Naturally Prosperous Woman

Holy Day Family Blessing & Healing Guided Journey

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher

Join me on a journey that promises to illuminate the deepest corners of our hearts as we embrace the holy days through Solstice, Christmas and into the New Year. 

Explore the colors red and green  and there fascinating connection to our root and heart chakras and how these energies intertwine with the complexities of family dynamics. 

As the holy days invites introspection, you'll discover how the season can also cast a light on family pains, sometimes festering beneath the surface. To address this, I share a poignant family healing and blessing, designed to infuse your family tree with tenderness and love.

Understand how family pain can often illuminate greater awakening of your divine feminine power, release the grip of inherited pain patterns, and create space for personal growth and prosperity.

This episode is not just a conversation; it's beautiful invitation into self-compassion. Honoring the bravery it takes to pursue our deepest visions (that can often be illuminated during the darkest time of the year if we're listening). I guide you through a meditation woven with the golden threads of compassion and the essence of the wild rose to ease the sharpness of our emotions. 

Journey into the womb space, a sacred cradle for transmuting dense energy and letting go of what no longer serves us, and understand why it's not our job to carry family pain. 

In this healing guided journey you will uncover a liberation from the burdens we carry for others, while fostering a healing space within, uplifting our emotional state into one of lightness and grace. So, as we step through the  solstice gateway and into the holy days, it's done with  intentionality, celebrating our path toward divine prosperity and the courage to say yes to ourselves.

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hi and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston.

Speaker 1:

Happy winter solstice, summer solstice. If you're in the southern hemisphere, I am in the northern hemisphere and we are sinking into the dark, dreamiest, wisdom filled portal into the solstice season. This is the darkest half of the year, where we are invited into deep listening, into release, into reflection so that we can rest, into our soulful guidance, our soulful vision, so that we can rest like, right down to the cellular level, right Opening up to what wants to open up for us for the 2024 year, but doing it from an inner root system that feels strengthened because we've brought love and healing and listening to the core of who we are. And this becomes really important on the evolutionary woman's path right, being able to go within, to strengthen the foundation so that we have a solid root system as we rise for the next evolution through the wheel of the year, right. This is like this for me, is like where my insights and downloads and I start to get like clarity over what wants to come through next. But it's also a time to just listen and to bring healing.

Speaker 1:

Today I wanted to bring through something really special, as I was sitting here this morning and candle lit, in the dark. You know, really, in that place of just receiving the wisdom, of just listening. And that's the beauty of the solstice is, we can be nestled in the dark and there's nothing we have to do to receive the wisdom, we just have to listen. It's just accessible, we just receive, right, and that is so. That's the beauty of this portal. So I had candles lit, I was doing a little bit of painting on my Buddha Tara painting and really enjoying that process, and the thing that was on my heart was really family. It was really family, was really present for me and it always tends to illuminate, sometimes, the disconnect that I feel in specifically my family of origin, and so I wanted to bring through a family healing and blessing.

Speaker 1:

You know, here we are in the red and green season, right, red and green being Christmas colors, holiday colors. And yet, you know, red represents the root chakra, represents family, green represents the heart chakra Right. So it stirs a lot in the energy of relationships and, specifically, family. It can really highlight our family pain. It can highlight the pain that runs along our ancestry, it can highlight the pain in our own family matrix. You know, maybe there's been a loss, maybe there's been a divorce or separation, and while these things, you know, unfold and we recognize them often as being for the highest good, they can still be painful, it can still bring up lingering emotions. And so, whatever it is that you're experiencing this holiday season around family, I really want to, you know, bring some tenderness and bring some love and witnessing to what this holiday can really bring forward in terms of family pain, and to just allow yourself and to just let yourself be the observer of that pain. It might not right in this place, feel safe to drop in, to really feel through that and navigate that, but to just receive the healing on whatever level and whatever way it wants to come through Right.

Speaker 1:

So I also want to mention that, as I was sitting here in this space, truly I have a program that I created and it's called the family shadow work, a cashier journey. It is one beautiful, very deeply healing pathway and it got my attention, it sparked something that this may be of service to those out there. It's it's a program I've had for a couple of years. It's touched so many people. It regularly gets, you know, really beautiful feedback. It's five different a cashier healing, audios and journeys. It's right now a savings that you can get until the end of the month, till December 1st.

Speaker 1:

Right now would be the perfect time to drop in to begin this journey, especially if you are a woman who's being called to rise. Right there's there's what you're being called to rise in your divine authority. You're being called to rise in your divine feminine awakening. This is such a core part of my work that is sometimes really hard to Describe the power and the potency and the depth of how my work touches women who are wanting to rise in this new paradigm of freedom and prosperity, because it's we're really, when we anchor into a new paradigm of prosperity, of leadership, of sovereignty. We're, we're, we're we.

Speaker 1:

What am I trying to say here? We're, we're, we're untangling at the root, at the root chakra, right, and here we are in the season of like red and green, red and green. It's all about the root chakra and the heart chakra. And so as we rise in our divine authority and we're awakening to our divine feminine power, right, it's very common for women to get tangled up in their lineage, in their old family of origin, pain patterns and also sometimes in the family matrix of the family matrix that we currently exist in, and it can take time to unravel these patterns to create the space that we desire right For our evolution, because we're tangled up at the root, in the family matrix and through the lineage. But as we untangle and clear that up, we create space for the karma, the karma clearing path, right, that so many of us who are called to rise in our divine authority and awaken in our divine feminine power are are transmuting as we say, yes, but we need to move past the entanglement so that we can have a new experience of freedom and prosperity and power and really create life on our terms.

Speaker 1:

So I'm kind of getting off on a tangent here, but I'm going to leave the link. You can head over to the Kashiq family school sorry, a kashiqwomenschoolcom family, a kashiqwomenschoolcom slash family shadow work. And there's also an option to upgrade to book a session in privately with me where you get access to the journey and you get a session with me and we specifically focus in on your path, your evolution and karmically untangling your major energetic path blocks so that we can create space. The package, together with a private healing session, is of immense value and right now it is a really incredible value. So I invite you to check that out.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and just start to sink in. I'm going to bring through this a kashiq family blessing and healing. Already in the akashiq records I've been sinking into the space, really feeling into what it means to bring through a blessing, a family healing and blessing. So I just want to, in this space, I just want to, you know, invite you to close your eyes, drop your chin, you know, maybe you want to get comfortable. Light a candle, place your hands over your heart.

Speaker 1:

I just want you to take a moment and to just start to feel into what's present in the heart space. Right, we're just witnessing, we're just observing, we're just giving ourselves a moment to feel what's really present, right? Is it sadness, is it anger, frustration, is it loss, is it grief, is it longing? And we're just observing and we're just witnessing. And you can go ahead and start taking a deep breath into the heart space and, through the nose, out through the mouth you may want to do that a few times and we're going to continue to, hands over heart, to start to send love through the palms of your hands, into all the places within that feel sad, lonely, maybe guilty, maybe grief, whatever it is. We're going to start to send love and we're going to continue to breathe into those spaces that need that love.

Speaker 1:

And as you're doing that, I also want to bring attention to and love to and highlight your courage, your courage, your willingness to say yes to yourself, to continue to take steps along your sacred path, to continue to change your life, to continue to say yes to a deeper vision that lives in your heart. I want you to celebrate yourself and send love to that inner self, that essence self, right? That courageous one, that one that tends to and cares for everyone else right, even when they may not see it, feel it or hear it right, the space that you hold in love, the space that you hold for healing in your family. I just want you to honor yourself and to celebrate yourself and to know that the way that you give of yourself and the love that you bring to others is profound and that it touches people and it touches the world in ways that they may not know and the ways that you do not know. So just recognizing, validating, witnessing your own journey and bringing love to all, the ways that you show up for those that you love and to bring compassion.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm seeing this beautiful glowing pink golden ball of light, and you can see that right in front of yourself, this beautiful pink, glowing ball of light, soft pink light. And I want you to kind of reach out and put your hands around this beautiful glowing ball of soft pink light and just start to feel the vibration of compassion, of gentleness, of love. And as you start to put your hands around this beautiful glowing golden ball of compassionate light, it kind of starts to stick to your fingers. Nice, to kind of sticky. You can kind of still bounce it around in the palm of your hands that's kind of sticky, and eventually you're going to start to see that beautiful, soft, pink, golden, glowing light start to travel through your fingertips, through the palms of your hands, down your arms and it's starting to travel to your heart, where you eventually see a beautiful wild rose bloom open at the heart.

Speaker 1:

I love this because I've been specifically working with wild rose flower essence the last three days and now I can see why it was drawn to her, because she has a very soft, compassionate energy and she can bring love and healing and she also has a way of kind of like softening the edges of our beingness so that we can easily assimilate, sometimes the heavier emotions that our mind doesn't understand what to do with. So I just want you to go ahead and just start to like let all this beautiful pink light start to open and just receiving it at the level of the heart space, just letting, like, all of this beautiful compassionate light permeate your being, just permeate, and letting the sweetness of this light and this energy start to permeate the core of your being and you're just receiving the softness and you're receiving the love and you're receiving the compassion, and that this is your time to receive. It's your time to receive. It's your time to feel, to be and to bring validation to everything that you feel and everything that you sometimes carry right.

Speaker 1:

There was this part of my journey and I sometimes still have to be really careful. But it's not necessarily our job to carry the karma of our family and there's a distinguishing difference between being karma clearers for our family, because we're taking action in our own journey and so sometimes we hit the edge of our own lineage and what they've been able to move through around prosperity, power and freedom versus feeling an obligation to working off the karma of our parents Right, or our children. So we're going to go ahead and bring this pink light into the womb space and we're going to start to see this beautiful, soft pink light start to roll around in the pelvic bowl. And we're letting that beautiful pink light roll around the pelvic bowl and as it's doing that, it's starting to kind of assimilate and digest and transmute any dense feelings or energy in the womb space, any grief, any sadness, any loneliness. And we're bringing that light and that energy, we're swirling it around the pelvic bowl Right and we're going to move until we start to feel a lightness and a release in the pelvic bowl. And then, as we start to feel that lightness and that release around the pelvic bowl, we're going to start to see that light start to move up through the core of the body, up through the top of the head, through the palms of the hands. It can even, like I have my hands, kind of like up towards the heavens.

Speaker 1:

So all that energy I'm going to now release to spirit. I'm going to release to spirit. I'm going to see it being transmuted back to spirit, to 100% light and love and then being released fully back to spirit, taking a few moments to just breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth and just letting it all be released back to spirit. So the sadness, the grief, the loneliness, the suffering, right, that isn't yours. You're going to now give that to spirit to be transmuted, all of it.

Speaker 1:

Anything that isn't ready to be released back to spirit, we're going to ask that it now be sent back to those that it belongs to, right, so that only your own emotions right now, should they serve you, be left Right. It's not your job to carry it. So I'm getting a lot of that feeling of like collectively and for our children and for our families and for our communities. It's how we sometimes end up carrying things, because we have the ability to transmute things Doesn't mean that we have to or that we should, or that it's our job. So we're just releasing and releasing and releasing and waves of light with the waves of compassion to ourselves, to others, we're releasing, we're releasing. We're releasing Now, hands over heart once again, and if this feels good to you, you know, I want you to go ahead and see those that you do care about Right, instead of holding the grief and the pain and the sadness, you know and it's not to say that that won't exist after this clearing, this healing, this blessing Right, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

We do our best, without judgment, but let's see if we can lighten the load and, at the same time, let's go ahead and bring some love and compassion to those that we maybe miss, to those that we feel sadness around. If it feels accessible, to those that we feel conflicted on right, it could be apparent, and if it doesn't feel right or good, we don't do that. We don't send them love and compassion, which you can go ahead and just see these pink orbs of light, whole bunch of pink orbs of light now starting to touch those that you miss, that you feel sadness around that maybe you feel conflicted by and we're going to see those beautiful pink orbs of light touch their heart. We're going to see those beautiful pink orbs of light start to hold them tenderly. Right, we're going to witness and we're going to send love through the bubbles of compassion so that they may experience healing and lightness and transmute their own emotions Beautiful.

Speaker 1:

When that feels complete, I'm going to invite you back into heart space, back into womb space, just taking a moment to be with your own energy, with your own emotions, just noticing how you feel, just witnessing how you feel, maybe noticing how your body feels. I know for me, I've got some energy swirling in my heart space. There is a sense of lightness, these beautiful pink orbs of light you can send to anyone at any time. Right, that isn't your own energy, but it's still the energy of love and compassion. Okay, so going ahead and just bringing your hands back to your heart and then taking a moment to bring your focus and your attention to that inner, more vulnerable part of who you are, your inner child, and we're just going to go ahead and we're going to send her love. We're going to send her love, we're going to send her healing energy, we're going to send her beautiful codes of divine love and we're going to wrap her in a blanket of safety, just whispering to her that you've got her, that she's safe, that she's loved, and then, however she's feeling right now is perfectly acceptable, perfectly normal, perfectly safe. Maybe there's some childhood memories from, maybe, a Christmas, maybe there's some old wound that we haven't touched on yet, stirring under the surface, bringing some sense of lingering sadness, and so we're just going to tenderly listen to her and send her love.

Speaker 1:

This would be the perfect time to pause the podcast and like grab your journal and just let her have a voice, grab pen to paper and just let yourself free flow, right, let her have a voice, let her express, see and listen to how she wants to be tended to right now. See and listen for all the way she wants to be tended to. So I'm going to keep this really beautiful and really short, and chances are this meditation stirred some things, this healing, this blessing, right? So chances are that it's stirred some things, and so just allowing you to be present with the tender feelings that this time of year may bring up, but also listening to how you're being invited to mother yourself. At this time, especially through the solstice, especially through this really dark time of year, it's all about listening and listening to the inner child, who may also be carrying and feeling a lot of different things depending on the experience of family that you had as a child. So the more that we can listen and honor what's really present right, the more that we're able to tend to ourselves and move through the solstice in a way where we get to feel supported and loved and held and reborn right, reborn as the wheel of the year turns. So thank you so much for joining me. I hope that was helpful healing.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to take one final moment and to call on the ancestors, the benevolent ancestors, those in your lineage that are loving, supportive, that are all around you, and we're going to ask them to bring healing and love to the family lineage right, to your family of origin, to the family of matrix right, to bring healing and love and support and guidance and light to your own evolutionary woman's path, to surround you and protect you, to bring blessings, to bring beauty, wisdom, grace and love. We're going to call in the holy mother, the holy father, right, the divine lineage that is always there, holding us as children of the universe, right and just tapping into the inner child, seeing her, feeling, her loving, her calling, in the beauty and the essence of the divine mother, divine father, to wrap you in love, to hold you, to bring you into safety, to guidance, to anchor you, to protect you, to bring you into that space of knowing that you are infinitely cherished, always, forever, by the holy mother, holy father, and to give yourself some space, if you can, over the holy days. You know this. Chances are this will stir a little bit, it'll bring to the surface some emotions, maybe some memories, but just allowing yourself to feel it, to heal it, to release it, taking it to the canvas, taking it to the journal, your journal, taking it to Mother Earth, right, taking it to Mother Earth. Some other ways you might like to open to ground, to stabilize your energy through the solstice, especially with a transmission like this, is a sea, salt, lavender bath, right grounding, drinking lots of water, but, above all, tending to listening and loving yourself with that vibration of compassion. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and so it is sending you so much solstice love.

Speaker 1:

Bye for now, hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook Group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.