Naturally Prosperous Woman

Ignite the Feminine Phoenix: Your Journey to Ecstatic Wealth

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 3 Episode 10

Ever experienced that unsettling dissatisfaction despite achieving your goals and visions?

 That's where I found myself a few years ago - a place of discontent laced with a sense of boredom. 

In this transformational and empowering conversation, I share my personal  journey that led to a soulful evolution and rebirth! My 2 year initiation had be bumping up against energetic capacity issues, forced me to confront deeper family of origin healing, shadow work, and past life work, propelling me towards an existence filled with even greater freedom and joy.

I am excited to share on what I call the ecstatic wealth. A transformative exploration that unlocks primal power and encourages bold divine leaps of faith in order to unlock greater expression & joy!

 This intimate sharing unravels the structures and systems required for experiencing more joy and vitality in life, cultivating more freedom and spaciousness along the way. 

If you're ready to claim your ecstatic wealth path, embrace your divine feminine nature and step into a more evolved version of yourself, join me!

 Get set to transform your life and business, and let's ignite the Feminine Phoenix within you!

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FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Tara Preston:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hi and welcome to another episode of the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston. Welcome. Today I want to talk about the ecstatic woman's wealth path, and this is a topic that's actually near and dear to my heart and something that I have been connecting to and cultivating for probably the last two or three years. So if you know me, you know that I've been on this path for a good 13 years. You know, my very first business was Sacred Feminine Path. 13 years ago, I remember using that word feminine, and it was a turnoff for many, many people. I often felt like people weren't taking my work seriously. It was a whole thing. But about three years ago I experienced this kind of pivot slash awakening in my life, the very, very beginning, and part of the reason for that is because I started to experience a certain level of contentment and contentment and growth in my life. A lot of the goals and the vision that I had had really started to come to completion and at the same time, I started to feel a sense of boredom in my life. My business was humming along at the 15 to 20 K mark, I was pushing multi six figures and you know, for me that that was that I don't have a lot of overhead in my life. So for me it doesn't take a lot to make a lot of money and experience a lot of overflow, and I've intentionally set up my life to be very simplistic and very nourishing. But I want to, I want to backtrack, because I had a soulful business that actually started to feel soulless, you know, and my life was just in this, this place, where to a lot of degrees, I was feeling really happy, content, things my vision had manifested in terms of having a business that did feel nourishing in some ways. Just, you know, things were really great with me and my husband.

Tara Preston:

Life was feeling spacious to a degree, I had a really full clientele, and even under all that, though, there was just this general sense of dissatisfaction and this general sense of boredom, and I couldn't quite figure it out, and, at the same time, I was really dropping into this, you know, my primordial power, right, my primordial power really cultivating a deeper connection with Yoni with womb I was talking a lot more about, like pleasure and embodiment and still I felt this general sense of boredom and dissatisfaction, and you know I could and anyways, you know I couldn't quite put my finger on it, and that feeling didn't go away for quite a while. In 2021, I believe I was hacked, so that kind of brought on this major pivot in my business, and it also allowed me to see that, even to the degree of money that I was making, my life, my business still actually, now looking back, really wasn't structured in a way that gave me the ultimate level of freedom and joy. The ultimate level of freedom and joy. So I truly believe, on this evolutionary path, on this journey of really embodying more and more fully the naturally prosperous woman, that it's a journey of. It's a journey of soulful evolution and feminine embodiment, right, right. And we're always, we're always looking at where the edge of our capacity to experience more life is Okay. And so every, every evolution is a call. It's a call to move through bust, through, untangle more, heal more of our shadow stuff, heal more of our pain edges, feel more, come into a deeper sense of connection and realignment and reemerge right into this new experience that more fully aligns to the truth of who we are.

Tara Preston:

You know, and I've done that journey of evolution for many times, it's, it's the work that I do with many, that I have done with many, many women and continue to do with many, many women, and I know that we all hit these capacity issues Right, these. The capacity issue is it's, it's the vibrational limitation of how we allow ourselves to experience the joy of more life, have more life force through flowing through us of more joy, of deeper intimacy, of greater levels of freedom. So for me, I kept looking at my business is like I don't know. It was like I was really like why is my business not like giving me that sense of satisfaction and why is my business not lighting me up? And it was really a deep inquiry over, you know, a good, a good couple of years and have a very good rest of your meditation and take care of yourself on the go. And it took some deep digging and it took, you know, I really now that I look back and through my work, it's very, very deep work, working at the level of soul and truly working at the level of soul when I work with my clients.

Tara Preston:

You know we're doing a lot of deep work, like through, you know, family of origin work, shadow work, past life work there's a lot of dropping into different aspects of ourselves that we didn't even know we had access to. So it's a lot of the space that I'm holding and also was the same invitation for me Right, and also, at the same time, looking at what needed to be integrated and what needed to come into alignment in order for me to really identify where the incongruency was Right, like where was the opportunity. And so ecstatic wealth was a term I started playing around with three, two, three years ago, gosh, I can't even remember it really was a deep and a much more slow initiation and what I started to unravel and connect to through the course of my journey, and you know this is something very similar that we drop into in my private work the Feminine Phoenix Rising, nine Moons, soul Initiation and Ecstatic Wealth Path Right, and also through the fully awakened woman which is. Sometimes it's a program, a group program that I run in the summers, but it is this realignment to you know, not just the vision that we are called to live through invitation by spirit. To me it was the integration of my primal power and my divine power Right. And for me to actually drop into this in a way where I was expanding beyond what I had known previously and where my capacity was, it took some rewiring Right. I really had to go deeper into the essence and nature of what that looked like and at the same time, there was a lot of clearing and healing and releasing at the level of family of origin and even my current family matrix Right. There's all. And there's a reason why, when we do this work, why it's so powerful to have containers right where I, where I can hold a container of transformation for you, because this is such deep work and as we really step into both our divine power and our primal power right, which is our full creative potential and power, there's a lot of ripple effects. There's a lot of ripple effects through our lineage, through our family of origin. It's very, very powerful through our primary relationships with other women. It can bump up against a lot because we're saying yes to the edge of our evolution, but in a lot of ways, the edge of the evolution of the feminine on the planet so it is. It's a new consciousness, it's a new space to really embody and hold Right. And and also again, why it's so potent and so powerful to have the container held.

Tara Preston:

So this, this, this concept of ecstatic wealth, right, and you know, I remember a couple of years ago really feeling like ecstatic wealth that had to do with more money. Well, did it? Did ecstatic wealth have to do with more money? So through this journey, in my mind it kind of did, and so I kind of got a little bit caught up too, in like where the next income breakthrough was. The next income breakthrough did come, but it wouldn't be for a little while, because and and I know this I know that when we change our vibrational set point, when we come into a new vibrational experience of who we are in a very integrated and embodied way, the prosperity naturally shows up, but it shows up in a way that is congruent to our truth. And when life and money is congruent to our truth, we feel a certain level of ecstatic freedom in our lives.

Tara Preston:

Right, and I know for me that part of my capacity issue actually had to do with levels of pleasure, but actually more so cellular health and self care. It's actually where I became really, really fascinated by cellular health, by nutrient dense foods, by healing my gut which, by the way, I have recently enrolled in a pathway where I will becoming a registered holistic nutrition. So it's pretty deep dive, it's going to take a couple years, but I'm so fascinated by, by nutrition and it became a key piece to healing that capacity edge. Right, and that capacity edge was how do I allow myself to feel better than I've ever felt before? Right, so, like the connection to body and vitality and vibrancy and just like where my cells are just tingling and feeling alive. Right, so I really did, and this is very common when we move through transformation that at the level of body, every area requires an upgrade. Like every area, right, because we're making more space for our divinity to shine through into our physical world and in order to like ground that we need to be able to upgrade a lot every area of life.

Tara Preston:

But specifically, as I'm talking about ecstatic wealth and and and this like vibrational breakthrough, one of the key pieces that really came through around ecstatic wealth is I was starting to really cultivate this. You know, again, I'm coming from like that place of really I was working with money and prosperity and pleasure and all those things for a long time. So For me it was where's the edge around this? Right now, I was being called into more because there was boredom, there is dissatisfaction. That became a major clue around where I wasn't allowing myself to grow right.

Tara Preston:

So if you, if you're experiencing boredom or dissatisfaction, and often within that to is disconnect, right, and I am actually, you know, I'm a very connected person. I hear that all the time. I know I'm very connected. But the inner root system of who we are so deep, it's so limitless, it's so vast and and it's we've got to be able to travel there first and foremost. Right, and that can feel really foreign for some people, that can feel really unsafe for different reasons, right, and so we've got to be able to go there and it can take some time to unearth the clarity. Right now it's like something so kind of like a major key component that we, we look at as I journey with my women.

Tara Preston:

I'm sitting here sipping, sipping on my green juice that I just made, speaking of cellular health, right like I hold a glass of like fresh like green juice, just made this, and then there's just this feeling of like it's ecstatic to me. It's like the high vibe nutrition just feels so, so good in my system. So that became a key piece for me. I had to upgrade my digestion. I had to. I really started to flush out my liver, liver and get things operating there.

Tara Preston:

As a woman in my 40s to, I really had to change my relationship with Like carbs and sugars. Really, I really had to shift that and there's a lot of different reasons as to why that's important. But ultimately I needed to get my system burning really clean and I really wanted to feel that optimal sense of health and vitality. And that was like all of a sudden, like a key unlocked. I'm like like I'm. My body is feeling so good, right, and so that's that.

Tara Preston:

There was a capacity issue there and I'm still, to some degree, working through little patterns with the Akashic record and in terms of where I maybe take a step back In my ability to hold it for longer and longer and longer, right? So you have these capacity issues until they integrate and lock, and the next area that I really needed to look at was how so this this in essence, like this feeling of being so, feeling so good and so alive in my body was my physical body, like really doing the activities and doing the things, like dance and movement, and actually like even being in my body and sensual flow. Dance and movement, being really active, like all of those pieces are so essential to me. Feeling alive in my body and doing, whether it's food or whether it's, like you know, fitness I'm doing it in a way that actually feels really good to me, right? So I've actually recently started like lifting weights and introducing a lot more cardio, but I'm doing it in a way that works for me. I need a lot of Variety, right. I need a lot of variety, and when I have the variety, it feels really good, like I just I feel really good.

Tara Preston:

So paying attention to both my body and my nutrition became like a really, really vital piece, and that also really transferred over to how good I began feeling in my relationship to myself, my relationship with my husband Are the spaces of intimacy that we shared. And then, as I really started to explore this, this sense of like ecstatic wealth, right, this ecstatic wealth and I really started to play around with this like Just the word ecstatic, right, like an ecstatic is like it's, it's a joy, it's a happiness, it brings tingles, it's the feeling of being alive and free and we feel it at the cell cellular level, right, it's like the way we're meant to like dance and like live right, and we're always looking at where there's more room for that right and where we're reaching our capacity or where we're reaching an area of limitation, and there can be a lot of different reasons for that. It's really interesting because often times what I uncover with clients is that it has to do with their relationship to their mother, and the client may have done a lot of work and they they feel better and they feel more vibrant than their mother, but they're at a threshold because it's just beyond the vibration of their mother's highest capacity. So sometimes we have to actually untangle and clear different relationship agreements out because of the mother, when we only allow ourselves to go forward so much Right without the fear of leaving our mothers behind in their own pain or their own limitation. So we can untangle and clear that, and sometimes it's just through awareness, with a full permission to allow ourselves to be even more vital, right, and to know that it has a beautiful ripple effect through our lineage. This is the space where the Akashic records are actually often quite powerful and helpful.

Tara Preston:

So, as I began to really explore the ecstatic wealth path, which really essentially is the womb wealth path, right, it's, it's the unlocking of our primal power, it's relationship to our divine power. Right, we're coming into a really beautiful, bold and free expression. Right, throughout the all, throughout our bodies, all throughout our channels. Right, and we're anchoring it in a very, very vibrationally powerful way and also opening up to deeper spaces of nourishment, connection, vitality and joy. Right, if you just think about, like the, the feeling of the natural world. Right, like the flowers and the birds and the bees, and just like life pulsing through you, right, it's like, where do you and can you start to open up the way for that feeling? Right, what? What are the next steps? What are the, what is the calling, what do you gravitate to or what do you nudge to? That actually, just like, really brings that sense of just feeling so vital and so alive Right, because ultimately, it's like we want our wealth and our prosperity to be a vibrational, vibrational outcome of the joy and the and the vibrant lives that we're living. Right, we don't want to sacrifice.

Tara Preston:

Right, and the sense of like sacrificing is so, so habitual and to a degree, even at that level in my business just a few years ago, where I was reaching the kind of numbers that, if you know, I had wanted to reach for quite a while, I still felt like, in essence, I was sacrificing somewhere, something, something wasn't lining up and it really did, at the end, have to do with the structure of my business to and how I was serving, and serving in a way that I thought that I should, and even with a fair degree of spaciousness in my life, I still felt well-bored and also a little bit suffocated. So, you know, really starting to, through my journey, identify where the new structures and systems needed to come into play to support a new experience of joy and vitality right, and I went from having a fairly spacious life, like I always have weekends off, thursdays off, and we take quite a few holidays throughout the year. I always have Monday afternoons and Friday mornings are mine To having and cultivating even more spaciousness and freedom for the things that absolutely feed me in the most delicious ways, and that includes, you know, more connection time with the people that I love. That light me up my vibrant, sacred painting that I absolutely love. I always have a painting. Right now I'm doing this, goddess Tara, 21-day journey that I'm absolutely loving right.

Tara Preston:

Gardening has become even more and more of like a passion for me, but time to cook a lot of our meals from scratch, long walks, you know you name it like the space for even deeper, nourishing self care, as is there as a way to honor me with the systems and structures of my life and my business, supporting the way that I feel I am naturally designed to create lead, flow and flourish, and I know I'm using my story as an example, but this is exactly how I support my clients right. This is exactly how I support my clients at different degrees of where they are in their ecstatic wealth path right. At different degrees of where they are at leading from a deep, deep place, of how they're naturally designed to create lead, flow and flourish right. And that marriage between our primal power and our divine power becomes extremely important at every stage of our evolution. So this is what I wanted to really bring forward. Also, if this, any of what I'm saying, is really jumping out at you, and you know that you're ready to claim your ecstatic wealth path, you know you're ready to step into more of your evolution. It is a big journey, it's a deep journey, like you're shedding away a very old aspect of who you are right and it's all in honor of really this, like leading edge consciousness of embodying more and more power, of more and more of the power of your divine feminine nature. Right, and it shakes things up. And it's a harder journey to do alone and that is why feminine Phoenix Rising, this nine moon soul initiation, an ecstatic wealth path for visionary women who are ready to live their highest purpose.

Tara Preston:

This program was born five years ago. I have worked with I don't even know how many women. I guess I would say maybe 30. This is a private transformation and so right now I've got the spaces starting to open for the 2024 years that this speaks to you. Make sure and reach out, tara at Tara Prestoncom. But ultimately, what I want you, what I want to leave you with, is this sense of it gets to get better. It gets to get better. You get to feel so good in your body, you get to feel so good in your vitality. You get to feel so good in your spaces of intimacy, right. You get to feel so vibrant and how you cultivate and connect to creative energy in your life, right. Whether that's through like food or artistry, or how you express yourself through your business or through what you wear, right. It's really that sense of vibrant, creational energy that gets to pulsate through your experience and through your body and a deeper, more congruent, aligned expression of you, right. And that's where the freedom comes in and the journey, the transformation happens by you saying yes to you, by you taking the steps that are necessary, clearing out what doesn't serve, and by dropping in more fully, right into deeper levels of the truth of who you are right, the values that you possess, your desire to live right.

Tara Preston:

For me, when I was exploring ecstatic wealth, it really had nothing to do with a thing. I had ample opportunity, sorry, no, I had ample things. You know, in my life. I kept looking at this being with this sense of dissatisfaction and boredom, and it was not the things like, it was no thing that was lighting me up, right, but I was searching for a feeling like more of that feeling and I think that was like one of the trippier parts that kind of alluded me to is it wasn't about the thing A lot of the vision that I had had for certain things in a certain way of life had really materialized. It was about the feeling, right, it was about the feeling. It was about experiencing and becoming more embodied in a greater sense of, well, ecstatic life right, the coursing through me and as I really started to anchor that, as I started to claim that for myself and as I started to give myself full permission to follow this path of ecstatic living right and really started to integrate it like that's the key right. It's like we create the vibrational set point and the vibrational field first, and it's also how we cultivate prosperity right. We become a match to prosperity right. The more nourished and expansive and full our vibration is, the more we come from a self-source place of knowing that we're more than enough right and that we have more than enough. Like we start to build the vibration of prosperity and from there more prosperity starts to flow.

Tara Preston:

And it's very similar with this, you know to me, ecstatic wealth was the elevation of that right, was the evolution of, like, prosperity consciousness is ecstatic wealth. How can I allow it to get better, right? How can I allow it to get better? How can I allow myself to just feel so good and have the experience of prosperity or money meet me in that place? So, as I really started to fine tune all these different areas of my life in a way where I was giving myself vibrant permission and I you know, and really a permission to like, close out the things that were not, that were still bringing a sense of dissatisfaction or boredom, and to really give myself permission to close that out and to choose, you know, the path of, you know where both my divine power and my woot, my primal power, where the womb was calling the end to greater nourishment and vitality and where the divine was guiding and leading through lightness, through a sense of joy, the inevitable outcome was more and more prosperity, right. But now, in this space of feeling so congruent and so alive, so, my, the final thing that I want to leave you with is to really I think you know if this is speaking to you to really start to open up to and connect to your ecstatic vision.

Tara Preston:

Right, your ecstatic vision, your ecstatic womb vision? Right, what does a life that feels so ecstatic look and feel like? Right, and I truly believe, and I've seen this so many times, as powerful creators, we go first. Right, we have to go first, and then the money shows up and then the wealth shows up. You know, on the soulful path as we step into new paradigm leadership. Right, we're operating from the level of soul, we're operating from the level of authenticity, we're operating from the level of the feminine, the womb, and we have to go first from there. Right, we have to get the clarity on what that ultimately looks like, become that version of ourselves and then have money meet us in that place. Right, the money doesn't offer the result. Right, it's about becoming this version of ourselves in the process and having money meet us there. So, whatever your ecstatic wealth vision is right.

Tara Preston:

Being a moment or taking half an hour or a couple of weeks, right, what is the vision that just gets you so lit up that you feel so nourished and optimal and alive and connected and it's so easy to forget that this is our true nature? Right, because we don't live in that world. That's encouraged it. We oftentimes don't have real examples of what that looks like around us and often we've reached our own capacity and if that's the case, we've got to dream and open up and expand and just tune into what ecstatic wealth looks like to you, what it feels like in your body right, how your womb pulsates with that feeling of just being so alive. I'm going to leave you with that and if what I've shared today is speaking to you, if you know you're ready for your ecstatic wealth path, then reach out Tara at TaraPrestoncom. We can set aside this month I'm actually opening up a few spots for 30 minute prosperity breakthrough sessions. So reach out, schedule a time to connect and we can explore how this pathway will serve and support you.

Tara Preston:

The feminine phoenix rising pathway. This is by far one of my most potent transformational private programs. Bye for now. I'll talk to you soon. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Acashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to theacashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free dash gift and grab the Acashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.