Naturally Prosperous Woman

Embracing the Evolution of Feminine Beauty through the Power of Aging

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher Season 3 Episode 8

Are you ready to redefine beauty and challenge societal norms? 

Join me this week for a pre-recorded LIVE podcast!

We're stripping back the layers and revealing the profound transformation that unfolds as women age. 

With my experience as a professional model and makeup artist, I'll challenge the patriarchal definition of beauty, replacing it with an evolutionary perspective that honors all stages of women's lives. 

Together, we'll navigate the insecurities and societal projections that come with aging, and discuss how the Akashic Records can shift our perspective and support our personal growth.

In this empowering discussion, we'll draw upon the strength and beauty of the global sisterhood and the profound transformations brought about by engaging its collective energy. 

We'll delve into the dark feminine and the gravity it holds, examining the impact of reclaiming our full expression in the world through the gaining journey!

I'll share how the Akashic records can guide us on this journey toward deeper, soul-level transformation, and realign us with our divine beauty blueprint. 

As we journey into our golden power years, we'll celebrate the freedom and impact of the crone initiation and the transformative power of aging. 

Using the Snow White story as a metaphor for our attachment to youth and beauty, we'll discuss the importance of redefining our beauty blueprint. 

This is an invitation to liberate our spiritual and divine power, recognizing that our presence has a healing vibration. 

Join me, Tara Preston, as we explore the essence of beauty, challenge societal norms, and align with our truest selves. 

Let's start this journey to embrace our inherent potential for prosperity!

Take this further with Way Of Sacred SHE: A Dark Feminine Medicine Journey!

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Women podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Okay, so I know these have been a little bit random, like Wednesday, wednesday, friday, so I feel like this one's a little bit more kind of like the spontaneous interjection with this weekly series. Next Wednesday so we had a last Wednesday was pussy feminine leadership for the new paradigm. This Wednesday we had woman you are the medicine.

Speaker 1:

I'm popping in today with evolutionary beauty, and then next Wednesday, it is become the channel. So, like I said in the last few or, if you've been catching the replays, great that these are building on each other and you can listen to one transmission and take some nuggets away, or you can watch all four and let the transmissions grow and do their thing. So today is evolutionary beauty, which I think is really fun, because beauty is definitely part of my medicine, for sure, and also because it's such an integral part of our healing Sorry, it's such an integral part of our vitality as human beings to be tapped into our vitality and to our beauty, right, and that that kind of gets interwoven with our medicine. I truly believe that every person is, is meant to feel, beautiful, right, and that we all have these unique beauty codes. As I talk about evolutionary beauty, though, it becomes important, especially for the aging woman, and it becomes important because we have a dragonfly land on my shoe Hello, dragonfly, oh, I thought maybe I could pick it up, bring it into the space. So it becomes important because, especially for aging women, because society has it all wrong, obviously right.

Speaker 1:

So we put a lot of focus, and so I'm coming from a background as a professional model for many years and then a professional makeup artist, and so I understand what it's like to experience a lot of those projections, as we all do, around what it means to be in our beauty as young women, as opposed to what it means to be in our beauty as we age, because society places so much value on youth right and on the maiden right and that there seems to be such an attachment and obsession with with youth and for the woman who is stepping into her 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, there can be a separation between the true beauty blueprint right. There can be that separation because, ultimately, we're learning to experience beauty beyond the patriarchal framework that just values that just values youth and beauty. There's another layer to this, there's a couple layers, and I'm just going to teach and channel as it comes through, and you can take the nuggets that feel really good to you, and I'm excited to see what comes through today. I believe fundamentally, though, that throughout our journey on this spiritual path as women, that we evolve into more and more of our beauty and power over the course of our lifetime, that we become more and more embodied in our beauty, in our essence, in our, in our medicine as we age, and it actually becomes so powerful and there's been this conditioning around the aging woman to not take up space, to shrink, to be small. It creates an insecurity and a disconnect from the evolution of what our beauty gets to look like as we age, when in fact it's like we're meant to take up more space with it. Right, we're meant to take up even more space with it, in all of its capacity and layers, and yet it's threatening. It can be really the reason for that that those projections and that place small and shrink as you get older, is because the aging woman is so powerful, right, she's bringing all parts of herself to her expression. If we've done the work and if we've peeled back the layers and if we've moved through layers that separate us from that, if we've untangled layers of insecurity, if we've redefined our expression and our beauty in a way that works for us, there's limitless power.

Speaker 1:

And often, as we're aging, there's a lot of paradigm shifts. Right, we have a lot of old paradigms, this perfectionism, limitation, shrinking, playing small, these specific beauty standards, and we're seeing a lot of that being broken down now in the collective, and that's amazing. There's a lot of a paradigm still around beauty, right, and specifically, again, as we age, there's a lot of paradigms around that the Akashic records are so brilliant at realigning us to our true divine beauty blueprint, to that true remembrance that we are inherently beauty, beautiful, and that as we age we actually become an accumulation of all of our gifts, our medicine, our experiences, our wisdom and the fullness, the full expression of our beauty. And the Akashic records really start to peel back the layers so that we can clear out those insecurities, those paradigm shifts, those beliefs, to make more space for the truth of who we are and the free flowing expression of our beauty and our power in the world. And again, because the Akashic records are always realigning us to a deeper divine truth, they become such a powerful tool and a powerful ally. So as women move through these, as women move through these gateways of initiation right and that is particularly powerful in and of itself, and we don't live in a society that honors these gateways of initiation there is really deep, deep transformation, embodied soul level transformation that's available through these gateways of initiation. And again, this is actually what we really start to dive into and really look at in a very fundamental way how do we actually support our clients to move through these gateways of initiation so that they can harness the power of that and step into more of their embodied soul level evolution in an accelerated way, so that it doesn't take years and years of waiting through the muck, of getting lost in projections and old family dynamics and beliefs and insecurities. We can walk them through an actual embodied soul level transformation that just shifts their timeline and gets the momentum going so that we can have more and more women on the planet stepping into their evolution like never before. I think it's a really exciting time and we're starting to hear a lot more conversations around perimenopause and menopause, because a lot of the symptoms that we are seeing, that have become so normal, are actually just symptoms Like they're not. They don't need to be conducive with menopause. I mean, that's part of the paradigm shift too, and we're learning to understand that menopause is another powerful gateway of initiation right that we can harness the power of it to step into more of our embodied soul level transformation. It's really powerful when we understand how to space hold and when we understand how to navigate deep soul level transformation that allows for greater feminine expression, feminine embodiment and divine soul level liberation.

Speaker 1:

So I was talking, I wanted to talk about one other piece and then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna bring forward a bit of a channeled Akashic transmission. So the first, the one piece that I wanted to touch in on, was beauty. If you think about beauty and sisterhood. If you think about your first experience of beauty, right, what did it look and feel like? And for many of us, especially around the age of 12, 13, 14, where young girls are really starting to awaken to their sexual power, right when we start to get our first bleed, right, there's a lot that happens in that space. We're starting to find and individuate and discover who we are, and so we can bump up against that free expression of our sensuality and of our beauty within sisterhood, right, and that's part of the sisterhood wound those times where we were just being ourself, right and this happens a lot or we were just being in our power or we were just being in our expression and it just felt so natural and then, for some reason, it was a trigger for another sister, right.

Speaker 1:

So we can have beauty wounds connected to sisterhood and we can have beauty wounds connected to. If you have an actual sister, there can be beauty wounds connected there and also to our mothers, right, and depending on the generation that she came from and her cultural background and her own experiences of being in her sexuality and her beauty, there can be wounds there. That's very common and this is all. These are all layers that the process that I teach in the Akashic Women's Guide Certification, the framework that I give you, that we touch into all of these pieces, all of these pieces so that we can untangle, shift clear, come home to our bodies in deeper ways and find greater expression, freedom in our expression.

Speaker 1:

So oftentimes, as young women, if we were wanting to show up more fully in our expression and just being in our natural beauty and our natural sensuality, depending on the journey that our mothers have had did, there can be a lot of shame that can come up right, it can be like really threatening to the mother, and so sometimes there's things that get said or there's just different dynamics that emerge from that place. And then the sensuality, the sexuality of the woman, the young woman sorry, the light gets dimmed, the sacral chakra starts to shut down. We tuck away our beauty and our radiance, right. And yet our beauty, our radiance, our sexuality, our sensuality are all intrinsic to who we are as women and as beings on this planet. It's natural and healthy and it's really a part of enabling our creative life force, right. So there's a lot of reasons that that gets shut down. A lot of reasons. Our sexual power as women, right, is so powerful. It's where we start to really step into our creator ship in very powerful ways, both our primal power and our divine power, all right, so that is a little bit of a channeled transmission and teaching and how I love to bring forward wisdom. So, just, you know, feeling into the landscape of what I just shared and seeing how it starts to, what it starts to open and what it starts to unravel for you, or inspire, or ignite or whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

And let's go ahead and deepen into the Akashic field. We're a little bit quieter today and that's okay. There's. We had some trouble setting up the times and the events section. They for some reason weren't sticking. I and, yeah, I feel like I've been having, I've been having my fair dose of fun with technology the last few months.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, so go ahead and get nice and comfortable and we're going to do this journey of what it means to step into more of our evolutionary beauty right. What does it mean to step into more of your evolutionary beauty? And for me, you know, it's the grounding of more of our beauty, our essence, our authentic expression, our voice, our gifts, our medicine, and we move through these gateways of initiation to clear the old and to harness the power of transformation that's available so that we can become more of the woman that we were born to become right. The the Krohn initiation in particular, is one of the most powerful and complex initiations that you will ever go through, and I'm on the edge of going through my own. But I've been fortunate enough over the last 10 years to have journeyed with many women through their Krohn initiation, and a lot of that medicine gets woven into my private transformations a lot of it.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and close our eyes and drop our chin and we're just going to start to presence ourselves, noticing what you notice in the environment around you, and then bringing your presence to your body, to your breath, and from there we're going to go ahead and take a breath in through the nose, down into the energetic womb space and then up and out through the mouth, and we'll do that breath two more times, bringing it to the count of three. I'm going to go ahead and call down the temples of divine love, light, truth, abundance, wisdom and power to descend, grow and expand around us, calling in our guides, masters, angels, teachers, goddesses, guardians to be present and for truth and accuracy to be obtained for the highest good of each of you who will, who are here today and who will be listening to this in the future. Bringing our focus now to the energetic womb space, we're going to go ahead and just see the cosmos, just the void, the cosmos in the womb space, just the energy of black sprinkled with stars throughout the solar system. We're going to go ahead and start to see that swirl around the pelvic bowl, cleansing, clearing, rejuvenating the pelvic bowl, bringing that down through all the layers of earth and crust and soil and root and rock, right down to the core of Mother Earth. We're going to allow ourselves to release everything we're ready to release back to Mother Earth to be transmuted. And then we're going to let ourselves drop into our backbodies, letting our body weight drop and drop and drop until we feel fully held and supported by the beauty of Mother Earth. Bringing our focus to the heart space, we'll go ahead and see the magenta rose bloom open and then, from there, we're going to go ahead and allow the golden grid of the flower of life begin to expand from the heart space located at the center of the chest, we're going to let that light the radiant, divine substance of all of life begin to permeate and infuse itself within us and all around us, letting the akashic field that is the light continue to grow, expand and interpermeate with the physical and non-physical reality that exists before us, all around us and within us. Thank you, thank you, and so it is.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing that I'm seeing is a group of women and actually like a global, like sisterhood. I always love when this comes through. Here's the thing with the global sisterhood, I find, when it comes through, is that we are all a part of this sisterhood. We are all a part of this sisterhood, and I think sometimes what happens maybe is that we and I know this happened, has happened for me is that we see people, see sisters, who are doing really cool things in the world and in the online space, and sometimes we feel that their impact is more than our impact. Maybe their beauty or their presence is more than ours, but the thing is, and so then there's this part of us that feels like, well, when I'm there, then I'm a part of the global sisterhood too, which really isn't true. What's really true is that we are all a part of the global sisterhood, like every one of us is a part of this circle, is welcome to the circle, is valid in the circle. Every one of us right where our presence is just such a beautiful gift to the circle. We're all included and allowed in the circle.

Speaker 1:

I've got two puppies, who are both pushed right up to me right now. One's behind me, one's beside me and then at the center of the side of the circle is a very, very big and beautiful, ancient, ancient, like oak tree and maybe it's even more like the tree of life, but it's an ancient tree and I can see how big it is, the rings, how many rings there would be, like a thousand year old tree and the roots just growing so, so deep, and so I'm seeing this global sisterhood. And then at the center is this really big, beautiful tree. So the rings and the tree, and I can't see the rings and the tree, but there's like something about like the beauty and the power of this tree and it is a little bit of like the presence of this tree is quite powerful Beauty, power and I find wealth or like these, this like trifecta of, like this really interesting visibility edge for women as we rise in our leadership. There's something about this big, beautiful tree and like, if you think about the rings on the tree and the evolution of the tree, right, every circle is like an evolution and that's the thing is that we're constantly evolving on this path. Right, and when we understand what it looks and feels like to move through a cycle of transformation, right, when we understand how to engage that and how to harness the power of that, we know what to look for, we know how to really truly harness the power of our evolutionary path. And so this big ancient tree that's coming through in the Akashic field is is really speaking to that and there's this sense of and I'm just gonna kind of ride this out a little bit because it's not quite clicking but I can see this big, beautiful global sisterhood and I can see the big ancient tree that's sitting there and then I can see a sprout of a tree like beside it. There's like a sprout of a tree and it's got like new leaves on it and the shiny leaves and it's like so new. Oh, I see now, yeah, and so it's a different kind of beauty, right, like the new, it's like the youthful beauty, it's all new and fresh and it almost like has this like flexibility to it, because everything is like really like young on the tree and there's a beautiful glow to it because of the vibrancy of all the new green right. And so there's these two and everyone's really drawn to like this, like new tree with the shiny leaves, and it's just like this baby tree. And then there's this like big, beautiful, ancient tree with these deep, deep roots.

Speaker 1:

And this is that part of the dark feminine. Right Is really around the gravity that we hold as women, with all of the attributes that society maybe would deem beautiful right, and then all of the attributes that make us different right, that sometimes push up against the edge of our power. Sometimes it's where we hide a little bit of that aspect of us that we sometimes personally deem the too much woman right, where along our journey we've been told that we were too much because we spoke too loudly, dressed too creatively or we held up our boundaries right In a really powerful way that maybe somebody didn't appreciate. We were called a bitch right For being assertive, for going after our dreams, for taking up too much space in this way or that way, whatever it is. That's part of the gravity of the dark feminine where we can really take up space with both the shadow aspect and the light aspect and we can weave it together.

Speaker 1:

And that's part of the evolutionary journey for women as we age is that we find this like freedom in taking up space with, like all of us, right, and it starts to give gravity to our presence, which means when we have gravity to our presence is that we have impact in the world. Right, we can step into a space now and it's not just our beauty that inspires and lifts, it's now the fullness of our expression, right, and especially as we age and we're in this evolutionary journey of reclaiming more, of uncovering more of who we are, of taking up more space in the world with all of who we are, the parts that maybe push up against the collective right Around the collective of the conditioning of the feminine, like sit pretty, wait for permission, look like this, don't speak too much, don't say too much. But when we take up space with the fullness of our presence, we find a gravity that creates impact. It's a real gravity because we're very comfortable with the full expression of who we are, whether someone likes it or not, right, and it can be triggering to certain people, but we don't care because we've found a certain level of liberation and freedom in our expression and there's a gravity there to our expression. So we have impact now. We have impact where we're like. Now we're of gravity, we're taking up space with the fullness of our expression.

Speaker 1:

And evolutionary beauty is not just about that youthful, you know, like perfect, like glowing, radiant, youthful vibration, even though those can be really really fundamental and beautiful things that get woven into our expression. Right, to be vibrant as we age, like absolutely, to have a glow as you age, absolutely comes from being connected to self and deeply fulfilled, right and nourished, absolutely. But gravity and the full expression of who we are as aging women is a type of freedom. Right, it's a type of freedom and it's a type of power that gives us a lot of impact. And that's why this crone initiation is so, so powerful, it's so, so dangerous to the patriarch and why the original word for for crone was actually the crowned one Women who were moving through their crone initiation in their 50s and their 60s. These are the golden power years. These were the women that sat at the head of their communities. They were accessed for their power, for their wisdom, for their abilities to sear into the future. They were a resource to their communities.

Speaker 1:

The way that we age, of course shifts, changes and evolves, and so we have to be able to get comfortable with how we shape shift through the aging process and sometimes we can push up against the attachments to a more youthful self or that idea in the collective that youth is more valued. That's a really common narrative that's starting to shift. It's one of the paradigm shifts that we're seeing around beauty which is really, really powerful. So that is the journey of evolutionary beauty, and there's so many of you who've heard me talk about evolutionary beauty. We've talked about the dark, feminine. We've talked about the gravity to take up space with both the light aspects of us and the dark aspects of us, and what it means to move through these gateways of initiation along our woman's path and how we can harness the power of that, how the Akashic records right can be such a valuable tool in supporting this beautiful transformation that wants to happen through these gateways of initiation that support our evolutionary beauty, so that we can become more of the woman that we were born to be, so that we can step into the crown right, the crowned one, the golden years right, really stepping into our matriarchal leadership in very, very powerful ways that give us a lot of gravity and a lot of impact. So there's a lot of layers to this. But, as this happens, we're clearing out a lot of these old paradigms to create space for the emergence of aging women who are so free and so in their power, and these gateways of initiation, which we don't honor in society, become pivotal doorways. And again, when we understand how to navigate that in a very skillful, masterful way, right, we understand how to move through our own embodied soul level transformation to support our own evolutionary beauty, over and over and over again.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to go back to the tree that I was talking about. So I had the visual come through of the global sisterhood and the young, like baby tree, and then the old, ancient, like thousand-year-old tree, right, and how. Imagine how much space and presence and power that big, ancient tree, without apology, is taking up space. Right, there is a medicine, there is a beauty there. Right, that's an energy of expanded, that's an expanded energy field. We talked about the rings on the trees and the evolutionary process and the evolutionary journey of stepping more and more into our beauty, truth and power and embodiment as we age.

Speaker 1:

Now I just want to see where this goes next, and so I'm switching scenes a little bit here, and one of the things that's coming through is actually, this is really interesting the thing that's coming through is the snow white. That's what's coming through and I'm seeing this. She was the queen, right. I'm seeing like the queen and she's looking in the mirror and I don't know exactly why this is coming through, but I can kind of sense why this would be coming through. Right, because she wanted her youth and her beauty, right, and she was so attached to, like youth and beauty. And she's looking in the mirror and she's talking, she's saying what we often hear in that business movie, like mirror, mirror, who's the fairest one of them? All, like that kind of thing and this attachment to her beauty.

Speaker 1:

So there's something in the field coming through around attachment to beauty, attachment to the way that we've perceived beauty. That's a huge paradigm shift and it's so easy to deviate from it. Right, like an attachment to beauty. Because when we get to, when we truly get to tap into our own beauty, when we truly get to redefine our paradigm around beauty, it's nothing like that, right, it's often times nothing like that.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm pulling from a background where, again, worked as a professional makeup artist for many years and then, when I stepped onto my sacred path, at one point I focused my work on beauty. For a couple of years I referred to myself as a beauty shaman and I would guide women through these gateways of initiation. That created more space for their beauty. So worked with the transformational aspect of it embodied soul level transformation and wove the Akashic records in and really started to look at how to empower people, women right, as they step through the doorway of an initiation and into more of their beauty.

Speaker 1:

So we disintegrate some of those paradigm shifts to create space for a deeper divine truth, a deeper relationship to divine beauty and how we actually get to define that for ourselves. So that attachment to the old paradigm way of seeing beauty or our experience, right, because as we grow and shift and change and evolve, that's going to happen, it's going to be continuous. So we have to be ready to allow ourselves to not attach to old versions of ourselves, because inevitably, and to not attach to old versions of ourselves and to not define that one version of ourself is more beautiful over the other, right, and we can get attached to that and that's part of that dismantling and clearing out and untangling so that we can actually make space for the evolution of our beauty within a new paradigm that supports our liberation and our full free expression. Because ultimately, like the truth is like when we separate from the illusion that the matrix is is that women truly become more beautiful and more powerful and more impactful as they age, not less, and that less is actually a part of the core collective feminine wounds, and there's many core collective feminine wounds. Okay, so I'm just going to go ahead and I'm going to look to see the feel like there's something that wants to be broken down in terms of this, like attachment to an old self or an attachment to an old way of seeing or being beautiful. The message that I'm hearing is that, like, beauty is only available to like young women, right, and if you're just jumping on, you'll just be catching fragments of this, but I kind of been breaking down numerous pieces as I've went, and so that that is, that is part of the okay. So let me go ahead here and I'm just going to see, if there's like a core collective feminine wound, if I can lift that up and we'll clear that and that'll can conclude today's Akashic Transmission.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, so what is it? So there's a belief coming up and it's a collective belief that's coming up in the field. And, yeah, there's something coming through around again a mother and a daughter, and it's like a young, a young daughter, a young woman, and she's with her mother and then she's seeing her mother's experience of, like, aging and beauty and it's like not a happy one, like it's. It's maybe a mother who, as she got older, she felt more disconnected right From her value, from her beauty, from her power, and she's watching her mother like really fret over, you know, fine lines and and the way her skin is changing and maybe the way her body is changing a bit, and this growing sense of dissatisfaction. And that is the other thing too. And it's like, you know, as we age, of course, all about beauty, vitality, health, absolutely, but also about sourcing our fulfillment from an internal space. Right, it changes, it just changes.

Speaker 1:

And so there's this daughter who's looking at her mother and she's developing these, this belief system, right, that as we grow older, we become more dissatisfied. We become more dissatisfied this way, luna, and and that there's a loss that comes with aging. So it's this dissatisfaction and loss that comes with aging, and I do believe that through every gateway of initiation, whether it's maidenhood, whether it's motherhood, the enchantress or the crown initiation, there is grief, right Anytime we move through a gateway of initiation. Grief, sadness, that is. That's a part of the release stage of transformation, but that's not to say that it's not just because it's an honouring of what was right, an honouring of what was to make space for what will come.

Speaker 1:

This mother, though, is really attached to the aging process and how it defines her worth. That's it right there. That's the core collective feminine wound, the belief that we're clearing out today, right, that aging defines our worth as women. You know, and it's really subtle. You can just you can have a day like the programming is real. You can have a day where you just you notice, you know, depending on where you are in your cycle, it's like maybe your skin just looks a little bit more shallow and there's just that reflection in the mirror just brings up something right, and so, again, it just becomes really important to like witness it and to be able to see the beauty that's evolving, the beauty that's taking shape. So I'm just going to go ahead, though. I want to look at.

Speaker 1:

So this core collective feminine wound, wound of oh shoot, just give me a second here, I didn't write it down the core collective feminine wound of I'm just going to have a sip of water. Okay, I'm wording it different this time, but it has to do with being less, holding less worth or value as we age as women, and it's sitting at the first chakra, second chakra, the third chakra, so it's right at sitting at, like, the personal power. The personal power you know and I've heard this from different women that I've journeyed with you know in different readings, that I've done over the years different Akashic records sessions that I facilitated is that sometimes the, the aging woman will begin to feel invisible in our society, and so this kind of like plays into that too. And the thing is is that we can't play into it, but we can pick up these projections from the collective and then carry them. So this belief is sitting at the personal power chakra, right that we lose our value, that we lose our worth as we age as women. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to clear that and I'm going to ask that this belief be cleared and destroyed right to the point of creation, backwards and forwards real spaces, realities, timelines and dimensions, and then it be transmuted to divine love and light and then released fully back to source. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and so it is, and so it is, and so it is. So maybe you feel that in your stomach, maybe you feel it in your heart, maybe you feel it in your shoulders as it clears, just taking a breath into that as deep as you can, as many as times as you want to, and just take it a little bit deeper in the release process. And so we cleared that out, and so here is the invitation, as I, as I'm guiding this journey, the next kind of image that comes into my peripheral is a door, and then you know turning the door and opening the door, and it's full of the golden, glowing codes.

Speaker 1:

I talked about the crone years and the golden power years, and the original word for crone being the crowned one and the power that aging women truly, truly have. I think we're at such a beautiful, pivotal time again, like where we're. We're going to see now, in the consciousness of the collective, we're going to see women who have been doing personal growth, work and healing for the last two decades, through their 20s and 30s, or their 30s and 40s, or even their 40s and 50s. Now we're coming into this gateway of initiation right, this crone initiation. This is a woman's most powerful and pivotal time. Right, this is where the rage from the collective and from from all of those places that she has felt suppressed in her experience starts to bubble up through the crevices of her being as a part of her, her evolution and her revolution. Right, I feel like it's. It's going to be like a really fiery, beautiful, powerful thing we're going to see emerge in the collective. It's definitely what I'm here for.

Speaker 1:

So, as you step through this golden the door and all this golden light flows, right, there is this invitation the redefining of our beauty blueprint. Right, is this cumulation of all that we have moved through in our entire life experience the accumulation of wisdom, the unlocking of our gifts, the cultivating of deeper truth, the mastery of our boundaries. Right, the beauty of our essence shining through, the beauty of our medicine, shining through the vitality of fulfillment. Right, being self-source right, rather than attached externally to things that define us. Being self-sourced right. And also, it's the liberation of our spiritual, our divine power. And so it's like the cumulation right.

Speaker 1:

We spend a lifetime unlocking all of these, the root system, right, all of these different lineages that make us who we are right, and we get to bring that and weave that into who we are at certain points in our life. But particularly the thing that's coming through is this, you know, for the aging woman, so there's this redefining that happens now. It's almost feels like, imagine, like the alchemy, like inside of you and in your body, like the, the, the accumulation of all that. You are right, and we move through transformation and as we do, and it there's an alchemy, it all blends together, right, and this really beautiful, unique, like expression of who we are. And there's also, you know, through a pathway of embodied soul level transformation. There's there's a lot that happens to support that inner alchemy, right, and that's something that we walk, that I walk you through in the Advanced to Kashuk Women's Guide certification.

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But as we get to that point in the transformation, there comes a time where it's ready to just shine through us. We're often we're ready to birth a sacred body of work, right, or we're discovering new truths right, or we're setting ourselves in our, our essence, free and new and bold ways right, and it touches the world around us in a very impactful way right. Yet last couple of days ago I was talking about you know your medicine and how our beauty heals, and our presence is meant to like without doing anything or being any go doing anything or going anywhere. Our presence is meant to touch right and there's a healing vibration. This is different. It's it's a very, very powerful way of being with ourselves, of taking up space, of knowing who we are.

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It's very impactful and as we move into next week, where I talk about become the channel right, this is we're moving into this become the channel like the big, beautiful, ancient, thousand year old tree. Right. When we become the channel, when we're able to hold our energy and our self with such a beautiful level of mastery, when we've got the gravity and the capacity to take up space with the fullness of who we are all of us, the shadow, the light right, the unique expression of who we are, right, we become a force and it's again, it's a force and it's not necessarily where you you need to push or do, right, it's, it's a way of grounding the unique frequency of who we are through a very, very powerful channel and it it naturally creates impact and influence. So my invitation is homework for this channel transmission is to take stock of all of the beauty that you are right, the, all of the beauty of your, of your life lessons, of your, the accumulated wisdom, of your gifts, of your truth, of your essence, of your medicine, right Of just the your, your creative expression, right, like all of it, like that's the full expression of your evolutionary beauty. It defies the old patriarchal, limiting view of what beauty is. That's so youth, obsessed.

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So I'm going to go ahead and thank the Guides, guardians, masters, angels, teachers who have been present today. I'm going to go ahead and we're going. I'm going to ask and command that all the intentions, healing, activations, clearings, it's all going to unfold into completion for your highest good. And the door between the worlds is now closed. And so it is Bye for now. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic women's community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom slash free dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.