Naturally Prosperous Woman

Why the Feminine Leads in the New Paradigm

Tara Preston, Founder of the Akashic Women's School, Mentor To Women Leader's, Divine Prosperity Consciousness Teacher

What if the true power to shape our world lies in embracing our feminine leadership? 

That's what we delve into, as your host Tara Preston explores the profound role of the feminine in a new paradigm of leadership. 

Over a decade of pondering over the dynamics of the feminine masculine relationships has only solidified her belief in the importance of acknowledging and honoring our feminine roots. 

This episode is your guide, a means to understand why the feminine leads and how our estrangement from Mother Nature and our inherent cyclical rhythm influences this dynamic.

In our second segment, we journey back in time, scrutinizing the systematic suppression of the feminine over centuries. We talk about the need of the hour - establishing a sustainable framework for feminine leadership and power, aligning it with the sacred masculine, and bringing forth a harmonious co-existence. 

The discussion moves to the art of deep listening, the power of right questioning, and the significance of attuning to others' deeper truths as a way to further attune ourselves to the innate power of feminine intelligence.
As we unravel the dance of the sacred feminine and masculine, Tara guides you towards aligning your life with your deepest creative vision as you anchor in a new paradigm with the feminine at the helm.  

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FREE: The Radiant Morning Power Hour (Come home to the power of presence, and recalibration to your most powerful, radiant self):

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School, mentor to new paradigm leaders for over a decade and teacher of divine prosperity consciousness. This podcast is dedicated to empowering women leaders around the world who desire to tap into their authentic feminine power for more money, magnetism and course impact. It's a platform for women leaders wanting to embrace their natural abilities to create, lead and flow, unlocking their inherent potential for prosperity and living in alignment with their truest selves, because it's your birthright to flourish in the naturalness of the woman you were born to be. Thanks so much for being here. Let's dive in. Hi and welcome to the Naturally Prosperous Woman podcast. I'm your host, tara Preston, and I am so excited to be back with you this week. I am talking about something that's really core of my work and for a long time I really spoke to new paradigm feminine leadership. I still do. You just don't hear it as much in my marketing or my branding, but it's still very, very prevalent. And that is because I am a true, true advocate and believer that in the new paradigm, as we step into and we dismantle the old and we begin to anchor a new framework of our experience here for humanity, for the generations to come, for us personally, that it begins with the feminine and we hear a lot about these feminine masculine relationship dynamics so interesting. I started doing this work well over a decade ago, 12, 13 years ago and we didn't hear as much. I was talking about the feminine. It was very I felt like almost a sense of judgment when I'd bring forward the word feminine, feeling like maybe it was girly or soft or it was really misunderstood. And then over the years there started to be a little bit more talk about the feminine and then even to talk about the feminine masculine energetics you didn't hear very much of. I remember bringing that forward and that feeling and looking a little bit foreign to a lot of people. You know, and over the course of many, many years and many thousands of Akashic record sessions and really dedicating in a deep devotion my work to the feminine, I have, I am again. I have really come to uncover, understand the reason why the feminine leads in the new paradigm and I always I bring it back to a very simple foundation, simple framework which, by the way, this is really, you know, it's a core piece in the Akashic Women's Guide Certification Program which is beginning September 21st, very, very exciting. We have a beautiful group of women, all masters in their own right, starting to gather to immerse themselves in this pathway. It's a six month professional, personal pathway. It is soul level studies, akashic record studies, women's mystery studies. Deep, a deep understanding of the energetics of embodied soul level transformation, new paradigm money. Right, we talk about the motherline, we talk about womb wisdom. We talk about shifting and healing the family matrix to create more space for the evolution of the feminine in the framework of our homes and communities. There is a lot that gets woven into the six month pathway. You can take it and use it for your own evolution and then turn around and use it to assist others who are being called into more of their evolution.

Speaker 1:

The Akashic records are beautiful, beautiful. We hear so much about Akashic record readers, right, but this is deep. It takes it to the next level. When we are being called to step into a new paradigm, when we are being called to follow the call of our soul to step into more of our evolution, we need transformation. Right, we quite literally move through the alchemical process of descending more fully, of having our divinity descend more fully into our bodies. Right. We are actually shifting vibrational states and then creating space for more of our expression in the world. That that is a journey. There are energetics and it touches in on every area of a woman's life and that is exactly what we navigate, all in honor and in service to your or whoever's new paradigm feminine leadership and prosperity. Right it is. It's one part certification, one part initiation, one part community connection that's being taught live, and one part women's mysteries. So if this is speaking to you, link below, reach out. Let's book in a roll my call, have a conversation and see if this is a good fit.

Speaker 1:

But I digress back to why the feminine leads in the new paradigm. You know, if we think about it and you hear me say this a lot we live, we have been conditioned, most of us right, in this colonial, patriarchal framework of a society. It permeates a lot of how we think, how we've been conditioned to create, lead, do, and it really ultimately creates a disconnect. At the foundation of that disconnect is never feeling like we're enough. And if we take that even a step further, there is this disconnect even from what I would say is the mother right and by mother you know the unconditional, like love of the mother, where we are always seen, loved and cherished. We're always in that remembrance of beauty and wholeness and that connection to mother earth. Right, the mother right, the one who holds us and nourishes us and grounds us and anchors us and who heals us with her beauty and her rhythms and her seasonal cycles. Right, and most of us, you know, through many generations, right as we have existed, and for the most part, many of us in this capitalist, you know, push go, do, hustle framework, there's a disconnect from the mother, from her cycles and also from our own rhythmic nature and the naturalness of who we are. And that's why this whole podcast, the naturally prosperous woman podcast.

Speaker 1:

How do we return to our naturalness? How do we return to the remembrance that our prosperity is inherent, that we are inherently worthy of receiving prosperity just because of who we are and the beauty that exists in the naturalness of our presence? Right, it's all there for us and, yes, we circulate the beauty of who we are as a part of the contribution. But it is this really intrinsic and deep remembrance that we were born more than enough and it's from that place, from that foundation, that we can reclaim and remember and we can stop just doing for the sake of doing. We can stop just working out of obligation and people pleasing and never feeling like enough and having the external dictate our own inner rhythms, which is where we essentially lose power. And we don't want to lose power. We want to step into our power. We want to build our capacity. Right, we wanna build our energetic reserves. We wanna become self-sourced in our leadership, because we have the most creative capacity and power in that place. And when we can free ourselves up from the external attachment to obligation pushing, going, doing people pleasing, sacrificing all of those things we can come home to ourselves. Right, we can come home to the power that is innate in who we are and we can really start creating our lives on our terms. Right, we can start to discern what works for us, who we're called to be, how we naturally create. That's another thing too.

Speaker 1:

You know and I'm gonna get to this whole piece of why the feminine leads in the new paradigm. There's, you know, I believe, probably three key factors, and we don't wanna take out, you know, the beautiful harmonizing effect of the sacred masculine. There's an absolute place for that. But I believe the feminine energy when we start to connect to. When we start to learn to allow her energy to infuse itself through our being and into the scope of our life, when we start to let her lead, there's a natural reharmonizing that happens with the masculine. There's a natural healing that just happens because she's so ultimately the healer, she's so ultimately the healer and there's so much life giving force there. So if we bring it back to you know where we've been, so that we can understand where we're going, you know.

Speaker 1:

I think it's first and foremost the reason that the feminine needs to lead in the new paradigm is because of the destruction, the disconnect and the devastation of Mother Earth. Right, if we don't learn to live in harmony and in deep appreciation and connection with her, we won't have an earth to live on. So there's ultimately there's ultimately that, but not only that right the new paradigm, when we need to be able to infuse the qualities and the characteristics of the feminine into the new paradigm framework, because there's been such an absence of that, you know, for 5,000 years, the suppression of the feminine and the qualities and the characteristics of creativity, of beauty, of healing, of connection, of love. Right Of gosh I'm trying to think of flow right Of support in our ability to just like, receive support, receive support. So if we ultimately don't honor Mother Earth, number one, number two the framework for the new paradigm needs the qualities and the essence and the characteristics of the feminine nature and energy needs it. We're thirsty for it as a world. And also, the new paradigm is really, we need sustainability.

Speaker 1:

And how do we create sustainability? Right, like we need to go beyond this push, go do hustle which leads to disconnect. Right, when we're disconnected from ourself, well, we are disempowered, we're disconnected from who we are as powerful creators in this human experience. Right, to feel lost or unclear about who we are in the world is devastating, really, because we are disconnected. There's a separation between who we are as physical beings and the divinity that wants to guide and the divinity that wants to lead. Right, and when we're disconnected from that source, we also don't have discernment Lots of D's here but we also don't have discernment right On like well, this is who I am, this is what I want, this is what works for me. Right, it's like no, I don't wanna do that. No, that doesn't serve me. No, that doesn't honor me. Right, and so in that place of disconnect, we're under the thumb of everybody else and it weakens our system. So I'm channeling through a little bit of a message here and I'm going off on a couple little tangents, but bear with me.

Speaker 1:

I wanna bring it back to this space of sustainability, which to me becomes so important, and again why we need feminine leadership in the new paradigm. And there's another point that's actually coming through and it has to do with power. Right, we've seen such an imbalance of power on the planet because of so many systems of suppression and a really, really outdated model of power. If we think about different corporations, banks, whatever it is, it's just it's really outdated and we need space for feminine leadership. We need space for feminine power, we need space for a deeper vision that really honors the whole, which, again, is very rooted in the feminine, and we need a quality which is so intrinsic to the feminine. We need to be able to honor the deeper vision for higher healing. We need to be able to bring the authenticity. We need to be able to speak from the heart and to be able to hear the voice and the hearts of others and be able to weave that into the scope of our power and our leadership, so that power just isn't about, you know, having one, about having one, being one up on others or about having control of others, right, it becomes about about the circle, about the whole, about equality right. About inclusivity right, and so and so there's also this like rebalancing of power, which the feminine speaks to, and why it's so important to be able to allow feminine leadership to really be at the forefront of how we're creating change in the new paradigm.

Speaker 1:

And don't get me wrong, you know the feminine is, it's a vibe, it's an essence, it's a consciousness, like it's available to all of us, right, it's available to all of us. And it's very, very threatening, right, it's misogyny can come in many forms. It's very threatening to the wounded masculine aspect, those systems of power and control, and we also, you know, to a degree. We need to be able to dismantle that within ourselves so that, as these aspects awaken within us, there's also room to come into a new space of harmony again and union with the sacred masculine templates which the Akashic records are very, very natural at rebalancing and reharmonizing and creating that internal foundation so that we can really step into our sovereignty, into what I would say feminine leadership, because the feminine leads in the new paradigm. That doesn't exclude anyone.

Speaker 1:

What's important, I feel, to give props to the feminine right, because we need that leadership in the new paradigm, and I want to weave it back now to I want to keep it on my time here, but I also want to weave it back to sustainability. Right, sustainability is important. Without sustainability, we don't have a proper foundation. So if we are constantly burning out, if we are constantly disconnecting, it weakens our foundation and from a weak foundation, we have the capacity to do very little and it also creates a sense of distrust in the world because we don't have a strong foundation. Right, A strong foundation is everything and there are many layers to I talk a lot about foundational work because a lot of the work that I do is inner work. It's a lot of inner work. It's a lot of clearing work, yes, and untangling, dismantling, absolutely recalibrating, but it is a lot of foundation work, rebuilding the new inner foundation to carry us forward. And it's also through that new inner foundation that we start to drop into right, that we start to create the new paradigm that, essentially, is resurrected. Through the new foundation, the new inner foundation, we actually start to have a new experience of ourselves, first internally and then externally. So the foundation becomes very important.

Speaker 1:

But when we're talking about sustainability, we need to be able to generate energy in a way that actually feels natural, that feels powerful, that is regenerative and that honors the way that we're naturally, specifically, specifically for those that bleed Like, we're designed to live in a very rhythmic fashion, right, like justwe are. This isbodies are just designed to move and create and lead and flow in a very rhythmic way, in a very circular way, the same way that Mother Earth replenishes herself right Through cycles, through the wheel of the year, and without being able to honor our cyclical nature, which there's a real art to that. There's a real art to knowing how the deep feminine wants to move through our lives right, and this is a journey that can if you think about the spiral right, you can spend your whole lifetime really coming into deep communion with the feminine and how she wants to lead and support your soulful evolution through your deep cyclical nature. You can spend a whole lifetime really learning about the ebbs and the flows and the cycles and how that energy is present, how it carries you through the void and how it carries you through your own regeneration, and it requires a lot of listening and it requires a lot of trust and I think that's such a beautiful devotion, a very devotional path and very beautiful and very powerful. So, coming back to sustainability, and when we think about our bleed, this is woven again into a lot of the different teachings of my work. Primarily, I think, it's evolutionary.

Speaker 1:

Mama, we got into that quite a bit more because, first of all, it ties a little bit into the mother wound. But if you think about your first bleed, for most of us, for most of us, it depends right, it depends on your experience and where you came from and your mother's relationship with her cycle. But for many of us, the first bleed was there's usually shame around it, right, it's a very hidden kind of experience. And as we progressed with our bleed, what often happened is that we were encouraged to pop a Tylenol or an Advil and then kind of get on with life. For most of us, the geese are all migrating and getting ready to fly north and talk about cycles as we move into fall. So I don't know if you could hear them flying over. So where was I Bleed?

Speaker 1:

So we have been conditioned, for the most part, as young girls, to override our need for rest, to override our need to listen to our bodies and to honor what our bodies are asking of us. Right Because of the society that we've been raised in, because of the disconnect very often that you know our mother's had or our mother's mother right, and so there's not necessarily the nurturing or the support that was needed for us to be able to feel held and encouraged and supported to honor what our body was actually listening or to honor what our body was actually needing, which really is and was. Rest, right, our bleed time is the sacred invitation to drop in right, to listen to our essence, to start to get a palpable vision for what we wanna create through the next cycle of our bleed right of our cycle. But if we think about that time and again and how that impacts us like how many times we were told to just pop a Tylenol and get on with life, right, there really was often not a lot of encouragement to deepen into these spaces, to recalibrate our lives as young women, and yet it becomes essential in rejuvenation and recalibration, in living from a place of sustainability. Right, there has to be a time to go and do, and then there has to be a time to be right, to receive, to recalibrate. And then there's a time to go and be and do, and give right.

Speaker 1:

And it's through that rhythmic relationship to self that we start to untangle a lot of that like, go, do, push, that sense of like overriding too, when we're really busy going, doing hustling, there's that disconnect. We're not just disconnected from our inner voice, we're disconnected from our bodies, right, and the natural wisdom that exists there, right. We're disconnected from hearing what we need, what we're thirsty for, what we're hungry for, how we need to nurture ourselves, what we deeply desire, right, what our turn-ons are like. It's, you know, that developing, like the art of, like, deep listening on multiple levels in our lives, right as women, is such a power move. It's such a power move because it goes against the grain. And yet there's this spiral like we're always being invited to listen more deeply, to listen and to reclaim and to honor, right. And it's how we start to untangle, unravel and we start to shift our lives into alignment with the truth of who we are, the truth of who are being called to be and how we're naturally designed to create, to lead and to prosper in the new paradigm. It's important, and this is often what I'm holding space for through a lot of the transformational containers that I offer, at something that we dive deep into in the Akashic Women's Guide certification pathway.

Speaker 1:

How do we develop the deep skill of listening, and not only to ourselves, but the deep skill of listening and listening to those that we're guiding through transformation, really listening, being able to attune ourselves and to ask the right questions that help them identify their deeper truth, that can help them uncover their ability to tune in, to listen more deeply and, as guides, we have to go first. We have to go first. We have to understand what it looks and feels like and how our life shape, shifts into alignment with our creative power, with our vision, with our truth, with our desires. What it looks like to listen, to honor, to reclaim and to start to shape our lives as a reflection of that. It's so powerful and it's one of the reasons why, truth be told, I don't always love a lot of the systems that we hear about out there. I know they all have their place, like human design, and I don't even know what the other ones are, and I know that there are a few, but it's why I've really devoted most of my path to the art of deep listening.

Speaker 1:

If you listen to the last podcast, I talked about the art of sacred space. Well, that's step one. Whether we're learning to cultivate that for ourselves or whether we're learning to cultivate that as spaceholders for others, it is intrinsic because the way is from within, the way is from within. So, coming back to this place of why the feminine leads, right, why the feminine leads, when we start to honor our cyclical nature, when we start to come into this space of being and then giving and doing, and then back to being, right, we're starting to honor the cycle of where there is a time to create, be, do, lead, and then there is a time to sorry. When there is a time to create, to lead, to do, to give, and also when there is a time to be, to receive, to recalibrate, to go into the root system of who we are, to cultivate a deeper ability to listen and also to start to unearth a deeper vision for our lives. Right, we start to drop in and we get that clarity and that deeper vision starts to lead our life.

Speaker 1:

And that deeper vision is often one that is very womb-led, that is led by a desire to bring healing, prosperity, equality. Right, it's very rooted in creativity, in connection, in joy, in nurturing, in love, in collaboration, right, and it's for the whole, right. It's the womb that wants to bring and birth a collective that is so nourished, so full, so alive and we often don't get like the highest, highest timeline either from a deeper vision that wants to lead our life, that calls us into more of our sacred evolution. That deeper vision for our life is important because it is often for the highest good of the collective and it also is very significant to our own personal soulful evolution, who we are being called to be through the journey of birthing the higher vision and we often don't get the higher vision right away either. It's following the spiral, right, it's the art of deep listening, coming home to ourselves again and again and again, and we get that clarity and all of a sudden it's like we touch in on it. It's like, oh, my life has shifted, recalibrated, healed. I've got a different kind of energetic capacity, I know myself in a new way and oh, wow, this is the calling, this is the vision. Oh, I feel her leading, I know it wants to be birthed through me, right. And then it's this pull and it's calling us into more of our evolution, our soulful evolution, where it isn't just about becoming more of the woman we were born to be, but also about the deeper and fuller expression of our divinity. Here, at this time, it's also through that journey where we see and we experience this inner foundation piece, and an aspect of that, again, is where the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine start to come together and dance you know, every step of the way in a beautiful, new, co-creative dance where the feminine gets to feel very held and supported and protected as the new vision begins to birth through Right, but it's essential that that vision continues to be held and that the vision is there as a part of how your life wants to be led forward. Right, and the masculine is there. The masculine aspect is there to take the action, to take the inspired action. Right, but it's in congruency with the deeper vision, right that you are being guided and called to bring through on behalf of your own soulful evolution and for the healing of the collective, for the whole. Right, it's for the whole, and the sacred masculine is there providing, protecting again, taking inspired action and building out the systems and the structures to hold it all through that journey that you are doing, the journey of becoming. And this is where, as Akashic Women's Guides, we're there to support that process. We're there to hold that space of recalibration, to hold that space of deep listening, to hold that space of upgrading the internal framework, of bringing together in this beautiful union the divine masculine and the divine feminine, and to really peel back and untangle the layers of who we are not, so that we can shape, shift our life into alignment with the higher vision and in alignment with our deeper vision as women. Right our feminine desires.

Speaker 1:

On multiple levels, creativity is, you know, like a core, core energy and an element of the feminine. And so, when it comes to birthing our vision and allowing our creative essence and energy to lead it's, it becomes instrumental. We need to be able to tap into that creative vision, that creative flow, right. We need to be able to to bring the vision or the manifestation, to birth it through, and the masculine starts to give it the framework. Right. The masculine starts to build up the systems and the structures to hold it all.

Speaker 1:

So I hope that you found some inspiration here and I think that I would love to leave you with a few questions that you can maybe contemplate in terms of your own new paradigm, feminine leadership, and I think that you know, as a first question, I would ask you know where is there room to honor your own cyclical nature? And that would be through your own feminine cycle, your bleed. But it also could just be by, you know, giving yourself that time to rest, to listen, to be, to tune into what you desire to create, by by syncing with the moon cycles right, the new moon and then the full moon, if you don't bleed or by working with the seasonal wheel of the year, which has been really instrumental to me on my journey for a long, long time. And every year there's a new layer of my evolution that I pull back in sync with the wheel of the year. So there's no rushing, there's a, there's a sustainability to it. The winter solstice is a real time of renewal and dreaming. For me it's a real time of rest. Right, spring things pick up, summer is so fun and I'm out there, and fall is a time of really bringing a lot of the vision into the space of completion. So there's so many ways to do that.

Speaker 1:

So just looking at where there's room to honor your own cyclical nature could be around a creative project, really just honoring the timing of it. Where is there room for you to create space for listening right now? Right, maybe you just need to listen to what's not working in your life, to listen to more of what you're deeply desiring, to listen to more of what you want or need, right, what your body's needing, and that's just through that claiming of sacred space I talked a lot about that last podcast. You can go and take a listen to that if that feels inspiring, right when we create these sacred spaces to listen, to honor, it's the most powerful place to start with when it comes to being able to create our life on our terms, from a deep place of connection and authenticity. We have to get to know ourselves. Intimacy begins through our relationship to self.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'll leave you with those two questions. I thank you very much for listening. Please reach out Tara at TaraPrestoncom if you have any questions. If you would like to book a 30 minute consultation enrollment, call for the upcoming Akashic Women's Guide certification program if you just want to learn more, and join me in the Akashic Women's Community Facebook group and we can have some conversation or dialogue about, maybe, what really sparked some inspiration or aha or just got you contemplating a few things I would love to hear. All right, take care. Bye for now. Hello friend, thanks for joining us this week. If you'd like to stay in touch, head on over to the Akashic Women's Community on Facebook group. Come share your takeaways, your insights, your reflections. I would absolutely love to hear If you'd like to deepen into any part of this work. Head on over to the akashicwomenschoolcom. Slash free, dash gift and grab the Akashic Radiant Womb Awakening and Clearing Morning Practice to start to sink into your feminine power. I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.