Naturally Prosperous Woman

With God There Is No Lack

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 3 Episode 14

Are you yearning to break free from the chains of scarcity and limitation? 

Join me, Tara Preston on this week's episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman Podcast, where I invite you to experience a profound Akashic transmission called: With God There Is No Lack.   Sink into this beautiful transmission where I share on a spiritual what it means to bridge the gap between our feelings of lack and our inherent divine abundance. 

We weave through the intricate relationship between money and God and learn how our perceptions around money can often be influenced by our upbringing and past trauma. 

Unearth the hidden power within us as women to assert our boundaries and claim our space, all while tapping into God consciousness to transcend limitations. As we humbly surrender to the divine process, we unlock priceless nuggets of wisdom that enable personal growth and evolution. 

In the final phase of our journey, we embrace our divine birthright of prosperity, discovering the ease, joy, and abundance that can flow into our lives when we trust in the divine. 

We discuss the importance of releasing control and allowing money to meet us in a place of deep nourishment and intimacy, infused with our unique feminine values.

Finally, we discuss building wisdom channels to create sacred wealth, trusting in divine prosperity, and understanding how money comes from Source, through people as we rise in sacred feminine service. 

So join us, as we rise, like the Feminine Phoenix, into our worthiness and embrace the prosperous life we were born to live.

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and this week I'm bringing you through a very special Akashic transmission. I'm going to be dropping us into God consciousness, whatever that means to you, the high, holy, masculine and really the title. The theme that wanted to come through around this is with God, there is no lack. So I recorded a podcast last week and it was hot. I was super excited. It was the same topic and it did not record properly Hugely disappointing when you channel through a transmission and you really feel the power of it. So here I am today with my second attempt and setting the intention that this one be even better than last week's and really letting go of the finer details of how that came through, being fully present and holding this intention of bringing you through something so beautiful and so powerful to support your naturally prosperous woman journey. So let's begin On this path, especially for modern women who are being called to live their sacredness in the world, to really step into their higher purpose, to experience prosperity that exists beyond the old way of being doing, pushing, creating and leading.

Speaker 1:

There is often this money piece that we need to be able to untangle and rewire and kind of adapt our consciousness to, and this becomes especially important. It's not that you can't step into, you know, like a business, a conscious business beyond the box of society, and make money you can. But if you're really desiring to create, lead, flow, flourish in this new paradigm of feminine prosperity, then oftentimes there's healing that has to be done. There's this bridging of the gap between this sense of scarcity and limitation that we often face when we're existing inside the box of society or we're living inside the matrix right. It permeates our consciousness and really what it is is. It's an illusion that informs our experience, but it separates us from God consciousness, from our relationship with the divine as sacred women, right.

Speaker 1:

And so there's two pieces when it comes to healing healing that gap. It's a return to the sacredness of who we are as women. It is also a reclamation of our primal power and how God gets to love, support us, provide for us in that space. Right. And so, as we do this journey, as we say yes to our higher purpose, as we say yes to creating a life beyond the box of society, as we say yes to designing lives that meet us in this place of our naturalness as women right, this is such a revolutionary act because if you're listening to this podcast you probably get we live in the society that has conditioned us to go, do, push hustle, right. And not only that, it's like we're oftentimes we're coming from generational trauma, we're coming from ancestral trauma that was really steeped in poverty, consciousness, right.

Speaker 1:

That really separates us from our power as divine and primal beings to create life on our terms, to really come into a space of creative power and sacred wealth that supports us in the ways that we're truly desiring and meant to live, and I believe that doesn't just have to be a dream. It can be an absolute reality and I feel like you know I've created that in my own experience. You know I live on 14 acres of land that push up against the boreal forest. I have grown, you know, a multi, six figure business and my life is very spacious, it's very rhythmic and it serves the evolution of my feminine essence and the embodiment and expression of my divinity and it fits in a way that brings me a lot of joy and a lot of happiness, and I can say that always. That hasn't always been the case and this is how I've been supporting women for like well over a decade. It's how the flower of life a cashier certification begins to really drop women into that foundation, giving them the a cashier records as as a tool for their divine path and for their evolution right and to really understand what it means to to live beyond the box of society and to be able to navigate our path in a way that feels natural and good to our feminine way of being, to the feminine system. Again, it's revolutionary.

Speaker 1:

So there's a couple of different pieces and I'm I'm kind of just giving a bit of a framework and laying out the landscape of everything, so I'm going to weave it back in to connect, to connect all the dots. I promise so often what happens and, by the way, you know these, this is the core of my work with women, visionary women who are being called into a bigger picture for their life. Heart-centered women, women who want and desire spaciousness, time, freedom, sacred wealth. They really want to connect their purpose and their gifts right with the flow of money in a way that feels good to their body. They want a business structure, system foundation that really elevates and resurrects their mission right and their essence and the way that they're designed to create, lead and flow in the world. And that is exactly what we're going to be dropping into in the feminine phoenix rising the mastermind.

Speaker 1:

So I officially have I officially have one more spot left. I'm kind of sitting on the fence with whether I open up, with whether I make it two more or one more, but I definitely have one more. And so, if you're listening to what I'm saying right, this is that sacred invitation to join me and some really beautiful emerging feminine leaders who have said yes to their vision, to their purpose, to the expansion of their proper, their prosperity right. We're going to be dropping into all things sacred and holy and you know, and, at the same time, all the practicals and all the three, three D dimensional aspects of what it means to build our sacred our, to build our sacred business right, to support our purpose and our prosperity in the world and to get you stepping out in greater visibility, coming into a new relationship with your power, your money right, so that you can feel the freedom that you truly, truly want. That's in your heart. Freedom is a core value to me and it's important to me. It's the passion piece when I hear another woman wanting more freedom in her life. That's definitely the space that I love to meet my women in.

Speaker 1:

And so you know, talking about this, this God consciousness, our relationship with the higher holy masculine this became an integral part on my journey. It became an integral part on my journey when I was working at really untangling and rewiring my relationship with prosperity, with money, right, I was actually doing a lot of things. I'd been in the online space for quite a while. I was making some money, but it felt hard and there was enough. But then there wasn't enough and I felt like I was doing all the things the marketing, the emails like I was doing all the things, but the thing that was missing was the shift in my empowered relationship with money right, and so that meant two things. It meant that I had to step into my visible power as a woman. I had to get really comfortable taking up space with the essence and truth of who I was Like. I really had to get that like primal power piece right the womb, the taking up space with my creative sexual power. And a lot of women push up against and I can say that to a degree I did.

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I'd already done quite a bit of work around this, but it really was the evolution of like yeah, I got to like really step up, like I got to step into my power. I got to stop worrying about what other people think about me. I've got to like take a hold of this like bitch energy. I've got to like claim what is mine, ask for what I want, speak my boundaries right and boundaries are huge in our business, huge in terms of where we're allowing our energy to be drained and also how we want to design the systems and structures in our business to support our energetic capacity to hold more. It's huge. So that there was that piece.

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And then the question was how do I begin to come into that new relationship with money? And? And I really had to come into this new relationship with God, because I was looking at money for the sake of money, I was gripping on onto money, I was chasing money, I was like feeling like money was never going to be there for me. And, truth be told, you know my father and so we talk about this generational trauma and we talk about, um, you know, ancestral trauma and that's such an important and integral part. And so in my journey there, I, you know, I really had to look at this piece of, like the high, holy masculine and what that meant for me, and I didn't really word it like that at that time.

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But my father was like an absent father, right, and I watched my mom struggle quite a bit, who, you know, worked quite hard and provided for her two daughters um, very, very well, but she worked hard and it was a lot on her energetic system. And my dad, you know, he struggled. He struggled a lot, um, and actually was homeless for a point. But there was that sense of absence, of not really being provided for, scarcity, of always having enough, and so that was a part of um, you know, and so then you had to like kind of like chase and hold on to, and there was always that fear of not being supported, right, and so just listening to my words and and seeing and and feeling and, by the way, this, this is a special episode, this is I'm dropped into the Akashic records, I'm dropped into the field, I'm bringing through a transmission.

Speaker 1:

So this is something you want to receive, like hear what I'm saying but feel what I'm saying, right, really, just like let the wisdom kind of um touch you, kind of, let it tingle and tickle and and really kind of dance in your awareness, because it's a, it's a transmission. And this is actually the way that I like love to like teach and guide, because the way that I hold space is not just about me, it's about how I bring through the wisdom in in a way that uniquely touches you for your journey and your evolution. So just here and see and feel what, what I'm saying in my words. And so for me, I'd realized that that was showing up in my experience of money. With money at that time I was like gripping and chasing and I really didn't trust money to be there. I didn't even know if money wanted to take care of me that way, like I had a very disempowered relationship with money and and I was just really coming into this place of saying yes to taking up more space, um, with my power, and there's a lot in that right.

Speaker 1:

We have to learn to become women who know what we want, right and there can, and we have to be women who can comfortably speak our boundaries and say no and and claim more and take up more space and not worry about being perceived as not being the good girl, and because that's where a lot of the inner little, uh, the inner little girl wounding comes from Right, and so we need to be able to clear that, to heal that up. And you know that's another piece that you know we'll be dropping into in the feminine phoenix rising, um, mastermind. But there's this other piece too that keeps coming through, and I'm going to get to this piece with God consciousness. I really want to drop this in a in a very powerful way, because with God there is no lack Right, we are, we are divine beings, we are very powerful divine beings, and when we can tap into and remember our divinity and that God is an ally, right, then we become more powerful than any limiting circumstance in our lives, and oftentimes we will be forced into surrender, right, until we let go, until we unclutch, until we and oftentimes it's very humbling and we're we're on our knees, right, like why, why is this so hard? Why is this so painful?

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Right, we're being taught to surrender and to put our faith in our trust in the divine, because we are not meant to do this all alone. We're not meant to bring through these higher visions of prosperity for our life, for our family, for our community, for those that we serve, alone. Right, and it's actually meant to be, there's meant to be, there's meant to be a relative level of ease and joyfulness. It's not that there's not challenges, but there's. It's meant to feel, there's meant to be a relative level of ease and joy and prosperity flowing through our lives, and I also there's. So there's two pieces I'm feeling into right now and again I'm going to bring it all through for you. This is sometimes the way that I channel through is a little bit very, it's very circular. So just stay with me. So, with God, there is no lack. So here's, here's.

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The other thing is that people are not the source of our money, right. So there's this attachment that we get to like money as the thing. Right, we have to start thinking of divine prosperity as the infinite flow. Right, as the golden essence of like creator substance that flows into our experience. Right, that helps us elevate our purpose in the world, that helps us to nourish ourselves, that helps us to live in a space of more than more than enough. And that is what God wants. God wants us to flourish in a new paradigm of freedom and prosperity. That's the way that it's meant to be right, but it's all.

Speaker 1:

The codes have become corrupted as we've journeyed through the matrix, as we've interacted with patriarchal consciousness, that is, the consciousness of separation, that is the consciousness of the wounded masculine. So it creates a separation, it creates an illusion and we start buying into that more than we start to remember a deeper truth right, that prosperity is our birthright as divine beings, that we are meant to flourish, that we are meant to live from a cup that overflows that. A cup that overflows that, a life that overflows, with bank accounts overflowing, with money overflowing in our experience, where more is good but more is better, and where we know that we are deserving and worthy, sacred women who deserve to have it all. We're worthy of having it all. And we're worthy of having it all now, right.

Speaker 1:

And that's not to say that sometimes there's not steps that need to be taken to ground the vision, but sometimes we can. We can keep what our desires at bay because we don't actually fully believe that we're worthy now. So check in, you know, check in, you're worthy now. God is not withholding. God is not withholding. That's not to say that things don't take time to ground, but God is not withholding. Every desire that you have in your heart as a sacred woman, is meant for you. Your desire to flourish, your desire to experience prosperity, your desire to live freely, your desire to be in your pleasure, your desire to have prosperity meet you in your naturalness. That's all meant for you.

Speaker 1:

And so here's the other piece. Well, just wait, here's the other piece. So money doesn't. Money comes from source, from spirit, from God, through people, right? So? And that's an important concept, really, because it allows us to attach and detach from like where the money's coming from, and it starts to allow God's sustenance, god's provision, to flow into our experience from channels known and unknown. There's something so beautiful about building out our wisdom channels to create sacred wealth in our experience, which we do get into in Feminine Phoenix Rising. That's been an important part of my path to birth sacred offers in service that become income streams for provision to flow through to support my higher vision. And that's the beauty of the sacred feminine path is that we, at this time on the planet, we get to do that. We get to be a high service and be provided for well. We're meant to be provided for well. We're meant to be doing it in a way that we are tapped into our pleasure, our ease, our joy and our naturalness and also having money meet us in the place of our unique feminine values.

Speaker 1:

I guided a circle yesterday, the cash circle, and that was one of the pieces. It's like what do you desire, what do you want, what do you need? Right, and we need to start remembering that money wants to and will and can meet us in that place of deeper nourishment, of deeper intimacy. Right, because we've been taught that, no, we have to work hard, that it's being withheld, that money will meet us when we work hard or it'll meet us on things like we all have different places, but it could get money just meets us, like to provide for things right, and maybe the basic for, like groceries and maybe a little trip. But that's not true, it's like you know. And so what happens is we push down these deeper desires, needs, wants, pleasure, right. And so we have to find our edges, we have to find our capacity and start to understand that no, no, the provision wants to meet us in these deeper places so that we can feel so full, so nourished, so optimal in our vitality and our radiance.

Speaker 1:

And this is a journey, and it's an ever evolving journey. I call it the evolutionary woman's path, right, and we move through these cycles of transformation, which is where the Akashic records are so brilliant, this mastermind as well, you know every. We meet bi-weekly. I'm in the Akashic records with you, right, it's, it's beautiful, it's powerful. This is a soul level transformation, a soulful feminine transformation, right, so we can upgrade the divine prosperity consciousness in the container, really step you into a new identity and a new embodiment, so that you can hold that vision. That's an important part. So I'm going to bring it back and I feel like I am talking a little bit quickly. I want to, I really want to fit all of this in and I want to make it really digestible. So I want to bring us back to this place of like you as a holy, sacred sexual woman, and we're talking about God consciousness.

Speaker 1:

A lot of well, women will push up against this piece in different ways. But some you don't love this word, right, and some will tie it and connect it to religion, and there's a reason for that. Right, we even doing tons of past life work with the Akashic records, I mean, we're I'm often on tangling different experiences within different religious institutes and lineages based on this male figure, godhead. Right, that really has this patriarchal consciousness connected to it. Right, and it has a very judgmental kind of like God figure energy.

Speaker 1:

So what often happens, right and this is where you know we get a lot of like the purity codes from Mother Mary, right, and it creates a separation in our consciousness too, is that in order to feel loved, be accepted by God, or to be provided or to experience, you know, deep, fulfilling provision, is we have to be pure, we have to be the good girls, right, we have to, we have to stay in line, we have to do things, as you know, god would want us to do it, and so it creates a separation from our intrinsic worthiness, right From our intrinsic worthiness, and I've seen this so many times and I've seen little girls walking down the church in white dresses and it's like communion and they're being sworn in.

Speaker 1:

There's nothing, you know, I don't want to take away from anyone's like religious experience in this lifetime, but I know that with past lifetime work there's we're often on tangling different aspects of how that influenced the client at different stages in her along her soul path, right where we're interacting with some of the more unhealthy aspects of some of religious I'm sorry, of religion. And so there's this sense sometimes of you know, the sin, the or of being a woman, or the curse of being a woman right, and we have to be able to, and this is a journey and this is a deep journey and I feel like this has been, you know, 13 or 14 years of work for me at really dropping into this piece and this, this reclamation of, of coming into this place of understanding that I get to be like, I get to be holy, right, and I get to be sacred in my sexuality, because both have power and both are an expression of me, and so when I can show up in both, my primal power, my sacred power sorry, my sexual power and that heart centered power. Right, and really allowing those two pieces to merge, which is where we get Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary and the and those reunification templates coming together in our psyche and our consciousness, we can start to allow the fullness of our creative, our creatrix, our female creative energy to rise through our bodies, right, to be able to move that energy in the direction of our higher vision. But in a way now where we get to partner with the high, holy masculine, where we get to feel so held as we claim our power, as we claim our vision, we get to feel so supported as we claim our vision, as we say yes to what it is that we deeply desire.

Speaker 1:

And what can often happen when we're disconnected from this is we feel limitation, we feel scared, we feel uncertain, we're clutching, we're gripping, we don't feel like we're going to be provided for. And keep in mind this is just not something that you switch on and off in a day. This was a journey for me of understanding and it's the journey that I support clients with right, dropping into more of their creative sexual power right and being able to lead from that place right, being able to say yes to the deeper desires, being able to show more fully in their creative sexual power, being bringing through their higher, their work, their sacred work in the world, dropping into more of their pleasure, finding greater flow and ease, right. And so sometimes, when this piece isn't fully untangled or unraveled, there's we, we trip a little bit, we stumble, we don't find that momentum in that flow. It feels like we're pushing up against something and that's some of those older templates and some of that older wounding that needs to be dismantled because we've internalized it.

Speaker 1:

And this is where my work really, really supports women very, very powerfully so that they can drop into these newer, upgraded templates and this upgraded consciousness that actually supports their evolution, right, that really supports, you know, we hear a lot about the sacred union that really supports this internal sacred union, which really is essential to divine prosperity. It really is and it's a journey that take. It's a lot deeper than what I think a lot of people realize it is. It takes time. It takes time to clear up at the ancestral level, the generational level. It takes time to really step into this new version of ourselves, to become embodied in a new way, to integrate a new identity and then to really come into this new relationship with, with divine sustenance in our experience, right with the higher holy masculine who wants to hold us, provide for us right and who really wants to support us in the experience that we deeply, deeply desire to feel free and part of that is getting out of our own way, but that's easier to say than to do and also where the Akashic records are beautiful and also where my lens and the scope of how I guide and support women through transformation is really able to facilitate the untangling and the integration of that new way of being for purpose and for freedom.

Speaker 1:

So I want to start to drop us back into this final piece now we're getting to the 30 minute mark and this sense of with God there is no lack. It's kind of a nice time of year, I think, to bring this through, because I know that December can bring up scarcity and lack and I am not taking for granted that we're living at a time where there's been a lot of financial upheaval and then it can be very triggering Absolutely and that when we look around the scope of our experience sometimes or maybe we have like a bill come up or whatever it is that we can go into the fear response or we can go into the survival response, and that's all very valid. And we've got lots of tools. Now a lot of people are talking about nervous system regulation and those are all like really beautiful tools to have, and so is the recognition and remembering that we are not separate from God, that we are prosperous. If you just take a moment and think about the spirit that dwells within you, there is no lack in that space. Your prosperity exists within infinite ideas, infinite prosperity, infinite opportunities. You're an infinite being, right.

Speaker 1:

And again, that's not taking away from the fact that it does take time to ground things into the physical world. I mean, we are these human beings, we are these divine beings having this human experience. But it's important to remember our divinity and to remember the truth that there is. We're meant to create and flow from a place of prosperity and that when we're looking out at our experience right and we're looking out at so much of the illusion right, where we see lack, where we see where we see where it can sometimes feel like, you know, prosperity is being withheld, or like there's not enough and like scarcity is like around the corner, right, like people are, or maybe maybe, as an example, you know they're, they're, they're fighting over what's what's theirs. But when we start to shift our experience, when we start to come into a deeper truth and a deeper remembrance and this is a journey and this is one that I'm always really invested in continually wanting to like, master and upgrade my own prosperity consciousness around this right is that that's not real. Right, that's that's not real. The scarcity, the illusion, the separation is is all parts sorry, the scarcity, the limitation, the illusion, it's all part of separation consciousness. It keeps us separated from a deeper truth that prosperity is ours and that we are women who are more than enough.

Speaker 1:

So, hands over heart, I want you to go ahead to begin to send yourself love, to begin to send your inner little girl love, right, or however she's feeling, just coming into that space of your queen codes of your essence, the core of your divinity. You're just sending yourself love, tapping into the beauty of who you are, the gift of who you are, coming into a space of presence. Right, god makes no mistakes. You're here at this time for a reason. You were born into this physical experience as a gift, as a beautiful, sacred, rich child of the divine. You were born into this physical experience. There's no mistakes. You were born more than enough. The beauty of your essence, of your medicine, right, without having to be anywhere or do anything right, the beauty of your essence is a gift to the world. God makes no mistakes. Right? You are sacred, you are holy and I just want you to start to tap into that and just start to feel the beauty and the richness of your spirit and coming into that sense of more than enough, like you are more than enough. You are more than enough. God makes no mistake. God loves you. You are an extension of God's divinity, of God's love.

Speaker 1:

Right and starting to see and visualize your most prosperous experience Money flowing into your experience with ease, miracle money showing up, opportunity showing up. It just feels so natural and easy because you're just worthy. Now it all gets to happen. Now You're so loved, you're so cherished. Nothing is being withheld. It's safe to let go. It's safe to soften. God's got this. God's rearranging all the pieces. The universe has your back Right. You are more than enough. You are more than enough. The beauty, the essence of you is more than enough.

Speaker 1:

Just starting to soften, starting to allow that provision to flow into your experience from sources known and unknown. Breathing that, in Just breathing the provision, in Just letting it in, like you, just you letting yourself be such a gift, just receiving in that joy, receiving in that love, Receiving in that pleasure, receiving in that sacredness, receiving in your creative sexual power. Right, it all just wants to flow in to support you, because you're not doing this all alone. It's meant to feel natural and easy and you're just allowing it in. You're just allowing it in. It's like the easiest thing in the world to do Taking a few deep breaths with me, just breathing love, in breathing abundance, in Exhaling any energy that just feels dense and dark and doesn't serve you.

Speaker 1:

Letting the essence of your spirit, of your creative power, of your beauty, just start to like, feel, fill the room, start to emanate in the room. Just letting it take up space and letting it start to see all that radiant divine prosperity consciousness that lives within you, start to flow through your experience, taking up space within your experience, blessing everything in your experience, seeing it going out into the world and little strands of golden tendril energy, seeing beautiful gold coins falling from the heavens, and we're just like letting it like cascade into the top of your head and you're just receiving all that divine prosperity, seeing it move down and through you and out out into the world, circulating all that divine, all that divine sustenance out into the world as you put all your provision, all that compensation, out into the world and you're circulating all of that and it feels so good and so free because you know that it's that provision is coming right back to you, because you know that provision is coming right back to you and then starting to see those gold tendrils starting to circulate and move its way back to you, all that provision, all that compensation, all of God's love flowing back to you, just allowing it into your heart and just allowing yourself to just be one with the divine in this moment and this time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So it is. The door between the worlds is now closed. Please take a moment.

Speaker 1:

If you listen to the whole call today, the whole Akashic transmission, you know, have a couple sips of water, let this integrate, really allow yourself to marinate in the beauty of the transmission, right, and if there's any inspiration or any inspired action that comes through, it kind of goes both ways. It's like opportunities. People can show up. We can have money show up from sources known and unknown, and also we can be inspired to take action on something, or we can have an idea to generate prosperity right From God consciousness, because it's all there working for us. If you've loved this, if you want to go deeper, shoot me an email, tara. At Tara Prestoncom. Let me know you want to take a look at the Feminine Phoenix Rising Mastermind 2024 one spot left for sure.

Speaker 1:

And if you'd love to really start to open to the foundation of this work in a very powerful way, check out the Flower of Life Akashic certification. Right now I'm offering three 30 minute bonus sessions and it's $200 off for the month of December. So it is a beautiful like foundation level. It will open so much for you and it's a certification pathway. So everything you use and learn for your own path you can then take and turn around and support others in their journey. I'm sending you so much love this solstice. If you step into the mastermind before the solstice, you could join us for an Akashic visioning and clearing activation in the solstice energy.

Speaker 1:

We officially begin on January 15th and we meet biweekly. So we start on the 15th and then we meet biweekly from there and we go for nine whole months. It's an incredible value. So right now it's sitting at 5k USD. It'll go up to 7k USD. This is an incredible value. I've made it to be accessible. It won't stay this price forever. It won't.

Speaker 1:

This is my signature pathway of transformation, something that I've ran and supported women with privately for five years. It's a phenomenal program. If you're more interested in a private pathway of support Feminine Phoenix Rising the private pathway email me and I am happy to send over the PDF for you to take a look at. Bye for now. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.