come on over, share, share with this is sparked for you. Share any any little nuggets? I would absolutely love to hear so. And then you know.

Tara Preston:

Finally, like wants, which are are subtly different from desires. Wants are, like sometimes simple in nature, could just be, like you know, wanting more time for fun, right. Like I just really want more time for fun. I just really want like for me. I want was having like a personal pleasure day. I really wanted a person, I really wanted some space that was like just dedicated to me, right. Like I want can be something simple, like I'd really just like to be able to like get out and go for like desserts on Sunday with, like my partner. I just want that. It's just. It's fun, it lights me up, it brings me joy, right.

Tara Preston:

And so money is meant to meet us in all of these different aspects. But what often happens is we look at the money that we have available to us and then we decide what we can and can have access to, and then we were living from a cup that is half full. We aren't living from that place of like that deep well of nourishment, and there is an art to this, there's an art to this and it's kind of like and the art really comes from again Identifying the vision, desires, needs, wants right, getting the inner alignment pieces, realizing that God wants to provide for us source. There is a source, there is a supply, there's the circulation of divine abundance on the planet, right, that wants to meet us in this place and we need to be able to take responsibility for our lives, to step into our power, both divine power, personal power, primal power, which primal power is really just like understanding who we are as creative sexual beings. Divine power is our ability to choose, sorry. Personal power is our ability to choose right, to dictate how we get to move our lives forward. And divine, divine power is remembering who we are as divine beings and how powerful we are in our ability to manifest Right. So we've got all these access portals to different aspects of our power and that, and it's enormous, it is enormous. You are a powerful woman. You are a powerful woman, right, and this is this is it's pivotal.

Tara Preston:

When I'm talking about you know where we sometimes feel really limited by money, or we're chasing money or there's like not enough money and how we are often not used to being able to command money into our experience, right, and we're often working out of more of the servant patterns, the little girl patterns, and how we have to really come into, like our throne power, right, how can we command money to meet us in a place of what we need, want, desire and what the vision is for our life? But I want to back it up a little bit. I want to back it up a little bit. I was talking about. You know what it means to like, claim, claim our needs, wants and desires.

Tara Preston:

So what can often happen is women will wait for permission to have what they need, want, desire, right, the vision for their lives. I've seen this happen a lot because we're on earthing a deeper truth for who we are and the experience that we want in our lives, and that's what we're doing. I can initiate a lot of change, sometimes settle, sometimes a lot right, and so inevitably, when we do that will start to, will start to influence the environment around us and also, when we identify what we want, it can bring a lot of clarity to what we don't want, right, and so we have to be able to acknowledge what we don't want and then be able to close that out right, and sometimes that's more through conversations or more just through boundaries, because we're really we're making space for what we need, want, desire and the vision for our lives, and this is it's a journey. It's a journey, so I want to bring it back to the magical ingredients and this muscle of like working our creative power and having money work for us, partner with us, having money be an ally, right so that we can essentially deepen into the sacred relationship with ourselves, and money so that we can live life on our terms, right as sacred women, as sacred women, as divine beings. This is a true power.

Tara Preston:

The magical ingredient is that we have to stop waiting for permission and we have to claim very powerfully these deeper aspects of who we are. No waiting for permission, and that's like that's like an age old, like condition thing for the feminine. No waiting for permission. I want, this is mine, I deserve, I am worthy, right, and we claim it. So that's the spark. There's like a spark.

Tara Preston:

So there's the feeling in and marinating in the vision and the desires and we're just really like allowing ourselves to open up to it and enjoy that process. It's kind of like it's like a little internal divine dance. There comes a time and you can take your time with that and get to know those parts of yourself, right, that's between you, your essence, and the divine. But there comes a point where we need to claim it all, claim it all, right, and then the spark happens. There's like this, the spark. It's like the egg in the sperm, the spark.

Tara Preston:

And then we put the creative energy into motion. Right, we put the creative energy into motion. As above, so below, as within, so without. We put the creative energy into motion. Egg in the sperm are our creative sexual energy can start to move in the direction of the spirit. We can start to move in the direction of what we want to create. So then we start to move from a space of greater ease. Right, we don't have to, we don't have to micromanage the process. We can start to trust how the creative energy wants to.

Tara Preston:

We're also working with the divine, right, we're working with the divine, the higher, holy, masculine, and then we're locking it in with the desires of our feminine soul, as above, so below, is within, so without. So we lock it in and we powerfully say yes to the deeper longings that we have for our life Right, and this is where we start to execute our creative power and where money and provision can start to show up on our behalf, where money and provision can start to show up on our on our behalf. So it's like we go first and then money follows. Because we are powerful creative beings, we aren't limited by the 3D scope of what we see. We just buy into the illusion of that. And I'm definitely not talking about being irresponsible with, like investments or money at all. I am talking about really understanding the immense power that you have to have to create from a deeper place, from a deeper power muscle, and to really have the resources, the people, the opportunities begin to meet you in that place, and they will, because there's a creative energy put into motion, the spark, right, the spark comes into play.

Tara Preston:

So, whatever it is that you're, wherever it is that you're at in this journey, maybe you need to take some time to clarify what that is right, but really deep in and really dig in. For some women, this is a brand new concept, right? Or maybe we've just become a little disconnected, so we need to make our way back to it. For others. You have the clarity Now. You need to give yourself permission and you just need to claim it right and to realize, too, that your truth, your desires, your wants are really a gift. They are for the highest good of all.

Tara Preston:

When you honor your divinity, when you honor your truth, even if it feels like it doesn't work for someone else, or you're going to need to take up more space, or you're going to need to say no to that so that you can say yes to the things that you deeply, deeply desire, and maybe there's a little bit of upheaval or someone gets triggered by this new way of showing up or the new boundary or what it is that you really want, it's still for the highest good of all, because when you honor your deeper soul, truth, right how could it be wrong? Oftentimes, when it's triggering other people, it's really just allowing them to see what wasn't working for them in the dynamic too, and then there's a healing there and there's a clarity there and they get to understand something that may not been available for them either. So trust in the process, trust in the journey, trust in your vision and your desires to lead. It will not lead you astray. It is the most potent thing that you can do for yourself as a sacred woman who desires to break free in her life. Right, and again, it does not matter who you are or what path you're following in this life. These are very foundation principles.

Tara Preston:

So, as you claim this for yourself, as you claim the higher vision, the desires, the wants, the needs, right, that's where the magic is. And then we command the money to show up for us. So it's like we have to rise in our power, stepping away from, like the servant girl patterns and into our power. And then it is the way opens. Right, the way opens. Things start pulling to us, but we also have to step into our power. Right, and it is a it's, it's where's the inspired action.

Tara Preston:

What is the most powerful thing that I can do from here to meet the energy of creative possibility? Right, and sometimes and often that'll take us out of our comfort zone. Right, because when we say yes to our higher vision and our desires, our divinity is meant to expand us, to grow us, to bring us into a new, embodied version of the truth of who we are. So there's often there's like an alchemy, there's like a transformational journey, and this is where the Akashic records are so brilliant and also how I space, hold also the energetics of how I space hold and guide through that process of recalibrating to more of your power and more of that woman that you are becoming. Because we're also ultimately building capacity for the higher vision right For for us showing up more powerfully, commanding money, building a new relationship with money and how money gets to serve and support us, and also building our capacity for holding more, holding more resources, holding more money, holding a bigger vision right.

Tara Preston:

There's a real alchemy, but the first step, especially if you're feeling stuck right Is really identify what you want, what your desires are, what your vision is, and then claim it and look for how things start to open, how things start to flow right. When we disconnect from our creative power, when we start to go into stagnation or we feel stuck or we're waiting for permission or we're in that place of should I right we get all wishy washy. That's not the power that we want to lead our lives from and you know, to be fair, we can have all kinds of reasons why showing up, you know, and accessing deeper levels of truth and then stepping into our power can be really scary. Absolutely, I've definitely been there. It's a lot of the work that I help powerful women do so. You know identifying. If there is fear, resistance to claiming this for yourself, then you know identify and move through those layers Like what am I really afraid of? Right, where can I, where can I support myself through this Right? What do I need to know? Who do you need to reach out for support to? Well, thank you so much for joining me.

Tara Preston:

If this is, if you're loving what I'm sharing with you here today, the Feminine Prosperity New Moon Portal might be for you. It's once a month group gatherings, all held in the Akashic Records, with group Akashic Record Clearing, and it's all really about coming into this new sacred relationship with ourselves with money, the union templates, dropping into our primal and divine power what it means to show up visibly, powerfully and to manifest our vision from, from our feminine leadership. I'll leave the link below. If you're interested in booking a private session, you can email me, tara, at TaraPrestoncom. I'm sending you so much love and I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.

Tara Preston:

Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to theakashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant, womb Awakening and Clearing morning practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.