Naturally Prosperous Woman

PU$$Y: Feminine Leadership For A New Paradigm

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher

Are you ready to unlock the power of divine feminine consciousness?

I'm your guide, Tara Preston, and I promise this journey will lead you to rediscover your inherent power, beauty, and wisdom.

From exploring the symbolism of Yoni, the creative power of the root and rose chakra, to unpacking generational trauma, we'll illuminate the path to self-connection. We'll dive into the intricacies of self-care, pleasure, and the delightful symbolism of the rose.

Experience an Akashic Field transformative journey of reclaiming your power and connecting with your divine feminine nature.

Explore the power of receptivity, pleasure, and the suppressed feminine energy that often sits at the "feminine root".

 Together, we'll unlock the magic of Yoni, guiding our lives towards a path of pleasure.

Delving into the depths of the root chakra, the rose chakra, and the white river, we'll deepen our connection to the divine feminine consciousness. Our exploration will help us understand the cyclical nature of life and how it intertwines with our inherent feminine energy.

Finally, we'll challenge the norms by choosing self-worth and the pleasure of receiving.

 We'll explore how lineage influences our relationship with ourselves while, understanding that choosing ourselves can indeed be a revolutionary act.

As we journey further, we'll discover how divine feminine energy wants us to remember that we are love and loved. We'll learn to create and live lives that are both pleasurable and nourishing. As we conclude, a soothing meditation awaits to help us embrace the energy of receiving. Take this journey with me, and let's embrace our unique medicine and beauty.

Are you being called to be a space holder for the rise of divine feminine consciousness and soulful freedom on the planet?

Check out the Adv. Akashic Women's Guide Certification. Link below.

Or book an enrollment call here:

The opening ceremony is Sept 21st, 2023. 

5 Spots left. 

This is a 6 month personal & professional woman's mystery's school combined with divine feminine teachings. internal foundation work for a new paradigm of feminine, authentic, spiritual leadership, embodiment, and so much more. 

Leave with a 6 figure blueprint, and your own high value transformation infused with your unique medicine to take out into the world with the Akashic Records as your ally. 

Link to register for the MATRIARCH Akashic Channelled Healing Transmission Here:

FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

Reach out to to learn more about ways to work with her through your life reinvention.

Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. So I just want to drop in briefly and share a little bit of an intro here before we dive into the podcast. I wanted to do something a little bit different this week, and so what I am doing is sharing a live Akashic transmission that I hosted in the Evolutionary Woman Facebook group, which, by the way, if you aren't in, come and join us. So the transmission that I hosted this week is pussy feminine leadership for the new paradigm, and it's not necessarily what you think. It really is about this connection to our divine feminine consciousness, to the rising of the feminine energy that actually wants to happen through our female body. But it's deeper than that. When we think about Yoni or Volva, it's very connected to the root chakra, which is very connected to family security, safety, survival. So this is not just a really beautiful activation in the Akashic field. It's an opportunity to actually examine the connection that exists between the rise of the divine feminine and how it actually impacts us at a very root or very foundation level. So that's something that we dive into. I hope you enjoy. This podcast is a little bit longer. I go into some teaching, some sharing, and guide you through a really beautiful Akashic flower of life field transmission and there is a I will just say this there's a beautiful frequency of rose that comes through, so enjoy and head on over to the Evolutionary Woman Facebook group for more. I'll be hosting this series all month long. Bye for now, take care.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be.

Speaker 1:

Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in here. I am here, I am and I'm outside, which feels absolutely amazing. I'm gonna hang out for just a moment or two and get situated myself, see who joins live. I know that there's several of you that have asked to see the replay, and that's beautiful, absolutely. It's nice for me to be able to be outside for these lives. Actually, it's a little warmer than I thought it was gonna be, but to be outside for these lives. Someone's here, hello? Because we're starting to experience cooler weather up here in northern Canada and so I'm taking advantage of being able to be outside. So my name is Tara Preston, so welcome and welcome to those that are catching the replay. If you're catching the replay, just use hashtag replay.

Speaker 1:

Let me know your thoughts, let me know what opens for you, what maybe you deepen into, what activates whatever it is. So I am really excited. This feels just really nourishing for me on all levels to be able to extend this type of journey. This is really the way that I love to guide and teach and share is through transformational journey, and so I have actually broken what I want to share and teach what feels important to me, and it also you know different pieces that I'm bringing forward with pulls from different lineages of my work. So it feels really fresh and fun and just a beautiful way to deepen in and share, like that too. So I just want to recap today is Pussy. Oh, of course, I've got the puppies out here walking behind my tripod. Nope, you can't do that. So today we're gonna be dropping into Pussy feminine leadership for a new, the new paradigm. There's so many reasons why I love to start a journey here, particularly because we're we're dropping in at the root and with this particular soulful feminine embodiment journey, we're journeying through four different activations transmissions.

Speaker 1:

Now, some of you know me, some of you don't. My name is Tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School. I've been working, I've been on my sacred path for 13, 12, 13 years doing this work, worked with, you know, hundreds, if not you know close to thousand women in from all over the world over the last decade. And I work with the Akashic Records. I have founder of the Akashic Women's School. I've done well over 6,000 sessions.

Speaker 1:

You know it's come to a point where, in the scope of my journey, it's, I just know I am the channel. I just know. I just know that my medicine, I know that my wisdom, I know that the records flow through me right, because, because I have done so many sessions, but also because I've really taken time to cultivate and drop into my channel my medicine, to anchor the frequency of that and to be able to and to be able to lead from that space and to ultimately really start to ground the new paradigm right, which begins inside of us, at a, at a foundation level. So, as we journey through all these transmissions there's four of them, so I'll be doing the pussy feminine leadership for the new paradigm. Then we're going to do woman you are the medicine, and then we're doing evolutionary beauty and all of these pieces are going to build on and activate and pull back another layer and and drop you into, you know, I think and feel some deeper space of truth or embodiment for you. The final one is become the channel, so it really is.

Speaker 1:

You know, all these, these different pieces and elements that I'm talking about is really this journey to dropping into the fullness of your feminine vessel, of your leadership, of your power, of anchoring the fullness of your unique medicine and beauty, which you know. I love the tool I work with the Akashic Records. I'm gonna open up to the Akashic field today. I love that, but at the end of the day, it's about how can we embody the fullness of our channel, how can we allow ourselves, in a safe way, to take up space with the fullness of who we are, with our, with our medicine right, with our authenticity, with our divinity and as we move through these different touch points, we're really moving through a transformational journey. We're really I'm kind of like these little doorways that support our path of evolution, which is a piece that I'm really, really passionate about. So I'm also the creator of the Akashic Women's Guide certification program, which the opening ceremony is on September 21st, and that's what it's all about embodied soul level transformation for feminine freedom. Right, it's for feminine freedom. It's for this expression of our medicine, of our truth, of our authenticity, our divinity, our beauty, really allowing ourselves to take up space from that, but also being and feeling powerful and being able to carry our creative vision forward.

Speaker 1:

So why, pussy, why do we start there? First of all there, and there's so many reasons, and there's this is an area that I've spent so much time deepening into in my own journey. You know there was a time on my path my one of my first businesses was sacred feminine path, like well, well over a decade ago, and you know this, the gateway to the heart became so important and so special. Right it was. It was a way of tapping into my authenticity, of deepening into self-love, of giving myself permission to show up in new ways, but through the course of that journey I I still realized that there there was some disembodiment happening, like I wasn't fully anchored in my body, I wasn't connected to different aspects of my, the wisdom centers that that exist in our body. So through my journey, I started to deepen into the power of the womb right, and our essence often our essence or our spirit, right, this journey of becoming more fully embodied is the bridge between our humanity and our divinity right, and our humanity exists in our body.

Speaker 1:

So oftentimes those places that we are not embodied in, that were disconnected from for women, right, very often is the womb space, is very often yoni right, because there's a lot of sometimes sexual trauma, but we just in general have a lot of disconnect, pain and separation or numbness right, as a way to protect ourselves from the different layers of trauma that we've experienced. Well, my camera's getting dark. I hope it doesn't like do something funny and shut off, yeah, so, anyways, as we're starting to drop into and descend into the fullness of our channel Pussy Yoni, she's the foundation, right, we start to drop into and we start to land our essence right through the fullness of our channel A lot of highly sensitive women. Maybe you can relate to this, tend to reside in their intuitive nature, like a lot of the higher chakras, but they aren't necessarily grounded in the lower chakras, which actually is where you know. That aspect affects our relationship, it affects money, it affects how powerfully we're able to take up space and how powerfully we're able to create and lead in the naturalness of who we are as women. So, and who we are in the naturalness of women is going to be different for each of us, right, and that's part of dropping into the that our unique new paradigm feminine leadership is really starting to understand. Well, what is natural to me Like, what do I value, how do I flow, how do I lead? And some of that is connected to our intrinsic, our cycles, the cycle, our, our menstrual cycle, absolutely, but just the actual spiritual cycle that exists within. That's very connected to the wheel of the year, that's very connected to the cycles of the moon, because we're very cyclical beings and we don't live in a society for a long, long time that has honored those cyclical aspects that so innately built into us. So part of that reclamation, right of being able to lead, flow, create, be and do in a way that actually honors our unique leadership is by identifying what that actually is for us and then starting to listen to it and honor it.

Speaker 1:

Pussy to me was, you know, and I really started to drop into Yoni. When I really started to drop into the root chakra right, I like to call it the rose chakra, but I feel like it often confuses people the rose chakra. So think about Yoni. And so I am a shamanic artist like. I pull from like a background that where I've learned about the feminine wisdom centers and the body through somatics and art. So when I was deepening into the root, the feminine root right, I was really like drawing and sketching and, for the first time, actually really starting to connect to the beauty and the essence and the power of my own Yoni right, and I for a long time was very disconnected. There's no way I was gonna like hold a mirror up or like actually like enjoy that part of my body. So I really started to come into a deep space of connection and that's a journey.

Speaker 1:

We don't do that all today because there's layers right of sometimes shame again, a pain of trauma, right. So we just bring it into the awareness and we be where we're at with everything and that's perfect. That's absolutely perfect. I cannot believe how hot the sun is. It was cold this morning. I feel like I'm like sweating. If you're here, say hi, I'm not getting any messages that I am seeing that there's a few of you on here, so beautiful, and I am going to open to the Akashic field and I want to bring through a transmission.

Speaker 1:

But I want to teach and talk a little bit, just to give some preference, just to give some, just to give a framework of what we're actually dropping into the symbol of Pussy, of Yoni or a vulva, whichever words you like to use. It's perfect, is really? It actually kind of like, looks like a rose, like with the lady, just the shape of it. You can actually see some pictures of like Mother Mary Now. I just love seeing like the Mother Mary statues now and you can see like the shape of the vulva right. The actual symbol of Yoni and the actual meaning of Yoni is symbolic of a creative, like female power, of creative power. We actually like birth babies through and that's another layer of where we can hold trauma right, even just through the birth process, or maybe we've experienced something during the birth process, right. There's so many reasons why we can disconnect from these beautiful, powerful wisdom centers and as we do descend more fully, we're dropping more fully into our channels and when our essence, our spirit, drops fully into our channel, we have the most power right.

Speaker 1:

For me, when I was quite disembodied, I had a lot of trauma, as I'm sure many of you have. You know I had lived a very, had a very tumultuous childhood, a lot of trauma, sexual trauma. I was very disembodied, very living in my head and being in my body didn't feel safe. And so just doing this journey of starting to connect to my heart, of starting to love myself, starting to honor that, getting clear on what I wanted and what I valued and what my vision was, starting to come into a new relationship with my body through self-care, through developing new ways of being right, and then starting to actually look at enjoying my body, like finding pleasure in my body right, starting to look at grounding more fully into my primal body, into my power, and really taking up space with that, which has a lot to do with where some of our bigger edges, with our boundaries, are.

Speaker 1:

Now the symbol of pussy, one more time, is so beautiful because I feel like there's a lot of rose codes in there and then my camera just keeps getting darker and darker. I wonder if it's overheating. Oh, and I give a bug in my hair. That's lovely. I might have to move inside, even though I'm loving this like background. Bear with me. I'm just going to move to the other side. We're going to flow with this, probably going to have to leave my sheet skin rug, but that's okay. But I need to get out of the sun because I think that's what's happening and I'm going to keep talking while I go.

Speaker 1:

So if we look at the symbol rose codes which really ultimately are about the foundation of sacred union, just the rose itself as a symbol. But if we just look at the symbol of the rose, there's so much in there in terms of divine feminine consciousness which really is oh, we get to look at my wood pile back there, but at least we have some better lighting so which really holds a lot of the consciousness of the divine feminine right, a lot of the consciousness of divine feminine. And so, as we drop in and we get to know this part of our body in a beautiful way and we start to heal the layers of disconnective, shame, of trauma, we start to reclaim right, we start to awaken the divine, feminine consciousness that actually exists right between our legs. It's just, it's very natural for us, right. So pleasure for one right, creative power, and I'm sure, as I'm naming these like there's more, there's more. For me, the symbol of Yoni really represents like wholeness, like inclusivity, right, the void, right. I remember one of the first times I was really getting to know Yoni quite intimately and I could see the transformer, like she was dark and powerful. Okay, there's some sketchy bugs around here, dark and powerful, and now my puppy's barking, okay.

Speaker 1:

So there's one more piece I want to touch in on, and then I want to bring forward an activation through the Akashic records. So you know, I talk about and, yeah, I have bodies of work on this piece. So I'm giving you like a foundation, foundation, foundation piece of this because it's so powerful and my puppy's barking in the background. I moved and she's tied up so she doesn't run away. Anyways, so is one other aspect that I want to bring forward is generational and ancestral trauma.

Speaker 1:

Right, the root, the root chakra itself is very connected to safety, is very connected to the family matrix, which is one of the reasons when I'm working with women and we're tapping her into new layers of a deeper connection to her feminine consciousness. It gets upgraded through her system and her relationship to herself, in her relationship with her partner, right. Maybe she's like, actually like uncovering the desire for more pleasure, right. So she's experiencing that within her relationship to herself, within her relationship to her partner, and then the consciousness upgrade actually wants to weave through the entire family matrix and that'll happen through shifting relationship dynamics and actually just creating space for this new way of being, for some of the divine consciousness principles that want to flow through and upgrade. Now, if we think about the root chakra and we think about the left leg and we think about the right leg, we could think about your, your right leg being your masculine lineage, the left leg being your feminine lineage, and they connect. They connect right at the root Right, and so oftentimes for a lot of us, if we're just thinking back to our childhood, right, we're pulling from a lot more of the suppression of the feminine consciousness that we're seeing on the planet for eons, for a long, long time, and we're seeing where more of the wounded aspects of the masculine and feminine have shaped the matrix of the family unit Right.

Speaker 1:

And so for a lot of us. We pull from that as we as we grow older, obviously, as we step forward, as we start to create our own family matrix. This always happens when I'm on my. It's like been so quiet, okay. So here's what we want to do.

Speaker 1:

I'm giving you some pieces. I'm talking a little bit fast because I want to give the framework. I want to talk about where we're going, how each of these are going to build on each other over the next few weeks, and there is a beautiful invitation to take the nuggets right and to drop in and to untangle and to come home and to deepen into the fullness of your channel right, which is so powerful in terms of how you create, how you lead, how you feel safe to take up space in the world with your medicine, your gifts, your beauty, your voice right. And in order to do that, we've got to feel safe in our systems and safe in our bodies and we need to be able to unravel those places where it hasn't felt safe, to bring forward aspects of our feminine wisdom, the feminine aspect of our expression right as sacred women. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to deepen into the Akashic field. I'm going to bring through a transmission, and this is something the Akashic field I'm, you know. I'll share a little bit of information, I'll pop some pieces in the Facebook group if you want to learn a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

But the Akashic field itself, as we open up to the field, as we tune in, it starts to touch in on your body, on your subconscious right, and it just starts to awaken different insights, different awarenesses. So just allow yourself to receive, to kind of get out of your head a little bit with this piece, maybe with all of it, right, and just to allow yourself to receive the transmission. And we'll probably spend, you know, 10, 15 minutes in the Akashic field and let's go. So I'm going to go ahead. This is based on the Flower of Life Akashic Healing Method, and I have a dog that won't stop barking in the background. So I'm going to invite you right now to go ahead and close your eyes and drop in and just try to get comfortable, start to move into that space of receiving.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to grab my puppy so that she's not whimpering in the background, and I'm going to bring forward a beautiful activation for you. Hang tight, all right. Oh, everyone stayed. It looks like wonderful. All right, let's go ahead, close our eyes, drop our chin, so you can go ahead and take a breath in through the nose, down into the energetic room, space, and then up and out through the mouth, and then we'll do that breath two more times, bringing it to the count of three.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to call down the temples of divine love, light, truth, abundance, wisdom and power to descend, grow and expand around us, calling in our guides, masters, angels, teachers, goddesses, guides, ancestors to be present and elevate ancestors to be present, for truth and accuracy to be obtained for the highest good of each of us here today and anyone who should be listening to this in the future. Thank you, thank you Going to ask that this be a divinely protected space where only the highest frequencies of love and light shall exist. We're going to banish any negative influences, should there be any, thank you, thank you. And we're going to go ahead and we're going to come into one of those beautiful wisdom centers I was talking about the womb space.

Speaker 1:

So just you know, maybe placing your hand over the womb, just taking a moment to tune into the precious creative power and voice of the womb and we're going to start to see a beautiful, golden, glowing energy start to emerge from the womb space and we're going to see it begin to circulate and move through the womb space, feeling it almost like a golden nectar, like honey, warm energy, seeing it move through the sacral, moving through the pelvic ball. If you don't have an actual physical womb, it does not matter, you still do, you still do. We're just going to let that energy roll around, cleansing, clearing, rejuvenating, letting it slow us down just a tiny bit right, just feeling like that nectar energy, roll around, dropping us in. And then we're going to see that energy start to move down through the core of the body, down through all the layers of earth and crust and soil and root and rock, right down to the core of Mother Earth. We're going to let all that beautiful nectar, like golden honey energy move down through all the layers to the core of Mother Earth. This is such a beautiful way for women to anchor, to ground right. Rather than grounding through the feet, we ground through the womb, womb to womb, and we're just going to take a moment and let those roots grow deep, deep, deep into the core of Mother Earth and we're going to simultaneously allow anything and everything that's complete at the level of the womb to now be transmuted and released back to Mother Earth. So we're going to allow her to take that and transmute it and then we're going to let our body weight start to drop and drop and drop until we feel held by the beauty, by the abundance, by the power of Mother Earth.

Speaker 1:

Now we're going to go ahead and bring our focus to one of the other wisdom centers that I was talking about, the heart center. And we're going to see the heart center. We're going to see a magenta rose bloom open. You can take a moment and just even breathing the scent of rose in and just see and feel and imagine what it starts to awaken for you. And as that magenta rose blooms open, you're going to go ahead and see the golden grid of the flower of life begin to expand out from the heart space. We're going to let that pure wisdom and high frequency light, the radiant, divine substance of all of creation that's interwoven into all of life, begin to permeate and infuse itself within us, out from us and all around us into the Akashic universe. So we're going to go ahead and bring our focus into the Akashic field. We're going to let that light continue to grow, expand and interpermeate with the physical and non-physical reality that exists before us, all around us and within us. We're going to continue to let that radiant, divine substance of all of life that flows through all things continue to flower, flow and expand from the heart chakra and then see, sense, feel as the doors to the Akasha and all the wisdom and love of the Akasha open to us now.

Speaker 1:

So there's already so many beautiful images coming through and the other aspect of Yoni that I was talking about too, and I'm like let it spark something like the rose, the symbol of Yoni, of creative power, divine feminine consciousness is receptivity, is our ability to not only birth but to powerfully receive, like, receive pleasure, receive our desires and open and fluid and beauty field, expansive energy field, right. And so I'm seeing this woman and she's kind of swirling around in the field and there's like rose petals like falling from the sky, and she's like you know how sometimes as children or maybe sometimes as adults, we catch the rain on our tongue. She's like catching the rose petals on her tongue and she's just like so in that place of receptivity and beauty and desire and pleasure Like, it feels so pleasurable for her to receive. So this is the thing. The piece that's coming through right now is pleasure to receive, right. So we can, in a very simple way we can talk about, we can relate that to receiving a compliment Right, do you take pleasure? Are you open to receive a compliment when somebody sincerely compliments you, or do you, like, shut it down and push it away? Right, so there's something over pleasure in receiving.

Speaker 1:

So there's oftentimes too. You know, we're cultivating this journey and this is like part of like you know what I was talking about like our ancestral, our ancestry and our lineage and the left leg and the right leg, and coming up to the root as the foundation. Right and divine feminine consciousness has been suppressed for a long, long time on the planet. So really being able to lead our lives from a place of pleasure Right has been suppressed for a long time. Right, we've been in this hyper go do, push. Now enough We've been in this hyper go-do place of and then resulting in this never feeling enough.

Speaker 1:

And so as we start to drop in and remember and connect to right the wisdom of pussy, then it's like, ooh, there's a strand like pleasure and receiving right and we can start to actually you know there's so many ways that I work at the level of embodiment with this but we start to really work with those strands right and we start to weave that into our experience and we start to upgrade our own energetic system. It actually starts to even like move through the whole our own vibrational system and we experience a beautiful awakening and upgrade. So here's the. That's the first place to start to think about pleasure and receiving, because I feel like they can be different. We can receive and then we can have pleasure and we can receive it. But we might be receiving. Maybe we receive like this, like okay, thank you, I've received, thank you. But the actual pleasure to receive, like wow, that felt so good to receive that, like I am allowing myself to feel that good in receiving that, and that also goes into receiving our desires, like pleasure in receiving our desires.

Speaker 1:

And this is an important piece too, because as we start to dismantle, you know, the framework that our lineages and many of our ancestry not all especially like colonial ancestors right is that you know, push, go, do. There's no space for pleasure, right? So as we start to dismantle all of that, then we start to be able to lead our lives from that place and we actually start to anchor the new paradigm. We start to anchor it within ourselves and in our bodies and our experience of ourselves, how we lead, how we create our lives, right, and we start to anchor a new paradigm. So, so, pussy is a really beautiful symbol for the consciousness that wants to lead as we anchor in the new paradigm, right. So pleasure, receptivity there's, you know, just like the magic of transformation, being in the void, our cyclical nature, right, and it's like it's all of these really beautiful, all of these, all of this wisdom that wants to lead as we anchor a new paradigm in, because it starts to heal a lot of the matrix that we've existed in for a very, very long time.

Speaker 1:

So, okay, coming back to the visual of the woman now, she's going over this beautiful woman. She's going over there's a waterfall and then there's a river and it's all very green and all very sacred and all very safe. It feels very safe and she's walking over to the river and there's one part where I'm like I can see you're kind of she's in the river and it's like these crystalline waters are just like washing over her, like the flow right, like the white river, the flow which is also like a part of one of the beautiful qualities and characteristics of divine feminine consciousness. Is the flow right that we tap into through our cyclical nature and we're on and I'll be talking about that and evolutionary beauty. We can drop into that.

Speaker 1:

Then that's not next week, but the week after, so allowing yourself to bask in the beautiful crystalline frequencies of that river water. It's very, very pure, and there's this question that I want to bring forward. This question that I want to bring forward because I'm seeing her in the water and that there's there's something that I can see that's bubbling under the surface for her, and it actually has to do with choosing something for herself that looks different for a lot of people around her. This is, this is common. We do this because when we are showing up as way showers, as leaders, really anchoring in a new paradigm, and that, the way we anchor the new paradigm in through the frequency of our unique channel, it'll look different for each of us. And so I'm just here as a guide to space hold, to ask questions, to open up what that might look like for you, right, and that's beautiful, but on the other hand too, as we say yes to stepping into, you know, one of the other aspects of of Yoni is spaciousness.

Speaker 1:

Is presence right, is like, is really being in that feeling space of taking time to lean into pleasure and so, and having the space right and the safety to be able to do that, and so, as we start to cultivate our lives in a way that looks much different from most of the world, right, it can feel, not only sometimes it can it push up against, maybe feeling a little bit unsafe, but it can be a little bit of like who am I? Who am I to to choose this for myself, to choose pleasure, to have have things feel so good in my body and in my life and and to receive my desires with greater and greater ease, right and pleasure. Like who am I when other people are working so hard, when other people are maybe struggling and don't get me wrong, I think you know, with COVID in the last two years there's been upheaval for everyone for sure. So that's also like a natural part of being human. But there's this sense of where can you choose more for yourself, where can you allow yourself to have more of what you deeply want, of what feels good to you.

Speaker 1:

So this word, this word, pleasure, and again, and we're coming back to, like, the principles of, of Yoni magic. We just have to think about the clitoris and the 8000 nerve endings that exist there and how built we are for receiving and for pleasure, right, and that that consciousness of the feminine the symbol of Yoni, I believe is a consciousness. We all have access to that, right, we all have access to that. So it's where can we start to cultivate? And this is just what's coming forward right now. Where can we start to cultivate a greater sense of pleasure and receiving?

Speaker 1:

I really love this, because it's not just pleasure, it's not just receiving, it's pleasure in receiving, and they're often connected. The more we weave in pleasure into our experience, the more we soften and expand our energy and we receive with more ease. Right, we're not collapsed and pushing and working hard and doing and working from that place of not feeling enough to have what we want. We're opening our energy center, we're coming into a place of pleasure. But this is pleasure and receiving. So where can we start to connect the two? Now I'm just going to go ahead and tune back into the field. I'm going to grab a little bit more of what's coming through for the activation, and then I want to just land it in our bodies pleasure in receiving. I'm going to have a sip of water too, okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's like this woman is now on the edge of the of the river and she's gazing into the river and there's this real sense of looking at herself and I feel a sense of sadness. A sense of sadness over there's, you know, and think about where you're at in your own journey. Right, we're all in different places and kind of the same, you know, maybe, but there's this sense of like anytime we choose ourselves. Sometimes there's this micro sense of like what's going to fall away as we choose ourselves. Sometimes it's a bigger like I'm going to choose myself. I'm choosing my own, I'm choosing my own vibrancy, my own passion. I'm. I'm choosing my turn on my pleasure. Right, I'm choosing the vision that wants to be birthed through me and there can be a real sense of like letting go of the old self, of letting go of the old life, of sometimes knowing that there'll be people in your life that will have to let go of. And that's the nature of transformation. That's one of my favorite pieces when I'm supporting others right Is. Is that release of the old word, the Akashic records are so, so brilliant in order to step into the next leg of our own evolutionary leadership, right? So, whoever we are being called to be, so there's this sadness and I just want you to breathe into it. If that's present for you, for whatever it is, maybe it's oh, I got, okay, I got a message. Yay.

Speaker 1:

This is such a hard one for me because growing up, love was so conditional, I know, yes, it's so true. There's so many reasons. It's often why my mantra is it's safe to choose me. It's safe to choose me Like I will, like, do that sometimes, depending on what it is. It's like it's safe to choose me. I could have pattern, a caretaking pattern, looped up with a family member, like you know, just try to be very conscious, because I know working with women through transformation often layers as to why it doesn't feel safe to choose right More for ourselves. I'm learning.

Speaker 1:

This has been hard, but lovely, letting go of guilt and not feeling bad. Yes, yes, the guilt, yes, it's so beautiful to receive. And the thing is, is that each and every one of us is this beautiful gift, this beautiful sacred gift from the divine, and it's like the divine wants nothing more for us than to thrive, than to remember that we are love and that we are loved, and to receive what it is that we want. Right To receive what it is that we want because it's the gift, and so allowing ourselves to remember and remember that we are the gift and that receiving is the gift from the divine, beautiful. I'm feeling some energy start to move and swirl through the heart space. So, you know, taking a moment and breathing into the heart space. If that speaks to you, it's like there's some things that want to clear out and this choosing of yourself.

Speaker 1:

This also connects often to the mother wound choosing ourselves, choosing ourselves. You know the mother wound, the pain and the suppression of the feminine that runs along our, where women in our lineage didn't have necessarily the freedom to choose these things to the level that we do. And here we are, like I can choose this, but I feel like it might dishonor my lineage. And yet what actually happens is it actually creates freedom, not just for you, but like this breath of beautiful, fresh, healing air that flows through your lineage. Right, and that's part of the evolutionary leadership path. Is is choosing the deeper vision for, for prosperity Right, for feeling free, for feeling fulfilled, for feeling prosperous, right, for being able to create lives that feel pleasurable and spacious and nourished. And that's a beautiful gift to us, to our children, to the world, right and by any. You know, it starts with us and it starts with us and especially if you're called to the healers path, this is really beautiful because when we can show up in this space of healing from this place, oh my gosh, that's a huge paradigm shift in how we get to hold transformational space.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's go ahead and bring this home and I'm just going to see, yeah, yeah, it's like I'm seeing a mirror, this woman in the visual. I'm seeing a mirror and she's the mirror, is being held up to her and she's got like tears flowing down. And you know part of this. If I go back to the very beginning of the transmission, I always run over on these. I wanted to do a half an hour, but that's okay.

Speaker 1:

If we go back to the very beginning of the transmission, arms open, rose petals from the sky, she's just like blissfully, like receiving it Right, it's that pleasure and receiving, but it's like she just knows that she's worthy. There's not even a question. She's just so worthy Like, of course she's worthy to receive, right. So there's sometimes that like, who am I? But this woman is like looking in the mirror and there's this. She just needs to get over this like hurdle of like not being worthy. It's like a hurdle, like it's like an old story been there, done that. That's not you anymore. Right, you are a woman who knows her worth, right, and takes pleasure in receiving. So say that out loud. You are a woman who knows her worth and takes pleasure in receiving. Beautiful and, yeah, okay, beautiful. So now let's see, let's go ahead. I want you to just come back now. You just want to take it, look at the, a cashier field and see how all this is playing out Pleasure and receiving.

Speaker 1:

A woman who knows her worth, pleasure and receiving. Okay, let's go ahead and we're going to, we're going to just slowly come into our bodies. So maybe you want to take, you know, your hand over your heart, your hand over womb. My body always starts to, starts to move in the energy of the feminine, because it's essentially shockty too, and when she starts to wake up at the root, she starts to move through our whole system, starting to untangle and clear and open up. Yeah, that is such a good affirmation. Such a good affirmation. And as her energy starts to move up the channel right and starts to clear out the different layers of the disempowered, wounded masculine and wounded feminine through the chakra system, this is where the Akashic records become really, really powerful and where it becomes essential that we understand how to move through a transformation that supports the grounding of more of our essence, more of our evolution and a more of our new paradigm feminine leadership.

Speaker 1:

So, coming into our body, coming into the womb, I want you to take a breath through the heart, into the womb, up and out through the mouth. We'll do that two more times and then I like to switch hands. Now we're going to take the breath in through the heart, down to Yoni, down to the pelvic floor, and I just want you to just tighten the pelvic floor and meet that breath there. You're going to hold it and then we're going to release the breath and you're going to release the pelvic floor and we're just going to kind of start to clear out. And as you breathe in, I want you to breathe in love, just, just love, through the heart, down to Yoni. We're going to tighten Yoni, the pelvic floor. We're going to release, bring that breath up to just breathe out everything that doesn't serve us anymore. We're going to take that breath two more times, bringing it down to Yoni, breathing in love, and then up and out through the mouth Everything that no longer serves us. We'll do that breath one more time.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to create life on your terms, it's really this you know, the heart, the womb and pussy, right. She's a creative powerhouse, the most powerful thing that we have to birth our lives into, the highest alignment of the vision that we have in our heart, in our womb. Right is pussy, like is Yoni, and maybe, maybe pussy isn't your name. And I could talk about all of this for a long time, because it is really beautiful and deep and far reaching. And maybe those words don't necessarily work for you because of whatever Maybe there's, it just doesn't work. You can actually maybe even just like connect to Yoni through your own name for her right, and let's just take a moment and you can just place your hand under Yoni, and we don't have to, you can go under clothes, you don't have to go under clothes, just want to take a moment and just breathe into and just feel into the fierce power that exists there. The fierce power that exists there Just connecting to the beauty, to the power, to the pleasure, to the receptivity, to the magic that exists in that space. And so it is, and so it is.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to thank the guides, masters, angels, teachers who have been a part of this today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We're going to know that the clarity, healing intentions, activations are all going to unfold into completion for your highest good. The door between the worlds is now closed. Here's your embodiment assignment what does pleasure in receiving? When I say that, what does that look like and feel like? What comes to mind that sparks that feeling of pleasure in receiving Right, pleasure in receiving Right? We need to be able to acquaint ourselves with what that vibrationally feels like through some sort of action, step, ritual, some new way of being. So that's your homework this week, right, and then next week we're going to deepen into the next piece. So stay with me. I'm about to guide you through a really beautiful journey. Share your comments, shares, your insights. Ah-ha's below. I'll be back and, if you love this, if it's starting to start to open up some pieces for you and you'd like to look at how to go farther with my work.

Speaker 1:

Right now, the Akashic Women's Guide Certification is open for enrollment. It's a personal and professional pathway for your own evolutionary woman's leadership path, something that you can take and immerse yourself in in a very powerful way. Then turn around and facilitate the work on behalf of your clients right, or maybe you want to weave it into the scope of the work that you're currently doing? Go ahead, I'll drop the landing page below. Reach out if you have questions. We begin September 21st. I'm sending you all so much love. Thank you for being here. I'll talk to you soon. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear. If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work, head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.