Naturally Prosperous Woman

A Multi-Dimensional Exploration Of The Mother Wound

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 3 Episode 14

Join myself, & Hannah Stinson, Soul Doula & Akashic Guide, this week on the podcast as we explore the essence of the Mother Wound, and the deep layers of impact it has, as well as the multi-timeline healing that is available through the Akashic Records to support the process of empowerment.

We also, co-create a channeled Akashic Field guided journey for you to experience. It wove layers of activation, symbolism, and transmission for you the listener to receive your own healing.

On this week's podcast we also discuss the historical and patriarchal webs intertwined with the mother wound, revealing how ancestral patterns and suppressed feminine energies have contributed to a collective pain body.

 Our guided  Akashic journey serves as an open invitation, extending a hand to you, the listener, to step into a sacred space of shared examination of what the Mother Wound mean to you. This episode isn't just a listening experience; it's an interactive healing voyage for the inner child and an introduction to the profound safety and empowerment found within the Akashic records.

As we draw the episode to a close, prepare to tap into symbols of vitality and rootedness that speak to our ability to sustain life's essence, and to learn to receive the love of the Divine Mother.

This important conversation with Hannah uncovers what it means to break free from cycles of scarcity and unworthiness by healing the Mother Wound.  This is more than an episode; it's inspiration and  an invitation to new beginnings, while growing your own toolkit for your personal sacred, sovereign path.

Join us and discover how to harness the compassionate, sustaining energy of the Divine Mother, allowing you to come home  to yourself, and your true nature.

Learn more about Hannah's upcoming 5 Week Akashic Program by clicking here:

Link to learn about the Flower Of Life Akashic Certification below! Opening Ceremony Feb 1!

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be.

Speaker 3:

Thanks so much for being here, let's dive in. Hello and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, creator of the Flower of Life Akashic Healing Method, mentor and transformational guide for emerging new paradigm feminine leaders, and today I'm bringing you a very special podcast. This was actually recorded earlier this week with a past client, past student, who has really emerged in her leadership so beautifully and honestly. I feel like I have nothing to do with that and just really honored that. I got to witness the growth that happened as she anchored into her leadership in such a bold and powerful way, and so we felt it to be a timely conversation to dive into the mother wound and really deepen into this conversation in a way where we're sharing and reflecting on our own journey, but also what it has meant, through our unique lens, through our unique experience, to uncover and discover the framework and the depth that the mother wound really, truly impacts us. So I hope that there are some pieces in here that resonate, that spark something, that bring healing, that bring insight for you as well. At the end of our conversation today, we both share ways to take the work deeper, but before we even do that, we both deepen into the Akashic field and take you on a shamanic Akashic mother wound healing journey that really truly just came out so beautifully. It was just again so honored and the layers and the way that we got to weave together was truly really so powerful. And so, again, this is that invitation to sink in, to receive, to just let the transmission touch you where it needs to, to open what it needs to, to really deepen into your own framework of what the mother wound is. And if you're desiring a container to go deeper, hannah shares a beautiful way to go deeper. In her Akashic program that she has coming up, she weaves in her unique medicine. Obviously she's got a really beautiful background in trauma awareness and integrating tools and, being a person of color, she's really bringing a lot of integrity to her understanding and her teachings around the chakra system and she just has so much to offer and so I hope, if this speaks to you, you will follow the nudge to check out her body of work At the end. I also share that.

Speaker 3:

The Flower of Life, akashic certification the opening ceremony is on February 1st and ways to go deeper if you prefer that type of a pathway. So yeah, so please reach out to either of us. I am going to provide Hannah's social media links below. Of course, you can always reach me at tearatteraprestoncom if you want to learn more. I think the Flower of Life Akashic certification is. I'll post that the link below as well. And otherwise, I hope that your New Year's is off to a beautiful, spacious time to deepen into time, to integrate time, to open to the energies of 2024 in a way that feel really deep and intentional for you.

Speaker 3:

I hope you enjoy today's podcast, as always. Join me in the Facebook group. I'd love to hear your comments, insights and inspirations that have come from today, or email me. I'd love to hear from you. All right, without further ado, here is the recording of this week's interview. Welcome.

Speaker 3:

I haven't been live in the Facebook group for a little while, so I'm super excited to drop in and to talk about a topic that's near and dear to my heart.

Speaker 3:

And, of course, I have brought Hannah and I'm going to let Hannah introduce herself in just a moment.

Speaker 3:

But she has explored the mother wound in depth and so I'm excited to drop in.

Speaker 3:

We want to kind of share our you know from both of our perspectives what the mother wound is and how it's impacted our own journey. It's a really, really important topic. And then we would love to open up to the Akashic field with the Flower of Life, akashic Healing Method, and we're going to take turns guiding a healing journey in the Akashic field, and so I've never actually done this before with and co-created in the field. So this feels really exciting for me and I'm just really happy and excited to dive in. So if you're catching us live and if you're catching the replay, just you know, say hello and then if there's just anything that sparks for you, any nuggets from your own journey, anything you'd like to contribute, please drop it in the comments. I might not see it now because sometimes they're slow to load, but I will definitely circle back and I would love to hear from you. So, without further ado, I'm going to give Hannah Stinson some room to introduce herself and then we shall dive in. So welcome Hannah.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, tara. I'm so excited to be here and just very, very excited to channel together and share my perspective on the mother wound. But before I dive in, for those of you who don't know me, I am Hannah, michelle or Hannah Stinson, and I am the CEO and founder of Healing with Hannah. I work with individuals from all walks of life, all ages, all genders. However you express yourself, you are welcome in my community and I really support people in coming back to their innate magic through healing their childhood trauma, past life, karmic tendencies, their ancestral lineage.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of the work is weaving in the healing of the mother wound and coming back to a place of empowerment and feeling like we can really manifest the life of our desires. Because we have befriended our shadows. We are loving the parts of ourselves that we have shamed for most of our life. So I love chatting with people about where they're at and their journey on the mother wound. So, yes, like Tara said, definitely share in the comments, because I will go back and read those and connect with anyone who wants to connect.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, beautiful. So you mentioned the mother wound and how it empowers us. I just thought that sparked something for me. So, if it's okay with you, I just want to drop in how do you feel? And also, hannah, you have a book, right, like you've authored a book as well, right? Yes, what's the name of the book?

Speaker 2:

My book is Entering the Divine One Breath at a Time, and it is an exploration of sobriety and spirituality, and I wrote and published it in 2020, in the height of the pandemic, and it was the most cathartic experience for me. That was, I think, the catalyst to truly healing my mother wound. If you want to do some deep healing, write and publish a book about yourself, because you have to explore so many facets of yourself that maybe you never gave yourself permission to explore before.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so let's talk a little bit about that. I'm going into interview mode here because there's some pieces that are really they're getting my attention and so you're talking about like the mother wound and how empowering it is, and shadow work, and then exploring all these different aspects of who we are. Can you talk a little bit about like shadow work, exploring these aspects of who we are and how you feel the mother when ties into that?

Speaker 2:

Yes, of course. Well, I believe, much like Carl Jung does, that our shadows are parts of ourselves that we haven't been able to love properly. So, yes, shadows can present itself in jealousy and anger and these other emotions, but really it's, I see it, as the parts of ourselves that at one point in our existence was not nurtured. So, whether that was your connection to your intuition, or crying or whatever that might be right, being emotional, showing your emotions, there's so many ways our shadows present themselves, and how I see it is that we weren't given that permission to love and nurture this part of ourselves. We pushed it down, we pushed it down, we pushed it down and that's why it manifests in anger and jealousy and frustration or however it presents in your experience.

Speaker 2:

And so shadow work is just, I mean, it's like the opposite coin of, like you know, really unconditional love, because unconditional love is loving ourselves in all conditions. And so if we can love ourselves in shame, in guilt, in anger or, you know, even in the parts of us that make us feel like static, but we're scared to share that Because in fear of being rejected or silenced or judged, because we were at some point in our experience. And so I think for me the mother would just been coming back to that unconditional love within myself and that means that I got to show these parts of me that don't feel that lovefully.

Speaker 3:

That's amazing and how like what's been your process for, like connecting to and understanding like those parts of you. Sometimes it's a natural, you know, I feel like a natural piece in our journey because we'll inevitably push up against it. But yeah, is there anything?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I am a big believer in when we can create buoyancy in our nervous system, we can heal anything. So a big part of this for me is coming back to healing my central nervous system. Right, I think a lot of us live in sympathetic states. We don't even know we're living in a sympathetic state, meaning we're living in our trauma responses and that's normal. We get activated, right, we're going to get activated, we're going to, we're going to feel dis-ease in our system.

Speaker 2:

If we're not taught how to come back into that social engagement, that ventral, vagal state in our nervous system, it's really hard for us to show ourselves unconditional love. So a big part for me has been toning the vagus nerve. A wonderful book is it's called the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve by Stanley Rosenberg. So if you really want to dive into what I'm talking about, that's a great resource. But different ways like chanting, humming, singing, exposing yourself to sunlight, acupuncture, crying, laughing, those are always we stimulate the vagus nerve and we begin to create buoyancy in our nervous system. The other one, which I know Tara, you are a big, big lover of this is like a morning routine and I call it a morning magic practice. But that's also showing your nervous system consistency and giving you an opportunity to come inwards, connect with yourself, really get grounded and centered, so you're showing up best you can from this really interconnected place with your, with your soul and your system. I think that answered didn't it?

Speaker 3:

I don't remember, but that, yeah, I remember what the question was and I think that it more than answered it, and I think the thing too, for me is like coming into community too.

Speaker 3:

Like there's just like you know, being in community is very regulating, and I think that we sometimes think that it has to be something that we do in isolation or that we do in alone, and and that that's the power of like coming into sisterhood or just coming into like community, is that it allows you to to regulate in the way that we're naturally designed to.

Speaker 2:

So I love that, tara yes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's so beautiful. Yeah, is there anything else that you want to share about the, the, the mother, when I have some things that I that are kind of popping up for me, but I want to just check in with you and see how everything's flowing and what else is, yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's flowing beautifully. I mean it's 1111 right now. I just like the time and I was like oh, spirit, confirming this, this divine collaboration. I I mean really I love what you said about community too, because I feel that the mother would impact us from feeling safe to show up in spaces with other women or other femme folk, and part of part of it is like, you know, getting out of your own way, just showing up once and seeing how that impacts you and then beginning to, like you know, take more steps to be seen in community, because you deserve that. We are hardwired for connection.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. I know that in my work over the years I've had a lot of women who want to deepen into their leadership and they want to come into community. There's the community piece again and they want to feel seen and they and they want to feel rooted in themselves and they they just don't understand fully how to be in community in a way where it feels safe, right, and so part of that is that coming into that like you use the word compassion like that deep, self loving relationship with ourselves where we can see and hear and honor the beauty of who we intrinsically are and and really start to embrace that and and when we can cultivate that for ourselves too. And this is a part of like healing the mother, because we're learning to mother ourselves. We're what I call repatterning the mother line.

Speaker 3:

We're starting to look at like where those wounds exists and we're starting to bring like love and and self support and and we're learning to mother ourselves the way that maybe we didn't have mothering as children because our mothers didn't have that and their mothers didn't have that. I actually, you know, and I believe this is one of the core wounds just in general on the planet, is a disconnect from the mother, when we see it, even just with their disconnect from earth, from Gaia. So there's so many places that this, this mother wound, and the potency and the layer and the power can go. But, yeah, just this, you know, coming into community and how, how it needs to begin with us and how we can start to mother ourselves and listen to ourselves. And that brings me to like the inner child. And so, you know, one, one important thing that I did want to mention too, when we're talking about the mother wound, of course, no, my little dog just got out and it's so cold.

Speaker 2:

Well, you can go grab her if you want.

Speaker 3:

Can I Okay?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course. No, problem no don't be sorry, I will pick up where Tara's left off until she comes back with the inner child piece. I 100% agree. I mean there there is no inner or mother wound healing without tending to and nurturing and loving and connecting with our inner child. And I do believe that if we aren't actively taking that time to connect with the inner child and give them permission to play and be seen, the unconscious inner child begins to run our life.

Speaker 3:

Yes, beautiful, so many layers like and I think about, you know, working at the level of the inner child too, and and how so much of that stems from such a young age and it's not necessarily, you know, our mother's fault, and I know that the mother, you know, the mother dynamic can be very complex, and yet it's still important to just note that it's carried. It's carried through so many generations. And one of the things that I wanted to touch on, one of the things I wanted to touch on was the, the multiple, the multiple timelines that we often travel when we're looking at healing the mother wound. And that's like where, for me, the Akashic records have been like so, so powerful and being able to like travel, all the different timelines. And so when we're talking about the mother wound, we're talking about, you know, ancestrally and how and how the pain and the suppression of the feminine energy, that feminine nature, has really been suppressed through many, many, many, many generations of women.

Speaker 3:

When we're talking about the Akashic records, very often we're, you know, we're tying it to past lives and and that's absolutely true, and I think that's, you know, for me one of the most powerful tools and parts of my understanding when I was learning about the mother wound was that the mother wound is so ancient it's it's about the disconnect from the feminine and the collapse and the divide that happened 5,000 years ago on the planet with the patriarch.

Speaker 3:

That created the separation and the suppression of the feminine also, you know, and it impacted so many things. And so the Akashic records become such a valuable tool for us to uncover where along our soul path we interacted in different experiences with, maybe within the family, but you know, maybe within our partnerships, or maybe within a mother that we had, with the mother that we had in a past lifetime, but always how the, the patriarchal framework, impacted that separation and kind of built on the suppression of how that impacts us in this present moment timeline. And so with the Akashic records we can also travel back ancestrally through through our gen, through the generations, to understand where the mother wound is impacting us, and then also, with the Akashic records, the inner child and and learning to understand our experiences as children and where that impacted us and the mother wound.

Speaker 2:

I'm just curious because I know the inner child piece is an important piece for you too, if you have anything to kind of add on to that oh yeah, I mean I would say that the Akashic records have just accelerated my ability to allow my inner child to feel completely safe and in the depths of the healing that are the multiple timelines of healing the mother wound. I know that before I started working in the Akasha and in my records I put that, that work to the side. It felt too heavy for me to hold alone and, yes, I had a therapist and I had healers and other people supporting me. But it's that empowerment piece I think we talked about at the beginning, of when you know how to read your own records and you're doing that work for yourself. It's so empowering for, of course, your present, a self, but your inner child. You're bringing them in and you're giving them that place to be seen, heard, felt, understood in in all these ways they work before yeah, yeah, there's.

Speaker 3:

There's something so powerful. I think the Akashic records are such a powerful tool that allows us to unearth with a lot of clarity, kind of what's sitting under the surface or what's in the shadows. But there's also something so powerful about having witnessing another, just like what you're saying, like witnessing another or having ourselves be witnessed, right, and something, something so healing and so powerful. Well, this feels like a beautiful place, I think, to drop into, maybe opening up to the field and and just yeah, and seeing what wants to come through from there. I am just gonna briefly toggle over and see if, okay, we're good, amazing, so let's go ahead. I've got the the, the Akashic prayer here, so I'll go ahead and open to the field and okay, hmm, so we're gonna go ahead and center in, and if that feels good to you, if you're catching the replay replay, if you're online, of course, go ahead and center in with us, allow yourself to just receive whatever the transmission wants to be, and so I'm gonna close my eyes and drop my chin and I'm making that invitation for you as well, and as we do that, we can go ahead and just start to notice what we notice in the environment around us any sense, any sounds, temperature of the room, then we're gonna go ahead and bring our focus to our bodies, to our breath. I'm gonna call down the temples of divine love, light, truth, abundance, wisdom and power to descend, to grow and expand around us, calling in our guides, masters, angels, teachers, goddesses, guardians and elephant ancestors to be present and for truth and accuracy to be obtained for the highest good of each and every one of us, highest good of the collective. Asking this to be a divinely protected space, for only the highest frequencies of love and light shall exist, vanishing all negative influences, should there be any. Thank you, thank you, and let's go ahead and we'll start to bring our focus back to our breath, taking a breath in through the nose down into the energetic room space and then up and out through the mouth, doing that breath two more times, bringing it to the count of three, and I'm just making that invitation to start to sink into the space, making this a real gift to you.

Speaker 3:

And I'm also already seeing us kind of sitting on a forest floor and seeing the pine trees and smelling the fresh air and feeling the roots underneath us, bringing the focus back to the energetic room space. We'll go ahead and just starting to notice any feelings, any sensations, and then starting to see a beautiful golden, radiating light, start to move and swish and swirl through the pelvic bowl, through the sacral, bringing that light down through the core of the body, down through all the layers of earth, crests, soil, root and rock. It will just drop that right to the core of Mother Earth and letting that light grow deep, deep roots into the core of Mother Earth, just allowing ourselves to continue to let our body weight drop and drop until we feel fully held by the beauty and abundance and power of Mother Earth, bringing our focus to the heart space. We'll go ahead and see the magenta rose and then from there, seeing the golden grid of the flower of life begin to expand and swirl out from the heart space, located at the center of the chest. We're going to let that pure wisdom and high frequency light, the radiant, divine substance of all of creation that is interwoven into all of life, begin to permeate and infuse itself within us, out from us and all around us into the Akashic field. We're going to let that light continue to grow, expand and interpermiate with the physical and non-physical reality that exists before us, all around us and within us, letting that radiant, divine substance of all of life that flows through all things continue to flower, flow and expand from the heart chakra, then feeling, seeing, sensing now as the doors to the Akasha and all the light, love and wisdom of the Akasha open to us now.

Speaker 3:

And so it is, and so it is, and so you're just taking a moment to tune in yourself to the field, to your body, and I am going to tune into the field and start to see what the medicine is, start to see what the message is, and then I will, of course, guide you through that. So the first visual that I'm getting is a river and a tree and a being down by the river, and it's almost like it reminds me of the inspiration card in the tarot card deck. Of course I'm getting this, the tarot. So there's a woman down by the river. It reminds me of the inspiration card. There's a star over top of her head and there's this like gathering of the water, the tree, the rocks, and that's kind of like the first visual. So I'm just noticing what I'm noticing as I'm getting that visual, and then I am going to share some more of the medicine that's coming through and you can just again allow yourself to receive. So there's something getting my attention around the way that oh, this is interesting, the way that she's trying to gather the water up in like a bucket, but the water she can't quite hold all the water in the bucket, and even the bucket has like streams of water kind of trickling down, so there's like holes in the bucket.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of times when I speak about the mother wound for me right now on my journey, I talk a lot about capacity and our ability to like hold life and our ability to hold vitality and how oftentimes the mother wound impacts that, and there can be a lot of layers to that, but there's this. So this idea of like the bucket and the water is kind of like reminding me of like the womb and our capacity to like hold. And so to me, if you're catching the replay or if you're here with us live, it feels like there's maybe a desire in the context of your experience to hold more, to hold more vitality, to hold more life, but it just seems to like be siphoned away right. And so there's an art to learning how to hold that energy and learning how to feed and nourish ourselves in a way where it contributes to like sustaining vitality. And so we can have patterns around that, learned patterns that we've seen watching our mother when we were little. We can have inner child patterns, we can definitely have past life patterns.

Speaker 3:

But the question really is is you know, where is your capacity at? Where do you desire more vitality, more nourishment, to hold more of the flow and to hold more of that like shockty power? Now I'll just see where it wants to open from there and then I'm going to shortly hand it off to Hannah and see where this wants to go and we're just going to trust. So the next visual that I get is a tree, like a big tree, like a big pine tree and just like a really solid trunk and like really solid roots. And so to me there's this invitation.

Speaker 3:

Also, we're talking about capacity and then we're talking about power.

Speaker 3:

And so what does it feel like in your body?

Speaker 3:

Because sometimes when we're building capacity and I often will say our highest level of capacity is often how do I say that Our lowest level of capacity is often our mother's highest level of capacity.

Speaker 3:

So we're often kind of breaking down some of the layers of what that means to support, greater capacity to carry our lineage forward, even, and how we get to show up in vitality and nourishment, and actually the word fertility is like coming forward.

Speaker 3:

So there's an invitation to like see yourself infused with this big, beautiful like it feels like a big spruce, right To feel what it would feel like to be to show up in that space of like rooted, anchor the trees, the medicine right now, but that rooted, anchored power to be able to really hold your energy from that kind of place of being anchored, expanded, rooted and radiant. And because and this becomes an important piece too, because we sometimes we're learning right at a visceral or embodied level what it means to be able to show up and have in influence over our environment like that, and again there can be sometimes inner child pieces around what it means to feed ourselves first, to show up in greater power, to take up more space with the truth of who we are. So I feel fine to just kind of Pass it over.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll just go with it. Yeah, it's divine because you just said the inner child and, like, every piece that I'm channeling is about the inner child. I saw it and it's funny you said the tarot, because I saw the five of cups as soon as we came into the field and then I saw the inner child. And for those who aren't familiar with what the five of cups represents, it's this feeling of like focusing on what you don't have, as opposed to all of the abundance that you're creating.

Speaker 2:

We often see like one cup that's, you know, the waters coming out and the person on the card, that's all they're focusing on, and then behind them there's these other cups that are overflowing, and so you know a lot often there's this I'm getting this piece of like unworthiness coming through around, not feeling worthy to claim the pleasure and sweetness in your life, because then I see you as a little child, like with a big lollipop, and you're just.

Speaker 2:

It's huge, this lollipop, it's like bigger than your face and I'm getting like part of you being sturdy and radiant and in your power is giving yourself permission to play and experience pleasure in all capacities, all facets of your experience, when you can allow a little bit of sweetness and curiosity into the moments that feel heavy, that feel negative, that feel dense.

Speaker 2:

You're breaking it up. It's like you're taking, like the fairy godmother's wand, and sprinkling this beautiful fairy dust right and allowing the fairy dust to break up the pieces in your subconscious cellular DNA that's keeping you rooted in the scarcity that was your mother's, that was her mother's, that was her mother's right. And so there's this call for reclamation at when you're pushing up against that next layer of your or the next yeah layer of your evolution in regards to your capacity, and you're feeling overwhelmed. It's like take a pause, come back to your body. What does your inner child want to do in this moment? Do they need to dance? Do they need to bake cupcakes? Do they need to go for a walk? Do they need to have a temper tantrum into a pillow? I feel like there's that call to bring them in as you step into this next part of your expansion and your evolution, because that is healing the mother wound.

Speaker 3:

That is so beautiful. I love it. I love how it really layered so powerfully on what I was sharing. I was busy listening to everything you were saying, so I don't have anything over here at this moment, but I can take a quick tune in and we can go back and forth a little bit here and see where it wants to go. Yeah, so just give me a moment and I'll see what it wants to open from there. Well, we'll just roll with that, and that's a part of being and doing this kind of intuitive work and I always find it exciting.

Speaker 3:

But what I now saw was a child and there's a door. She's in a black room and there's a door, and then there's these steps. That's very bright light now all of a sudden. And then there's these steps that are leading up to the top of the castle.

Speaker 3:

It feels like I can see the top of the castle, and so, if you're catching this and if you're watching along and just allowing yourself to do the journey up to the top of the castle, what I find interesting it feels very higher self is that everything feels very white, like very white, crystalline light, and as the steps go up, there's clouds and even the top of the castle, feels like it's on top of the clouds. So as the child reaches the castle, I actually see like an adult version of us sitting there and there's like rose petals all around this adult version with like a journal. And so there's this like there's some connection that wants to be made between the adult version of who we are and the inner child version of who we are. When I see a journal in the field, it is often a guidance to like ask a few prompts right.

Speaker 3:

And so, whether you want to journal this or not, it may just be an opportunity to tune in and to ask the questions in the field, you know, and this is something so beautiful and something that anyone can do, and some of the deepest ways personally that I am able to like, get clarity and healing while working in the Akashic field, and so, just again, allowing yourself to receive whatever wants to come up. And so I'm going to go ahead and tune into the adult version of us and get a couple prompts and then I'll come back to Hannah and we'll see where this lands. So the word that's coming through is withholding. So it is this question of like, where are you withholding? And we do that, we withhold love, we withhold permission, and part of that can be the worthiness wound. For sure, that's definitely a core wound connected to the mother wound, but the two questions really are and sometimes these can sit on our peripheral or they can sit a little bit in the shadows is really like what are you wanting, what are you desiring? You know, and it feels like, if you're catching the replay or you're here with us to just, you know, sink into that like, and it may be on the peripheral, like sometimes what happens is it's a little bit of like well, they can have that, but I can't. They can do that, but like I can't. And so that's the invitation in the field today, right. And then also so, what do you want, what do you desire? And it feels like it's kind of right there. You know, and as I'm now tuning into the field to the all the white reminds me of like mother's milk, like nourishment, right.

Speaker 3:

And so here's the next question is like, what are you really needing, like, where are you needing nourishment? And it could just be exactly like Hannah said it could be more play, right, and it could be nourishment that's sourced. Maybe it's more time in nature, right, maybe it actually is, maybe it's more quality time with, with friends, like it could be so many things but where are you needing nourishment? And it's just the next thing. What's kind of like right there, and I'm going to take a moment, nurse, you're ready to move on on.

Speaker 3:

So let's give this everybody a good, a good week and a Southwest Hillary Clinton, remember there. And I just know that it's. It's so very much, yeah, and I'm just feeling like the essence and the energy of the Divine Mother and the milk and just feeding ourselves and loving ourselves and the nourishment and all the white and the clouds is like, how deeply can we allow ourselves to feel held and honored by identifying these pieces? And so full permission and full love to you as you deepen into that, and I'm going to go back to Hannah and see if she has anything that is coming through and then we'll ground everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, tuning into the Mother's milk, the nourishment, the white I keep getting the message of, like the angelic self as well, and calling on your angels at this time for the support, and part of that is like your angels are your ancestors, like these angels that are coming through are your ancestors and the nourishment that you are giving yourself permission to have is a reclamation for your lineage.

Speaker 2:

And then I see us standing on this cloud and all those rose petals that were around like where our adult self was sitting, are on this cloud with us and we're floating on the cloud and we're being called in your mind's eye. If this feels good for you, if you want to follow along, is floating over the different relatives, family members, soul, family, whether they're here or passed on, and like letting the rose petals drop from this cloud, letting there be this. I'm sensing it's almost like this layer of forgiveness as we heal the mother wound. There is forgiveness that asks to be invited into our experience. So maybe you're forgiving another, but I'm really sensing that ultimately this is helping you forgive yourself and some of the guilt that you've been carrying from your lineage around, allowing yourself that nourishment right, drinking the mother's milk and coming back to that connection through divine love as well.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow, yeah, that's so beautiful.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is.

Speaker 3:

It's such a deep lineage work and it really really is touching in on the worthiness, wounds and around, allowing ourselves to like, receive and sometimes the edges and the layers of guilt that we can hit on, and so sometimes it's ours and oftentimes it's through our lineage, so I love that Well, so this feels like such an amazing place to land, and Hannah and I both have two different ways that you can take this work.

Speaker 3:

If it's speaking to you, if you're looking for containers to go deeper with this, but first of all, I want to invite you just to ground the container, to just see yourself sitting on a beautiful bed of roses as to beautiful bed of roses and just really allowing yourself to feel the activation of the rose frequency, just basking in all of that unconditional love, bringing yourself into the space of the sacredness of who you are as a divine being, knowing that who you are as a gift, without having to be anywhere or do anything. Just that, the essence, the presence of you is a gift contribution, and with that I'm going to thank the guides, guardians, masters, angels, teachers who have been a part of this experience today, and we're going to know that the clarity, healing intentions, activations are all going to unfold into completion for your highest good, and the door between the worlds is now closed, and so it is.

Speaker 2:

I love that, me too. That was so cool.

Speaker 3:

So cool, so fun. I loved it. Um. So go ahead, hannah, and just share a little bit about what you got going on, because it's a great opportunity, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So the Akashic Wisdom Program, which is my five week group mentorship, where I am supporting you and learning how to read your own Akashic records and unlock the secrets of your soul and really do this deep mother wound healing in that self empowerment right, giving you access to the tools to do this yourself Um, I weave a lot of my nervous system teachings in with it. I am, um, you know, a person of color that has grown up working with the chocola system, so I weave a lot of teachings of that into it. It is so special because it is Tara's flower of life, akasha healing method, and I have been so grateful to be able to train under her. So it's a dream come true to continue to share this magic.

Speaker 2:

I've had four people who've gone through the container. They said it absolutely changed their entire lives and I you know, don't say that lightly like truly change their lives. So I'm so excited. We begin again on Monday, january 29th. So coming up and I have three spots left, so if you're interested, please reach out. I'd love to welcome you in. It's going to be just everything you need and more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hannah's work is is very deep, full of integrity and so much magic. So if her essence, her medicine, is speaking to you and you're loving the framework of what we talked about today, I definitely invite you to deepen into that. For any of you who maybe have been following my work for a little while, you know I talk about the Akashic records, the flower of life, akasha healing method, the and the mother wound, the, the framework of that. I teach in the flower of life, akashic certification, and it is a three month, 10 module transformational pathway where you learn to work with the Akashic records. And this can be for your own healing journey, but mostly it speaks to those that want to take the method and then weave it into their own practice or their own work with other clients, or they want to open up a brand new income stream doing this very powerful work. We are both going to drop the links underneath. If you have any questions for Hannah, please, I'm just I'm speaking for you. Pm her. I'm like maybe she doesn't want everybody.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love it. No, you know me well enough.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm like PM her. She would be happy to have a conversation. I mean, yeah, exactly. So thank you so much for joining us, for catching the replay. We'd love to hear from you, hannah. It was such an honor. And thank you everyone. We'll talk to you all very soon. Bye for now.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Hello friend, Thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic women's community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear.

Speaker 1:

If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic radiant womb awakening and clearing morning practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.