Naturally Prosperous Woman

5 Ways The Mother Wound Is Keeping You BROKE In Your Business

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher

Hello dear friends & soul sisters!

Join me this week for a beautiful transmission of reclamation, power & what it means to heal the Mother Wound on your path to anchoring into a new paradigm of feminine prosperity.

Prepare to step into your power as we unravel the mother wound and its profound impact on feminine leadership, receiving,  visibility, and of course money!

In today's transmission I guide you through 5 aspects of how the Mother Wound plays out in relationship to money, but also speak to a myriad of ways each aspect has profound impact on all the ways we feel free to shine in the world. .

Each I promise will give you SO much clarity around the impact of this core wound.

 The Mother Wound is a core wound on the plant, and specifically affect woman in their relationship to the feminine. As you will explore on todays podcast the roots of this are carried forward through our lineage, the experience we had with our own Mother's,  and the general collective wound that can often be uncovered through karmic pain patterns connected to "good girl behaviour"  when working with the Akashic Records.

Have you noticed an urge to seek external validation before you make a move your guided to make?

Hello Mother Wound.  

 Together, we'll explore how to reclaim this power by asserting our desires, taking up space, sparking a co-creative relationship with the universe. It's our birthright to flourish in our businesses and personal lives. 

Take a listen, and discover the  5 signs indicating a lack of feminine prosperity in your business.

Self-love and self-support aren't just catchphrases; they're integral to your journey of overcoming the mother wound and stepping into your feminine leadership. 

Embrace the energy of divine Mother, and Mother Earth as we traverse this path of self-love and healing. 

Whether you're interested in my upcoming mastermind program or the Flower of Life Akashic certification, prepare to transform and rise in your feminine power. 

The vision in your heart is there for a reason; it's time you claimed it! Join us and set the stage for your most prosperous, authentic self.

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and, of course, impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hi and welcome to another episode of the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I am, of course, your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, facilitator of over 6,000 Akashic record sessions over the last decade probably a lot more, let's count the last couple of years. So here I want to drop into this piece around the mother wound and share a little bit about all the ways that the mother wound can affect us in terms of our leadership, in terms of our visibility and in terms of money, because those three pieces are integral when it comes to stepping out and shining in the naturalness of who we are, right. And so, even if you have had a really great relationship with your mother, right, or maybe the relationship with your mother has been more tumultuous, maybe you had more of a controlling mother, maybe you had a mother who was more emotionally unavailable, maybe you didn't the mother wound touches us all in different ways Because it's really truly intrinsically a separation from other consciousness. It really truly is the pain and suppression of the feminine that's existed on the planet for some 5,000 years, and so this pain and the suppression of the feminine has ran along the mother line for generations, and it is this almost like intrinsic pain that the women in our lineage Would have carried due to the suppression of the feminine.

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But the thing is, is that our experience with our mother Really dictates on a certain level, because the mother wound is complex and it's layered, and I'm sharing this from. You know, developing numerous bodies of work, specifically the flower of life, a cashew certification, really dives into the mother wound. You know, evolutionary mama was another program that I put out, like there. You know it's something I've spent years really diving into because it is so layered. You know our connection, our separation, our disconnect from mother earth, right, there's just so many ways that it plays out.

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But I want you to really realize that it is the pain and the suppression of the feminine that gets carried up the mother line. So to a degree, we all have it and if we think about our experience with our mothers, it is the first interaction that we have with the goddess, right, it's the. It's the first interaction that with the first face of the goddess that we have, that we interact with. And so you know, depending on our lineage, depending on the healing maybe that our mothers did right, we'll each have a different experience around what the mother wound is to us, but there is often common factors. So, when you step into your spiritual business, your sole purpose business, these wounds tend to be highlighted because we need to develop a different muscle in terms of our feminine leadership and we need to be able to move past that wound in order to anchor into a new paradigm of feminine leadership, right, where we can actually show up in a space of embodied, recalibrated power, where we can show up in this what I call this new paradigm, a feminine prosperity. And yes, I use the word feminine a lot and because it's so intrinsic to the frequency, the vibration, the voice, the medicine that I work with.

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So we need to heal the mother wound and there'll be different layers depending on where we're at in our journey, where we're at in our evolution. We need to heal the mother wound to be able to show up in an expanded, connected, anchored field. Right where it feels good and safe and right to take up space with the truth of who we are and who we're called to be in the world. Right when we're not giving ourselves away, operating at a sacrifice, not allowing ourselves to move forward into more of our evolution because we may surpass the pleasure, the prosperity, the happiness that our mothers currently experience or did experience, because that does happen. There's so many layers to it. Right, you can be on the edge of expansion and then all of a sudden, feel some sense of grief, obligation. You could even be experiencing resentment from your mother.

Speaker 1:

Right, because there is this dynamic that happens where the women in our lineage like bless them, because each woman has contributed to the evolution of the lineage. But also, to a degree, the women in our lineage have carried feminine pain and we're fortunate because we're the generation that gets to experience more freedom than many of the women in our lineage in terms of pursuing their purpose, claiming their leadership, having a voice, taking up space with their expression, right, making money in a way that honors the truth of who we are and who we're being called to be, right In the naturalness of who we are Like. These are incredible times, but we can face these subconscious kind of quantum entanglement, you know. This is why the Akashic records are so powerful at clearing out these layers, because a lot of this is so old right, it's so old and it's so deep. The Akashic records being the planet's deepest healing tool, right, a spiritual power tool that works at the quantum level can untangle a lot of this very, very efficiently so that the soul can move forward into greater expression and there can be healing along the lineage, and there really truly is a timeline healing that happens backwards and forwards when we do say yes to our evolution. But there can be layers around the mother wound. So I've kind of gotten onto a tangent, I've kind of gotten off track, but I really do want to speak specifically to these five ways. I'm wondering if I should have done three now. But you know, there again there's just, there's so many layers to it, but it becomes an important piece because without healing the mother wound as well, it's like you're going to be doing hard work unnecessary work to move your vision forward and it will always feel out of reach. That's one of the frustrating parts of not being not healing the mother wound, and I know this because of my own journey and I know this because of the work that I've done over the last decade. So, by the way, if this is speaking to you, I'm going to pop in right now and I'm going to share a couple of ways you can go deeper with healing the mother wound. So this year I've decided to open the doors to my grand mastermind opportunity.

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Feminine Phoenix Rising has been my private transformation for the last five years. It is a powerful pathway to deep healing and rising in your embodied leadership for the new paradigm. It is the space where we go deep to burn away the old, to heal the mother wound, to upgrade the inner templates right, both the Holy Mother, holy Father templates to really upgrade our prosperity consciousness, to birth your sacred creations and to come out the other side in a new energetic experience of who you are right, which has a ripple effect on the world around you, has a beautiful ripple effect on the way around you, the way that you create, lead, flourish in the new paradigm. It's all here. So I've taken that private transformation that has so much power and I still have the doors. I still have two spots for the new year for Feminine Phoenix Rising. So if a private transformation speaks to you, please reach out.

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But this year I've decided to, for the first time ever, open the door to a mastermind experience for four women. I feel I've priced it at a beautiful investment. Right, and I'm going to do this one time, only, one time only. This investment, which I've never done. I've had masterminds in the past. I have charged more for it, so I'm wanting to make this investment very, very juicy for one, but very attainable. I really do. I'm at a really great place in my life, in my business, and I want to be able to support those that are being called into their leadership, that feel like money is an obstacle to investing in their sacred path, in their sacred work, in their leadership. This is a path that really calls you into a higher timeline of prosperity and leadership. Right.

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Having a business in the new paradigm of purpose-based business and making money in your purpose-based business is an entirely different animal than making money through a job right or making money in the old paradigm. So it's like you can't carry it forward. It just won't work, especially if you desire ease, flow, spaciousness. For me, spaciousness in my life and my business was super important and that's exactly what I've created. I want to teach you and show you the business systems and structures to create a proper inner foundation. I give you both the inner foundation and the external foundation to support your rise in the new paradigm. So if that speaks to you, email me, tara at TaraPrestoncom. I'm going to shoot you back. You just have to let me know you're interested in the mastermind or the private pathway and I will shoot you back a PDF. It's about 20 pages long, but it gives you opportunity to really sink into the medicine of this pathway. Alright, let's continue.

Speaker 1:

Five ways the mother wound is keeping you broken your business. Okay, so, depending on your experience of the mother wound, there are still some common pieces and oftentimes, as children, as little girls, we're really developing this inner understanding of how the feminine operates by watching our mother Right and again, there's so many layers to this, but a lot of times we're seeing or we saw our mothers really, really operating, not from their true feminine power but from a push go, do, a hustle place. And this space of like carrying a lot right, holding the household, catering to everyone's needs, putting their desires, their needs, their wants on the back burner, right, like feeling some sense of depletion and exhaustion and then wearing a badge because of it. Right, and does that really truly serve the mother, Like in the home, in the community, in the world? No, it doesn't, and it often will create burnout and disconnect and collapse and all the things that we don't want as we move into the new paradigm. It's not the way we're designed to live. So how does that get carried into your business? Right, and so I'm giving you an example. So it's like, if this is resonating, yay, you know. But regardless this, if you haven't done the work around the mother wound, this will be showing up. So, number one, oftentimes, when we're not seeing the money, we're feeling broke in our business, right. So there's two energetic states. I'm backing up a little bit here. We want to move from a collapsed, disconnected, depleted energetic state to taking up space in the world from an expanded, radiant, connected, anchored energetic place, because think about how attractive that is to money, to opportunities, to clients, right, that's powerful and that's where the ease comes from. But when we have the mother wound in our business and we're feeling we're not seeing the money, here's what often shows up Catering to the needs of everyone else or buried underneath the needs of everyone else.

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The feminine and women have have many, many needs, right, and that becomes an important piece of understanding how to feed and nourish ourselves. How to feed and nourish ourselves. There's so many times doing a cashier record where it can pass life, healing work, where I'll see this like mother in a past life experience and she's like depleted and exhausted, and there's this, this karmic pattern running of like I'll feed myself when everyone else is fed, but then it's like the next thing comes along where someone in the family member needs to be fed and I'll literally see her set the table, make the food set the table, feed everyone else and then finally sit down and feed herself and then and then she's like she's tired and then there's like dishes to do and there's kids to tend to, and it's just this pattern that goes over and over again. And not only that. The feminine has a lot of needs.

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So when we address our needs when we stop catering to the needs of everyone else, because what happens is that we literally become buried under the needs of everyone else, right, tired, there's no space for us, money can't find us. So we have to be able to start feeding ourselves, nourishing ourselves, listening to what do I need, what do I want, right. And when we do that, we start to operate from a fuller space, a fuller energy, right From a space of nourishment, from a space of expansion. We start to take up space, but within that we have to get really comfortable understanding who we are and we have to get really comfortable knowing where our boundaries are. Saying no, right, we say no so that we can honor ourselves, right. And then within that there's sometimes that's where the entanglement happens. Well, why does that feel so hard, right? Why does it feel so hard? And because some of these patterns are very deeply ingrained.

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And again, this is where the Akashic records are brilliant at untangling that and also having somebody who understands the mother wound, right. This is like it's a core piece to my work. So often it comes through in a very, very specific way to support this process of untangling that, to create more space, to create more space to start to untangle the patterns, to create more space for you to come home to yourself, to mother yourself, to listen to yourself, to feed yourself, Okay. So when we do that, we start to create space, right, things can start to find us, but that can feel intimidating to start showing up in that space. There can be visibility pieces, because who are you now to start showing up like that, right? So through this, you know, kind of the share today, keep in mind that as we start to heal the mother wound, we are quite literally transforming, and this is the work that I facilitate on a very, very deep level. We are transforming. So at some point there's like a self-image upgrade, there's an identity upgrade that needs to happen, right, and that becomes a very important piece too. And that's a part of my expertise that comes from working as a professional makeup artist for over a decade, right, like I understand the psychology of self-image and why that becomes important.

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Okay, number two seeking external validation. This is the people pleasing, right, this is the people pleasing. This is the people pleasing that, to a degree, we probably seen our mothers do, and it is where we, you know, want to cater to everyone else, and sometimes that's through, you know, a deeper desire to you. Know, because we care, right, and also because we want to be seen as the good girl, right? Is that like the good girl piece? So that wasnies, and what it does is it keeps us gridlocked into the expectations of others. Right, the good girl. And this could come, too, from the conditioning that you received as a child right, sit pretty, don't get messy, speak when you're spoken to, don't create a scene, don't be messy. Right, just be perfect, just do what I ask of you, right.

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But it disconnects us from our primal power. Right, from the nature of our dark, feminine power, which is primal power. It's that space of deep power where we feel free in being able to move and take up space in a way that suits us. Right, like it's a little bit of the bitch energy and we use it where we want to. We use it where we want to, and sometimes we don't need it because we're. We feel a sense and degree of comfort in our ability to take up space, to sometimes create ripples, to sometimes make a mess right, to sometimes have somebody be triggered by us, because we have boundaries and we have things to say, right, but we start to take up space with our expression, we start to show up in the way that we want to, right, and that's another way that we start to amplify our energy through. It starts to create ripples. We're starting to take up more space, which, again, when we take up more space, right, it's very attractive to money. It's very attractive to money and that, again, is where the ease comes from and it's where the freedom comes from, because now we get to move and create and lead and, oh my God, it feels so good.

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Why did I wait so long? Right, it's like, it's like the power of becoming the like a woman who knows what she wants, right, a woman who knows what she wants, not afraid to take up space with it, she's going to lead from that place powerfully, okay, you know. And that's so powerful too, because when we know what we want, when we've claimed what we want, when we take ownership of what we want, that is a very, very powerful. It creates a creative, a co-creative spark, right, and the universe starts to co-create with us in a very powerful way, the dancing around right, seeking like oh, I'm not going to claim that for myself because I don't know if that will work for that person or I'm not going to like say that I want that because that might not work for that person. But what if it works for you? Right, and again, there's some layers in there, because when we claim that, then we push up against these karmic patterns of seeking external validation. Right, and yes, this is very connected to trauma in the system. There are a lot of people who do somatic experience in speaking about trauma, like they talk about, you know, people pleasing being a trauma response. And that is how healing the mother wound, you know, specifically through my approach in the Akashic Records right, it really clears and untangles that. And at the same time, we're starting to look at how to create a sense of safety, how to start to nourish the system, how to start to come home to yourself, right, in a way that feels to a degree uncomfortable but safe. And it's through that process that there's healing, there's energetic rewiring, there's a sense that it's okay to start to show up in the world in new ways and it starts to create a sense of freedom.

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Number three worthiness. This one is a huge one for me. I mean, I remember, you know I've been in business for 13 years, but I remember at a point in my journey, probably like just a few years in, I just I could see that version of me, that bigger version of me, being of service with my gifts, but I just really didn't. Really at some points questioned like who, who I would impact, who would want to work with me? Did my gifts really matter? Right, it's like it's the inner little girl really not feeling seen and cherished in the beauty and the truth of who she is.

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Right, and that gets missed because our mothers didn't have that either and their mothers didn't have that and their mothers didn't have that Right, so it gets missed. We don't get to. We didn't get the light of the goddess, right, we didn't have the light of like, of the, of the, the divine mother, the evolutionary mother, the empowered mother, frequency shining that light on us and so the worthiness piece. It keeps us from truly believing in the gifts and the presence and the purpose and the potential of the truth of who we are. You know, there can be some shame woven into this piece, right, and again there can be that sense of just not really valuing the gift of who you intrinsically are, right, unworthy.

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So again it's like we have to come back home to ourselves. We have to, you know, and mirror work is often, you know, a beautiful piece that I will weave in, and so it's, like you know, lighting a candle and and having a mirror present and actually starting to source, connect in and self source your love. Right, bringing the love of the mother to that beautiful, innocent, younger version of you, that more vulnerable part of you, seeing her, loving her, tapping into the naturalness of who she was, the beauty of who she was, the joy of her essence, the joy of her spirit, the things that were so natural to the things that are so natural to our inner child or inner little girl. Right, her gifts, right, and really starting to see that and value that, we start to bring the love of the mother to a deeper relationship to ourselves. We start to create a new inner foundation from that place, and this is something that I, like, I love guiding women to connect into, that it's so powerful.

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It changes the way you show up in your, your life, with money, with business. Right, there's there's a new level of integrated confidence that begins to show up right, shoulders back, expanded, right, I am worthy. I am worthy of receiving more money. I am worthy of receiving the clients. I'm, I am worthy. So this leads me to the next step, or the next way that the mother wound keeps us broken, our business, which is, it's hard to receive, even if you're doing all the things, you can't let it in, and that often comes from that worthiness piece.

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It'll often comes from the worthiness piece, but it also comes from some of the other pieces that I've talked about. Right, that like that seeking external validating, that buried under the needs of everyone else. The worthiness piece, it's like receiving, just like from the joy of being a woman, which, by the way, being a woman, it's, it's we're built to receive, we are built to receive and have it be pleasurable and have it be easy and have it be fun, right, just be just from the naturalness of who we are. Right, just from the naturalness of who we are. You know there's some, you know I talk.

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A lot of my work is around this, this like divine prosperity and and and operating and flowing from the naturalness of who we are as women. So, as we start to really drop into a lot of these pieces, you know, the next piece becomes the prosperity consciousness piece, which is another favorite part of mine, like upgrading our money consciousness and also understanding how God wants to be there for us, right, how God wants to make this easy, how God wants to provide, how God wants to protect, how God wants to hold us as sacred women, right, as we rise in our leadership, right, that that is that calls for another time. I want to specifically focus and I find too that as we do this work, we move through all these pieces that that there is a healing and rebalancing right, and it does does touch on prosperity and it does touch on our relationship with God. Right, the divine, infinite intelligence, however you want to word it. Right, because it becomes another integral piece of of understanding how to who we are as divine beings, right, the empowered nature of who we are meant to be, right, and that exists. Some of this exists beyond the physical framework, as we remember that we are powerful spiritual beings, right here to create in the physical. But we have this like amnesia because of the way that we've been conditioned, right, so we'll get to that.

Speaker 1:

On another call All right, hard to receive, hard to receive, right. So it's like when we're very external focused, right, and we're we talked about moving through some of these layers it's hard to receive. It's like a muscle we don't even. We haven't even developed it. It can feel weird to receive. Who am I to receive? Are?

Speaker 1:

A lot of our identity gets stuck on how we care and nurture others, how we are trying to meet the expectations of others, how we're seeking external validation from others right? So who are we to receive? But now, all of a sudden, we have the space to receive. Right Now, all of a sudden, we have the space to receive. And then who am I to receive? And so we start to work on this.

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You know, this is very connected to like self love. Right, it's very connected to self love. It's very connected to healing, the coming into a deeper relationship, healing and loving the inner child. Right, it's like we start to open, like really like a flower. We start to expand with strong, strong roots. We start to remember that the beauty of who we are is worthy of receiving. We start to remember that it's, it's meant to be, a joy to receive, that the more that we receive, the more that we have to give back through our purpose right, through our vision, through the way that we want to circulate our divine compensation, right, and so learning to receive becomes an energetic piece. It becomes an embodiment piece and learning to receive becomes an inner foundation piece, healing certain karmic patterns, healing certain layers, programming there's and there's other layers to learning to receive. That's often connected to the womb for women and then also the root right and that's and that's pieces that I definitely touch on in my private work or in the mastermind.

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But for me, when I was really really starting to open up to receive prosperity, it was really the heart right, the, the worthiness piece that was really all around the heart right. That was really enough for me to start to see how money could start to flow into my business in a totally different way from like catering to my audience and people pleasing and looking for external validation and not having the proper structures in my business because I was concerned with what worked for my clients and what didn't, not having proper boundaries in my clients but with my clients because I was still working out of a, you know, seeking validation, right. But all of those things as we start to really clear and heal that come into this new relationship with ourselves, we start to come into a new relationship with our power and our expansion and our expression right, and all those things that we want start to flow into our experience in a totally different way. Okay, number five.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so number five and I did make a note here and I'm reading it and number five is your business lacks flow, joy and fun. Right, the flow, joy and fun is the frequency that expands your field. It amplifies your feminine prosperity field, right? And so when we're talking about money, right, what? The way that I often look at it is a building of frequency of prosperity. You're building like a field of prosperity. So, rather than like chasing the outcome, right, or pushing to do more or thinking that whatever we need to do comes outside of us, we're actually starting to build a frequency of prosperity. We start to build a field of prosperity and that starts to enhance the flow of money and it starts to attract more prosperity, right, more clients, more opportunities into our field.

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But this piece, your business, lacks flow, joy and fun, because it's such a magnifier like, it's so attractive and it also is like a magical ingredient that, like, nourishes us. It's hard to be in business when things feel hard. It's meant to be purposeful and fun and, yes, you're going to have challenges, but still, the play, the joy, the flow, like when we start to really loosen up that feminine muscle. There's an element of ease, right, and yes, again, there's going to be challenges. There's going to be growth edges. I don't want to take away from that. I mean, I've been doing this for a long time. I know what it means to navigate a challenge, you know, and come out the other side.

Speaker 1:

But this connects to the way that we mother our inner child, the way that we nourish our inner child, the way that we listen to our inner child, right, and it's it's how we start to nourish ourselves. I can't even say this enough, because it is such an integral part of our relationship to ourselves and our inner child is like such a resource for our, the naturalness of who we are, just the way that we were. We were designed to experience joy as children, like getting lost in the miracle of life, in the beauty of nature, right, like what just felt as a child. And this can be hard too. I want to say this can be hard for some women, depending on the experience of childhood that they had, and there's different methods and different tools for accessing this. So, please, if I'm saying this and it's like you had a hard childhood I can relate at. You know, if you had a hard childhood and you don't have any memories of when it felt like that, that's okay, that that is okay, right. And there are other ways to connect to that little girl inside of you. So just know that I see you, I witness, I honor where you're at in your journey and that to take it slow right, and that there's other ways to start to speak to and nurture your inner child. But when we tap into the inner child and we start to let her have her, have a say, I always find in my own business, when I'm not listening to the inner child, she could be scared, she could feel uncertain, she could feel insecure, right. And all of a sudden there's like a break in my business, like, like, literally like I'm putting the brakes on. I'm like I'm doing things, but I've put the brakes on and it's because my inner child is wanting my attention. There's something that doesn't feel safe or there's something that feels hard, right, and the inner child will quite literally be like I don't want to do it this way, this way sucks, this way it's boring, this way feels hard. Why are you doing it this way? Right, and so the inner child can be a resource for play and flow and fun and a new way of bringing joy to your business, which is beautiful. It's such a beautiful space of expansion and anytime we expand, we're allowing more in. There is ease that flows in.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk a little bit just about this as a final note. This is one of the longer podcasts, I believe, but I'm going to wrap it up here shortly. But I want to talk about a final piece and this is you know, when we're talking about new paradigm, feminine leadership, we are talking about presence, right, we're shifting from that space of go do, hustle, lack, depletion, disconnect, disembodiment, right, and the way back to that again is it's the cultivating, the field of prosperity. It is coming back to a space of presence, which is where we start to come out of the illusion and back into truth. And the truth is that, as these beautiful divine beings that we are, these beautiful divine beings that we were, that were born into this physical world as children, is that we were worthy of God's love before we were born. We were worthy of God's love the moment we were born into this experience. We're worthy of God's love now, and this I just it's become such an integral piece of like understanding that there's nothing that you have to do or be right In this space of presence. In this space of presence in the here and the now.

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If I were just sitting there with you, right, just being in the beauty of who you are, which you know, being in our beauty is another, another, you know, aspect of the mother wound, right, that can really inhibit our ability to shine in the world. But I'm here to tell you, right, and I carry a lot of the codes of the of the Divine Mother. It's a big, it's an energy that I, that I bring to my containers. But I'm here to tell you that you are beautiful, you're whole, you're perfect, like, just in this space of presence there's, without there being anything for you to do or anywhere to be Just your, your presence is wholly sacred and divine. You are a gift, your beauty is a gift, right, and we we have to, we have to claim that, because it's from that place that we start to allow ourselves to move through the, the cascading effect of all of these layers that I talked about today. It's where we start to allow ourselves to sink into a space of presence, to to actually prioritize our relationship with ourselves, our own nourishment, our own wants, our own needs, our own expansion, our own expression. It's where we dissolve a lot of the patriarchal interference and illusion, right, it's by by coming into this beautiful space of remembrance.

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And so, at hands over heart, I want you to send yourself love. I want you to send that inner child in you, whether you see her or not, love the unconditional love of the mother, right, let her know that she is perfect, holy and divine and, just like, send her radiance, send her compassion. You know another way that the mother would impacts us, you know, has to do with how we self source, how we self support ourselves, the compassion that we bring to ourselves on this entrepreneurial path. It's huge. It's huge in how we tend to ourselves, right, it's like tending to ourselves like, honestly, like a beautiful, sacred flower, right, and that that is you, that's your essence. Continuing to send yourself love. I'm just, I'm calling in the energy of the divine mother, the divine mother, the divine mother. Calling in the energy of the earth mother, the earth mother, the earth mother, all our angelic helpers calling in the divine, wrapping you in love, right, allowing yourself to feel seen in your beauty, held in the truth of who you are loved so deeply. Everything that you desire is meant for you. Your helpers know that. The divine mother knows that Right. The vision that you have in your heart is meant for you. It's a gift not just for you but for the collective. Just allowing yourself to feel safe and held.

Speaker 1:

Taking a moment to just tune into today's teaching and transmission you know what really stood out to you today. What was the piece that really jumped out to you that got highlighted? The nugget. This is a big journey if this is new to you, so we don't try to conquer it all. We take the next piece, we take the next awareness, and this is what I call an embodiment step. This is something that I do with every session that I facilitate.

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How can we take that most important insight or awareness? How can we take that and how can we honor it? How can you honor it? What's one thing that you can do to honor that insight? Maybe it's that idea of nourishment or uncovering what you need. Maybe it's something in your awareness is like yeah, why do I keep doing that when I don't want to do it? Maybe it's just the invitation to say no somewhere. Maybe it's like this beautiful idea of like mirror work Just sitting down with a journal and a candle and just mirror gazing, sending yourself love. Maybe it's spending a little bit more time with the inner child.

Speaker 1:

I just want to thank you for listening today. I also want you to know that the mother wound journey is significant. It's deep, it's layered. This is work I've been doing for a very long time and every once in a while I hit up against another layer with the mother wound. So I'm sending you so much love and thank you for being here today. And if this work speaks to you again, email me, tara at TaraPrestoncom. Email me and just share what came through. I would love to hear from some of my listeners. If this spoke to you, write me a review on Apple, on iTunes. That would be wonderful.

Speaker 1:

And if the mastermind of spending nine months with me, either through a private pathway, speaks to you or through the new mastermind, tara at TaraPrestoncom, let's explore this together. I am here for you. I am feeling the call. I am feeling a deep desire to support those women that are ready to rise in a new paradigm of feminine leadership, birth their sacred creations, upgrade their sacred prosperity, come into a new relationship with themselves, integrate a new identity and take up big space in the world. If this is, you reach out, anyone who steps in before December 21st, you get access to the solstice, a Kashuk vision quest and timeline activation. We don't officially start until January 15th, so this month I've got the doors open and I've got a beautiful investment level I think so mid for figures and then it'll jump up in January. It'll jump up in January by $2,000.

Speaker 1:

And I want you to know if this is speaking to you, if this is speaking to you, to believe in yourself, to believe that, if you desire this, you can find a way to figure this out, you can show up for this, you can say I want this and claim it, and watch to see what happens, just to know that you are worthy of receiving this transformation, of this level of support, of the vision that is deep in your heart. I want to help you bring that through and I have been doing this for a very, very long time. Come and experience the magic of my containers. Come and feel held in the most delicious way, alright, so, tara, at Tara Prestoncom, if you want to check out the Flower of Life Acashic certification, you can head over to theacashicwomensschoolcom.

Speaker 1:

Flower of Life Acashic certification. Right now, through the month of December, it's $200 off and you get three bonus private sessions. So it's a self-paced, beautiful program. It's a certification in that you're going to move through your own healing. You're going to deep dive into a lot of the pieces that I talked about today, but you're going to learn the Flower of Life Acashic healing method so that you can have this powerful tool to navigate your own path and then to help other women do the same. And then you get three private bonus sessions with me, which allows you to take the work even deeper. We have a private voxer messenger space going right now.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, alright, I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now, hello friend. Thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Acashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to theacashicwomensschoolcom and then you can click on the link in the description below to get a free slash, free dash gift and grab the Acashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.