Naturally Prosperous Woman

Sister Heart To Heart With Brandy Leduc, On Her Awakening Journey, Plant Medicine & The Akashic Records

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 3 Episode 11

This week on the Naturally Prosperous Woman Podcast I had the pleasure of connecting with Brandy Leduc, Empowerment & Soul Purpose Guide for Awakening Women.

I met this beautiful woman about a year ago as a student of the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Certification, and I've witnessed her blossom on her devotional path in some really inspiring & powerful ways.

The road to self-discovery and healing isn't always easy as Brandy shares.  Particularly for the nurturers among us.

Brandy shares on what happened along her personal awakening woman's path, as well as the importance of setting boundaries and recovering from people-pleasing tendencies  (which we can ALL relate too)!

She shares on how plant medicine supported her journey, and how it inspired her to begin her training as a plant medicine guide. (this is SO good).

We touch on Brandy's experience with the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Medicine, and how this method, weaves so beautifully into our sacred path in so many ways.

You will be left with a profound reminder to trust your inner guidance and follow your heart to your true path of awakening. Brandy's story is inspiring!

So, don't hesitate! Join us for this inspiring chat and find relatable nuggets of wisdom in Brandi Laduc's story for your personal path.

If you LOVED this episode, and want to learn more about the Flower Of Life Akashic Certification you can find the link below. Receive 3 BONUS 30 MIN Sessions when you sign up this month.

If you want to learn more about Brandy Leduc, you can find her Facebook here:

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. My name is Tara Preston. I wanted to do a really quick intro here to share a little bit on what this podcast is going to be about. A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing a dear soul sister, a past student of the Flower of Life, akasha Keeling Method and a past client, and I just think that she is rising in her sacred work, in her sacred feminine leadership, in the most beautiful way. She's just such a devoted woman who is really bringing her gifts to the world in a really powerful way, and I wanted to have the opportunity to connect with her so that she could share a little bit about her story, her awakening journey, what that's looked like for her, and how she's really starting to root into her leadership an entirely new way. She's going to share a little bit about plant medicine, which is something that she's been deepening into for a while now, how she weaves that into how it actually touched upon her own awakening journey and how she weaves that together with the Flower of Life, akasha Keeling Method, which is the method that I teach, which is a method that I'm super passionate about, and one of the things that I'm most passionate about is helping women cultivate their unique medicine and their unique expression, so that that is a really beautiful transmission and almost magical ingredient to working with the Akasha records as a sacred spaceholder for women's liberated expression. I also really love to encourage my clients to weave the Flower of Life Akasha Keeling Method into what they're currently doing, because it often complements the work that women are doing in such a beautiful way. And not only that we're going to talk a little bit about the profound impact that the Akashic records have on a woman's awakening path. So stay tuned. I hope you enjoy. I hope you take some nuggets of inspiration away. Feel free to reach out after and let me know, or join us in the Evolutionary Woman Facebook group. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hi welcome. This is Tara Preston from the Akashic Women's School and I'm here today with Brandi Laduke. We thought it would be really nice, this cozy new moon, to connect for a sister soul chat. I love the work that Brandi's doing in the world and she's also been a really beautiful friend and student of the Akashic Women's School. So she's done the Flower of Life Akashic Healing Certification. But we just thought it'd be really nice to come together and probably inspiring, to have Brandi share a little bit about her own journey and the work that she's doing in the world and share a little bit about the Flower of Life method and how that's being woven into her work in the world as well. So welcome, brandi.

Speaker 2:

How are you doing? I'm doing amazing. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

So Brandi is an Empowerment and Soul Purpose Guide for Awakening Women and we were just talking about this before we jumped on the call around. Sometimes you're really trying to illuminate and give like the full clarity of the fullness of the work that we're here to do in the world is challenging sometimes, but Brandi is an Empowerment and Soul Purpose Guide for Awakening Women and she has a deep toolbox. So I'm going to hand it over to Brandi and just have her share a little bit about the different tools that she's working with and she's been on this path for a while, so, yeah, Thanks, tara.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I guess a couple years ago I got started working with Plant Medicine for my own journey, finding my own soul path which connected me to that work and working with Plant Medicine, and I saw how powerful it was to really deepen our connection to our hearts and bringing us back to like who am I, why am I here and how am I here to serve, and so that was a really big part of my journey and connecting me more deeply to my heart space.

Speaker 2:

And not long after that I was connected to your certificate and the Flower of Life pathway and how that played into my life in like clearing blocks and opening up my pathway for the work that I am here to usher in into the world. I love speaking and working with women around, really truly who they are meant to be in this world and why they are here, and just connecting them back to that space inside of them. Because as a collective we're so disconnected, as mothers we're so busy we don't make that time for ourselves to deepen in, and I feel like a lot of women are being called right now to that more Like. What is that? More that I am here to contribute to just the overall, collective of like the healing on the planet.

Speaker 1:

That's so beautiful. That's so beautiful. I want to go back a little bit to your plant medicine pathway and that kind of intersection on your path where you started to have a relationship with the plants and what started. You've touched on it a little bit, but I'd just be curious about the significance of that time and what you really started to discover about yourself and how the plants played a part in that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I guess I was really at a point in my life where I did not trust my path. I was very unclear and I was trying on all of these things and I had just gone through a spiritual business program and I came out the other end of it and the only thing I came out the other end of it with was the journey back to the heart, and that was kind of it. And I was like I don't have a modality and I don't have this and all these beliefs were coming up around why I couldn't move forward. And so I was intuitively guided to working with both K'Kow and psilocybin mushrooms and doing just kind of like a more sacred plant medicine journey we would go down to the jungles and do like an ayahuasca journey and so I created a very clear intention around why I was working with the medicine, what I was hoping to connect with, and the vision that came through from that journey was very large and quite bigger than me.

Speaker 2:

And when I came back, I guess, down to earth, I was kind of like, oh my God, holy crap, because it was working with plant medicine and I had asked a couple of people in the field is this normal? And it's like, yeah, when plant medicine calls you to work with it, it calls you, and so shortly after that, there was a plant medicine summit that came up and, of course, they offered a program on the end of that, and I was in there before they could even say that this is the thing I was just like I'm in, this is where I'm meant to be and, yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

Can you speak a little bit to how you still continue to use plant medicine for your path?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely so. I work with cacao quite frequently. Usually in my morning ritual I'll have a couple cacao and I connect with her and I connect her to my heart space and I just listen to the wisdom that comes through and if there's any messages for me, I also work with cacao in women's circles. I've started that which has been really beautiful and healing. And then I do micro dosing with mushrooms, different protocols and as well as I do larger journeys for larger insights, but those are less frequent because you're not supposed to do them frequently. You can probably blow your nervous system and the amount of insights that come through from one journey take time to integrate, like so when you're doing them over and over and over again, you're not truly integrating the teachings of what's coming through.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah, yeah that's definitely an important part. And when you talk about using cacao in your women's circles, what do you feel like? How does that contribute to like the circle and the experiences that the women are having?

Speaker 2:

I feel that again, like I feel like we're so busy and so go, go, go, and it's like it's an aspect that helps us slow down and connect to and open up our heart space to truly listen to the messages that are meant for us, and allows us to open up more fully and more vulnerable, be okay with being more vulnerable and being witnessed and seeing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's so much love in that place, you know, and facilitates like such a deep connection. Yeah, that's beautiful and the training that you took was quite comprehensive, right, like it was really deep, and I know you are, you know in the future you're you have a vision of bringing forward some group plant medicine journeys. But, yeah, just tell us a little bit, because it is really fascinating and we're hearing more and more about plant medicine and I know that this is a journey that you took very serious and that you dedicated a lot of time and focus. So, yeah, share a little bit about what that was like.

Speaker 2:

I guess, like what's coming to mind is like it was like drinking from a fire hose, opening up to the plant medicine world as like a newbie was, like it's a, it's a whole other world of healing and it it's just, it takes you to these, these depths. And there was, there was so much we had to cover in that eight month period where it's like being trauma, informed and you know, sitting with different shaman on, like learning about, like the medicine meal, or being in right relationship with the plants, being in right relationship with the land, like sacred reciprocity, and when I didn't ask, there was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's so much depth and there's so much integrity and I think that's like a really important piece when we're working with plant medicine, specifically in the way that you know you space, hold and guide with plant medicine. So I'm glad I asked that's. That's amazing. So, on your path, as you then, I know you were drawn to the, the Akashic Records, and one of the reasons I asked Brandy to join me in this conversation is because of her devotion and her love of the flower of life method and the Akashic Records and I thought it would just be really nice for you to share on how that pathway has supported you in your own journey and how you see it touching your clients as well.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Um, yeah, so it was about a year and a half ago that we got connected and I really believe that it has supported me in becoming a more empowered, embodied individual and like just being being more like sovereign in my life beliefs and my like standards and my boundaries, and trusting myself more and believing in myself more. It's it's helped me go through some really hard times in my life that I think, helped like. What am I trying to say? Like condense the timeline of that healing and then growing exponentially in my business, where it's like this work is so much, so needed, like there's so much empowerment in in this work and how it supports women and just witnessing them in and and like illuminating their path for them and mirroring like their beauty and their essence and who they're called to be. I don't know if that makes sense. Yeah, I love that. That's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, you're just bringing forth the wisdom and from your experience and yeah, I mean I feel like that to me is the work and I love personally that you have found it to be helpful in navigating your path that is a huge piece I find with the Akashic records and that we can come back to that place.

Speaker 1:

It's not that the Akashic records necessarily tell us what to do, but it's a way to get such deep clarity for our soul level path and then to be able to untangle the things that don't serve. I think that's where the realignment and then the acceleration comes from, like we can, I find, even now, still, I can transmute a lot quick, more quickly, instead of looping through some stuff. So I appreciate that and I love that and I know that you've been stepping out, you know, on your path with your medicine and your work and you've been serving and supporting women and how we're just recently, because our work shifts and it changes, it grows and it evolves as we shift, change, grow and evolve. But, just like over the last, you know, couple of months, where have you found that your work is really supporting and meeting women at this point? Who's been showing up?

Speaker 2:

Um, who has been showing up in my field are women who are their gifts, are coming online or they've been aware but they haven't had the confidence or believe to step in fully, or there's been like fears or beliefs or conditioning that's been holding them back from trusting that like that's the path they're meant to be walking on and it is beautiful, like it's just. It's so beautiful the insights and support that like comes through in the Akasha and how it holds women and just like the feedback from how they feel afterwards from sitting in one of the sessions has been beautiful.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing. I have one last question for you, and it's actually around boundaries. You mentioned you know, you know with the Akashic records and I'm sure, just a natural part of your own journey Really understanding where your boundaries needed to upgrade, and I know from working with women that that's a part of stepping into our sovereignty. But I just be curious if you could share a little bit, because it's a really important piece for the awakening women's journey and it's sometimes a piece that women really push up against is is understanding how boundaries can support them. Can you share a little bit of unlike you know where, who you were, what you noticed when you're, when certain boundaries weren't intact and how you grew in that place of upholding new boundaries and how that supported you? If you have the capacity to, yeah, that's a good question.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I was, I feel like I am a recovered people pleaser and still a recovering people pleaser, I'm starting to learn, yeah, as someone who walks like the path of the healer. We naturally want to be able to serve and help everybody, so we draw that in, like our energy just draws that in, and it's like you know, you start to like it's okay, like just this one person or that one person, and then it's like then it becomes many and then your, your energy is just spread out way too thin and so it's like it's calling that back in and it's being okay with like I don't need to give from this place and I don't need to prove to people that like I'm worthy of love by by over giving or over supporting. It's like you can support them in a healthy way and so be there for them without Overgiving yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is like a really good conversation actually, and I think you're right, it's it for women who you know, the helpers and the healers, and you know I often in the very been doing this now for a very long time, but I would attract women and this is the part of my journey too. But the imbalance of like giving love and learning to receive love From self and also recognizing where my capacity was at and then my ability to identify when it was okay to say no Because I needed to take care of me first, so that my cup was full, so that I could learn to serve from a different place, which actually impacted my energy, me in the home, my business, like all kinds of things. So, just to mirror that back, I just think it's.

Speaker 2:

It's a really important piece that a lot of women struggle with and Think the more that we can illuminate that it's okay to continue to honor ourselves and and recognize where we're at capacity, yeah, and you and I had sort of touched on this the other day, and it's like you know, we're in this, we're in this place where, like, we get to go first, we lead by example and we, we show other people how to have those healthy boundaries and we show the people in our lives, yeah, how to have those healthy boundaries and how to show up that way. So when we're energetically Operating from that place, then they show up and and hopefully meet us there, and if they don't, then yeah, exactly, and if they don't, that's okay.

Speaker 1:

But it becomes important to be able to role model, that it's okay to choose ourselves and to put our own energy and love and capacity first. And just as a final note, I think that's where the Akashic records to for me and I see it with clients all the time, and I'm sure this is a way that you support your clients is that I find the Akashic records like really Illuminate, like those people pleasing patterns or where we've been like giving away from, like caretaking contracts or different healing contracts or packs Right, and so then we get that deep, like soul level clarity of where we've been operating in these patterns that don't serve us, when we can clear it, and then we can identify and create space for more of the honoring of the way that we want to Move through the world.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I feel like that's like and and that's where these two really merge for me Is like they're both like plant medicine and the Akasha are so aligned in that way where it's like plant medicine You're working with like the neuro pathways of rewiring a new way of being, and then the Akasha you're working on like the soul level, which I think both plant medicine and Akasha work on a soul level to rewire. But for sure, yeah, yeah, I'm really excited.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's really, really beautiful, absolutely, and Coming from the flower of life pathway. The way that I've created it was so that it could be woven with you know Different tools, but also be the unique expression of your medicine and your wisdom, and you embody that so beautifully, brandy. So thank you for coming on and sharing with us, and is there just any? And if you feel complete, that's great, but if there's just any last Bits of wisdom or anything, finally, you want to share, please take a moment and do so.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Maybe just like if you are a woman and you're on the path, or you're like dabbling with the idea of stepping on to your like true path, like Just to go for it and trust that inner nudge from your heart and just To take moments throughout your day and just listen to your heart's face. More it's that truly is like the portal to the truth of who you are and who you're meant to be here on this line.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. I love that. Well, thank you so much. You can find Brandy on Facebook. I will put her Facebook link and I know you're working on the birth of your new website not quite here yet, but yeah, so make sure to reach out and follow Brandy, and thank you for joining us. Have a beautiful day. I'll talk to you soon. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic women's community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your Reflections. I would absolutely love to hear if you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the Akashic women's school, comm. Slash free, dash gift and grab the Akashic radiant womb Awakening and clearing morning practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now, you.